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Note: Page numbers followed by a t or f indicate that the entry is included in a table or figure.
ABCs. See airway, breathing, and circulation
cutaneous nerves over, 228f
dermatomal landmarks of, 227, 229
lymphatic drainage of, 177, 178f
perineum and, 183
abdominal aorta, 191
abdominal gastrointestinal viscera, 137
abducens nerve (CN VI), 276, 278
abductor pollicis brevis, 31
acetabular labrum, 45
Achilles tendon rupture, 70
acholic, 130
ACL. See anterior cruciate ligament
acromioclavicular joint, 39
acromioclavicular ligament, 39
Adam’s apple. See laryngeal prominence
adduction, 2
adductor canal, 65
adductor longus muscle, 65
adenoids, 320
adrenal tumor, 176
Adson’s test, 376
afebrile, 64
afferent nerves, 365
airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs), 325
alar nasal cartilage, 331
alveoli, 100
anal canal, 177
anal triangle, 183
arterial, 19
portacaval, 156
between thyroid arteries, 239
with uterine arteries, 205
anatomical planes, 2
anatomical position, 2
point tenderness in, 24
anatomical structures, 3
symptoms and, 4
androgen steroid hormones, 177
berry, 300
of circle of Willis, 275
ruptured cerebral, 290
angiography, 299–301
ankle joint, 70–71
lateral ligaments of, 71–72, 71f
ANS. See autonomic nervous system
anteflexion, 197
anterior abdominal wall, 116–119
arteries of, 118f
muscles of, 117f
anterior cerebral artery, 301–302
anterior compartment, 65
muscles of, 31
anterior cranial fossa, 233
anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), 51, 53, 54, 354, 357
rupture, 50
anterior drawer sign, 50
anterior ethmoidal cells, 313
anterior forearm, 15
anterior fornix, 197
anterior inferior cerebellar arteries, 302
anterior interventricular artery, 112
anterior longitudinal ligament, 222
anterior mediastinum, 78
anterior nares, 331
anterior papillary muscle, 95
anterior parietal cortex, 247
anterior primary ramus, 227
anterior roots, 222
anterior scalene muscle, 377
anterior scalp, 273
anterior superior iliac spine, 123
anterior tibial artery, 51, 65
anterior triangle, of neck, 249, 252
anteroinferiorly, 308
anterolateral abdominal wall, 120
anteversion, 197
anticoagulant therapy, 64, 330
anulus fibrosus, 221–222
abdominal, 191
ascending, 111
thoracic, 100–101
ureteral branch of, 216
aortic semilunar valve, 95
aortic sinus, 95
appendicular artery, 143
aqueduct of Sylvius, 348–349
arachnoid granulations, 349
arcades, 138–139
arcuate line, 118
arcuate popliteal ligament, 357
arterial anastomosis, 19
arterial insufficiency, 376
arterial supply
cerebral cortex, 302
to leg, 66f
to stomach, 165f
arterial vasospasm, 300
articular cavity, 356
arytenoid cartilages, 239–240, 325
arytenoids, 325
ascending colon, 143
aspiration pneumonia, 241
atherosclerotic plaque, 248
atherosclerotic vascular disease, 137
atresia, 342
atrial fibrillation, 92–93
atrial stunning, 92
atrioventricular bundle of His, 93
atrioventricular (AV) node, 92–93, 96
atrioventricular valves, 94
auricle, 307
auriculotemporal nerve, 284
auscultation, 247
autonomic nerve fibers, 190, 343
autonomic nervous system (ANS), 365
SA node and, 93
AV node. See atrioventricular node
avascular necrosis, 24–25
avulsion, 70
axial planes, 2
axillary lymph nodes, 84–86, 89
dissection, 85
axillary nerves, 11, 13f, 16, 373
shoulder dislocation and, 42
axioappendicular muscles, 370
azygous venous system, 78
baclofen, 270
Bartholin glands, 183
abscess of, 182
basal lamina, 100–101
Bell palsy, 264
benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 208
berry aneurysm, 300
bicuspid valve, 95
bile canaliculi, 131
obstruction, 130
sentinel node, 84
tissue, 76
of vulva, 182
biphasic basal body temperature chart, 116
bladder neck, 209
compression of, 208
bladder wall, 217
blood supply
to cerebellum, 304
dual, 158
of ureters, 216
to uterus, 198
blood-gas barrier, 100–101
blunt-force trauma, 19
