The Ego
As Spirits desiring to express God through physical experience after coming into being as points of light, we had (and still have) the ability to manifest anything we wanted, as we were a perfect reflection of God with all of His/Her powers of creation. So, we created bodies to live in this three-dimensional world. At the time, we were fearless and being fearless with our fragile forms in a land of wild animals and unforgiving terrain led us to easy and frequent deaths. We didn’t know that stepping off a cliff or not running from a carnivore could kill us. Consequently, we kept incarnating again and again but found ourselves desiring longer lives to have longer and more numerous and varied physical experiences.
Our bodies kept dying because we had nothing to regulate how we operated on the earth. We had no context as God-beings to understand how different actions could compromise our physicality. Because we were seeking experience, we wanted our physical forms to live longer than they were living, as they were needed for us to engage and experience life—the reason we incarnated in the first place—so we required something to stop us from putting our bodies in danger. Thus, we created the ego.
Our egos gave us a physical self-awareness—survival instincts—that moderated the type of behavior that could bring us physical harm. It shouted at us when we needed help to avoid situations that could potentially destroy our bodies. The ego did this magnificently. We were able to live longer and gain the earthly experience and expression we desired.
Now, keep in mind that we were (are) still Spirits wearing the physical body in each incarnation like a suit. Also keep in mind that our souls were recording everything we experienced, including our perspective from Spirit.
As we went about our lives on the earth plane, we found ourselves perversely enjoying the psycho-emotional rush of the drama and trauma that we experienced, actually relishing our reactions to those situations which the ego was created to warn us to avoid. We found it exciting to continue to test ourselves so that the ego would be engaged and we would feel more alive.
This put our physical forms in more danger, so, as creators, we allowed the ego to begin to alert us more and more, even to nonthreatening situations—ones that didn’t put us in danger physically but still gave us the feeling of the rush of fear that we had learned to enjoy. We essentially ceded our God-given power to the ego .
Thus began the slippery slope that continues to this day; our ego finding drama in inconsequential matters and raising fears for the most benign of reasons. What started out as a physical protection device has evolved into an addictive psycho-emotional mechanism that stimulates and sustains fear, thereby affecting our actions (or non-actions as the case may be) and resulting in the ego having tremendous control over how we live our lives.
The ego grew to become its own energetic entity, appearing like a separate form with its own fearful personality. Fundamentally, it is still subservient to us—our Spirit who created it—but because it appears independent and has the power that we gave it, it has the apparent authority to command us, through fear, to choose in its best interests, namely to perpetuate its agenda for its own survival. So, we think we choose consciously and wisely, but our ego is often operating under the surface of our awareness, energetically undermining our conscious intent.
The ego’s alarm is just a notification to us. Once the instinctual association to potential danger is made, we can use our discernment to evaluate the possible threat on its own terms, if we can ignore the ego’s continued attempts to retain our attention.
When we consciously choose not to listen to the ego and trust ourselves to see and feel in ways more aligned with Spirit, the ego lessens and we begin to consciously reclaim our power, which has always been with us. Practicing this continues to bring us to a better place spiritually, as a diminished ego results in greater freedom in allowing our God-self to express through us as it naturally desires to. However, as the ego is threatened by our new spiritual choices to minimize it, it will act out like a child, reaching into soul memory for old, fearful experiences and creating ever more seemingly dramatic situations for us to encounter in order to bring our attention back to recognizing and succumbing to its fear. Understand that most of the ego’s noise is simply “sound and fury, signifying nothing.”