- AAA/Aaa rating
- Accelerated depreciation
- Access person
- Accredited investors
- Accumulation stage
- Accumulation units
- Acid test/quick ratio
- Active portfolio management
- Active rebalancing
- Adjustable rate preferred stock
- Adjustment bonds
- Administrative orders
- Administrative records
- ADRs (American depository receipts)
- ADSs (American depository shares)
- Advance decline line
- Advertising
- Affiliated person
- Agency cross transaction
- Agency issues
- Agency securities
- Agent(s):
- changes in employment of
- defined
- registration of
- specialist/DMM as
- AIR (assumed interest rate)
- All-or-none orders
- Alpha
- Alternative funds
- Alternative minimum tax (AMT)
- American depository receipts (ADRs)
- American depository shares (ADSs)
- American Stock Exchange (Amex)
- Amortization, of bond premium
- AMT (alternative minimum tax)
- Analysis:
- fundamental
- of limited partnerships
- of municipal bonds
- technical
- yield-curve
- Annualized rate of return
- Annuities
- borrowing from
- mutual funds vs.
- payment size of
- payout options with
- pretest
- purchase options with
- recommending
- types of
- Annuitizing the contract
- Annuity units
- Arbitrage
- Arithmetic mean
- “A” shares
- Assets. See also Residual assets, shareholders' claims to
- Asset allocation
- Asset allocation funds
- Asset rebalancing
- Assumed interest rate (AIR)
- At-the-money options
- Auction Rate Securities
- Authorized stock
- Automatic reinvestment
- Average cost
- Backdating
- Back-end loads
- Backing away
- Balanced funds
- Balance of payments
- Balance of trade
- Balance sheet
- Balloon maturity
- BANs (bond anticipation notes)
- Banking, retail
- Bank of the Cooperatives
- BBB/Baa rating
- Bearer bonds
- Bearish option investors
- Beneficiaries (annuity)
- Best market
- Beta
- Blanket bonds
- Blanket recommendations
- Blind pools
- Blind recruiting advertisements
- Blocked Persons
- Blue sky laws
- Boards of directors
- Bonds
- in balanced funds
- convexity of
- corporate. See also Corporate bonds
- municipal. See also Municipal bonds
- and portfolio management
- pretest
- Bond anticipation notes (BANs)
- Bond certificates
- Bond funds
- Bond immunization
- Bonding, of key employees
- Bond ratings
- Bond ratio
- Bond swaps
- Bonus annuities
- Book entry bonds
- Book value
- Book value per share
- Borrowing from clients
- Bottom up analysis
- Breakpoints
- Breakpoint sales
- Breakpoint schedules
- Brochures
- Brokers, dealers vs.
- Broker call loan rate
- Broker dealers:
- defined
- and firewalls
- registration of
- regulation of
- and Rule 200 updates
- “B” shares
- Bullish option investors
- Business decision exception (to ERISA rules)
- Buy-and-hold managers
- Buy limit orders
- Buy stop orders
- Bypass trusts
- Day orders
- DEA (designated examining authority)
- Death:
- Debentures
- Debt securities, see Bonds
- Debt service ratio
- Debt-to-equity ratio
- Declaration date
- Dedicated portfolio management
- Default risk
- Defeasance
- Defensive industries
- Deferred compensation plans
- Defined benefit plans
- Defined contribution plans
- Deflation
- Depreciation
- Depression
- Designated examining authority (DEA)
- Designated market maker (DMM)
- Directed transactions
- Direct investment
- Direct participation programs. See also Limited partnerships
- Direct participation programs (DPPs)
- Disbursement of dividends
- Disclosure
- Discount bonds
- Discount rate
- Disintermediation
- Dissolving a partnership
- Distributions
- Diversification
- Diversified mutual funds
- Dividends:
- and balance sheet
- on cumulative preferred stock
- disbursement process for
- distribution of
- on preferred stock
- on REITs
- and risks of common stock ownership
- selling
- on straight preferred stock
- taxation of
- types of
- Dividend discount model
- Dividend growth model
- Dividend payout ratio
- Dividend reinvestment program (DRIP)
- Dividend yield
- DMM (designated market maker)
- DNR (do not reduce)
- Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act of 2010
- Dollar cost averaging
- Donations, charitable
- Do not reduce (DNR)
- Double-barreled bonds
