The following people comprise the Editorial Oversight Committee, which developed the concept, selected the contributors, and provided general oversight and final approval of the ESV Global Study Bible content and design.
Theological Editor
J. I. Packer
Regent College (Canada)
D.Phil., The University of Oxford
Global Editor
Ajith Fernando
National Director, Youth for Christ (Sri Lanka)
D.D., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Asbury Theological Seminary
General Editor
Wayne Grudem
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Old Testament Editor
C. John Collins
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
New Testament Editor
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Executive Editor
Lane T. Dennis
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Project Director
Dane Ortlund
Ph.D., Wheaton College
The Importance of the Global Church
How Chuang Chua (Singapore)
Academic Dean, Hokkaido Bible Institute, Sapporo (Japan)
Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
The Great Truths of the Bible
Matthew Ebenezer (India)
Professor of Church History, New Theological College (Dehradun, India)
Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary
Mission and Evangelism
Ajith Fernando (Sri Lanka)
National Director, Youth for Christ (Sri Lanka)
D.D., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Asbury Theological Seminary
Personal Ethics
Benyamin F. Intan (Indonesia)
President, STT Reformed Injili Internasional, Jakarta (Indonesia)
Ph.D., Boston College
The Reliability and Authority of the Bible
In Whan Kim (South Korea)
President and Professor of Old Testament, Chongshin University and Theological Seminary (Seoul)
Ph.D., University of Wales
Social Ethics
James H. O. Kombo (Kenya)
Vice-chancellor and Professor of Theology, Daystar University (Kenya)
Ph.D., University of Stellenbosch
The Value and Dignity of Human Life
Chee-Chiew Lee (Singapore)
Assistant Professor of New Testament, Singapore Bible College
Ph.D., Wheaton College
How to Read and Understand the Bible
Conrad Mbewe (Zambia)
Pastor, Kabwata Reformed Baptist Church; Principal, Reformed Baptist Preachers’ College (Zambia)
M.A., University of Pretoria
How to Apply the Bible in Daily Life
Conrad Mbewe (Zambia)
Pastor, Kabwata Reformed Baptist Church; Principal, Reformed Baptist Preachers’ College
M.A., University of Pretoria
Major World Religions
Harold A. Netland
Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Intercultural Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School
Marvin R. Wilson
Professor of Biblical Studies, Gordon College
Ph.D., Brandeis University
Biblical Ethics: An Introduction
Dieumeme Noelliste (Jamaica)
Professor of Theological Ethics, Denver Seminary
Ph.D., Northwestern University
The Purpose and Role of Government
Michael Oh (Japan)
President, Christ Bible Institute and Seminary (Japan)
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Marriage and Sexual Morality
Yusufu Turaki (Nigeria)
Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics, ECWA Theological Seminary (Nigeria)
Ph.D., Boston University
God’s Global Plan of Salvation
Philemon Yong (Cameroon)
Professor of New Testament and Theology, Cameroon Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Michael Oh (Japan)
President, Christ Bible Institute and Seminary (Japan)
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Jerry Hwang (Singapore)
Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Singapore Bible College
Ph.D., Wheaton College
Christopher A. Beetham
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Evangelical Theological College; Associate Professor of New Testament, Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology (Addis Ababa)
Ph.D., Wheaton College
Dane Ortlund
Project Director, Global Study Bible
Ph.D., Wheaton College
The following people were responsible for writing the original ESV Study Bible notes, as indicated below for each book of the Bible. In many cases more than one person contributed to the writing of the notes for specific books, and the notes for each of the books involved many levels of review, editing, and abridging for the Global Study Bible. The final notes as they appear in the Global Study Bible, therefore, are the result of a collaborative effort, and in some cases may include content or views differing from those of individual contributors.
T. Desmond Alexander
Union Theological College (Belfast)
Ph.D., The Queen’s University of Belfast
Kenneth Laing Harris
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
John Currid
Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte)
Ph.D., The University of Chicago
Nobuyoshi Kiuchi
Tokyo Christian University
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards (UK)
Jay A. Sklar
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Gloucestershire
Gordon J. Wenham
Trinity Theological College (Bristol)
Ph.D., King’s College, The University of London
Paul Barker
Holy Trinity Doncaster (Australia)
Ph.D., The University of Gloucestershire
V. Philips Long
Regent College (Canada)
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
David M. Howard Jr.
