Chapter Nine

Monday, August 20


Eliza tapped her pen against the desk in the library cubicle, surveying the books and papers piled around her on every side. Only eight days until the fundraiser, and only now had someone decided to offer donors packets of information about the history of jewelry-making in Providence. Couldn’t they have at least chosen a topic contained in the museum archives? It seemed ridiculous for Eliza to try to discover this material at the public library, with such a short time to go before the formal dinner.

She sighed. Just over two days since her morning at the beach with Jason, and already the fun sensuality of the occasion seemed like a distant memory. Just a few hours into Monday morning, and already she craved her husband’s body as powerfully as if she hadn’t seen him in years. Maybe she was getting addicted to him, much more powerfully than she had been at any point in their marriage so far.

Eliza fished her phone out of her purse and pulled up a picture of Jason. Affection surged through her even at the sight of the grainy, poor-quality image her cell phone’s camera had taken. Giving in to impulse, she opened her phone’s text-message interface and highlighted Jason’s name. Hope the interview went well! Any chance you can join me for a lunch break on the top floor of the library?

He texted back just a few moments later. As long as I don’t have to go outside.

Eliza winced in sympathy. His sunburn had been pretty bad—Jason theorized it had something to do with reflections off the surface of the water. She knew he’d felt bad showing up to a job interview with skin peeling everywhere. Eliza thought his prospective employer should pay more attention to his work record than to any recent mishaps with ultraviolet rays, but she understood Jason’s point about the importance of a professional appearance.

Her mouth curved in a wicked grin. His sunburn probably ought to dissuade her from the plan forming in her mind, but ever since the night at the club, she’d found that very little could dampen her enthusiasm for running her hands over Jason’s chest while his hard cock pumped inside her. Sunburn or no, Jason would like the thoughts parading across her mind. And she’d be careful with him.

Still smiling to herself, Eliza followed her habit of clearing and organizing her papers and materials before taking a break, behaving the same way at the library that she would have at her own desk. She had deliberately chosen a secluded area on the top floor, hidden from view, hoping to avoid interruptions and distractions. Excitement gathered between her legs as she considered the other benefits of her location, shadowed by huge floor-to-ceiling shelves heaped with archival material that interested few patrons.

She peered over the edge of the cubicle and saw no one. A few other cubicles scattered the area, nestled between the heavy shelves, but for the most part the top floor seemed deserted. A brief moment of paranoia made her check the ceiling. She probably wouldn’t recognize a hidden camera if she saw one, but she noticed no obvious signs of surveillance.

Eliza bit her lip, anticipation curling through her body as she imagined Jason’s pleased surprise and the erection that would no doubt rise against the front of his good charcoal interview pants. Hiding her body behind the cubicle, she kicked off her shoes and slid off her nylon stockings and panties, balling them up and stashing them in her purse. Never could she have predicted even thinking about having sex with her husband in a place like this, and the undeniable reality—that she was really doing it—pounded through her veins with a persistent arousal all its own.

Eliza’s phone buzzed softly in her purse, vibrating against her keys. She snatched it up and checked the message. Here. How do I find you?

Her grin felt endless and irrepressible. Go to the top floor and find the most out-of-the-way corner. Somewhere we will not be caught.

She held her breath and poked her head above the cubicle again, looking for him. He appeared a moment later, blowing her mind as always with his casual strength and easy good looks. She smiled and hid, bending over the desk and pretending to rummage in her purse, knowing full well the posture would reveal a hint of the bare flesh beneath her skirt.

Sure enough, before long, she felt a familiar, teasing hand run up the inside of her thigh. “My God,” her husband breathed. “What is all this?”

Eliza whirled toward him, barely remembering to be careful of his sunburn when she pulled him into her embrace. “I don’t know how we ever survived for weeks. I’m not even going to make it through the morning.”

“That sounds like a serious problem.”

“Very serious. The kind that requires drastic action.”

“This seems pretty drastic to me, if I’m reading you right.”

“You’ve got it right. You should have a seat.”

Jason shook his head as he sat in the low, wooden chair before the desk. It lacked armrests, Eliza noted with satisfaction. “Who are you and what have you done with my wife?”

Eliza rolled her eyes. “Is this really so out of character at this point?”

“I thought you were worried about getting caught.”

“You know what I’ve realized?” She let a slow, naughty smile spread over her face. “There are other libraries in this town.”

“Eliza Denny Wu! We could get arrested for what you’re proposing.”

Eliza sat on the surface of the desk facing him. She spread her legs slightly to give him a view up her skirt, and extended one foot to confirm the existence of the erection she suspected would already be there. She raised an eyebrow as she began to massage it with her toes. “I don’t think we will,” she murmured. “And even if we do get in trouble…” She leaned forward to whisper so her breath heated his face. “I think it would be worth it.”

“You want to do this even with the sunburn?”

“I don’t think anything about you could turn me off.” Eliza slipped off the desk and onto his lap. “We ‘re both going to have to be very quiet,” she whispered as she unzipped his pants.

“Seriously, when did you get so wild?”

“Don’t you like it?”

“Are you kidding? I’m in danger of coming the second you touch my cock.” The hard consonants in the word “cock” made up the loudest sounds in Jason’s sentence. Eliza smiled and repeated the word, slipping her fingers into the opening of his boxers and stroking the organ in question.