- Double-entry bookkeeping
- Double ETFs
- Downward trend lines
- DPPs (direct participation programs)
- DRIP (dividend reinvestment program)
- “D” shares
- Dual-auction markets
- Durable power of attorney
- Duration (bonds)
- Earnings available to common
- Earnings per share fully diluted
- Earnings per share primary
- ECNs (electronic communication networks)
- Economics
- domestic policy
- international monetary considerations
- pretest
- schools of economic thought
- Economic indicators
- Economic policy
- Educational IRA
- EE Bonds
- EFC (expected family contribution) rate
- Effective duration
- Efficient frontier
- Efficient market theory
- Electronic communication networks (ECNs)
- Electronic trading
- Emergency withdrawal
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)
- Employees, bonding of
- Employee stock options
- Employers, 401K plans and
- Equipment, cash purchases of
- Equipment trust certificates
- Equities
- in balanced funds
- book value of
- common stock
- defined
- direct participation programs
- dividends on
- limited partnerships
- preferred stock
- pretest
- Equity funds
- Equity income funds
- Equity-indexed annuities
- Equity-linked notes
- ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974)
- ERISA 404C Safe Harbor
- Estate taxes
- ETFs (exchange-traded funds)
- ETNs (exchange-traded notes)
- Eurobonds
- Eurodollar bonds
- Examinations, for investment advisers
- Exchange member broker dealers
- Exchange (conversion) privileges
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
- Exchange-traded notes (ETNs)
- Ex-dividend date (ex date)
- Execution system, Nasdaq
- Exempt issuers
- Exempt securities
- Exempt transactions
- Exercised option
- Exercise price
- Expansion
- Expected family contribution (EFC) rate
- Expected return
- Expired option
- Ex-rights date
- Extension risk
- Face-amount certificates
- Face-amount companies
- Family limited partnerships
- Federal Farm Credit System
- Federal funds rate
- Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac)
- Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
- Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
- Federal Land Bank
- Federally covered exemptions
- Federally covered investment advisers
- Federally covered securities
- Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
- Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
- Federal Reserve Board (FRB)
- Fee-based management
- FHA (Federal Housing Administration)
- Fidelity bond
- Fiduciaries
- Fiduciary accounts
- FIFO (first-in, first-out) method
- Fifth Amendment
- Fill or kill orders
- Final prospectus
- Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
- Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
- corporate website regulations
- 5 percent markup policy
- member communications with the public
- Rule 2210 communications with the public
- Financial institutions, transactions with
- Financial records
- FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network)
- FINRA, see Financial Industry Regulatory Authority
- FINRA Rule 2210
- Firewalls
- First-in, first-out (FIFO) method
- Fiscal policy
- 501C3 organizations
- Five percent markup policy
- 529 plans
- Fixed annuities
- Fixed assets
- Fixed unit investment trusts
- Floor rate
- FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee)
- Footnotes (balance sheet)
- Foreign securities, taxes on
- Form ADV
- Form U5 termination notice
- Forwards
- Forward looking statements
- 401k plans
- 403B (public educational institutions)
- Fourth market
- Fraud
- FRB, see Federal Reserve Board
- Free lunch seminars
- Free services
- Friedman, Milton
- Front-end loads
- Front running
- Fulcrum fees
- Full discretion
- Full power of attorney
- Fully registered bonds
- Fundamental analysis
- balance sheet
- capitalization
- dividend valuation models
- income statements
- pretest
- top down/bottom up analysis
- and type of industry
- Funded debt
- Futures
- GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
- General obligation bonds (GOs)
- General partners
- General securities principal
- Generational skipping transfer tax (GSTT)
