1. Nicholas Negroponte, Being Digital (New York: Knopf, 1995), p. 5.
2. Christopher Harper, introductory blurb, “The Daily Me,” American Journalism Review, April 1997, (accessed November 20, 2009).
3. Yochai Benkler, The Wealth of Networks (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006), p. 2.
4. Cass R. Sunstein, Republic.com2.o (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007), p. 5.
5. Henry Jenkins, Convergence Culture (New York: NYU Press, 2008).
6. Cheong Suk-Wai, “You're Powerful … Very Powerful,” Straits Times, January 7, 2007, via Nexis.
7. See, for example, Mark Andrejevic, iSpy (Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2007); also Mark Andrejevic, Reality TV: The Work of Being Watched (New York: Roman and Littlefield, 2003).
8. José van Dijck, “Users Like You? Theorizing Agency in User-generated Content,” Media, Culture & Society 1 (2009): 41–58.
9. See, for example, the essays on advertising in Joseph Turow and Matt McAllister, eds., The Advertising and Consumer Culture Reader (New York: Routledge, 2010).
10. Eleftheria Parpis, “Ad Icons, Slogans Honored,”, September 22, 2009, via Nexis; and Andrew Hampp, “Did AOL's Icon Run Off with the Advertising Week Election,” Advertising Age, September 28, 2009, p. 29.
11. Advertising Age DataCenter, “100 Leading Advertisers, 2009,” (accessed February 28, 2011). The figure includes both measured and unmeasured media estimates. Measured media includes those (such as magazines, TV, radio, newspapers) in which reputable auditing firms report audience numbers. In the words of Advertising Age, unmeasured media include “direct marketing, promotion, internet paid search and other forms of spending not tracked in measured media.”
12. Christina Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!” Adweek, August 24, 1998, via Nexis.
13. Alasdair Reid, “Thirty Years of Independent Media,” Campaign, July 21, 2006, p. 24, via Nexis.
14. Ibid.
15. Fred Danzig, “Interpublic's Marion Harper Dead at 73,” Advertising Age, October 30, 1989, p. 1.
16. Sandra Salmans, “Saatchi & Saatchi's Buying Binge,” New York Times, July 14, 1985, via Nexis.
17. “Saatchis Closing In on Foreign Goals,” Advertising Age, July 7, 1987, via Nexis.
18. “Advertising's Big Bang,” Economist, January 28, 1989, p. 63 (U.S. ed.), via Nexis.
19. Ibid.
20. Eamon Quinn, “Zenith Sparks Off Media Rebellion,” Campaign, September 8, 1988, via Nexis.
21. Ibid.
22. Ibid.
23. Reid, “Thirty Years of Independent Media.”
24. “Media Agency Report: Media Gambit—The Scramble for Supremacy,” Adweek, December 20, 1999, via Nexis.
25. “Media Buying,” Advertising Age, August 2, 1999, p. S-2.
26. Chuck Ross and Laura Petrecca, “WPP's Ogilvy, JWT Shops Merge Their Media Clout,” Advertising Age, April 7, 1997, p. 2.
27. Laura Petrecca, “Clients Should Pay for Exclusivity: Reinhard,” Advertising Age, May 10, 1999, (accessed May 23, 2011).
28. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
29. Ibid.
30. Jack Neff, “P&G and Unilever's Giant Headaches,” Advertising Age, May 24, 1999, p. 23.
31. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
32. Chuck Ross, “P&G Media Move Will Alter U.S. TV Landscape,” Advertising Age, November 24, 1997, p.1.
33. “Media Buying & Planning,” Advertising Age, August 2, 1999, p. S1.
34. Ibid.
35. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
36. Ibid.
37. Chuck and Laura Petrecca, “WPP's Ogilvy, JWT Shops Merge Their Media Clout,” Advertising Age, April 7, 1997, p. 2.
38. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
39. Laura Petrecca, “Big Shop Media Units Emerge from Shadows,” Advertising Age, July 22, 1996, p. S6.
40. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
41. Media Agency Report: “Media Gambit—The Scramble for Supremacy,” 1.
42. Bill Harvey, “A Brief Personal History of Media Optimization,” (accessed December 24, 2009).
43. Ibid., p. 5.
44. Ibid., pp. 5–6.
45. Erwin Ephron, “Advertising Moves to Made-up Metrics,” Advertising Age, July 31, 2000, p. 32.
46. Ibid.
47. Merrill, “Media Agencies: What's in a Name? Lots!”
48. Tobi Elkin and Richard Linnett, “Media Moves Up; On Top,” Advertising Age, July 9, 2001, p. 3.
49. Ibid.
50. Ibid.
1. Michael Schrage, “Out There: The Ultimate Network,” Adweek, May 17, 1993,
2. Ibid.
3. Valerie Mackie, “Electronic Newsstand to Add Ads,” Advertising Age, November 1, 1993, p. 22. For a reference to the libertarian nature of early internet culture, see Frances Bula, “Two Sides to Sex Link,” Vancouver Sun, January 30, 1993, p. C2. See also Esther Dyson, Release 2.0: A Design for Living in the Digital Age (New York: Broadway, 1997).
