1. Elisabeth doesn’t have much confi dence in herself, something many of us struggle with. How can our faith help grow our confi dence?
2. Aaron has difficulty letting go of his past and accepting God’s forgiveness. Has there been a time when you had trouble accepting God’s mercy? What made you finally accept it?
3. Anna is afraid to tell Lukas the truth about her possible infertility because she’s afraid of losing Lukas. Do you agree with her decision? What should she have done?
4. Despite Aaron’s warnings, Elisabeth attends the party at the Schrocks’. Have you ever been warned against doing something, only to do it anyway? What lesson did you learn from that experience?
5. At the party Elisabeth stood up for her beliefs, despite peer pressure. Share a time when you defended your faith.
6. After her procedure, Anna decides to put her faith in God’s healing instead of seeking more medical treatment. That decision lands her in the hospital, and she has to accept the fact that she may never have children. Have you ever prayed for something and felt that God said no to your request? How did you respond?
7. The title, An Honest Love, is something the characters in the novel struggle with—honesty with each other and with themselves. Why do you think they had such a difficult time telling and accepting the truth?