- Generational skipping trust
- Generic advertising
- Gifted securities
- Gifts (UGMA accounts)
- Gift taxes
- Ginnie Mae, see Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
- Globalization
- Good 'til cancel (GTC)
- GOs (general obligation bonds)
- Government bond funds
- Government debt securities
- Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
- Government securities
- agency issues
- pretest
- Treasury bills, notes, and bonds
- Treasury receipts
- Treasury STRIPs
- Grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT)
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Growth, as investment objective
- Growth and income (combination) funds
- Growth funds
- Growth industries
- GSTT (Generational skipping transfer tax)
- GTC (good 'til cancel)
- Guam
- Guarantees
- Guaranteed bonds
- Head-and-shoulders bottom
- Head-and-shoulders reversal
- Hedge, options as
- Hedge funds
- HH Bonds
- Highly leveraged company
- Holding period return
- IARD (Investment Adviser Registration Database)
- Immediate or cancel (IOC) orders
- Incentive stock option plans
- Income
- Income bonds
- Income statements
- Indenture
- Index funds
- Indexing
- Index-linked notes
- Indirect investment
- Individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
- Individual retirement plans
- Industrial development bonds
- Industrial revenue bonds
- Inflation
- Inherited securities
- Initial public offerings (IPOs)
- Inside information
- Inside market
- Insider Trading and Securities Fraud Enforcement Act of 1988
- Institutional communications
- Institutional investors
- Insurance companies
- Intangible assets
- Interest income, taxation of
- Interest-only CMOs
- Interest rates
- and bond yields
- and CMOs
- and convexity
- and general obligation bonds
- and reserve requirement
- universal life insurance
- and zero-coupon bonds
- Interest rate risk
- Interest rate sensitivity
- Internal rate of return (IRR)
- International indexes
- Interpretive opinions
- Inter vivos trusts
- In-the-money options
- Intrinsic value, of options
- Inverse relationships
- Investigations
- Investment advisers:
- additional compensation for
- capital requirements for
- contracts with
- custody of customer funds
- defined
- and 401K plans
- for investment companies
- persons controlling
- registration process for
- role of
- Investment Adviser Registration Database (IARD)
- Investment adviser representatives
- Investment Advisers Act of 1940
- Investment banks, firewalls for
- Investment companies. See also Mutual funds
- components of
- for mutual funds, see Mutual funds
- philosophy of
- pretest
- registration requirements for
- types of
- Investment Company Act of 1940
- and asset allocation model
- board of directors requirements
- investment company regulation under
- nonissuer transactions
- notice filing
- 75-5-10 test
- variable annuity company registration
- Investment counsels
- Investment grade bonds
- Investment objectives:
- and client profile
- with mutual funds
- ways to achieve
- IOC (immediate or cancel) orders
- IPOs, see Initial public offerings
- IRAs (individual retirement accounts)
- IRR (Internal rate of return)
- Irrevocable trusts
- Isolated nonissuer transactions
- Issued stock
- Issuer (defined)
- Joint annuity with last survivor
- Journal entry bonds
- Jumbo certificate of deposit
- Junk bonds
- Jurisdiction of state securities administrator
- Keogh (HR-10) plans
- Key employees, bonding of
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Keynesian economics
- Lagging indicators
- Large capitalization
- Last in, first out (LIFO)
- Leading indicators
- Lease rental bonds
- Legal list
- Legislative risk
- Letters of intent
- Level-load funds
- Liabilities
- LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate)
- Life insurance
- tax implications
- universal life
- universal variable life
- variable life
- variable universal life
- whole life
- Life only (straight life) annuity
- Life with period certain annuity
- LIFO (last in, first out)
- Limited discretion
- Limited liability, of common stockholders
- Limited liability companies (LLCs)