body, 165
bowels, vascular supply to, 136–138
BPH. See benign prostatic hyperplasia
brachial plexus, 10–15, 12f, 377
injury to, 10–11
brachiocephalic vein, 258
brachioradialis muscle, 19
bradycardia, 110
brain, 247
arterial supply to, 288–290, 301
meninges surrounding, 352
ventricular system of, 348–349, 350f
branchiomeric motor root, 265
branchiomeric muscle, 265
breast, 89
cancer, 84
lymphatic drainage of, 86
lymphatics of, 87f
sagittal section of, 85f
broad ligament, 197
Broca area, 247
bronchial arteries, 101
bronchioles, 100
bronchogenic carcinoma, 76–77
bronchomediastinal trunk, 81
bronchopulmonary segments, 100
bruits, 247
buccinator, 272
buccopharyngeal fascia, 337
Buck fascia, 190
bulbospongiosus muscle, 183, 186, 190
bulbourethral glands, 209, 212
bulimia, 297
of shoulder, 372
subacromial, 41–42
subscapular, 39
calcium channel blockers, 300
Camper fascia, 183
breast, 84
lung, 258
lymphatics and, 259–260
metastatic cervical, 196
testicular, 188
canthus, 342
capillary endothelium, 100–101
caput succedaneum, 282–283
carbamazepine, 270
cardia, 165
cardiac conduction system, 93, 94f
cardiac muscle cells, 96
cardiac nerve, 377
cardiac skeleton, 94
cardiac valves, 94–95
cardiac veins, 114
carotid arteries, 250
common, 247
carotid insufficiency, 246
carpal tunnel syndrome, 30–31
cartilage. See specific cartilage types
caruncle, 294
catecholamines, 177
caudal pons, 265
cavernous sinus, 233, 284, 301
cecal folds and fossae, 143f
cecum, 143
celiac artery, 137, 139, 144, 150, 158, 161, 165, 167
cephalohematoma, 282
cerebellar arteries, 302
cerebellopontine junction, 265
cerebellum, 247
blood supply to, 304
cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius, 233, 235
cerebral arteries, 290
anterior, 301–302
posterior, 302
cerebral cortex, arterial supply to, 302
cerebral decompression, 288
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), 222–223
choroid plexus and, 349
circulation of, 351f
hydrocephalus and, 348
cerebrovascular accident, 246
cerebrum, 247
cervical canal, 197
cervical cytology, 197
cervical dysplasia, 197
cervical lymph nodes, 86
cervical pleura, 377
cervical rib, 377
chest radiograph, 76
pneumothorax and, 104
chest tube, 105
chicken pox, 226
choanae, 331
choking response, 241
cholecystitis, 130
chorda tympani, 264, 266, 268, 309
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 105
circle of Willis, 247, 250, 265, 301f, 302, 304
aneurysm of, 275
berry aneurysm and, 300
circumflex arteries, 65
circumflex branch, 112
circumflex femoral artery, 48
circumflex iliac arteries, 117
cirrhosis, 156
penis and, 189
clitoromegaly, 177
CN III. See oculomotor nerve
CN IV. See trochlear nerve
CN V. See trigeminal nerve
CN V2. See maxillary nerve
CN VI. See abducens nerve
CN VII. See facial nerve
CN VIII. See vestibulocochlear nerve
CN IX. See glossopharyngeal nerve; tympanic plexus
CN X. See spinal accessory nerve; vagus nerve
CN XII. See hypoglossal nerve
coagulopathy, 330
coccyx, 183
cochlea, 308
cold nodule, 238
Colles fascia, 183
Colles fracture, 24
colon, 171
colposcopic examination, 197
computed tomography (CT), 76, 246
conjunctival sac, 343
connective tissue, 283
conus arteriosus, 99
conus elasticus, 240
Cooper ligament, 123
coracoclavicular ligament, 39
coracohumeral ligament, 39–40
coracoid process, 15
corniculate, 325
coronal planes, 2
coronal suture, 282
coronary artery circulation, 110–114
coronary artery disease, 110
coronary ligaments, 157
coronary sinus, 113–114
corpus spongiosum, 189–190, 211
corticosteroid hormones, 177
cortisol effects, 176
costal pleura, 105
costodiaphragmatic recess, 106
cranial nerves, 234
cremasteric artery, 190
cremasteric muscle, 193
cribriform plate, 233
lateral, 240
cricoid cartilage, 239–240, 324–325
cricopharyngeus muscle, 320
cricothyroid membrane, 328
cricothyroidotomy, 324–325
cross-sectional planes, 2
cruciate ligaments, 357
crura, 193
