In the following select bibliography will be found full records of all the classic Poltergeist cases, together with a carefully-chosen cross-section of the most entertaining, interesting, puzzling, and remarkable ‘infestations’. Most of these works have been acquired specially for use in the preparation of this monograph; all have been studied, and many are cited in the text. For further examples of modern Poltergeist hauntings, the Journals and Proceedings of the various psychical societies, British and foreign, should be consulted. Newspapers and the periodical Press frequently print accounts of what have come to be known as ‘Poltergeist disturbances’.
Addison (Joseph), The Drummer, or the Haunted House. London, 1716. [Play based on the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’.]
Arago (François). [Case of Angélique Cottin.] [In the Journal des Débats, Paris, February, 1846.]
Aspinall (Sir Algernon E.). The Pocket Guide to the West Indies, London, 1927, pp. 99–105. [Account of the ‘haunted vault’ at Barbados.]
Authentic, Candid, and Circumstantial Narrative, An, of the Astonishing Transactions at Stockwell. London, 1772.
Barrett (Sir William F.), Poltergeists Old and New. [Part of Proceedings of the S.P.R., Vol. XXV, London, 1911.]
——, [The Derrygonnelly case.] [Part of The Dublin University Magazine for December, 1877.]
Berthelen (K. A.), Die Klopf und Spukgeister zu Oderwitz und Herwigsdorf-bei-Zittau. Zittau, 1864.
Bovet (Richard), Pandaemonium, or the Devil’s Cloyster. Being a further blow to Modern Sadducism [London, 1684].
Bozzano (Ernesto), Dei Fenomeni d’Infestazione. Roma, 1919.
Burton (Jean), The Heyday of a Wizard. New York, 1944. [A biography of D. D. Home, describing many paranormal displacements. An edition, with Foreword by Harry Price, will shortly be published in England.]
Carrington (Hereward), Historic Poltergeists. [Bulletin I, International Institute for Psychical Research. London (1935).]
——, The Phelps Case, 1850–1. [Part of Historic Poltergeists.]
Census of Poltergeists. [Part of The Times Literary Supplement, London, February 29, 1936.]
Chapman (Clive), The Blue Room. [Re the phenomena of the ‘Poltergeist girl,’ Pearl Judd.] Dunedin, 1927.
Christo (Homen) and Rachilde (Madame), Le Parc du Mystère. Paris, 1923. [Poltergeist phenomena in Portugal.]
Churchill (Charles), The Ghost [of Cock Lane]. London, 1763. [Poem.]
Clanny (W. Reid), A Faithful Record of the Miraculous Case of Mary Jobson. Monkwearmouth, 1841.
Cock-Lane Ghost, The, Being an Authentic Account of that Extraordinary Affair. London [c. 1800].
Colton (Caleb), Sampford Ghost. Tiverton [1810].
—, Stubborn Facts against Vague Assertions. Being an Appendix … [to Sampford Ghost]. Tiverton [1810].
Combermere (Mary, Viscountess) and Knollys (W. W.), Memoirs of Viscount Combermere. London, 1866. [Re the Barbados vault disturbances. In Vol. I, pp. 385–93.]
C[raster] (H. H. E.), The Drummer of Tedworth. Oxford, April 25, [Part of The Bodleian Quarterly Record, First Quarter, 1924.] 1924. [An informative article by Bodley’s Librarian.]
Crowe (Mrs. Catherine), The Night-Side of Nature. London, 1848.
[Curé d’Ars, Re the phenomena of the]. [Part of The Hibbert Journal, London, January, 1927.]
Davis (H. P.), Expose of the Newburyport Eccentricities … the Murdered Boy of the Charles Street Schoolhouse. Newburyport, Mass. [1873].
Doster (Allie M.), The Surrency Ghost. [Part of the Journal of the Am. S.P.R., New York, February, 1931.]
Durbin (Henry), A Narrative of Some Extraordinary Things that Happened to Mr. Richard Giles’s Children …. Bristol, 1800.
