Healing & Spiritual Growth
All healing fundamentally comes down to listening to the voice of God within and feeling and knowing we were created perfect in every way, that any perceived flaw or illness is a direct reflection of flawed perception; not seeing with the eyes of God. Spiritual growth is taking the steps to heal and correct these misperceptions in any way we can.
We create continuously through our pure spiritual energy. Because we have free will, we consciously and subconsciously choose what we manifest around us. When we don’t see clearly from the perspective of our Spirit, our ego and personality directs our creation, manifesting circumstances that serve their purpose. Ironically, these adulterated creations—man made but through the use of divine energy—produce the lessons (opportunities) we can work with in order to bring us back to seeing from the Spirit within.
Since the circumstances in which we find ourselves and the situations through which we walk reflect the energy we carry, any situation that we find difficult or challenging is a veritable sign that is showing us something we can heal. When we witness our struggles instead of being mentally and emotionally consumed by them (consciously or subconsciously), we see the quality of energy contained in them, thereby giving us an insight into what we are thinking or feeling that may be drawing that energy to us. The more we impartially observe ourselves, the more we see the cause and effect of our beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and actions, and the underlying ego-based mechanism that keeps us in fear becomes more apparent.
Everything we perceive in our life is a metaphor or symbol for the energy behind it, even physical symptoms. That foot we keep spraining can symbolize our desire to not move forward. The injured hand can indicate ineffective or inappropriate ways we grasp at things. The frequent throat issue may be trying to show us that we need to express more clearly what we want. These types of physical problems manifest because we attract the energy that our aura emanates, which is the totality of the energy of who we are in this incarnation, including all of our conscious and subconscious energies, good and bad, spiritual and fearful.
The metaphors and symbols go well beyond the body. A flat tire on our vehicle may also symbolize a desire not to move forward. A frustratingly long line at the store can reflect our inner frustration and impatience. Our promotion at work may be an acknowledgement of our self-confidence and self-worth. The frequent water leaks in our basement can indicate the level of emotional distress in the house.
If we don’t begin to notice and handle the negative thoughts, emotions, and operating mechanisms we wish to be rid of, those energies reinforce themselves and over time can manifest into physical or emotional distress. We want to stop the negative manifestations and encourage and sustain the positive. When we become more aware of our surroundings as they relate to our subconscious operating processes, we will see metaphors and symbolism all around us that we created and invited for our own growth.
Remember, we are perfect creators and this three-dimensional world is our manifesting canvas. Everything—EVERYTHING —we see in our physical world has its energy first birthed in the totality of the energy of our consciousness. Just like looking at a drawing by a child can give us an insight into his or her thinking and/or emotions, witnessing the world around us as an effect on a canvas can show us the lessons we have come here to learn (the perceived imperfections we have come here to heal) in order to find our way back to recognizing the God within.
So, any step toward listening to the voice of God over the voice of the ego is healing. Any step toward noticing our dysfunctional energies is a step on the path of spiritual growth. Any transmutation of negative thoughts or emotional patterns into positive ones is fulfilling our purpose here. Our birthright—who we are —is seeing with the eyes of God and any infinitesimal movement toward recognizing this is what healing and spiritual growth is all about.