4. Mackie, “Electronic Newsstand to Add Ads.”
5. Gary Levin, “Plugging into Interactive Early On: Ogilvy & Mather Martin Nisenholtz,” Advertising Age, September 12, 1994, p. S-10.
6. Jonathan Anastas, “Media Laggards” (letter to the editor), Adweek, June 20, 1994, via Nexis.
7. Editorial, “Flamers on the Internet,” Advertising Age, May 2, 1994, p. 24.
8. “Content Providers Learn Online Reality,” Billboard, May 6, 1994, via Nexis.
9. Ibid.
10. Editorial, “Flamers on the Internet.”
11. Edwin Artzt, “The Future of Advertising,” Vital Speeches, September 1, 1994 (speech given May 12, 1994).
12. Ibid.
13. Debra Aho Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Anniversary with Decisive Issues Ahead,” Advertising Age, October 26, 1996, p. 1.
14. Interview with Alec Gerster, February 4, 2010.
15. This point was made by Ariel Poler in an interview, February 9, 2010.
16. “Content Providers Learn Online Reality,” Billboard, May 6, 1994, via Nexis.
17. Jack Kapica, “Cyberia: Why Fees Are Failing to Be Feasible,” Globe and Mail, February 7, 1997, A8, via Nexis.
18. Michael Kinsley, “A Momentous Announcement: Slate Chickens Out,” Slate, January 12, 1997, via Nexis.
19. Kapica, “Cyberia: Why Fees Are Failing to Be Feasible.”
20. “Content Providers Learn Online Reality.”
21. Without evidence, a Wikipedia entry notes that the website Global Network Navigator (GNN) sold the first clickable Web ad—later called a banner—on its home page in 1993 to a law firm with a Silicon Valley office. It claims that the Hotwired site was the first to sell clickable ads in large quantities. See “Web Banner,” Wikipedia (English edition), accessed January 31, 2010.
22. “Banner Ads Get Smarter,” Advertising Age, October 21, 1996, p. 50.
23. There arose a fieldwide discussion as to whether an impression should be considered the serving of an ad or the actual appearance of the ad in the person's browser. For various reasons, the two activities didn't always coincide.
24. Debra Aho Williamson, “P&G Fights to Recast Web CPMs,” Advertising Age, April 22, 1996, p. 1.
25. Michael Krantz, “The Medium Is the Measure,” Adweek, September 25, 1995, via Nexis.
26. The I/Pro-Nielsen outfit quickly became the leader at providing both reports of a site's traffic to help it with marketing and formal audits to certify the validity of its reports. Critics sneered that this represented a conflict of interest. There was talk I/Pro would outsource the audits to the gold-standard arbiter in the print business, Audit Bureau of Circulation, which was trying to break into internet work. Debra Aho Williamson, “I/Pro May Link with ABC to Audit Web Site Traffic,” Advertising Age, November 11, 1996, p. 6.
27. “I/Pro (Internet Profiles Corporation) Announces First System to Deliver True Measurability of Internet Usage,” Business Wire, April 10, 1995, via Lexis.
28. Krantz, “The Medium Is the Measure.”
29. Ibid.
30. Ibid.
31. Ibid.
32. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Birthday with Decisive Issues Ahead.” According to eMarketer, a digital marketing and media analysis company, the number actually ended up being $175 million. See eMarketer, The eAdvertising Report (New York: Emarketer, 1999), p. 15.
33. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Birthday with Decisive Issues Ahead.”
34. Ibid.
35. Krantz, “The Medium Is the Measure.”
36. Interview with Ariel Poler, February 9, 2010.
37. Jay P. Kessan and Rajiv C. Shah, “Deconstructing Code,” Yale Journal of Law and Technology (2003–2004): pp. 279–389.
38. John Schwartz, “Giving Web a Memory Cost Its Users Privacy,” New York Times, September 4, 2001, p. A1.
39. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Anniversary with Decisive Issues Ahead.”
40. Maddox and Patricia Riedman, “IMM: Research Firms Respond to Need for More Data,” Advertising Age, September 8, 1997, p. 34.
41. Laurie Freeman, “Internet Visitors’ Traffic Jam Makes Buyers Web Wary: Measuring Hits’ Worth as Ad Medium Remains a Key Problem,” Advertising Age, July 22, 1996, p. S14.
42. Scott Donaton, “Standards Required to Make Next Leap,” Advertising Age, November 4, 1996, p. S-30.
43. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Birthday with Decisive Issues Ahead.”
44. Interview with Alec Gerster.
45. Ibid.; interview with Tom Hespos, April 27, 2011.
46. Laura Rich, “Measure for Measure; What Is the Web Worth?” Advertising Age, November 11, 1996, via Nexis.
47. Glen Fest, “AOL Opens North Texas Ad Trail via Digital City Dallas/Fort Worth,” Adweek, November 18, 1996, via Nexis.
48. Editorial, “Echoes from the Big Bang; P&G Steps In,” Advertising Age, April 29, 1996, p. 28.
49. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Birthday with Decisive Issues Ahead.”
50. Scott Hume, “Olds Sets HotWired Sponsorship,” Adweek, October 7, 1996, via Nexis.
51. Williamson, “Web Ads Mark 2nd Birthday with Decisive Issues Ahead.”
52. “Anatomy of An Interactive Ad,” Adweek, May 26, 1997, via Nexis.