Evennett (H. O.), An Ancient Cambridge Poltergeist. [Part of The British Journal of Psychical Research, London, March-April, 1929.]
Flammarion (Camille), Haunted Houses. London, 1924. [The Calvados Castle case, etc.]
Fodor (Nandor), The Saragossa Ghost. [Part of Bulletin I, International Inst. for Psychical Research. London (1935).]
Footsteps of Spirits. A Collection of upwards of seventy well-authenticated stories of dreams, impressions, sounds …. London and New York [1859].
Fort (Charles), The Books of Charles Fort. New York, 1941. [Accounts of many Poltergeist and allied phenomena.]
Gerstmann (F. B.), Vorstellung des Gespenstes und Polter-Geistes welches in der Stadt Dortmundt und zwar in dessen Vatters Hause. Dortmund, 1714.
Glanvill (Joseph), A Blow at Modern Sadducism…. The Relation of the Fam’d Disturbance by the Drummer…. London, 1668.
——, Philosophical Considerations Concerning the Existence of Sorcerers and Sorcery. [Re the Drummer of Tedworth.] London, 1666.
——, Saducismus Triumphatus … [Part II]. London, 1681.
[Goldsmith (Oliver)], The Mystery Revealed …. Respecting the Supposed Cock Lane Ghost. London, 1742. [Recte 1762.]
Goodrich-Freer (Miss A.) and Bute (John, Marquess of), The Alleged Haunting of B[allechin] House. London, 1899.
Harper (Charles G.), Haunted Houses. London, 1907.
Heaton (James), The Extraordinary Affliction, and Gracious Relief of a Little Boy …. Plymouth, 1822.
History of Jenny Spinner, The, The Ghost of Knebworth House. (Written by Herself.) London, 1800. [A reprint of this tract appeared in A History of Knebworth House and its Owners, Letchworth, 1915.]
History of the Mysterious House, The, and Alarming Appearances at the Corner of Stamford Street, Blackfriars Road…. London [c. 1820].
Hives (Frank), Ju-Ju and Justice in Nigeria. [See Chapter V, ‘A Haunted Rest-House’.] London, 1930.
Hubbell (Walter), The Haunted House…. The Great Amherst Mystery. Saint John, N.B., 1879. [Re Esther Cox.]
Illig (Johann), Der Spuk von Gross-Erlach. Leipzig, 1916.
[Jervis (Mrs. Wm. Henley, Edited by)], A Hampshire Ghost Story. [Parts of The Gentleman’s Magazine, London, November and December, 1872.] [Re the Hinton Ampner Poltergeist.]
Joller (—), Darstellung selbsterlebter mystischer Erscheinungen. Zürich, 1863.
Kiesewetter (Carl), Geschichte des Neueren Occultismus. Leipzig [1891].
Lang (Andrew), Cock Lane and Common Sense. London, 1894.
——, ‘Death-Deeds’—A Bi-Located Story. [Re the Barbados vault disturbances.] [Part of Folk Lore, London, Vol. XVIII, pp. 376–90.]
——, Hauntings. [Article in the Encyclopœdia Britannica, Cambridge, 1910, Vol. XIII, pp. 67–8.]
——, Poltergeist. [Article in the Encyclopœdia Britannica, Cambridge, 1911, Vol. XXII, pp. 14–17.]
——, The Book of Dreams and Ghosts. London, 1897.
——, The Making of Religion. London, 1898.
——, The Poltergeist, Historically Considered. [Part of Proc, S.P.R., London, 1901–2, Vol. XVII, pp. 305–26.]
Lavater (Lewes [Ludwig]), De Spectris. Geneva, 1570.
——, Of Ghostes and Spirites Walking by Nyght, and of Strange Noyses, Crackes, and Sundry Forewarnynges … London, 1572. [English translation of De Spectris.]
Layard (John), PSI Phenomena and Poltergeists. [Part of Proc, S.P.R., London, July, 1944.] [A suggested explanation.]
