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I HELD ONTO THE ARMREST as the truck rocked over the bumpy desert floor. He was clearly pissed as hell at my suggestion of a one-night stand, but if anyone had the right to be angry it was me. He was just like everybody else. He had no faith in me. From his surprise declaration of wanting me, to I don’t trust you with my heart. He’d gone from zero to sixty and then back again in a split second.
But dammit, I still wanted to sleep with him. A girl didn’t give up her life’s ambition just because of a little discouragement.
He did some off-roading, taking us further away from the already sparse civilization, and then parked behind an abandoned, ramshackle house.
Daring it all, I unbuckled my seatbelt, crawled across the seat, and straddled his lap. I took his face in my hands and started peppering kisses over his cheeks and along his jaw.
“No, babe. This is sweet and all, but it’s not enough.”
I stopped the featherlight kisses and sat back, my bottom resting on his thighs. “I get it. You’re trying to teach me a lesson. Acting like such a bastard that I won’t want you?”
“You gave me one night. This, babygirl, is impatience. So let’s try this again. Take off those Frankenstein boots and get naked and prove to me that you want me.”
I scrambled off his lap and started unbuckling my boots. I could feel the teardrops hitting through the thin fabric of my pants.
All these years I’d fantasized romantic nonsense, imagining my first time with the man of my dreams. The only thing about tonight that had anything to do with romance was the moon. It spilled its silver light over the abandoned house with the broken out windows and the barren landscape. Good. Maybe this is what I needed to burn Rowley Ford out of my mind forever.
I was still trying to work the lace shirt over my head when he reached around and popped open my bra.
I wriggled out of my pants and panties. I hadn’t even gotten them down to my ankles before he shifted near me, away from the steering wheel. He spread my pussy lips apart.
“Jesus, what have we got here?” He lifted the metal ring and then let it drop so that the little barbell hit my clit. He did it again and again until the buzzing in my clit spread through my entire body. My mind tried to process the fact that Rowley Ford was playing with my pussy.
He drew his finger up my slit and I pulled in a shivery breath.
“Lay down,” he demanded.
He repositioned himself and then scooped his hands beneath me and cupped my naked bottom. He raised me to his mouth. My whole body was trembling. My first deep Rowley kiss was going to be him thrusting his tongue into my pussy.
He teased me, lapping at my pink folds, licking, and sucking, but never penetrating. I squirmed with frustration. Another pass of his big hot tongue over my opening.
“Rowley, please,” I begged and bucked against his mouth.
I clutched at the leather seat in anticipation, anxious for the deep plunge of his tongue. I arched myself higher. Surely that would do the trick. But his hot, wet mouth continued to tease me.
Finally, he stiffened his tongue and stroked deep inside me. My toes curled.
Delicious sensory overload; his strong fingers gripping me, his tongue licking up inside me, his stubble rubbing against my inner thighs, his dark head between my thighs. My pussy spasmed. He lifted his head and looked at me, clearly surprised at how quickly I’d come.
I lay trembling as the orgasm played itself out. My knees were still splayed open, the air feeling cool against my heated sex. I was unable to pull myself together, but he was already onto something else.
He reached across and flipped open the glove compartment. He rummaged through everything and when he didn’t immediately find what he was looking for, he started dumping everything out onto the floor; manuals, old registrations, sunglasses.
He finally pulled out a strip of condoms, and tore one off at the perforation. He slammed the compartment shut, leaving the stuff strewn on the floor.
He unbuckled his leather belt, lifted his hips, and worked his jeans and boxer briefs down. I swallowed hard as his cock sprung free. He was proportionate everywhere. I averted my eyes as he put on the condom.
He scooped me up and I straddled him again. I shoved my hands under his t-shirt. His body was hot. His hard muscles moved under his smooth skin. He was completely foreign to me. I couldn’t help but compare him to my ex, who, though tall, was narrow and thin with very little muscle tone. It was like they were from two different species.
I wanted to go slow and explore every inch of him, but I could tell I was making him crazy. He wanted everything now, this instant. He guided his cock into me. All of a sudden all my sexy ideas hit a roadblock. I hadn’t been prepared for the sheer girth of him. I lifted myself off his cock.