- Limited partnerships
- analysis of
- dissolution of
- as investment clients
- structuring/offering of
- tax considerations with
- types of
- Limited power of attorney
- Limit orders
- Liquidity
- Liquidity risk
- Listed securities
- LLCs (Limited liability companies)
- Loans
- London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
- Long calls
- Long positions
- Long puts
- Long stock long puts/married puts
- Long stock short calls/covered calls
- Long straddles
- Long-term liabilities
- Low-income housing
- Lump sum withdrawal (annuity)
- M1/M2/M3 money supply
- Maloney Act of 1938
- Margin accounts
- Markdown
- Market arbitrage
- Market capitalization
- Market indexes
- Market indicators
- Market makers
- Market on close orders
- Market on open orders
- Market orders
- Market risk
- Market theories
- Markup
- Married puts
- Master limited partnerships (MLPs)
- Material facts, omitting
- Material information
- Maturities
- Median
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Middle capitalization
- MIG ratings
- Misleading communications
- Misrepresentations
- MLPs (master limited partnerships)
- Mode
- Model Rule, NASAA
- Modern portfolio theory
- Monetary economics
- Money laundering
- Money market funds
- Money supply
- Moody's
- Moral obligation bonds
- Moral suasion
- Mortgage-backed bonds
- Mortgage-backed securities
- Mortgage bonds
- MSRB (Municipal Securities Rule Making Board)
- Municipal bonds
- analysis of
- in bond funds
- convexity of
- and IRAs
- premium amortization with
- and Securities Acts Amendments of 1975
- taxation of
- types of
- Municipal bond funds
- Municipal Securities Rule Making Board (MSRB)
- Mutual funds
- alternative funds
- automatic reinvestment of distributions from
- breakpoint sales of
- combination privileges with
- conversion/exchange privileges with
- diversified vs. nondiversified
- dollar cost averaging with
- and financial advisers' recommendations
- investment companies for
- investment company philosophy for
- investment objectives with
- investor voting rights with
- open-end fund share characteristics of
- open-end vs. closed-end
- portfolio turnover rates for
- pretest
- prospectus for
- recommending
- rights of accumulation with
- sales charges on
- share distribution from
- share valuation of
- 30-day emergency withdrawal from
- variable annuity vs.
- yields on
- Naked calls
- NASAA (North America Securities Administrators Association)
- NASAA Model Rule
- NASD (National Association of Securities Dealers)
- Nasdaq
- execution systems of
- fourth market
- market makers and
- nominal quotes and
- opening cross of
- and OTCBB
- and Pink Sheets
- subscription levels for
- third market
- Nasdaq closing cross
- Nasdaq Market Center Execution System (NMCES)
- Nasdaq official opening price (NOOP)
- Nasdaq opening cross
- Nasdaq TotalView
- National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
- National Association of Securities Dealers Quotation System, see Nasdaq
- National Securities Market Improvement Act of 1996
- Negative convexity
- Negotiable certificate of deposit
- Net asset value (NAV)
- Net capital
- Net income after taxes
- New housing authority (NHA) bonds
- Newspaper advertising
- New York Stock Exchange
- NMCES (Nasdaq Market Center Execution System)
- No-load mutual funds
- Nominal interest rate
- Nominal quotes
- Nominal yield
- Noncompetitive tenders
- Noncumulative preferred stock
- Nondiversified mutual funds
- Nonestablished issuers
- Nonfixed unit investment trust
- Noninterested person
- Nonissuer
- Nonissuer transactions
- Non-Nasdaq OTCBB
- Nonprofit organizations/tax-exempt organizations (501C3)
- Nonpublic material information
- Nonqualified retirement plans
- Nonqualified stock option plan
- Nonrecourse loan
- Nonsystematic risk
- Nonvoting stock
- NOOP (Nasdaq official opening price)
- North America Securities Administrators Association (NASAA)
- Not held orders
- Notice filing
- OCC (Options Clearing Corporation)
- Odd lot trading theory
- Offer (to sell/to buy)
- Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)
- OID (original issue discount)