CSF. See cerebrospinal fluid
CT. See computed tomography
cubital fossa, 31
culdocentesis, 200
cuneiform, 325
Cushing syndrome, 176
cutaneous nerves, 228f
cystic artery, 133
cystic duct, 131–132
dacryocystocele, 342
dartos fascial layer, 190
dartos muscle, 189
deep, 2
deep cervical artery, 320
deep cervical fascia, 337
deep fibular nerve, 61
deep inguinal nodes, 184
deep lymphatic plexus, 78
deep perineal muscle, 186
deep perineal pouch, 183
deep systems, superficial systems communication with, 66–67
deep transverse perineal muscle, 183
deep venous thrombosis (DVT), 64, 98
deferential artery, 190
dental abscess, 336
dermatomal landmarks, 227, 229
dermatomes, of lower extremity, 222, 224
descending colon, 144
DHEA. See dihydroepiandrostenedione
diaphragm, lymphatics below, 259
diaphragma sellae, 289
digestive enzymes, 165
digital rectal examination (DRE), 208–209
dihydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA), 175, 177
directionality, 2
distal, 2
distal radioulnar joint, 25, 27
dorsal artery, of foot, 65
dorsal nail beds, 31
dorsal root ganglia, 226
dorsal venous arch, of foot, 66
dorsiflexor muscles, 61
DRE. See digital rectal examination
dual blood supply, 158
duodenal cap, 150
duodenal papilla, 149
anatomical relations of, 151t
dural sinus, 289
DVT. See deep venous thrombosis
dysphagia, 337
ear, 306–308
external, 307
ossicles, 308
EAST. See elevated arm stress test
ECG. See electrocardiogram
ectopic pregnancy, 202–203
edema, 233
laryngeal, 233
effusion, 306–307
ejaculatory ducts, 209
electrocardiogram (ECG), 110
elevated arm stress test (EAST), 375–376
emphysema, 105
endocrine system, 149
endolymph, 307–308
endometriosis, 116–117
endoscopy, 165
endotracheal intubation, 325
ependyma, 349
epididymis, 190
epidural, 56
epidural hematoma, 288
epidural potential space, 290
epigastric region, 144
cartilage, 325
epinephrine, 177
epiploic foramen of Winslow, 132, 165
erythematous vesicular rash, 226
Escherichia coli, 169–170
esophageal varices, 161
ethmoid bone, 331
ethmoidal arteries, 332
ethmoidal cells, 313
ethmoidal sinuses, 313
eversion, 71–72
exocrine system, 149
extension, 2
external abdominal oblique aponeurosis, 123
external abdominal oblique muscle, 117
external acoustic meatus, 307, 310
external carotid artery, 239, 248f, 284
pharynx and, 320
external iliac artery, 65, 117–120
external iliac nodes, 184, 198–200
external iliac vessels, 215
external jugular vein, 253–254
external palatine vein, 318, 320
external pudendal arteries, 65
extraocular muscles, 276–278, 277t
movements, 276
eyelids, 342
facial anhydrosis, 76
facial artery, 332
facial canal, of temporal bone, 265
facial expression, 267
facial nerve (CN VII), 264–268, 265f, 272
ear ossicles and, 308
lacrimal gland and, 343
facial veins, 233
falciform ligament, 157
fallopian tubes, 197. See also uterine tubes
falx cerebelli, 289
falx cerebri, 289
falx inguinalis, 123
fascia lata, 123
FDP. See flexor digitorum profundus
FDS. See flexor digitorum superficialis
female genitalia
external, 183f
internal, 202–204
female pelvic musculature, 184f
femoral nerve, 57
femoral Nerve, Artery, Vein, empty space, Lymph nodes (NAVeL), 68
femoral sheath, 65
femoral vein, 65
head of, 45
knee joint and, 51
fibrinolytic therapy, 246
fibrosis, 252
fibrous capsule, 356
fibular collateral ligament, 51
injury, 56
lesion of, 73
flexion, 2
lateral, 253
flexor carpi ulnaris, 35
flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), 31, 35
flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), 31
flexor pollicis brevis, 31
flexor pollicis longus (FPL), 31
fluid wave, 156
dorsal artery of, 65
dorsal venous arch of, 66
muscles acting on, 72t
foramen cecum, 239
foramen magnum, 301
foramina of Magendie and Luschka, 233, 235
forearm, anterior compartment of, 35
foreskin, 190
fourchette, 184
FPL. See flexor pollicis longus
fracture, 19, 25. See also specific fracture types
