
My imagined Stoney Ridge could not have taken shape in these pages without the unflinching help of first readers in the right places, especially because it arrived on their desks during a very busy holiday season. My heartfelt thanks to them all: Meredith Muñoz, Tad Fisher, and Lindsey Ciraulo.

I’m similarly indebted to Kent Moore, a talented man who helped untangle oil exploration for me and gave me clear and manageable guidance. Just the right advice delivered in just the right package. I’m more grateful to you than you can imagine! And to Janet Moore, a thank-you for being the message bearer to Kent.

I always enjoy connecting with readers, and computers make this easier than ever. You can find me on Facebook and Twitter almost every day of the week. (But don’t tell my family—I’ve convinced them that every time I am on the computer, I’m writing. Every single time.) You can also write to me via my website,