Lytton (Bulwer), The Haunted and the Haunters. [Part of Blackwood’s Magazine, Edinburgh, August, 1859.]
Marvellous Magnetism. Inanimate Things Imbued with Movement by a Wonderful Invisible Power. [Part of the Pictorial Magazine, London, for April 19, 1902.] [The experiments of Szenitzi Baslovnáyá, of Buda-Pesth.]
Memoirs of Thomas Harrington with a short account of the lights which appeared in his house at Glandore. Cork, 1840.
Mercurius Publicus. London, No. 16, April 16–23, 1663, [Early mention of the Drummer of Tedworth.]
[Miles (Abraham)]. A Wonder of Wonders. London, 1662. [Broadside ballad, with the first known account of the ‘Drummer of Tedworth’.]
Middleton (Jessie A.), The Grey Ghost Book. [Berkeley Square Poltergeist, etc.] London, 1912.
Monnin (Alfred), Le Curé d’Ars. Paris, 1861.
——, Life of the Curé d’Ars. London [1862].
Montalembert (Adrien de). [Account of the disturbances at the nunnery of St. Pierre de Lyon.] Paris, 1528.
Moor (Edward), Bealings Bells. An Account of the Mysterious Ringing of Bells, at Great Bealings, Suffolk, in 1834. Woodbridge, 1841.
Müller (Egbert), Enthüllung des Spukes von Resau. Berlin, 1889.
Night in a Haunted House, A: A Tale of Facts. London [1859].
No Rest in the Mansion. New York, July 12, 1942. [Part of the American Weekly, describing, with photographs, the Scotch ‘Poltergeist Manor’ detailed in this volume.]
One Night in the Haunted House of Whittlebury Forest. Northampton, 1932.
On the Trail of a Ghost. [Re the Ballechin House Poltergeist.] [In The Times, London, June 8–24, 1897.]
Owen (Robert Dale), Footfalls on the Boundary of Another World. London, 1861.
Podmore (Frank), On Poltergeists. [Chap. II, Vol. I, Modern Spiritualism. London, 1902.]
——, Poltergeists. [Part of Proc, S.P.R., London, Vol. XII, 1896–7.]
——, Studies in Psychical Research. London, 1897.
——, The Naturalisation of the Supernatural. New York and London, 1908.
Poor Little Loros and his Playful Poltergeist. New York, Dec. 15, 1940. [Part of the American Weekly, describing, with photographs, Poltergeist phenomena at Trumann, Arkansas.]
Price (Harry), A Report on the Phenomena Witnessed through Eleonore Zugun. [Vol. I, Part 1, Proc, Nat. Lab. Psy. Research, London, Jan., 1927.]
Price (Harry), Poltergeist Over England. London, 1945.
——, The Most Haunted House in England. Ten Years’ Investigation of Borley Rectory. London, 1940.
——, and Kohn (Miss H.), An Indian Poltergeist. [Parts of the Journal of the Am. S.P.R., New York, 1930. Vol. XXIV, pp. 122–30, 180–86, 221–32.] [Re Damodar Ketkar.]
Priestly (Joseph), Original Letters by the Rev. John Wesley and his Friends. Birmingham, 1791. [Epworth phenomena, pp. 118–166.]
Prince (W. F.), A Critical Study of the ‘Great Amherst Mystery’. [Re Esther Cox.] [Part of Proc, Am. S.P.R., New York, 1919, Vol. XIII, pp. 89–130.]
——, [The Antigonish case, Nova Scotia.] [Part of the Journal of the Am. S.P.R., New York, Vol. XVI, August, 1922, pp. 422–41.]
Procter (Edmund), [The Willington Mill disturbances.] [Part of the Journal of the S.P.R., London, 1891–2, Vol. V, pp. 331–52.]
Puls (—), Spuk-Geschichten. Der Spuk von Resau u. a. Berlin [1889?].