“C’mon, babe, you’ve been married.” He said the word married like it was a sin, a sin I’d committed against him somehow.
“Not to someone with a monster-sized cock.”
“Hell, is that meant as a compliment?”
I was clinging to him, my eyes tightly shut. I stayed suspended, holding myself up on my knees.
“You want off this ride, babe?” he asked.
My eyes flew open to find him scrutinizing me. If I answered ‘yes’, he would toss my naked ass onto the seat next to him so fast it would make my head spin. But it was clear he didn’t want me to take that option, his lids were heavy with lust, his hands were clamped to my hips.
What the hell was I doing? This was my man (even if I only got him for one night). Instead of enjoying him and trying to accommodate him I was going to whine about him being too big like that was a bad thing.
“I want you,” I said emphatically.
I wrapped my arms around his neck hoping for one real kiss from him first. I traced his firm lips with my tongue. I could taste myself on him. He groaned as I made a second pass with my tongue and dug his hands into my hair, bringing me in close, crushing his lips against mine and then forcing my mouth open with his. He kissed me hard, and long, and thoroughly.
I made a small noise of complaint as he broke the kiss, but a tingle coursed through me when I realized he wasn’t done with his mouth. He lowered his head and drew in one of my nipples and started sucking. I could feel that pulling sensation all the way down to my pussy. He moved his head to the other nipple and gave it the same attention.
My whole body was pulsing by the time he lifted his head. His gaze locked on mine. It was clear what he wanted. Clutching his big shoulders, I kept my focus on his eyes and lowered myself onto the thick head of his cock again. All that kissing and sucking had definitely made my pussy slicker but it was still painful.
I stopped again, awed by how much more there was yet to go. My thighs were shaking with the effort of holding myself aloft. I was going to suggest doing it on the bed of the truck so I could be underneath, since he was clearly too tall to manage it in the cab. But talking logistics sounded very unsexy and I’d already done too much gabbing in my nervousness.
“Are you going to keep thinking about it or are you going to do it?” he growled. “Because, frankly, baby, the suspense is fucking killing me.”
“I’m doing my best. Don’t get so aggravated.”
“All this attitude goes away once I'm inside that pretty, tight cunt of yours.”
His fingers bit into my hips and he started bringing me down, with the restraint of a saint, judging by the tension I felt in his body. He moved me incrementally. Every inch or so I figured I’d reached my limit, but I was always surprised when I could take more. My fingers couldn’t get a good grasp on his hard muscular shoulders so I had to make do with scrunching his shirt.
As it turned out, he really was too big at this angle. I had to lean back, my shoulders propped against the dash, so that he could seat himself fully. I lifted my hands to my nipples, still wet from his sucking, and tugged on them and watched his eyes darken with desire.
He started lifting himself off the seat, pumping up inside me, and I could feel my pussy getting accustomed to him, melting around him, clutching at him.
Having a powerful male body taking complete control, was not what I was used to—at all. Sex with Rowley was head-spinning.
His strokes were so deep and slick and hot that I lost all inhibition. I moaned and cried his name.
He reached between us and fiddled with the barbell ring, twanging my clit, making my whole body hum.
I arched my back as I climaxed. “I love you,” I said in a whisper.
He stilled for a moment, clearly shocked, and then started thrusting again, but his movements had become reckless.
When his big frame shuddered in release, I wanted to hold him and kiss him, but he just set me aside.
We put our clothes back on in silence. Really all he had to do was yank up his jeans and button himself up. I didn’t bother trying to wriggle into my tights. I stuffed them into one of my boots and then pulled my bare legs up into a cross-legged position on the leather bench.
The truck rocked over the sand as we made our way back to the street. He drove one-handed, his thumb rhythmically tapping on the steering wheel. He was still frustrated. Sex hadn’t pacified him.
For me there was just regret. I’d made the mistake of my life. Damn, if he hadn’t been more skilled than I’d even anticipated. He’d managed to make sex in the front seat of a pickup a life-altering experience. I’d traded one night with him for a lifetime of being unfulfilled.
