
Allow 2 eggs per person for a starter or light snack; allow 3 eggs per person for a main course.


Break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and pepper and beat lightly with a fork. Heat a 20 cm (8in) frying pan, preferably non-stick. When the pan is hot, quickly brush a little clarified butter (see Scrambled eggs ‘magda’ on fried bread) over the inside. Pour in the beaten eggs and cook for 5 – 10 seconds, until they are just beginning to set very lightly on the bottom.

Immediately scrape the sides towards the middle, using the side of a fork. Carry on stirring almost continuously, gently shaking the pan with your other hand, until the omelette is cooked to your taste.

Allow 1 minute for a lightly cooked ‘runny’ omelette; 1½ minutes for a firm omelette, or 2 minutes if you prefer a well cooked omelette.

To roll the omelette, flip one half over towards the middle, while tilting the pan. Add the filling, if you are using one (see suggestions overleaf), then roll the omelette over itself completely. Roll the omelette on to a plate or serving platter. Using a knife tip, make an incision down the whole length to expose a little of the filling, then brush with a little clarified butter.
