I must obey him, for I see my friends

Beset with peril. Yet my own sad fate

Doth with increasing anguish move my heart.

May I no longer feed the silent hope

Which in my solitude I fondly cherish’d?

Shall the dire curse eternally endure?

And shall our fated race ne’er rise again

With blessings crown’d?—All mortal things decay!

The noblest powers, the purest joys of life

At length subside: then wherefore not the curse?

And have I vainly hop’d that, guarded here,

Secluded from the fortunes of my race,

I, with pure heart and hands, some future day

Might cleanse the deep defilement of our house?

Scarce was my brother in my circling arms

From raging madness suddenly restor’d,

Scarce had the ship, long pray’d for, near’d the strand,

Once more to waft me to my native shores,

When unrelenting fate, with iron hand,

A double crime enjoins; commanding me

To steal the image, sacred and rever’d,

Confided to my care, and him deceive

To whom I owe my life and destiny.

Let not abhorrence spring within my heart!

Nor the old Titan’s hate, toward you, ye gods,

Infix its vulture talons in my breast!

Save me, and save your image in my soul!

An ancient song comes back upon mine ear—

I had forgotten it, and willingly—

The Parcæ’s song, which horribly they sang,

What time, hurl’d headlong from his golden seat,

Fell Tantalus. They with their noble friend

Keen anguish suffer’d; savage was their breast

And horrible their song. In days gone by,

When we were children, oft our ancient nurse

Would sing it to us, and I mark’d it well.

Oh, fear the immortals,

Ye children of men!

Eternal dominion

They hold in their hands.

And o’er their wide empire

Wield absolute sway.

Whom they have exalted

Let him fear them most!

Around golden tables,

On cliffs and clouds resting

The seats are prepar’d.

If contest ariseth;

The guests are hurl’d headlong,

Disgrac’d and dishonour’d,

And fetter’d in darkness,

Await with vain longing,

A juster decree.

But in feasts everlasting,

Around the gold tables

Still dwell the immortals.

From mountain to mountain

They stride; while ascending

From fathomless chasms,

The breath of the Titans,

Half stifl’d with anguish,

Like volumes of incense

Fumes up to the skies.

From races ill-fated,

Their aspect joy-bringing,

Oft turn the celestials,

And shun in the children

To gaze on the features

Once lov’d and still speaking

Of their mighty sire.

Thus sternly the Fates sang

Immur’d in his dungeon.

The banish’d one listens,

The song of the Parcæ,

His children’s doom ponders,

And boweth his head.