53. Ibid.
54. Freeman, “Internet Visitors’ Traffic Jam Makes Buyers Web Wary.”
55. Debra Aho Williamson and Laura Petrecca, “Interactive: Agencies Rev Up Separate Online Buying Units,” Advertising Age, March 17, 1997, p. 30.
56. Ibid.
57. Ibid.
58. Freeman, “Internet Visitors’ Traffic Jam Makes Buyers Web Wary.”
59. Schwartz, “Giving Web a Memory Cost Its Users Privacy.”
60. “Same Origin Policy,” Wikipedia, (accessed November 7, 2010).
61. Schwartz, “Giving Web a Memory Cost Its Users Privacy.”
62. “Interactive Quarterly: Network Formulas,” Adweek, May 26, 1997, via Nexis.
63. Ibid.
64. Ibid.
65. Ibid.
66. IETF committee member David Kristol, quoted in Rick E. Bruner, “Interactive: Cookie Proposal Could Hinder Online Advertising,” Advertising Age, March 31, 1997, p.16.
67. Rick E. Bruner, “Interactive: Cookie Proposal Could Hinder Online Advertising,” Advertising Age, March 31, 1997, p. 16.
68. Ibid.
69. Ibid.
70. Schwartz, “Giving Web a Memory Cost Its Users Privacy.”
71. Rick E. Bruner, “Interactive: Advertisers Win One in Debate over Cookies,” Advertising Age, May 12, 1997, p. 62.
72. Ibid.
73. James Staten, “Navigator Tricks Raise Concerns,” MacWeek, March 18, 1996, p. 18.
74. Ira Teinowitz, “The Pressure Is Building in Washington to Limit the Kind of Personal Information Marketers Can Ask of Kids Online,” Advertising Age, June 23, 1997, p. 16.
75. Bruner, “Interactive: Advertisers Win One in Debate Over Cookies.”
76. Richard M. Smith, “The Web Bug FAQ,” Electronic Frontier Foundation, November 11, 1999, (accessed February 10, 2010).
77. Ibid.
78. Kim Cleland, “Media Buying & Planning: Marketers Want Solid Data on Value of Internet Ad Buys,” Advertising Age, August 3, 1998, p. S18.
79. Ibid.
80. Ibid.
81. Ibid.
82. Ibid.
83. Kate Maddox, “Agency Pitch Heats Up,” Advertising Age, August 10, 1998, p 18.
84. Kate Maddox, “P&G's Plan: Jump-Start Web as Viable Ad Medium,” Advertising Age, August 17, 1998, p. 1. See also Patricia Riedman, “P&G Plans Pivotal Ad Forum About Net,” Advertising Age, May 11, 1998, p. 4.
85. Maddox, “P&G's Plan: Jump-Start Web As Viable Ad Medium.” Also, interview with Denis Beausejour.
86. I attended the 1998 P&G meeting with the kind permission of the organizers and remember AOL chief Steve Case giving an address arguing that Americans had no interest in broadband in the foreseeable future. Dial-up service was sufficient for the masses of Americans, he said, and dial-up was what AOL intended to keep giving them. The executives around me were chagrined.
87. Kate Maddox and Chuck Ross, “P&G Pushes Web Ad Sellers to Swallow Low-ball Rates,” Advertising Age, January 18, 1999, p. 1.
88. Terry Lifton, “The Great Flameout,” Industry Standard, March 19, 2001, p. 77.
89. Ted Sann, quoted in Lifton, “The Great Flameout.” p. 76.
1. Verne Kopytoff, “Yahoo, Google Look to New Outlets,” San Francisco Chronicle, April 26, 2005, p. C1.
2. David Court, Dave Elzinga, Susan Mulder, and Ole Jørgen Vetvik, “The Consumer Decision Journey,” McKinsey Quarterly, June 2009,
3. Adrienne Mand, “IQ News: Unlaunched Site Making Digerati Google-Eyed,” Adweek, July 12, 1999, via Nexis.
4. Imran Khan, “Nothing but Net,” JP Morgan North American Equity Research, January 2, 2008, p. 17.
5. Stacy Straczynski, “AOL Search Boasts Highest Click-Through Rates,” Adweek, December 10, 2009, via Nexis.
6. Brian Morrissey, “Marketers Find Search Ads Pay Off Beyond Online Sales,” Adweek, March 14, 2005, via Nexis.
7. When Google officials noticed advertisers’ attempts to place paid-search ads for “free” display, they did try to discourage the practice by refusing high bidders whose ads they found hadn't in the past yielded an acceptable number of clicks. Interviews for this book suggested that some advertisers continued to bid with the display angle in mind.
8. Lisa Phillips, “The Digital Home,” eMarketer, November 18, 2009. As this report notes, eMarketer used the FCC's benchmark of the time as its definition for broadband: an internet connection of 200 kbps (kilobits per second) in at least one direction. While certainly higher than dial-up speeds, that standard fell well below global averages according to the second annual report on global broadband connections by the Said Business School, University of Oxford. The global average download speed in 2009 was 4.75 Mbps (megabits per second), the average upload speed 1.3 Mbps.
