
Although optics is an old science, in recent years there has been a remarkable upsurge in the importance of optics in both pure science and in technology. This was brought about, in part, by the development of the laser with its rapidly growing list of applications. The obvious need for a modernized undergraduate-level textbook has been the primary reason for writing this book.

This second edition incorporates a number of changes, some minor and some substantial. Part of the text material has been rearranged, and much new material has been added. This includes new problems, expansion of explanatory matter, and updating of certain sections, particularly those dealing with lasers. The sections on relativistic optics, formerly part of the first chapter, has been reordered in the form of an appendix.

The first half of the book deals with classical physical optics: the propagation and polarization of light, coherence and interference, diffraction, and the optical properties of matter. Most of the remainder of the book is devoted to the quantum nature of light: thermal radiation, absorption and emission of light by atoms and molecules, and the theory of optical amplification, and lasers. Also, many applications of the laser to the study of optics are integrated throughout the regular text material.

Chapter 1 treats the propagation of light waves and includes the concepts of phase and group velocities. The vectorial nature of light is taken up in Chapter 2 which also includes the use of the Jones calculus in the study of polarization. Chapter 3 introduces the concepts of partial coherence and coherence length to the study of interference, and includes a brief discussion of the Fourier transform as applied to optics.

Chapter 4 (which was part of Chapter 3 in the first edition) presents a study of multiple-beam interference and includes Fabry-Perot interferometry and multilayer-film theory. Chapter 5 comprises the study of diffraction and includes holography as an application of the theory.

Chapter 6 treats the propagation of light in material media and includes crystal optics and a section on nonlinear optics, a subject which was virtually unheard of until the advent of the laser.

In order to do justice to the theory of light amplification and lasers, treated in Chapter 9, Chapters 7 and 8 offer a brief introduction to the quantum theory of light and elementary optical spectra. These two chapters may be omitted in a short course if the student has already had a course in atomic physics.

The last chapter, Chapter 10, is a brief outline of ray optics and is intended to introduce the student to the matrix method for treating optical systems. The main reason for including this chapter is to apply the ray matrix to the study of laser resonators. A thorough discussion of ray optics is not intended.

The level of the book is such that the student is assumed to have been introduced to Maxwell’s equations in an intermediate course in electricity and magnetism. It is further assumed that the student has taken some advanced mathematics beyond calculus so that he is acquainted with such things as elementary matrix algebra, Fourier transforms, and so forth. The level of mathematical proficiency is exemplified by such texts as Wylie’s Advanced Engineering Mathematics.

For classroom use, a list of problems is included at the end of each chapter. Answers to selected problems are given at the end of the book. The answers to the other problems will be available to teachers on request.

The author wishes to thank all who helped in the preparation of the book. This includes those who used the first edition and submitted many constructive criticisms. Thanks are also due the editorial staff of the publisher and W. E. Wu for his help in proofreading the manuscript.

January, 1975

Grant R. Fowles