- Open-end indentures
- Open-end mutual funds
- Opening cross
- Operating income
- Opportunity risk
- Options
- calls
- characteristics of
- classification of
- and correlation
- futures and forwards
- as hedge
- and managing a position
- possible outcomes for
- pretest
- puts
- tombstone advertisement approval with
- Options Clearing Corporation (OCC)
- Option premiums
- Option series
- Order shredding
- Original issue discount (OID)
- OTC bulletin board (OTCBB)
- OTC market, see Over-the-counter market
- Out-of-the-money options
- Outside solicitors
- Outstanding stock
- Overlapping debt
- Over-the-counter (OTC) market. See also Nasdaq
- PAC (planned amortization class) CMOs
- Painting the tape
- Parity price
- Participating preferred stock
- Partnership agreements
- Partnerships, see Limited partnerships
- Par value
- Passive portfolio management
- Patriot Act
- Payment date
- Payout, annuity
- Payroll deduction plans
- Peak
- Pegging
- Penalties, civil/criminal
- Penny stocks
- Pension consultants
- Pension fund managers
- Pension plans
- Performance-based compensation
- Periodic payment deferred annuities
- Periodic payment plans
- Perpetual income accounts
- Person (defined)
- PHA (public housing authority) bonds
- Pink OTC Market
- Pink Sheets
- Plan administrators/trustees
- Planned amortization class (PAC) CMOs
- Pledges of securities
- POP (public offering price)
- Portfolio income
- Portfolio management
- Portfolio turnover rate
- Positive convexity
- Power of attorney
- PPNs (principal protected notes)
- Preemptive rights
- Preferred stock
- Preferred stock ratio
- Preliminary prospectus
- Premiums
- Premium bonds
- Premium enhancement
- Preopening orders
- Preorganization certificates
- Prepaid tuition plans
- Prerefunded bonds
- Preservation of capital
- Price earnings ratio
- Price return
- Price weighted index
- Pricing:
- of bonds
- of mutual fund shares
- of Treasury bonds/notes
- Primary dealers
- Prime rate
- Principal, specialist/DMM as
- Principal-only bond registration
- Principal-only CMOs
- Principal protected notes (PPNs)
- Private investment companies
- Private-label CMOs
- Private placements
- Proceeds transactions
- Professional conduct
- Profit-sharing plans
- Progressive taxes
- Property taxes
- Proprietary trading systems
- Prospectus
- Prudent man rule
- Public educational institutions (403B)
- Public housing authority (PHA) bonds
- Public offerings
- Public offering price (POP)
- Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935
- Puerto Rico
- Puts
- Qualification
- Qualified purchasers
- Qualified retirement plans
- Quantitative analysis
- Quick assets
- Quick ratio
- UGMA (Uniform Gifts to Minors Act)
- UITs (unit investment trusts)
- Ultra ETFs
- Unauthorized transactions
- Uncovered calls
- Underwriters, transactions with
- Uniform Gifts to Minors Act (UGMA)
- Uniform Prudent Investors act of 1994 (UPIA)
- Uniform Securities Act (USA)
- agent registration under
- civil/criminal penalties under
- and exempt financial institution transactions
- and exempt securities
- penalties under
- state administrator's powers under
- State Securities Administrator pretest
- State Securities Administrator role/responsibilities
- term definitions
- term definitions pretest
- Units (common shares with warrants)
- Unit investment trusts (UITs)
- Universal life insurance
- Universal variable life insurance
- Unsecured bonds
- Unsolicited orders
- UPIA (Uniform Prudent Investors act of 1994)
- Upward trend lines
- USA, see Uniform Securities Act
- Utility stocks
- Valuation ratios
- Variable annuities
- Variable life insurance
- Variable Rate Demand Obligations (VRDOs)
- Variable rate securities
- Variable universal life insurance
- Veterans Affairs, U.S. Department of (VA)
- Voting rights
- VRDOs (Variable Rate Demand Obligations)
- Warrants
- Wash sales
- Weak-form efficiency
- Websites, FINRA regulations for
- Weighted returns
- Whole life insurance
- Withholding tax
- Working capital
- Wrap accounts
- Yankee bonds
- Yields
- Yield-curve analysis
- Yield spreads
- Yield to call
- Yield to maturity
- Zero-coupon bonds
- Z tranches