Below is a sample chapter from one of my books
Finding Summer
A blast went off in a distance. Shook the ground and tore through flesh. It appeared as if everything was in motion and he heard nothing, saw nothing, and he couldn’t speak or move.
He drifted through a maze of light and darkness. Sometimes he would smile; sometimes a flash of a frown would rest on his youthful, unshaven face. The young girl brought in scissors to trim his light beard on her visits. After a sigh of accomplishment, she sat back and viewed her masterpiece. How handsome he appeared lying there immovable like a Ken doll, she thought.
“Lieutenant...can you hear me.” She called out to him but he didn’t answer.
And with the Ken doll she adored, she refused to desert the young handsome man lying helpless in front of her. She made time to visit him each morning, holding his hand, reading to him, hoping for a miracle. Noticing he had no visitors, she wondered why. Someone had to miss him. He must be someone’s son, husband, or father, she thought.
The young man lay in a coma for months.
Lying wrapped in clean white sheets, unaware of his surroundings and the world he inhabited, his eyes struggled to open.
When he finally broke through a wall, he woke. His blank, dark stare focused in the direction of a sound. A woman sat reading and holding his hand. He heard her voice; it was familiar and soothing. Perhaps it was his mother, but her voice and touch was not that of a mother. She could have been, had she not ignited a feeling of sexual pleasure as she read to him, a love poem. He heard the words before but his mind couldn’t grasp the author, or what was said.
He struggled once more, questioning and searching for familiarity. Where am I? His mind asked. Who am I? Who belongs to that voice? Why is she here? Why is he here, for that matter?
Fighting to open his eyes, he finally willed his brain to complete a difficult task. But with the help of the girl sitting and holding his hand and her soothing voice, his eyes opened, but through the imaginary light he came to another wall. One filled with darkness.
He shut his eyes tight. The girl wasn’t holding his hands any longer. He griped the railings on his hospital bed.
The reality of it—he was blind.