Friday, July 20
Eliza had sworn to Jason that she would get out earlier tonight, Friday night, so they could spend some time together. She hadn’t really seen him on Thursday, after arriving home late and falling exhausted into bed almost immediately. She hadn’t even remembered to ask him about his job interview.
Yet here she sat in her office at 8:30 again, still far from finished with the day’s work and needing to sort and pack up a million papers before going home. She closed her eyes and inhaled. The bunch of lavender on her desk had lost its calming effect several days ago—she now associated it with the effort to remain calm, not the feeling of actually achieving that state.
The dreaded text message buzz rattled her phone. Mind if I come inside and wait in your office? Eliza grimaced. Jason had probably already waited for fifteen minutes at least.
Sure. I’ll come to the door and let you in.
He kissed her on the cheek when she opened the front door and followed her back to the room where she’d spent more than twelve hours that day. “Are you the last one here?”
“I think so.”
“What about everybody else? They don’t have you planning this fundraiser singlehandedly, do they?”
“With the way budget cuts have hit us, it’s pretty close.”
“I don’t think I approve. Think you could get them to hire an intern or something? I want my wife back.”
Eliza smiled. “Maybe next year.” She settled back at her desk. “I just have to close up some files, send a couple of emails and clear off my desk.”
“I don’t know how I feel about this clean desk thing of yours. I end up waiting for it all the time.”
“It’s really the only way I keep my sanity.”
Jason settled into the chair she kept in the corner of her office for impromptu meetings. He drummed his fingers on its arm. When he turned his head to look around, she noticed the brilliant purple bruise over his temple. “How is that doing?”
“You were right about the boxing. I’m getting that one a lot.”
“It’s your arm muscles.”
He smiled briefly. “Thanks.” His habitual mischief crossed his face a moment later. “Really, I should tell everyone the truth. Next time someone asks I’ll say my wife struck me in the throes of passion.”
“You wouldn’t.”
He winked. “Don’t tempt me.”
“How was the interview yesterday morning? I’m sorry I forgot to ask last night.”
“Other than the awkward conversation about the bruise, I think it went all right. I’ve got a shot at the job, as long as they don’t decide I’m the type to get into barroom brawls.”
“They’d be stupid not to hire you.” Eliza blew him a kiss. “But let me stop talking so I can finish up and get out of here. I hate keeping you waiting.”
One side of Jason’s mouth rose in a naughty half-smile. “About that… I thought tonight we might not be in such a hurry to get out of your office.”
“What are you talking about?”
He performed a theatrical sweep of their surroundings. “I don’t see any contractors here. Also no parking brakes or other lethal weapons. You did say your coworkers have gone home.”
“You’re not suggesting… We just did the car thing a couple of days ago.”
“Neither of us wants to wait three weeks again. Right, Eliza? Think about it.” Jason got out of his chair and came over to her desk. Pushing a stack of papers out of the way, he took a seat on its surface.
“I was working on those.” She frowned but the expression eased when Jason trailed a teasing finger down the side of her face.
“If we take a little break right now, I won’t mind so much if I have to wait for you to file every single one of those. I might even go get us takeout while you finish up.”
Eliza set her lips in mock severity. “A tempting offer.”
“What if I can’t concentrate on closing things out after we take this break of yours?” She touched his thigh and let her fingers slide up until she could feel his cock stirring through his pants. “You might really distract me.”
“You know what’s going to distract you? If you have to go another week or more without getting any and you’re left all tense and angry with me. What did you call it? ‘Self-preservation’?”
“I think I might have created a monster with that one.”
“Probably so.” Jason leaned forward and cupped the back of Eliza’s head, drawing her into a long, breathless kiss. “I’ve been saving that for you all day,” he murmured when they separated.
Eliza lifted her hands in a gesture of defeat. “I don’t know how I’m supposed to hold out against that move.”
“Don’t.” Jason kissed her again, shifting his weight until he pressed her down into her desk chair, one hand on each armrest. He moved seamlessly off the desk and onto Eliza, the chair creaking ominously under the weight of two bodies.
She laughed, picturing a new entry in their string of mishaps. “Jason, I don’t think this chair can handle us both.”
“Well,” he said with a sly smile. “I guess I’ll just have to get down.”
“Huh?” Eliza began, but trailed off when he glided down her body to kneel below the chair, nipping and kissing all the way. He ended under her desk, tucked into the space between her legs, his head partway beneath her slid-up skirt and his breath hot against her panties. “Jason!” Eliza hissed. “We can’t do this here!”
“Name one good reason,” he said, then his tongue began to speak to her another way. He pressed it flat against her clit through her panties and wriggled a finger under the elastic band to seek out her slit.