frenulum, 294
frontal lobe, 247
frontal sinus, 313
frontonasal duct, 313
fusiform ridge, 210
galea aponeurotica, 283
gastric arteries, 166–167
gastric branches, 166
gastroduodenal artery, 166
gastroesophageal reflux disease, 164
gastrosplenic ligament, 150, 167
geniculate ganglion, 266
genu, 265
Gerota fascia, 171
Gimbernat ligament, 123
glands. See also specific glands
encapsulated, 208
glenohumeral joint, 39–40, 42, 370
glenohumeral ligaments, 39–40
glenoid cavity, 39
glenoid labrum, 39
glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX), 249, 309
compression of, 318
pharynx and, 320
gluteal artery, 65
gonadal vein, 172
great auricular nerve, 254
great vein of Galen, 289
greater omentum, 165
greater palatine artery, 332
greater petrosal nerve, 266
greater sciatic foramen, 45
greater tubercle, 41
greater vestibular glands, 182–183
gyri, 247
Haemophilus influenzae, 232
hamate, hook of, 31
hand of benediction, 35
haustra, 143
HCl. See hydrochloric acid
headaches, 234
heart, 111
anterior view of, 111f
block, 110
crux of, 111
pacemaker of, 93
posterior view of, 112f
Helicobacter pylori, 164
epidural, 288
hemoperitoneum, 203
hemoptysis, 258
hemorrhage, of liver, 161
hepatic artery, 157–158
common, 166
hepatic ducts, 133
common, 131–132
hepatoduodenal ligament, 132–133, 157
hepatoduodenal papilla, 153
hepatogastric ligament, 157
hepatopancreatic ampulla, 131, 149–150
hernia, 122. See also inguinal hernias
herniate, 220
herpes zoster, 226
Hesselbach triangle, 123f, 124
hip joint, 44–45
circumflex femoral artery and, 48
muscles acting on, 46t
Hippocratic method, 38
hirsutism, 176
hoarseness, 241
Horner syndrome, 76
human β-corticotropin gonadotropin, 201–202
human chorionic gonadotropin, 203
humerus, 39
hydrocele, 188
hydrocephalus, 348
hydrochloric acid (HCl), 165
hydronephrosis, 214
hydroureter, 214
hyoglossus muscle, 337
hyperabduction, 15
hyperandrogenism, 176
hypercoagulability, 64
hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), 249, 296
hysterectomy, 99, 213–214, 216
hysterosalpingogram, 116
icteric, 283
icterus, 130
ileocecal junction, 143
ileocolic, 138
iliac artery
common, 216
internal, 216
internal, 199
iliac vessels, external, 215
ilioinguinal nerve, 124
ilioinguinal region, 124f
IMA. See inferior mesenteric artery
incus, 308
indurated, 70
infarction, 99
inferior epigastric artery, 116, 118–120
inferior epigastric vessels, 124–125
inferior laryngeal artery, 320
inferior mediastinum, 78
inferior mesenteric artery (IMA), 137, 144–145, 158, 161
inferior nasal concha, 331
inferior nasal meatus, 343
inferior oblique muscle, 278
inferior ophthalmic veins, 233
inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery, 137
inferior phrenic nodes, 86, 89
inferior phrenic vein, 172
inferior sagittal sinus, 289
inferior thyroid artery, 239, 320, 326
inferior vena cava (IVC), 98, 157, 172
right suprarenal gland and, 180
testicular veins and, 191
infraglottic region, 241
infrahyoid muscles, 241, 249, 325, 337
infraspinatus, 370
infraumbilical region, 144
infundibulopelvic ligament, 197
infundibulum, 313
inguinal hernias, 122, 124–125
direct, 127
indirect, 127
inguinal ligament, 65, 123–124
deep, 184
inflammation of, 182
superficial, 184
inguinal region, 122–125
insufflation, 307
interatrial septum, 93
intercostal arteries, 86
intercostal muscles, 105
intercostal nerves, 86
internal abdominal oblique muscle, 117, 123
internal carotid artery, 247, 284, 301, 304
internal iliac artery, ureteral branch of, 216
internal iliac nodes, 199
internal jugular vein, 249, 259, 377
internal laryngeal nerve, 320
internal sacral nodes, 199
internal thoracic arteries, 86, 117–118, 377
interosseous muscles, atrophy of, 14
interosseus membrane, 65
interstitial cells of Leydig, 190
interventricular septum, 93
intestinal branches, 138
intracranial arterial junction, 300
intracranial pressure, 234, 288
intravenous pyelogram, 214