9. (accessed November 8, 2010).
10. (accessed November 8, 2010).
11. Chris Anderson, The Long Tail (New York: Hyperion, 2006).
12. (accessed April 23, 2010).
13. See “Advertising Terminology on the Internet,”,,sid9_gci211535,00.html#fast (accessed April 25, 2011). Also see Wikipedia's entry for impressions:
14. “Audience Targeting,”
15. (accessed April 9, 2010).
16. Searchable via (accessed April 24, 2011).
17. (accessed November 8, 2010).
18. See and (accessed November 9, 2010).
19. Emily Riley, “The New Ad Network,” Jupiter Research, Volume 1, 2008.
20. (accessed April 15, 2010).
21. (accessed April 15, 2010).
22. “Transactional Advertising Driving Lower CPMs Says 24/7 Real Media Chairman Moore,”
23. Kahn, “Nothing But Net.”
24. Interview with executive knowledgeable in this area but who requested anonymity.
25. Quoted in Jeff Chester, Ed Mierzwinski, and Pam Dixon, “Complain, Request for Investigation, Injunction, and Other Relief,” presentation to the Federal Trade Commission, April 8, 2010,, p. 8 (accessed April 26, 2011).
26. “The Data-Driven Web,” Winterberry Group, October 2009, p. 12.
27. “Data Marketplace,” (accessed April 25, 2011).
28. Chester, Mierzwinski, and Dixon, “Complain, Request for Investigation, Injunction, and Other Relief.” Also, “Data Marketplace,” (accessed April 24, 2011).
29. “BlueKai Exchange,” (accessed April 25, 2011).
30. Julia Angwin, “The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets,” Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2010,
31. (accessed April 22, 2010).
32. Chester, Mierzwinski, and Dixon, p. 10.
33. (accessed April 22, 2010).
34. Chris Jay Hoofnagle, “Beyond Google and Evil,” First Monday 14, no. 4 (April 6, 2009), (accessed May 23, 2011).
35. Chester, Mierzwinski, and Dixon, p. 17.
36. “Advertising Used to Be Straightforward,” New Media Age, November 2010,
37. Pubmatic, “Understanding Real-Time Bidding (RTB) from the Publisher Perspective,” February 2010,, pp. 9–10.
38. Ibid.
39. Discussion with David Cohen, April 21, 2010.
40. Pubmatic, “Understanding Real-Time-Bidding (RTB) from the Publisher Perspective.”
41. eXelate, “DPAC4,” PowerPoint presentation, October 23, 2009.
42. Tom Hespos, “Perplexing Ethical Dilemmas of Online Marketing,” iMedia connection, January 21, 2010,
43. Discussion with David Cohen.
44. See Joseph Turow, Breaking Up America: Advertisers and the New Media World (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996).
45. See Erik Barnouw, The Sponsor (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971).
46. Mark Zagorski, quoted in Jack Marshall, “Data Costs Surpass Media Costs, Agencies Say,” ClickZ News, (accessed November 9, 2010).
47. For coverage of this address, see Zachary Rogers, “Millard Issues Plea for More Art, Less Science in Online Ads, ClickZ News, February 23, 2009, (accessed November 9, 2010); Saul Hansell, “If Ads Were Traded Like Pork Bellies,” in “Bits” online column, New York Times, March 3, 2008, (accessed November 9, 2010).
48. David Kaplan, “On Ad Networks: Pork Bellies, Diamonds, or the New Direct Marketing,”, April 8, 2010,
49. Randall Rothenberg, “Like It or Not, We're All in This Together,” Ad Age Digital, March 17, 2008,
1. Don Pepper and Martha Rogers, The One to One Future (New York: Doubleday Business, 1993).
2. (accessed November 12, 2010).
4. Bradley Johnson, “Agency Report 2010,” Advertising Age, April 26, 2010, p. 22.
5. Georgina Prodhan, “Global Ad Industry Grapples with New Spending Trends,” Reuters, May 11, 2010, via Nexis.
6. Mike Shields, “NBC Digital, P&G Partner on Boomer Portal,” MediaWeek, May 11, 2010, via Nexis.
7. (accessed May 16, 2010).
8. Michael Bus and Rupal Parekh, “More Marketers Want to Get to Know You,” Advertising Age, August 25, 2008, p. 11.
9. Interview with Andy Pratkin, May 9, 2010.
10. Ibid.
11. Interview with Scott Lang, May 9, 2010.
12. Noreen O'Leary, “Ford, Google Put Banners in Context,” Adweek, May 4, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
13. Interview with Andy Pratkin.
14. The quote is from the Acxiom website, (accessed May 16, 2010). Also see “Acxiom Investor Day—Final [a transcript],” FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire, June 17, 2008, via Nexis.
15. Among the facts listed on on May 16, 2010.
16. Tom Mangan, quoted in “Acxiom Investor Day—Final [a transcript].”
17. “Consumer Data Products Catalog: The Power of Insight,” Acxiom Corporation, p. 28, (accessed May 16, 2010).
18. “Consumer Data Products Catalog,” Acxiom Corporation, (accessed March 10, 2010).
