Two Voices
So, we have two voices who call to us: the voice of the ego and the voice of God within, our Spirit. The ego is loud, brash, forceful, impatient, opportunistic, and dramatic while the inner voice of God is soft, peaceful, loving, powerful, wise, patient, clear, and truthful. We have the full power of God within us at all times, the power to create a loving, joyous, healthy, and positive life, but it is often co-opted by the ego whose histrionic and scattered misdirections prevent us from using that inner strength to advance spiritually. The ego must
keep us from using our innate power in order to preserve its existence, for if we truly step into knowing and using our power consciously for our spiritual growth, the ego diminishes to its proper place. It goes back to its original, minimal self—why it was created in the first place—which was to protect us physically
We are perfect creators
, but we generally create far more with our subconscious
thoughts, emotions, perceptions, predispositions, and belief systems. For example, when we desire a new car and don’t get one (for whatever reason), it is because there is more of our energy devoted to not
getting one than to getting one. It is because we subconsciously listen to our ego, which has an incredible investment—an investment in its own survival—in keeping us off balance and in fear. Our ego wants us to be short of finances, feel the need to complain to our spouse or coworkers about our old car, continue stressing about paying for repairs, or find any other reason to keep us in circumstances that cause us stress. All of those negative emotions—worry, anger, fear, dissatisfaction, anxiety, depression, etc.—are how the ego wants us to view the world so it can continue to show us its relevance.
This fear and unworthiness feeds into what we create on a continual
basis, since our power of creation is always
functioning. Even though we may listen to our ego more often than Spirit, our manifesting powers operate continuously
. Therefore, when we choose—consciously or subconsciously—to listen to the voice of our ego and act on its fearful counsel, we create exactly what it wants
. Just as when we listen to our Spirit, we create exactly what it
desires and knows, which is perfect love, peace, harmony, and truth.
Conscious or not, because of the Law of Attraction, we always
draw to us all
of the energies that we have in our aura. This includes any ego-based energies, which
can build until they are large and influential enough to manifest physically in the form of challenging circumstances or health concerns. These issues reflect and are a metaphor for the fearful energies we create because of our ego’s sway over us.
In every moment, we have the opportunity to choose a better path, a path away from the ego and toward the divine within. Trusting our intuition and choosing with clear vision, without fear, leads us toward a greater awareness of the Spirit within.