Minor Conversations was originally produced by Darryl Clements for The Playhouse West Repertory Theater Company—artistic director, Robert Carnegie, at Playhouse West Studio One, North Hollywood, California, July 2014. It was directed by Val Lauren; stage management, lights, and sound design by Michael Miraula; additional crew, Kelly Russo.
Below listed are the locations that the director chose to place all the vignettes. They may differ from the descriptions written in the original plays. They were all performed with nothing on a stage but a table and two chairs. The male role in the last vignette was cast with a woman. The cast was as follows:
The Room Before—A Waiting Room
JED..................Ross Gallo
TRISH..............Robyn Cohen
Wrong Side—A Living Room
SLOAN..............Mia Serafino
TED...................Danny Barclay
Clean It Up—A Locker Room
MAN..................Anton Narinsky
BUDDY...............Will McMahon
A Theory—A Restaurant
LUCY...................Keleigh Kremers
TINA....................Ariana Basseri
Cheating—A Kitchen
JUNE..................Mia Serafino
KASEY................Joseph Pease
No More—A Restroom
CARRIE..............Ashley Osborne
DEB......................Tera Conners
Right’s Right—A Park
TONY....................Danny Barclay
JACK.....................Jospeh Pease
The Last Conversation—A Café
KELLY...................Mia Serafino
SEAN....................Robyn Cohen