19. Ibid.
20. Mangan, quoted in “Acxiom Investor Day—Final [a transcript].”
21. John Meyer, quoted in “Acxiom Investor Day—Final [a transcript],” FD (Fair Disclosure) Wire, June 17, 2008, via Nexis.
22. “Who's Buying, Who's Not and Why,” Business Wire, January 27, 2009, via Nexis.
23. “eXelate Data Segments,” eXelate, PDF available on home page, (accessed on May 24, 2010).
24. “Magnetic Delivers Search Re-targeting Data Solution for All Online Advertising,” Magnetic, press release, March 22, 2010, (accessed May 24, 2010).
25. Josh Shatkin-Margolis, “Can Search Advertisers Play in Display's Backyard,”, May 17, 2010. Also, Laurie Sullivan, “Efficient Frontier Launches Platform Supporting Display, Search Ad Buys,” Mediapost, April 27, 2010, (accessed May 24, 2011).
27. “Mindset Marketing Solutions Debuts Zip+4 Geomedical Targeting with Launch of geoMEDICX,” PRWeb, November 7, 2008,
28. Ibid.
29. Omniture Test and Target Power User Training: Student Workbook (Orem, Utah: Omniture, 2009), p. 41.
30. Chris Jay Hoofnagle, “Spoofing First Party Cookies Through DNS Aliasing,” draft manuscript, Berkeley Law School, October 2010.
31. “Prospect Triggers,” Experian,—anage-customer-information-databases (accessed May 2, 2011); see “Manage Customer Information and Databases,” Experian,—anage-customer-information-databases (accessed May 2, 2011).
32. See Reed Elsevier's Lexis Nexis Risk Solutions, (accessed May 2, 2011).
33. Claire Cain Miller, “In Lean Times, Online Coupons Are Catching On,” New York Times, November 25, 2008, via Nexis.
34. Todd Hale, “Nielsen Research: Consumer Insights: Innovate to Differentiate,” Progressive Grocer, November 2009, via Nexis.
35. Miller, “In Lean Times, Online Coupons Are Catching On.”
36. Ibid.
37. Stephanie Clifford, “Web Coupons Know Lots About You, and They Tell,” New York Times, April 16, 2010, via Nexis.
38. Ibid.
39. Ibid.
40. Ibid.
41. (accessed May 28, 2010).
42., privacy policy, (accessed May 28, 2010).
43. Ibid.
44. Interview with Jonathan Treiber, May 25, 2010.
45. Interview with Don Batsford, May 10, 2010.
46. Ibid.
47. Andrew Martin, “Sam's Club Personalizes Discounts for Buyers,” New York Times, May 30, 2010, B1.f.
48. Interview with Jonathan Treiber.
49. Omniture Test and Target Power User Training: Student Workbook, p. 1–6.
50. “Our Mission,” Next Jump, (accessed November 12, 2010).
51. “The Most Secretive Startup in the World (Next Jump),”, January 15, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
52. Ibid.
1. Interviews with Rishad Tobaccowala, May 6 and August 26, 2010.
2. On advertising in magazines and newspapers, see John Tebbel, The Media in America (New York: Crowell, 1974). Regarding the early television industry's relationship with advertisers, see Erik Barnouw, The Sponsor: Notes on a Modern Potentate (New York: Oxford University Press, 1978).
3. See Joseph Turow, Niche Envy (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2006), pp. 50–52.
4. Interviews with Rishad Tobaccowala.
5. Brian Wieser, “Global Summary Simplified Model August 2010” (Excel spreadsheet), Magnum Global, August 2010.
6. Katy Bachman, “Kantar: Total Advertising Up 5.7% in First Half,” MediaWeek, September 13, 2010.
7. Veronis Suhler Stevenson, Communication Industry Forecast, 2009–2013 (New York: VSS, 2009), p. 15-2.
8. Ibid., p. 12-2.
9. Wieser, “Global Summary Simplified Model August 2010.”
10. Earl J. Wilkinson, “Newspaper Outlook 2008: Creating Value in a Multimedia Landscape,” International Newspaper Marketing Association, 2008,
11. Shira Ovide and Suzanne Vranica, “Magazines Use the iPad as Their New Barker,” Wall Street Journal, March 24, 2010, (accessed September 1, 2010). See also Nat Ives, “Wired's iPad Edition Has Finally Arrived,” Advertising Age, May 26, 2010.
12. Interviews with Rishad Tobaccowala.
13. David Kaplan, “Google Finally Links Adwords to DoubleClick,”, September 17, 2009, (accessed July 15, 2010).
14. The exclusion of even demographic variables from paid search is hard to understand. People in the paid-search business are proud that they work in a pristine world of prob-abilities centered on anonymous individual intentions expressed only in words typed into the search box. Some suggest that the decision to keep search out of the data-mining business—a decision followed by Microsoft and Yahoo!, the other major search powers—is political. Display advertising brings them enough flak from advocacy organizations and government regulators; they have no desire to add search to their headaches. In any event, Google's paid search has been a money gusher, accounting for an estimated $27 billion of its approximately $29-billion annual revenues. See Mike Shields, “Google Touts Display, Mobile Gains,”, October 14, 2010, (accessed May 24, 2011).
