In the Beginning
There is a different story of creation than one you might be familiar with, a story not mutually exclusive with any particular religion’s creation story .
In the beginning, God was. (Actually, God always is , as time is a man-created construct, but we will stick with conventional tenses for readability.) Desiring to experience Himself/Herself, God expressed and the universe came into being. In His/Her creation, God manifested individual points of light that were a part of Him/Her, yet undiminished in power, light, and livingness. That is, each of the points of light had within them the full power and knowingness of God Himself/Herself. Like an oak tree producing acorns that have the full life and potential of the source tree within them, these points of light had the same.
We are these points of light; the children of God. For each of us, this “Spirit” is, and always has been, within. We cannot turn it off or run away from it. We cannot ever be separated from it in any way. It fundamentally is who and what we are, no matter how much we may cover it up with limited, three-dimensional thinking. Anything we do that denies or obfuscates this light simply adds layers around it that obscures its brightness, yet does not lessen its power in any way.