intraventricular foramina of Monro, 233, 235
inversion, 71–72
intervertebral disc, 221
intervertebral foramen, 222
iodine isotope, 238
ischial tuberosity, 183
ischiocavernosus muscle, 183, 186, 190
ischiofemoral ligament, 45
ischiopubic ramus, 183–184
isthmus, 197
IVC. See inferior vena cava
joints, 2. See also specific joints
jugular foramen, 320
jugular vein
external, 253–254
suprarenal glands and, 177
Kiesselbach plexus, 330, 332–333
Klumpke palsy, 14–16
anterior view of, 355
articular cavity of, 356
articular surfaces of, 355
fully flexed, 356f
hyperextension of, 53–54
injury, 354
ligaments, 356–357
meniscus of, 358f
movement of, 357
muscles acting on, 53t
labia majora, 183
labia minora, 183–184
lacrimal canaliculi, 342–343
lacrimal drainage system, 343f
lacrimal duct probing, 342
lacrimal gland, 264, 266–267, 342–343, 345
lacrimal papilla, 343
lacrimal puncta, 342–343
lacrimal sac enlargement, 342
lactiferous ducts, 86
lactiferous sinus, 86
lacunar ligament, 123
lambdoidal suture, 282
laparoscopy, 116
large bowel, 142–144
large intestines, 143
laryngeal artery, inferior, 320
laryngeal cartilages, 324
laryngeal edema, 323
laryngeal nerve
injury, 238
internal, 320
superior, 341
laryngeal prominence, 239, 253, 255, 325
laryngopharynx, 319
laryngoscopy, 323
coronal section of, 326f
sensory innervation of, 241
skeleton of, 325
lateral, 2
lateral collateral ligament, 356
lateral condyle, 51
lateral cord, 11
lateral cricoarytenoids, 240
lateral flexion, 253
lateral fornix, 197
lateral ligaments, of ankle joint, 71–72, 71f
lateral meniscus, 355
lateral nasal cartilage, 331
lateral pectoral nerve, 11
lateral plantar nerve, 57
lateral rectus muscle, 280
lateral semicircular canal, 266
lateral thoracic artery, 86
lateral thoracic nerve, 89
LCA. See left coronary artery
left anatomical lobe, 161
left colic artery, 144
left coronary artery (LCA), 111–112
left gastric artery, 166
left gastroomental artery, 166–167
left portal lobe, 161
left renal vein, 172
left subclavian vein, 259
leg, arterial supply to, 66f
leptomeninges, 289
leptomeninx, 288
leukocytes, 232
levator palpebrae superioris, 277–278
levator veli palatini muscle, 320
ligaments, 157, 363. See also specific ligaments
knee, 356–357
shoulder, 371f
ligamentum nuchae, 337
linea alba, 117
lingual nerve, 267
lingual tonsils, 320
hemorrhage of, 161
round ligament of, 157
visceral surface of, 157f
long thoracic nerve, 85–86
lower anterior abdominal, 123
lower brachial plexus injury, 10–11, 14
lower extremity
somatotropic organization of, 247
vascular supply to, 64–67
lower limb, 56–57
innervation of, 59f
Ludwig angina, 336
lumbar abdominal nodes, 198
lumbar disk, herniated, 220
lumbar lymph nodes, 177, 180, 191
lunate bone, 27
cancer, 258
inferior border of, 108
lobes, 100
lymph nodes, 4, 259. See also specific nodes
lymphatic drainage, 78
of breast, 86
cervical, 198–199
through thoracic duct, 258
of thorax, 79f
to upper lumbar nodes, 180
of uterus, 198
of vulva, 182
lymphatic exits, 157
lymphatic plexus, 78
lymphatic vessels, 190, 259, 261
below diaphragm, 259
of breast, 87f
cancer and, 259–260
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 222
main pancreatic duct, 131, 149
MAL. See midaxillary line
male genitalia, 188–191
internal, 208–211
male-female homologus, 5
malleus, 308
mandible, 337
mandibular nerve, 271
manubrium, of sternum, 337, 377
marginal arteries, 144
marsupialization, 182
masseter muscle, 295
mastication muscles, 271
maxilla bone, 331
maxillary nerve (CN V2), 266, 271–272
MCL. See medial collateral ligament; midclavicular line
meatus, 307
medial, 2
medial collateral ligament (MCL), 354, 356–357
medial condyle, 51
medial ligaments, of ankle joint, 71f, 72
medial malleolus, 65–66
medial plantar nerve, 57
median plane, 2
anterior, 78
inferior, 78
superior, 77, 77f, 81, 99f, 377f
melena, 164
membranous urethra, 211
meningeal layers, 235