15. Alison Diana, “Facebook Dominates Online Advertising,” InformationWeek, November 9, 2010, (accessed November 9, 2010).
16. “Advertising Policies,” Google, (accessed July 14, 2010). Compare with Yahoo! ad specifications, which actually seem rigorous; see “Yahoo! Display Advertising,” (accessed July 16, 2010).
17. Kaplan, “Google Finally Links Adwords to DoubleClick.”
18. Gavin Dunaway, “Google Spills Display Beans at Barbecue,” Adotas, July 1, 2010, (accessed May 5, 2011).
19. Susan Wojcicki, “The Future of Display Advertising” (The Official Google Blog), March 15, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
20. “Advertising and Privacy,” Google, (accessed July 14, 2010).
21. “BridgeTrack Customer Data Integration,” (accessed July 14, 2010).
22. Julia Angwin, “The Web's New Gold Mine: Your Secrets,” July 30, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
23. Interview with Edwin Wong, May 10, 2010.
24. Ibid.
25. Steve McClellan, “Starcom Names Branded Entertainment Chief,” Adweek, February 10, 2010, via Nexis.
26. Interview with Kirk McDonald, May 9, 2010.
27. Interview with Imran Aziz, May 9, 2010.
28. Interview with Kirk McDonald.
29. Interview with Imran Aziz.
30. Interview with Gerald Hauser, May 11, 2010.
31. Randall Rothenberg, “Product Placement Carnival Rolls Back into Town,” Advertising Age, September 10, 2001, (accessed September 2, 2010).
32. For a history of product placement on television, see Turow, Niche Envy, pp. 50–62.
33. American Society of Magazine Editors, “American Society of Magazine Editors Guidelines for Editors and Publishers Thirteenth Edition, October 2005,” Advertising, October 17, 2005, (accessed September 2, 2010).
34. Nat Ives, “The Ad/Edit Wall Worn Down to a Warning Track,” Advertising Age, August 23, 1010, (accessed September 2, 2010).
35. Ibid.
36. “ASME Guidelines for Editors and Publishers” (revised October 2010), (accessed October 21, 2010).
37. Nat Ives, “ASME Calls ESPN, EW on the Carpet Over Covers,” April 10, 2009, (accessed, September 2, 2009).
38. Ibid.
39. Nat Ives, “Ads Venturing Further into Magazines’ Editorial Pages,” Advertising Age, April 2, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
40. Nat Ives, “The Ad/Edit Wall Worn Down to a Warning Track,” Advertising Age, August 23, 1010, (accessed September 2, 2010).
41. From Brooke Erin Duffy, notes taken at the American Magazine Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 3–5, 2010.
42. Meredith, “Our 360o Approach,” (accessed October 26, 2010).
43. See, for example, “Meredith and WE TV Team Up on Cross Media Promotion,” Meredith press release published in Amanda Ernst, “Media WE Launch Cross Promotion,”, May 18, 2009,
44. Duffy, notes taken at the American Magazine Conference.
45. Matthew Creamer and Pupal Parekh, “Ideas of the Decade,” Advertising Age, December 14, 2010, p. 8.
46. Michael Bush, “Unlike Last Major Downturn, Industry Experiencing Much Quicker Rebound,” Advertising Age, August 23, 2010.
47. For these reasons Oscar Gandy describes marketing publicity as information subsidies. See Oscar Gandy, Beyond Agenda Setting (Norwood, NJ: Ablex, 1980).
48. “Content Farms,” Wikipedia, (accessed August 1, 2010); Peter Kafka, “Demand Media's Richard Rosenblatt and ProPublica's Paul Steiger Live at D8,” June 3, 2010, (accessed August 1, 2010).
49. Richard MacManus, “How Demand Media Produces 4,000 Pieces of Content a Day,” ReadWriteWeb, November 12, 2009, (accessed September 16, 2010).
50. “Solutions for Publishers,” Demand Media, (accessed September 16, 2010).
51. Richard MacManus, “Ad-Driven Content—Is It Crossing the Line,” ReadWriteWeb, November 13, 2009, (accessed September 16, 2010).
52. Ibid.
53. Leslie Horn, “Demand Media Traffic Down 40 Percent After Google Search Change,” PCMag, April 26, 2011,,2817,2384348,00.asp (accessed May 5, 2011).
54. Leslie Horn, “Demand Media: Effects of Google Search Change ‘Exaggerated,’” PCMag, April 18, 2011,,2817,2383712,00.asp (accessed May 5, 2011).
55. Demand Media Q1 2011 Earnings Conference Call, May 5, 2011, streaming from the Demand Media website, (accessed May 5, 2011).
1. “Facebook F8,” Wikipedia, (accessed February 24, 2010).
2. Andreas M. Kaplan and Michael Haenlein, “Users of the World, Unite! The Challenges and Opportunities of Social Media,” Business Horizons 53, no. 1 (January 2010): p. 59–68.
3. Industry analysts were projecting that annual sales from virtual goods would reach $6 billion in 2013. See Jennifer Van Grove, “Target to Sell Facebook Credits as Gift Cards in Stores,” Mashable, September 2, 2010, (accessed September 7, 2010).