I WOKE TO FIND I WAS still in the truck, my legs curled up on the seat, my head pillowed against the door. I sat up and looked out the window. The landscape had changed from moonlit desert to fog-filled town streets. I straightened up and smoothed my hair. Rowley shot me a glare. The scenery had changed, but his attitude sure hadn’t. He was more than aggravated, he was angry.
“You give me one damned night. Hell, more like an hour, and then you fall asleep.”
I wasn’t up for another lecture about how unreliable I was. I turned my head and stared hard at the foggy landscape.
The moment he pulled into the driveway, I grabbed up my boots prepared to jump out the second he parked the truck.
I yanked on the door handle. Nothing. Okay, getting out of this truck required a two-step process. I couldn’t see where the button was in the dark so I just started pressing any button my fingers came in contact with. He flipped on the overhead light and I quickly located the unlock button and pressed it. I heard the click just before I tried the handle, and, of course, the handle wouldn’t give. The driver’s side obviously had a priority lock that overrode the passenger’s side.
“Rowley, what do you want from me?”
“Why? Are you prepared to give it to me?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe.”
“Shit, maybe.”
“You are impossible. I admitted that the therapy couldn’t cure me. That I still have it bad for you.” I didn’t bring up the fact that I’d just expressed my love for him in the heat of passion.
“Baby, that’s just puppy love.”
I wasn’t going to sit there and have him explain away all that longing and heartache as teenage silliness. I often referred to it as a crush, but I knew what it really was, true but unrequited love.
“You forget how well I know you,” he said, ignoring my frustrated efforts to get out of the truck. “In junior high you were off changing sets of friends every few seconds. One moment you were a member of the chess club, the next you were smoking cigarettes in the park with the metalheads. Nobody was permanent in your life.”
I glanced over at him. He gave me a look that said don’t even try to suggest that he was a permanent figure. He was going to use my avoidance of him against me. There was no point in trying to defend myself. He wasn’t in the mood to believe me. I hit the unlock button again, and yanked the handle fast, and swung the door open.
“If you’re done lecturing me, I’m going to bed.” I dropped to the ground, the cement cool beneath my bare feet.
“Well, I wasn’t done.”
I turned to stare up at him, the interior light illuminated his handsome face. I’d never seen him look so unhappy. Wow, I’d really left him satisfied.
“Let’s just pretend tonight never happened.” I shut the door.
Not so easy to pretend it never happened when I was still sore. I concentrated on walking as normally as I could to the guesthouse.
So much fuss about nothing. In the end, he was going to go back to Kat or get with some other woman who was a predictable, solid citizen.
I heard his door shut hard followed by his footsteps coming up behind me. With his long strides it only took him a few moments to catch up with me. “I’m not pretending shit. And you owe me the rest of the night.”
I gave him a fine-whatever shrug. But indifference was the last thing I felt. I might be sore, but I wanted him again.
My hand was trembling so much that I couldn’t get the key into the lock. Why was I so nervous? We’d already done it once. He took the key from me and swiftly unlocked the door.
He flicked on the wall light and the first thing he did was turn his face in the direction of the unpacked boxes still stacked against the wall. He shook his head and slid me an incredulous look. Those boxes were just another sign of my mercurial nature. I couldn’t be trusted to stay in one place for long.
I grabbed two ice-cold bottles of water from the fridge before heading into the bedroom.
I handed him one. I sipped mine. He guzzled his. He tossed the empty bottle on the floor.
He crooked his finger in my direction and I set my bottle down on the nightstand and came to stand in front of him.
He had me naked from the waist up and on my back atop the bed in seconds. His gaze was intent as he helped me out of my skintight pants.
He sat down on the edge of the bed and removed his boots. My mouth watered with anticipation as he drew his shirt over his head and tossed it on the chair.
Before shucking off his jeans, he pulled what was left of the strip of condoms out of his pocket and set it on the nightstand.
He was breathtaking naked. Adonis with a few well-earned scars, black ink tattoos, and a five o’clock shadow.
Having him fuck me on a mattress proved an entirely different experience. He had even more stamina, more than I could handle. But I didn’t complain once. Instead, I savored every last moment with him.