Jason sucked a breath in through his teeth as Eliza spread her legs around him and settled herself onto him. “When did you get so wet?”

“What is this, twenty questions? You’d think you’d know better than to question a moment like this.” She let her eyelids sink closed as he slid inside her, savoring the exquisite sensation of his body filling and stretching hers. “If you must know,” Eliza said, nibbling his earlobe between her words, “I got wet like this as soon as I started thinking about taking you here like this.”

Jason’s hands came up around her hips and he guided her as she worked herself up and down. Eliza set a hard pace, angling her hips to send his cock in the most pleasing direction. Sometimes, an orgasm built and gently released from her body. Other times, it burst forth, born of pressure and tension and intensity. She sought this latter sort of orgasm now, biting her lip to remain silent despite the aching pleasure of Jason’s cock inside her.

Her husband’s breath quickened. His mouth opened, but he, too, remained silent. Eliza met his eyes and grinned, gleefully. His expression echoed hers, but his eyes also filled with awe. She loved that—loved how excited her idea had gotten him. Eliza moved faster, and Jason’s arms molded around her, supporting her and urging her on.

“Eliza,” he whispered, “I love you.”

Her eyes opened wide. Jason rarely said the words, and Eliza didn’t bother him about it. She knew how he felt about her, and didn’t need to force the admission out of it. Still, the sentence pleased her whenever he chose to say it. “You, too,” she mouthed to him, then threw herself back into their mutual pursuit of orgasm.

The danger of their location intensified every sensation, and inspired Eliza to move faster than she might otherwise have been capable of. He pounded into her, and the need to refrain from loud noises made the pleasure within her even more acute.

Jason made a strangled noise in the back of his throat and came. Eliza rode the last of his thrusts and ground her clit against his pelvis, succeeding in finding release just in time. Waves of orgasm took hold of her. She flailed her arms and choked down the moans threatening to rise from her chest.

The loud noise that started from speakers all around them puzzled Eliza at first, still dazed as she was by the haze of pleasure that had collected around the two of them. It sounded like a flock of ducks, all quacking at once. She blinked at Jason, who also seemed disoriented. Then his gaze settled on Eliza’s hand, and he mouthed a curse, spilling her off his lap. Eliza squeaked in protest at the loss of his intimate touch, then followed Jason’s eyes to the small red box where her fingers rested.

Fire alarm. How had she missed that?

Footsteps echoed up to the library’s high ceilings as patrons rushed down its big central spiral staircase, heading for the exit. Eliza sighed. She had wanted a minute at least to bask in the afterglow and the pleasant warmth of her husband’s body. Jason stifled a laugh with the back of his hand.

“Oh, this is awesome,” Jason said. “This is really special. This is one for the ages.”

He tugged his pants closed. Eliza grabbed her papers and purse, fiercely grateful for the organizational routine she always followed. “Let’s go,” she said, setting a quick pace toward the staircase. Her thighs slid against each other, slick from their juices, and the smell of sex rose strongly from between her legs. Eliza’s face heated, but she did not allow her pace to slow. Jason rushed behind her. He touched the back of her neck possessively as they joined the crowd of evacuating library patrons.

Eliza smiled at him over her shoulder, and had to stifle a laugh of her own as the people around her grumbled about having to leave the building. “Teenagers, probably, goofing around,” someone said. Eliza wanted to giggle, thinking of how she and Jason were the ones guilty of the goofing around in question. She wondered if anyone came close to guessing.

Library personnel buzzed around the entrance, holding doors for the flood of exiting patrons and whispering urgently to each other. A siren howled in the distance. Eliza didn’t realize she’d stopped walking until Jason’s hands closed around her hips and guided her gently forward. “What say we get out of here, Mrs. Wu?” he murmured in her ear.

“Probably a good idea to leave the scene of the crime.”

“Did you get your research done?”

“Enough. They get what they pay for, having me start this late in the game.”

“Right.” Jason steered her to the parking lot. “Want a ride back to the office?”

She sighed. “I wish we could go back to that beach. I haven’t had nearly enough of you.”

“Well, I’m not sure the interviewers were into a guy with a blatant sunburn. I don’t think I’m confident enough to start screwing off at the current job.”

“Yeah, it’s wishful thinking anyway. The museum owns my ass until that fundraiser. There’s no real escape at the moment, even if I wish there was.”

Her husband’s fingers interlaced with hers. “Might not be so bad if the two of us are longing for each other all the time.”

“I don’t know. Feels pretty bad to me.”

“It’s better than if we didn’t miss each other.”

Eliza smiled faintly. “I guess. But I do miss you. I can’t wait until we can go home after work and have wild sex all over the house without fear of injury.”

“Or sneezing fits,” Jason added.

“Jason?” Eliza said as he opened her car door for her.

He paused on his way to the driver’s side. “Yeah?”

“I do think you were right.”

His mischievous expression spread over his face. “Which time?”

“About how we’re going to be okay. Maybe knowing how to have fun together doesn’t mean we’re immature. Maybe it means we can make it through challenges with a sense of humor.”

“Yeah?” His face lit up. “I certainly hope so,” Jason said. “Because if I’ve been doing it wrong all this time, I don’t think I want to do it right.”