meninges, 232–234, 234f, 266f, 352
arterial supply to brain and, 288–290
lateral, 355
mesenteric ischemia, 136
root of, 137
mesometrium, 198
mesovarium, 198
metacarpal phalangeal joints, 32
metastasis, 258
metastatic cervical cancer, 196
metastatic scalene node, 258
midaxillary line (MAL), 106
midclavicular line (MCL), 105–106
middle cerebral artery, 248, 301–303
middle cranial fossa, 247
middle ear, 307f
effusion, 306
middle ethmoidal cells, 313
middle meningeal artery, 234, 289–290, 291
mitral stenosis, 92
molar teeth, 337
mons pubis, 183
motion, 2–3
voluntary, 247
motor control, 247
MRI. See magnetic resonance imaging
multiple sclerosis, 270
murmurs, 93
muscle. See also specific muscles
atrophy, 31
musculocutaneous nerves, 11–14, 13f, 16
musculophrenic artery, 117
myocardial infarction, 110
myringotomy, 307
nasal cavity, 319
nasolabial fold, 263–264
nasolacrimal duct, 342–343, 345
NAVeL. See femoral Nerve, Artery, Vein, empty space, Lymph nodes
neck, 238–241
anterior triangle of, 249, 252
compartments of, 338f
posterior triangle of, 249, 252
superficial, 249
vasculature of, 246–249
Neisseria meningitidis, 232
nephrolithiasis, 170
nerves. See also specific nerves
compression, 56
palsy of, 276
thyroid gland, 240f
nervus intermedius, 265
neuropathy, 31
nodal staging, 84
norepinephrine, 177
nose, 330–332
arterial supply to, 331f, 332f
external, 331
nucleus pulposus, 221–222
oblique popliteal ligament, 357
obturator artery, 65
obturator nerve, 57
occipital bone, 289
occipital lobe, 247
occipitofrontalis muscle, 283
oculomotor nerve (CN III), 278, 280, 288
oculomotor nerve palsy, 276
O’Donoghue’s triad, 354
omental appendices, 143
omental foramen, 363
omentum, 363
greater, 165
oophorectomy, 214
operculum, 247
ophthalmic nerve, 271
ophthalmic veins, inferior, 233
opponens pollicis, 31
osteomyelitis, 313
ostium, of uterine tubes, 205
otoscopy, 308
ovarian arteries, 198, 204–205
abdominal ureter and, 215
ovarian tumors, 176
ovarian vessels, 216
ovaries, 197–198
removal of, 214
pachymeninx, 288
with appendicitis, 144
referred, 142, 144–145, 363, 365
somatic, 362
visceral, 362
palatine artery, 320
greater, 332
palatine bone, 331
palatine vein, external, 318, 320
palatoglossal folds, 320
palatopharyngeal folds, 320
palmar arches, 22
palmar digital nerves, common, 31
palpation, 258
palpitations, 110
pampiniform plexus of veins, 190–191
pancreas, 148–150, 149f, 153, 171
structures posterior to, 150t
pancreaticoduodenal arteries, 137, 150
pancreatitis, 148
papillary muscles, 94–95
paramesonephric ducts, 217
parasternal lymph nodes, 86
parasternal phrenic nodes, 89
parasympathetic nervous system, 93
parasympathetic secretomotor fibers, 345
parathyroid glands, 238, 325–326
paravertebral gutters, 171
paresthesia, 222
parietal bone, 289
parietal lobe, 247
parietal peritoneum, 123–125, 144, 363, 367
parietal pleura, 108
parotid duct, 295
pars flaccida, 308
pars tensa, 308
patella, 50–51
surface, 355
patellar ligament, 356
PCL. See posterior cruciate ligament
peau d’orange, 84–85
pectinate line, 177
pectineal ligament, 123
pectoral fascia, 86
pectoralis minor, 15
pelvic examination, 175–176, 195
female, 203f
penile urethra, 211
penis, 188–190
root of, 193
transverse section of, 189f
ventral view of, 189f
peptic ulcer disease, 164
pericardiacophrenic artery, 113
pericardial sac, 113
perilymph, 307
perineal fascia, 188
perineal spaces, 188
perinephric abscess, 170
lymphatic drainage of, 184, 186
periorbital space, 284
periosteum, 283–284
peripheral nerve fibers, 222, 224, 229
from spinal cord, 227
perirenal fat, 171
peritoneal cavity, 363
peritoneal fluid, 363
peritoneal irritation, 362
peritoneal organs, 364f
peritoneal sac, 148
peritoneum, 363–365
periumbilical region, 144–145
perpendicular plate, 331
petechiae, 233
pharyngeal constrictors, 320, 322
pharyngeal tonsils, 320
pharyngeal venous plexus, 320
pharyngeal wall, 320