4. (accessed November 13, 2010).
5. “Code of Conduct,” (accessed October 16, 2010).
6. “A World Leader in Social Media Sponsorships,” Izea, (accessed May 16, 2011).
7. The claims show up as Flash Post-it style notes on the home page: (accessed November 13, 2010).
8. “What We Do,” (accessed November 13, 2010).
9. Zach Hofer-Shall, “The Forrester Wave: Listening Platforms, Q3, 2010,” Forrester Research, July 12, 2010.
10. Ibid.
11. Jeff Zabin, “The ROI on Social Media Monitoring,” Aberdeen Group, October 2009.
12. Ibid.
13. Interview with Rohit Thawani, September 7, 2010.
14. “Social, SEO and the Open Graph: What to Do Now,” Gigya, July 2010, pp. 7–9, posted on
15. Ibid.
16. Interview with John Nitti, September 20, 2010.
17. Emily Steel, “Marketers Watch as Friends Interact Online,” Wall Street Journal, April 15, 2010, (accessed September 7, 2010). See also Jeff Jarvis, “The Hunt for the Elusive Influencer,” BuzzMachine, April 1, 2010, (accessed September 7, 2010).
18. Media6Degrees, “Social Data Targeting: New Internet Advertising Model,” PowerPoint presentation, n.d.
19. Steel, “Marketers Watch as Friends Interact Online.”
20. Ibid.
21. Jack Neff, “Point-of-Sale Focus: P&G Boosts Design's Role in Marketing,” Advertising Age, February 9, 2004, p. 1.
22. Karl Greenberg, “Pepsi's Kaufman Talks About the Pepsico10,” Marketing Daily News, September 20, 2010.
23. “Mobile Internet Users in the United States, 2009–2015 (in millions),” eMarketer, via University of Pennsylvania Libraries website (accessed May 24, 2011).
24. “Mobile Access 20210,” Pew Internet & American Life Project, July 7, 2010, (accessed May 24, 2011).
25. “Mobile Content Soars Thanks to Device and Network Advances,” eMarketer, August 31, 2010, (accessed May 24, 2011).
26. Ibid.
27. (accessed November 12, 2010).
28. “Privacy 101,” Foursquare, (accessed September 23, 2010).
29. “Foursquare Labs, Inc. Privacy Policy,”
30. “Privacy 101.”
31. Jack Marshall, “Device Fingerprinting Could Be a Cookie Killer,” ClickZ, March 2, 2011,
32. Ibid.
33. Stephanie Clifford, “Web Coupons Know a Lot About You, and They Tell,” New York Times, April 16, 2010, (accessed September 23, 2010).
34. See Joseph Turow, Niche Envy (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2006), pp. 138–47.
35. (accessed September 27, 2010).
36. “The Consumer Truth,” Catalina Marketing, (accessed September 27, 2010).
37. “Checkout Coupon,” (accessed September 27, 2010).
38. “Checkout Direct,” (accessed September 27, 2010).
39. “Catalina Hires Head of Google's Affiliate Network to Lead Emerging Digital Business,” Catalina Marketing Corporation press release, March 3, 2010, (accessed May 16, 2010).
40. “Google Affiliate Network,” (accessed October 21, 2010).
41. Holman W. Jenkins Jr., “Google and the Search for the Future,” Wall Street Journal, August 14, 2010.
42. Ibid.
43. Jon Gertner, “Our Ratings Ourselves,” New York Times Magazine, April 10, 2005.
44. James L. McQuivey, “Why Google TV Is Bigger Than You Think,” June 7, 2010, p. 3, Forrester Research,
45. Ibid.
46. David Graves, “Personal TV: The Reinvention of Television,” August 25, 2008, Forrester Research,
47. Brian Weiser (global director of forecasting, Magna), in discussion with the author, September 2010.
48. Clay Shirky, “How Television Ratings Portend the Death of Mass Media,” October 14, 1999, (accessed October 4, 2010).
49. Tim Arango, “Cable Firms Join Forces to Attract Focused Ads,” New York Times, March 10, 2008, (accessed October 4, 2010).
50. Andrew Hampp, “Addressable TV: an FAQ,” Advertising Age, November 30, 2009, (accessed November 12, 2010).
51. Tim Arango, “Cable Firms Join Forces to Attract Focused Ads,” New York Times, March 10, 2008, (accessed October 4, 2010).
52. Steve McClellan and Brian Morrissey, “The Future of TV,”, November 17, 2008, (accessed November 12, 1010).
53. Ibid.
54. Steve McClellan, “4A's: What's Delaying Ad Addressability?” March 3, 2010, (accessed November 12, 2010).
55. Tom Cuniff, “Old vs. New Media,”, March 3, 2010, (accessed October 4, 2010).
56. “Television on the Web Is Redefining Must-See Viewing,” Fast Company, September 1, 2010,
57. Patrick J. Sauer, “Next New Networks Takes Grassroots YouTube Talent to the Next Level,” FastCompany, September 1, 2010, (accessed May 17, 2011).
58. “About Next New Networks,” (accessed October 4, 2010).
59. Aymar Jean Christian, “Research Update: Thinking About Web Series, Independent Production and Emerging New Media,” Televisual, (accessed October 4, 2010).