Bethel Seminary (St. Paul)
Ph.D., The University of Michigan
Ronald Bergey
Faculté Libre de Théologie Réformée (France)
Ph.D., Dropsie University
1 and 2 Samuel
David Toshio Tsumura
Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo)
Ph.D., Brandeis University
1 and 2 Kings
Iain W. Provan
Regent College (Canada)
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
1 and 2 Chronicles
Brian E. Kelly
Canterbury Christ Church University (England)
Ph.D., The University of Bristol
J. Gordon McConville
The University of Gloucestershire
Ph.D., The University of Sheffield
J. Gordon McConville
The University of Gloucestershire
Ph.D., The University of Sheffield
Barry G. Webb
Moore Theological College (Australia)
Ph.D., The University of Sheffield
Kenneth Laing Harris
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
August Konkel
Providence College and Seminary (Manitoba)
Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary
C. John Collins
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
Duane A. Garrett
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Baylor University
Kenneth Laing Harris
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
Max F. Rogland
Erskine Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Leiden University
Song of Solomon
C. John Collins
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
Andrew Stewart
M.A., Covenant Theological Seminary
Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.
Immanuel Church (Nashville)
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Paul R. House
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Paul R. House
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
David J. Reimer
The University of Edinburgh
D.Phil., The University of Oxford
Iain M. Duguid
Grove City College
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Paul D. Wegner
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., King’s College, The University of London
Robert I. Vasholz
Covenant Theological Seminary
Th.D., The University of Stellenbosch
W. Brian Aucker
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh
John Oswalt
Wesley Biblical Seminary
Ph.D., Brandeis University
Paul R. Raabe
Concordia Seminary (St. Louis)
Ph.D., The University of Michigan
Mark D. Futato
Reformed Theological Seminary (Orlando)
Ph.D., The Catholic University of America
W. Brian Aucker
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh
Dennis R. Magary
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin, Madison
Walter A. Maier III
Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne)
Ph.D., Harvard University
Paul D. Wegner
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., King’s College, The University of London
David W. Baker
Ashland Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of London
W. Brian Aucker
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh
Iain M. Duguid
Grove City College
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Gordon P. Hugenberger
Park Street Church (Boston)
Ph.D., C.N.A.A., College of St. Paul and Mary/Oxford Centre for Postgraduate Hebrew Studies
Michael J. Wilkins
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Hans F. Bayer
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Wayne Grudem
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Andreas J. Köstenberger
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
John B. Polhill
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
1 Corinthians
Frank S. Thielman
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Ph.D., Duke University
2 Corinthians
Scott J. Hafemann
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
D.Theol., Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tübingen
Simon J. Gathercole
The University of Cambridge
Ph.D., The University of Durham
S. M. Baugh
Westminster Seminary California
Ph.D., The University of California, Irvine
Sean M. McDonough
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of St. Andrews
Clinton E. Arnold
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
1 and 2 Thessalonians
Colin Nicholl
Research scholar
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
1 and 2 Timothy
Ray Van Neste
Union University
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Ray Van Neste
Union University
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Clinton E. Arnold
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
David W. Chapman
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Grant R. Osborne
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
1 Peter
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
2 Peter
Doug Oss
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
1, 2 and 3 John
Robert W. Yarbrough
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Doug Oss
Assemblies of God Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Dennis E. Johnson
Westminster Seminary California
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Introduction: A User’s Guide to the ESV Global Study Bible
Lane T. Dennis
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Wayne Grudem
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Overview of the Bible
Vern S. Poythress
Westminster Theological Seminary
D.Theol., The University of Stellenbosch
The Theology of the Old Testament
C. John Collins
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
The Theology of the New Testament
Thomas R. Schreiner
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
David Barrett (
Maltings Partnership (Derby, England)
Geography Editor
Barry J. Beitzel
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., Dropsie University
Archaeological and Architectural Reconstruction Editor
Leen Ritmeyer
Ritmeyer Archaeological Design
Ph.D., The University of Manchester
Old Testament Archaeology Editor
John Currid
Reformed Theological Seminary (Charlotte)
Ph.D., The University of Chicago
New Testament Archaeology Editor
David W. Chapman
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Cambridge
Assistant Editor for Research
Travis Buchanan
M.Div., Phoenix Seminary
Old Testament Consultants
W. Brian Aucker
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh
Kenneth Laing Harris
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
Paul R. House
Beeson Divinity School, Samford University
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
David J. Reimer
The University of Edinburgh
D.Phil., The University of Oxford
Gordon J. Wenham
Trinity Theological College (Bristol)
Ph.D., King’s College, The University of London
New Testament Consultants
Darrell L. Bock
Dallas Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
John C. DelHousaye
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
Grant R. Osborne
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., The University of Aberdeen
Robert H. Stein
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary
Archaeological Consultant
James K. Hoffmeier
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Ph.D., The University of Toronto
Old Testament Charts Consultants
W. Brian Aucker
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Edinburgh
Kenneth Laing Harris
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The University of Liverpool
Gregory R. Perry
Covenant Theological Seminary
Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary (Richmond)
Paul D. Wegner
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., The University of London
New Testament Charts Consultants
James M. Hamilton Jr.
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Ph.D., The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
John C. DelHousaye
Phoenix Seminary
Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary