Who, or what, is God? However you choose to call it—God, Divine Flame, Source, Universal Power, etc.—God is the energy of life in everyone and everything, the very livingness in us and around us. He/She is perfect and absolute love and light in every way imaginable. God’s energy is so perfect that negativity does not exist—cannot exist—in its presence. As such, any concept of duality such as good/bad, light/dark, positive/negative, or any comparisons for that matter are unknown to Him/Her. God exists purely in the moment, ever present, so completely loving and illumined that our limiting words in this physical plane cannot do Him/Her justice.
God also has perfect creative abilities. What He/She thinks (for lack of a better term), becomes. God has a complete and unbounded power of creation and manifestation.
It is difficult for us as human beings with reasoning, three-dimensional brains to comprehend the vastness and absoluteness of God’s energy. Imagine walking down the street and seeing everything and everybody as unconditionally perfect, not only in who and what they are, but also in what they are doing. Everything is seen in perfect harmony, a beautiful dance of bright, loving energies interacting with one another simply to experience different aspects of their own magnificent livingness. This energy includes ourselves, making us feel and know that we are perfect in every way and perfect in everything we do. We are beyond dualistic thinking. Even what we may currently perceive as a defect or imperfection is seen and known as simply another unique expression of the divine. Everything that exists is seen as so perfectly flawless that the idea of comparing, evaluating, or analyzing does not even enter our consciousness. Doing so measures one thing against another, something impossible with non-dualistic awareness. This is how God sees us and everything .
When we experience unconditional love, we are experiencing the way God sees and knows us, also known as Christ love. God in perfect union with us, expressing through us from within, is absolute love and unbounded joy.