60. Laurie Sullivan, “Google and Intel to Launch Social TV Platform,” Online Media Daily, May 17, 2010,
61. Ibid.
62. Steve McClellan, “Google Invests in Invidi,”, May 5, 2010, via Nexis.
63. McQuivey, “Why Google TV Is Bigger Than You Think,” p. 3.
1. Miguel Helft and Tanzina Vega, “Seeing That Ad on Every Site? You're Right. It's Tracking You,” New York Times, August 30, 2010, p. A-1.
2. Joanna O'Connell, interview by Laura Sydell, “Smart Cookies Put Targeted Online Ads on the Rise,” All Things Considered, National Public Radio, October 5, 2010, via Nexis.
3. Randall Rothenberg, “Don't Fear Internet Tracking,” USA Today, August 9, 2010, p. 10A.
4. Ibid.
5. Laurie Sullivan, “Report: Click Fraud Reaches New Heights,” Online Media Daily, October 21, 2010, (accessed October 21, 2010).
6. Tanzina Vega, “Code That Tracks Users Browsing Prompts Lawsuits,” New York Times, September 21, 2010, p B-3.
7. “Online Behavioral Advertising: Moving the Discussion Forward to Possible Self-Regulatory Principles,” Federal Trade Commission, 2007, (accessed May 24, 2011).
8. “Self-Regulatory Principles For Online Behavioral Advertising,” Federal Trade Commission, February 2009, p. 27, (accessed May 23, 2011).
9. See, for example, Thomas Clayburn, “Ad Industry Sets Seven Privacy Protection Principles,” Information Week, July 2, 2009,–ews (accessed November 4, 2010).
10. “Major Marketing/Media Trade Groups Launch Program to Give Consumers Enhanced Control over Collection and Use of Web Viewing Data for Online Behavioral Advertising,” Interactive Advertising Bureau, press release, October 4, 2010, (accessed October 4, 2010).
11. “Self-regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising,” American Association of Advertising Agencies, Association of National Advertisers, Direct Marketing Association, Interactive Advertising Bureau, and Council of Better Business Bureaus, July 2009, (accessed October 26, 2010).
12. “Privacy Policy,” Wikipedia, (accessed November 12, 2010).
13. “Privacy Online: A Report to Congress,” Federal Trade Commission, June 1998, (accessed May 19, 2011).
14. See Joseph Turow, Privacy Policies on Children's Websites: Do They Play by the Rules? (Philadelphia: Annenberg Public Policy Center, 2001), (accessed November 10, 2010).
15. Ibid.
16. “Electronic Arts Privacy Policy,” June 11, 2010, (accessed July 8, 2010).
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. See (accessed November 4, 2010).
20. NAI, “Opt Out of Behavioral Advertising,”
21. Larry Dobrow, “Tread Carefully on Privacy: Be Wary of E-consumer Backlash,” Advertising Age, October 29, 2001, p. S6.
22. Alan Westin, “Social and Political Dimensions of Privacy,” Journal of Social Issues 59 (July 2003): p. 445.
23. Dobrow, “Tread Carefully on Privacy,” p. S6.
24. The 2005 study referenced here is: Joseph Turow, Lauren Feldman, and Kimberly Meltzer, Open to Exploitation: American Shoppers Online and Offline,” Report from the Annenberg Public Policy Center, University of Pennsylvania, 2005, (accessed November 4, 2010).
25. Joseph Turow, Chris Jay Hoofnagle, Jennifer King, Amy Bleakley, and Michael Hennessy, Americans Reject Tailored Advertising and Three Activities That Enable It, Report from Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania and Berkeley Law School, 2009, (accessed November 4, 2010).
26. “There Is No Privacy,” Virginia Pilot, April 4, 2009, p. B9.
27. Gina Keating, “Disney CEO Bullish on Direct Marketing to Consumers,” Reuters, July 23, 2009,
28. Margo Gardner and Laurence Steinberg, “Peer Influence on Risk Taking, Risk Preference, and Risky Decision Making in Adolescence and Adulthood: An Experimental Study,” Developmental Psychology 41, no. 4 (2005): 625–635. No person twenty-three or twenty-four years old was in the sample.
29. Amanda Lenhart and Mary Madden. “Teens, Privacy, and Online Social Networks,” Pew Internet & American Life Project, April 18, 2007, (accessed November 4, 2010); and more generally Danah Boyd's excellent bibliography of Social Networking Studies at (accessed November 4, 2010).
30. Christopher Hoofnagle, Jennifer King, Su Li, and Joseph Turow, How Different Are Young Adults from Older Adults When It Comes to Information Privacy Attitudes and Policies? Report from Annenberg School for Communication of the University of Pennsylvania and Berkeley Law School, April 14 2010, (accessed November 4, 2010).
31. Ibid.
32. Ibid.
33. Saul Hansell, “An Icon That Says They're Watching You,” New York Times, March 19, 2009, (accessed November 4, 2010).
34. Jeffrey Chester of the Center for Digital Democracy has added the intriguing and important point that “consumers and citizens … should be informed, for example, about any role neuroscience played in crafting the online message” (comment section, in ibid.).