pharyngotympanic tube, 310, 319
pharynx, 319–320
median section through, 319f
piriformis muscle, 45
pisiform, 31
pituitary fossa, 289
pleural cavities, 104–107
inferior extent of, 108
pneumocytes, type I, 100–101
pneumothorax, 104–105
point tenderness, in anatomical snuffbox, 24
polycystic ovarian syndrome, 176
caudal, 265
superior border of, 302
pontine branches, 302
popliteal ligaments, 51
popliteal vein, 65
portacaval anastomosis, 156
portacaval venous anastomosis, 158, 160t
portal hypertension, 156
portal system, 159f
portal venous system, 158
postcentral gyrus, 247
postcoital spotting, 196
posterior cerebral arteries, 302
posterior circumflex humeral artery, 11
posterior coronary groove, 114
posterior cricoarytenoids, 240, 243
posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), 51, 357
posterior ethmoidal cells, 313
posterior fornix, 197
posterior hip dislocation, 44
posterior inferior cerebellar arteries, 302
posterior interventricular groove, 111
posterior intraventricular groove, 114
posterior longitudinal ligament, 222
posterior mediastinum, 78, 81, 261
posterior primary ramus, 227
posterior root ganglia, 227
posterior roots, 222
posterior scalp, 273
posterior tibial artery, 65, 68
posterior triangle, of neck, 249, 252
posterior vaginal fornix, 200
postherpetic neuralgia, 226
Poupart ligament, 123
preaortic lymph nodes, 191
precentral gyrus, 247
ectopic, 202–203
tubal, 202
preprostatic urethra, 210
prepuce, 190
prevertebral fascia, 337
prolapsed lumbar nucleus pulposus, 220
pronation, 2–3
prone, 220
proper hepatic artery, 158
prostate gland, 208, 209–210, 210f
ampulla of, 209
transurethral resection of, 209
prostate-specific antigen blood test, 208
prostatic hyperplasia, 209. See also benign prostatic hyperplasia
prostatic urethra, 210
proximal, 2
pterygoid venous plexus, 233
pterygopalatine ganglion, 266
pubic bones, 45
pubic symphysis, 183
pubic tubercle, 123
pubis, 48
pubofemoral ligament, 45
pudendal arteries, 65
pudendal cleft, 184
pudendal nerve, 186
pudendum, 183
pulmonary embolism, 98–99
pulmonary semilunar valve, 95
pulmonary sinus, 95
pulmonary trunk, 99
pulmonary vasculature, 98–100
pulmonary veins, 100–101
pulmonary vessels, 99f
Purkinje fibers, subendocardial plexus of, 93
pyelonephritis, 170
pyloric antrum, 165
pylorus, 165
pyramidal thyroid lobe, 328
quadrangular space, 373
quadriceps femoris muscle group, 51
radial collateral ligament, 25
radial head, 25
radius, 25
rales, 99
RCA. See right coronary artery
reading, 3–5
rebound tenderness, 362, 364–365
rectouterine pouch of Douglas, 198, 200
rectus abdominis muscle, 118, 120
lateral margin of, 124
rectus muscles, 277–278
rectus sheath, 117–118
recurrent laryngeal nerve, 241, 243, 320, 377
5-α-reductase inhibitor, 208
referred pain, 142, 144–145, 363, 365
renal artery, 172
ureteral branch of, 216
renal fascia, 171
renal stones, 215
retrocecal recess, 143
retromandibular vein, 233
retroperitoneal endocrine glands, 177
retroperitoneal glands, 148–149
retropharyngeal space, 337, 339
ribs, 105
right colic, 138
right coronary artery (RCA), 111–112
right gastric artery, 166
right lower quadrant (RLQ), 141–142
right mainstem bronchus, 76
right suprarenal gland, 180
right tracheobronchial nodes, 81
right upper quadrant (RUQ), 129–130
RLQ. See right lower quadrant
Roos test, 375
rotator cuff muscles, 41, 371t, 373
tear, 370
tendons of, 41–42
round ligament
of liver, 157
ruptures cerebral aneurysm, 290
RUQ. See right upper quadrant
SA node. See sinoatrial node
sacral nodes, internal, 199
sacrotuberous ligament, 183
saddle embolus, 98
sagittal planes, 2
sagittal suture, 282
salivary glands, 267, 294–296, 295f
salivary stone, 294
saphenous veins, 65–66
sartorius muscle, 65
scalp, 282–284
anterior, 273
arteries of, 284
blood vessels to, 285
layers of, 283f
nerves of, 284–285
posterior, 273
scaphoid carpal bone, fracture of, 24
scapula, 39