[Pye (John)], A True and Perfect Account of a strange and dreadful apparition which lately infested and sunk a ship bound for New-Castle, called the Hope-well of London. And of the strange deliverance of John Pye, Master, and nine men more; who were all examined and sworn to the truth of the following relation before Justice Wood of London. London, 1672.
Raines (T. Hart), The Dale Tower, Georgia, U.S.A. Case. [Part of the Occult Review, London, for May, 1911.]
R[edding] (K.), [i.e. Cussons (Mrs. D. H.)], Death-Deeds: An Extraordinary Incident Connected with Barbadoes. [Re haunted vault.] London, 1860.
Rochester Knockings! Discovery and Explanation of the Source of the Phenomena. Buffalo and New York, 1851.
Sampford Ghost!!! A full account of the Conspiracy at Sampford Peverell, near Tiverton; containing the Particulars of the pretended Visitations of the Monster … Taunton [1810?].
Saragossa Ghost, The. [In The Times, London, from November 24 to December 5, 1934.]
Schrenck-Notzing (Freiherr Albert von), Der Spuk in der Augustenstrasse zu München. Leipzig, 1928.
—— Der Spuk in Hapfgarten. [Part of Le Compte Rendu Officiel du Premier Congrès International des Recherches Psychiques. Copenhagen, 1922.]
——, Der Spuk in Ylöjärvi (Finnland). Leipzig, 1922.
——, Der Spuk von Neureid in Oberbayern. Leipzig, 1926.
Sharpe (Miss Ada M.), A Disturbed House and its Relief; a narrative of certain circumstances at ‘Beth-oni’, Tackley, Oxon., 1905–1908. Oxford, March, 1914.
Sitwell (Sacheverell), Poltergeists. London, 1940.
Spuk von Resau, Der. Berlin, 1889. [Third Edition.]
Strange, True, and Dreadful Relation, A, of the Devils Appearing to Thomas Cox. First, in the habit of a Gentleman … and then in the shape of a Bear, which afterwards vanish’d away in a flash of Fire. London, 1684.
Sudre (René). A Case of Thorybism in France. [Part of Journal, Am. S.P.R., New York, January, 1931.]
Tanchou (Doctor), Enquête sur l’Authenticité des Phenomenes Èlectriques d’Angelique Cottin. Paris, 1846.
Tankerville (Leonora, Countess of), The Ghosts of Chillingham. Wooler, Northumberland, 1925.
Telfair (Alexander), A New Confutation of Sadducism. A True Narrative of the wonderful Expressions and Actions of a Spirit which infested the House of Andrew Mackie of Ringcroft…. London, 1696.
That Mischievous Ghost of Bible Hill. New York, May 31, 1942.[Part of the American Weekly, describing, with photographs, a Poltergeist case at Truro, Nova Scotia.]
Thurston (Herbert), A City of London Poltergeist. [Part of The Month, London, June, 1932.]
——, An Indian Poltergeist. [Parts of The Month, London, Sept. and Octr., 1929.]
——, A Poltergeist in a Hugenot Household. [Part of Studies, Dublin, June, 1928.]
——, Poltergeists. [Part of Studies, Dublin, March, 1928.]
——, Ghostly Visitants that Bite. [Part of The Month, London, August, 1928.]
——, Ghosts that Tease. [Part of The Month, London, Sept., 1928.]
Thyraeus (Petrus), Loca Infesta. Cologne, 1598.
True Narrative, A, of the Sufferings and Relief of a Young Girl. Paisley, 1698. [Re Christian Shaw.]
Tyburn-Ghost, The; or Strange Downfall of the Gallows …. London, 1678.
Wassilko-Serecki (Zoë, Countess), Der Spuk von Talpa. Munich, 1926. [Re Eleonore Zugun.]
Wesley (John), An Account of the Disturbances in my Father’s House. [Parts of The Arminian Magazine, London, Octr., Novr., and Deer., 1784.]
Wright (Dudley), The Epworth Phenomena. London, 1917. [Re the Wesley Poltergeist.]