
After four years of slumming it in the writing trenches, fairy-madrina and agent extraordinaire Saritza Hernandez plucked one of my manuscripts from the cold-query bardo and offered me representation. Thank you for all the positive energy and unconditional support you’ve poured into me and my work. And above all, thank you for changing my life.

Three years later, another fairy-madrina changed my life by giving me my first book deal, the marvelous editor Hannah VanVels. Thank you for all the love and enthusiasm you invested in transforming my manuscript into a published book.

I am equally grateful to the entire team at Blink/HarperCollins including rock-star publicist Jen Hoff and grammar bruja Jacque Alberta; and the design team at Brand Navigation for creating the most beautiful cover a girl could dream of.

A book is the work of many people, and I had an amazing team of consultants to help me make Salty, Bitter, Sweet as authentic as possible. The insanely talented Chef Carla Tomasko of Atlanta’s Bacchanalia restaurant shared her knowledge on high-end dining and her story as a Latina working in one of the city’s most celebrated kitchens. Fellow Las Musas author Ismée Williams made sure Lala’s Cuban experience rang true and held my hand through my first sensitivity report. And French native Virginie Kippelen provided feedback on the French language and setting.

Along the way, I have been lucky to receive the support and encouragement of hundreds of people. And have been humbled by the outpouring of love for my work and this book.

I am especially grateful to my friends in the Atlanta writers community and the members of the Pie Wish Coven. You welcomed me with open arms and inspired me to believe in my publishing dreams in the face of soul-crushing rejection. I have cherished every minute of our writing gatherings, retreats, and the awesome Mingle & Margaritas. Pie wishes are the best wishes.

Which leads me to thank the local bookstores that support our gatherings, especially Little Shop of Stories and Charis Books. Your dedication to helping local authors is unparalleled.

A super loud GRACIAS to the proud Latina women of Las Musas. I am honored to be a part of this trailblazing group of authors. Pa’lante!

During the last six years, I have juggled my job as a CNN producer with my passion as a YA writer. My CNN colleagues have made it easy for me to focus on both and have cheered my dreams along the way. A big thanks—and flan!—to Monte Plot and Jessica Jordan, who read my first (awful) drafts and offered only words of encouragement. And equally big slice of flan to my colleagues at CNN’s Special Projects for your daily check-ins and motivation. I couldn’t dream of a more amazing group of people to spend my weekdays with.

Outside work, my spiritual community at Kadampa Meditation Center Georgia made sure I didn’t lose my mind while juggling so many commitments at once. Their study programs and meditation classes have provided refuge and peace, even on the most stressful days. A huge thanks to administrative director Cindy Parker, education program coordinator Celeste Green, and resident teacher Gen Kelsang Mondrub for their support and dedication.

At home, my wonderful neighbors in the Norcross community have been constant cheerleaders. And the members of our local dinner club have served as testers to many delicious recipes. In particular, I would give a million pies to my lovely friend and next-door neighbor Hazel Ringelstein for championing all my crazy dessert ideas and lending me the occasional egg or stick of butter. I love you, Hazel! And if I’m lucky enough to make it to my eighties, I want to be just like you.

The seeds of this book were sown long ago, when I was growing up in Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico. Most of my family still lives there and have been constant supporters on this extraordinary journey. My heart overflows with gratitude for my amazing mom, Zulma Nazario, whose belief in my dreams helped me believe in myself. Te amo, Mami. Gracias por todo…

And to my sweet stepdad Hector Ramos, my abuelos Cuqui and Arsenio, my tías Noemí Velez and Sonia Colón, and my cousins Lisi and Rosa Ruiz. Even with an ocean between us, you are always in my heart.

The rest of my family lives across the pond, in Florida. A big open-hearted thanks to my dad, Tomás Cuevas, who inspired some of the scenes in this book. Besitos, Papi.

And to my sister, Lourdes Cuevas, for reading some of my first terrible stories and telling me how great they were. Your lies kept me going and I love you so freaking much for it.

Some family you are born with, others you choose. Thank you to my sweet mother-in-law, Diane Perry, for her constant encouragement. And to my amazing step kids, Alex and Caleb Perry, for inspiring Diego, “The Hot Spaniard.” You have filled my life with joy and wonder in ways I never expected. I love you guys, more than you’ll ever know.

Finally, my writing career would not exist without two extraordinary people:

My kindred spirit, Marie Marquardt, who has been my writing companion since we met at a conference in 2012. Back then I didn’t know I was also earning a friend, a sister, and a membership to the FROS club. I love you even though you stubbornly insist Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights is better than the original. IT. IS. NOT.

And my husband and best friend, Chris Perry. You have made all my wildest dreams come true and I will forever love you for it. Thank you for giving me all the love a girl could ever want, a home full of happy memories, and most of all, thank you for sharing your life and your boys with me. You guys are everything. I love you.