Eliza sucked in a breath and grabbed the back of her husband’s head with one hand. Her other slapped against the surface of the desk and clenched into a fist. She meant to pull him away, but a few more swipes of his tongue and she changed direction, directing him tightly against her, then removing her hand as tacit permission to do as he would.
“Mmm,” Jason said into her crotch. “Seeing no objections…” He licked her inner thighs, setting off a squirming pleasure that made it impossible for Eliza to prevent her leg from kicking forward, her high-heeled shoe colliding against the metal back of the desk with a clang. Eliza bit her lip to hold back words and moans and arched her head back against her desk chair.
Jason did not let up for a moment. He lightly bit her inner thighs, sucking the sensitive skin trapped between his teeth until Eliza shrieked in the back of her throat. She wrapped her legs around his back and squeezed helplessly, wanting him to turn his head to the center and focus on expanding the pleasure pooling in her clit.
“Jason, don’t tease.”
He released his mouthful of inner thigh. “Tease? What do you mean, ‘tease’?” His tongue’s next foray began at her hip and followed the line of her panties down around the top of her leg. He let his jaw brush her clit but otherwise ignored it. When he completed the circuit of her thigh, he shifted to the other side. Eliza pumped her hips toward his face, but he deftly avoided making contact with the parts of her she most wanted him to touch.
She shook her head and half laughed in frustration. “Jason. You are terrible.”
“Let me show you how terrible I am,” he whispered. In one quick motion, he jerked her panties down, off her hips. Eliza shrieked and wriggled her feet free of them, and Jason tucked them in a corner under the desk. No matter how deserted the office seemed, the idea of sitting at her desk without her panties made Eliza smooth her skirt down over her thighs, trying to cover herself.
Jason clucked his tongue and pushed her skirt up again, silencing any protest she might have made with a soft kiss between her legs that slowly increased in pressure and promised much more to come. Eliza sighed and spread her knees apart, letting him in and surrendering to the pleasure he offered despite the risk of their location.
Her husband flicked his tongue softly against her clit as he brought up a finger and stroked gently between her thigh and pelvis, then worked his way inward. He spread her folds apart, then ran the finger between outer and inner labia, then between her labia, then just inside her opening, each touch growing slicker as he gathered more of her wetness.
A low moan of pleasure rose from Eliza’s throat. She closed her eyes and sank back in the chair, focused entirely on Jason’s finger and tongue.
He slipped the finger inside her and she welcomed it, squeezing her muscles around it to intensify the sensation of it moving within her. His tongue slowed and applied firmer pressure, rolling her clit back and forth as it formed sensuous figure eights.
Tension built within Eliza. Her toes pointed. She scrabbled her hands over the surface of her desk, sending some papers to the floor and crumpling others. Jason chuckled from his hidden position but continued his thorough, patient effort to drive her utterly insane.
He introduced a second finger to join the first, then a third. His fingers stretched her enough that she could envision his cock entering her even as his tongue pleasured her. Eliza gasped and orgasm came over her as suddenly as she conjured the image. She clamped her teeth together to stifle her cry of pleasure, but an extended, feline growl still found its way out of her mouth.
Jason eased up with his tongue, giving her clit a break, but his fingers did not stop moving within her. Eliza moaned and tried to adjust herself in the chair—at some point, she had nearly fallen out of it. She shifted across a large wet spot that had spread over the upholstered seat. The damp fabric pulled her away from the fog of pleasure Jason had induced. “I hope that doesn’t stain,” she muttered.
Eliza sat up and pulled her hair out of her face with one hand, wiping sweat off her forehead with the back of the other. She glanced at the open office door. “Jason, let me at least get up and lock us in,” she said.
She felt his cheek muscles curve into a grin as he speared the three fingers into her and twisted them. Eliza gritted her teeth and made another noise in the back of her throat—which she managed to cut short when she glimpsed a figure moving down the hallway toward her office.
Eliza gasped and slapped the back of Jason’s head with one hand, working even harder to get hold of herself. “Hello? Who’s there?” Her husband jerked up and banged his head against the bottom of the desk. She winced at the distinctively male grunt of pain that burst from the vicinity of her legs. Jason’s fingers were still inside her. She glanced down to see his apologetic face. He seemed reluctant to move at all.
“Eliza? Are you okay?” She recognized the voice of Paul Genessee, who worked as administrative assistant to the museum’s executive director. “It sounded as if you were in pain.”
From under the desk, Jason snorted. Eliza kicked him lightly, hoping to cut off any oncoming laughter.
“I’m fine. I was stretching. Sorry I startled you,” Eliza said. “What are you doing here at this hour?” Her face burned.
Paul stopped in the doorway to Eliza’s office, leaned against the doorframe and grimaced. He dropped a big stack of files on the floor beside his feet. He pushed his glasses higher up his nose and ran one hand through already disheveled blond hair. “I forgot some stuff here. I’ve been taking work home lately. Things have been crazy.”
He didn’t seem to want to question Eliza’s story about stretching, and even as relief flooded her she wanted to quit while she was ahead. “Yeah,” Eliza said. “Definitely crazy. Anyway, I’m fine.”
She didn’t sound very convincing, however, because Jason chose that moment to withdraw his fingers, making her end her sentence with a little cry. Eliza kicked him again, harder this time, and smiled at Paul’s confused expression.
“Are you sure?” Paul said. “I’ve got some ibuprofen in my desk if you have a headache or something.”
“No! Thanks! I’m fine.” Her office smelled like sex. Paul wrinkled his nose, convincing Eliza he’d noticed.
“You should talk to the executive director. You look really tired.”
“The fundraiser will be over soon,” Eliza told him. “Until then, exhaustion is sort of part of the job description.”
Paul shrugged and looked prepared to linger for more conversation. Jason shifted position against her legs, making more suspicious rustling noises. He had to be dying down there, folding his tall body into such a small space. She took a deep, shaky breath and turned resolutely toward her computer screen to give Paul a hint he couldn’t ignore.
“Anyway,” she said, “I have a few more emails to send and then I can go home, so I should probably…”
“Right. Sorry,” Paul said. He crouched to retrieve the files. Eliza stiffened, realizing that angle afforded a chance to see Jason crouched between her legs. She held her breath. Every muscle in her body strained to hold still, to avoid making any noise that might call attention to her situation. She managed to unclench her fist and wave to Paul as he disappeared down the hall. Eliza listened for his footsteps receding, then the telltale beeps as he disarmed the alarm system so he could open the door.
The moment the door clicked shut behind him, she rolled her chair back from the desk to release her husband. “Oh my God! I can’t believe that just happened.”
Her juices glistened on Jason’s cheeks and jaw. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It really seemed like we were alone in here.”
Eliza scowled but could not deny the pleasant, persistent ache inside her body, where she had clenched around his pumping fingers as she came. She stroked the side of Jason’s face by way of thanks. She had to resist sinking into another sensual fog. “What if he’d walked around the desk to check on me?”
Jason shrugged. “It’s part of the fun, I think. The chance of getting caught makes it more exciting.” He crawled out from under the desk, handing Eliza her panties on the way. “We’re lucky he didn’t wait five more minutes. He might have found you naked on that desk with the keyboard shoved out of the way. I was just getting started.”
Eliza wrapped her arms around herself and sighed. She kissed her husband’s cheek, the smell of her own slippery arousal making her shiver. “It felt good, Jason, but it might have to be another for the ‘glad we did that once’ list. After what happened at my mother’s house, I just cannot handle getting caught at work.”
Jason exhaled and opened his arms to her. Eliza tucked herself against him, burying her face against his chest. “I’m sorry,” Jason said. “I don’t want you to feel bad about anything we’re doing.”
Eliza shook her head. “I don’t feel bad. I’m really glad we’re doing this. But work might be too close to home.”
He tilted her head up so she could see the faint smile on his face. “Your childhood home was definitely too close to home.”
She rolled her eyes. “Oh my God. Tell me about it. Way, way too close to home.”
“So are blue balls the punishment for my crimes?”
“Blue balls? Are you really going to try that one on me? Those aren’t real.”
Jason smirked. “Real or not, I’m going to be suffering until the next time I get inside you, Eliza. That’s what all of this is really about—how sexy my amazing wife is.”
“Tell you what,” Eliza said. “I think our friend Paul killed the mood for me in the office, but maybe we can figure something out at home? I hope the contractors haven’t left any nasty surprises. Surely no matter what they’ve done, we can at least get into the shower so I can give you a blowjob.”
“Sounds like a deal,” Jason said.
He seemed sad, and Eliza grabbed him in a tight hug. “Hey,” she said. “Don’t get me wrong. That was definitely one of the hottest things that has ever happened to me. I just want to make sure we at least manage to have sex where I won’t get caught by someone I know. That’s a little too crazy for me, I think. Maybe we’re overestimating how hard it is to have sex at home. We should make an effort to do it there, schedule the time or something. We don’t have to let cleaning interrupt us. We can get busy without getting into trouble all the time, right?”
Jason took her hands and took a deep breath. “Right.”