scapulohumeral muscles, 370–372
Scarpa fascia, 183
sciatica, 220–221
SCM. See sternocleidomastoid muscle
scrotal examination, 188
scrotum, 188–190
layers of, 191f
sella turcica, 247
semen, 209
semilunar valves, 94–95
seminal colliculus, 210
seminal vesicles, 209
sensory innervation, of larynx, 241
sensory perception, 247
sentinel nodes, 260
biopsy, 84
septal cartilage, 331
septum, 331f
interatrial, 93
interventricular, 93
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, 176
serum leukocyte count, 142
shingles, 226
short gastric artery, 167
bursae, 372
dislocation, 38–42
dystocia, 11
extrinsic muscles of, 40, 40t, 370
girdle, 39
intrinsic muscles of, 41, 41t, 370–372
joint, 40f
ligaments of, 371f
muscles of, 371f
tendons of, 371f
sialolithiasis, 294
sigmoid colon, 144
sigmoid sinus, 289
sinoatrial (SA) node, 92–93, 96
sinus rhythm, 93
sinuses. See also specific sinus types
coronal view of, 313f
transillumination of, 312
skin, 283
skull, 282–284
base of, 337
sutures of, 282
sleep apnea, 325
SMA. See superior mesenteric artery
small bowel mesenteric angina, 136
small midline artery, 326, 328
Smith fracture, 24
SMV. See superior mesenteric vein
somatosensory perception, 247
somatotropic organization, 247
sound waves, 306
spermatic cord, 124, 190, 191t
sphenoethmoid recess, 331
sphenoid sinuses, 313
sphenopalatine artery, 332
sphincter urethral muscle, 183, 186, 212
spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), 249, 253
spinal cord, 222
meninges surrounding, 352
peripheral nerve fibers from, 227
spinal nerves, 226–227
brachial plexus injury and, 11
components of, 227f
spine, 220–223
splenectomy, 167
splenic vein, 158
splenorenal ligament, 150
stapedius muscle, 266–267, 310
stapes, 308
stellate sympathetic ganglion, 76
sternal angle, 81
sternal reflection line, 105
sternoclavicular joint, 42
sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM), 249, 252–255, 253f, 337
sternohyoid muscle, 325
sternothyroid muscles, 325
sternum, 105
arterial supply to, 165f
strain, 70
Streptococcus pneumoniae, 232
stridor, 337
stroke, 246
stylohyoid muscle, 267
stylomastoid foramen, 266
stylopharyngeus muscle, 320
subacromial bursa, 41–42
subarachnoid space, 233, 289–291
subareolar plexus, 86
subclavian vein, 254, 377, 379
subclavius muscle, 11
subgaleal cephalohematoma, 282
sublingual glands, 267, 295, 337
submandibular cellulitis, 336
submandibular duct, 295–296, 337
submandibular ganglion, 267
submandibular gland, 295
submandibular salivary glands, 267
subscapular bursa, 39
subscapular nerve, 373
subscapularis, 370
subtalar joint, 71
succinylcholine, 323
sulci, 247
sulcus terminalis, 93
superficial, 2
superficial circumflex iliac, 65
superficial epigastric, 65
superficial fascia, 325
superficial inguinal nodes, 184
superficial inguinal ring, 125, 191
superficial palmar arch, 19
superficial perineal pouch, 186
superficial systems, deep systems communication with, 66–67
superficial temporal arteries, 284
superficial transverse perineal muscles, 186, 190
superior, 2
superior cerebellar arteries, 302
superior epigastric artery, 117–118
superior laryngeal artery, 320
superior laryngeal nerve, 241
superior mediastinum, 77, 77f, 81, 99f, 377f
superior mesenteric artery (SMA), 136–137, 139, 144–145, 150, 158, 161, 177
superior mesenteric nodes, 177
superior mesenteric vein (SMV), 158
superior nasal meatus, 313
superior oblique muscle, 278, 280
superior ophthalmic veins, 233
superior pubic ramus, 123
superior sagittal sinus, 289
superior tarsal muscle, 278
superior thoracic aperture, 377, 379
superior thyroid artery, 239, 326
superior trunk, 14
superior vena cava (SVC), 93
syndrome, 76–78
supination, 3
supine, 220
supraglottic region, 241
suprahyoid muscles, 241
supraorbital artery, 284
supraorbital nerve, 271
suprarenal glands, 171
arteries to, 180
kidneys and, 177
tumor, 176
suprarenal vein, 172
supraspinatus muscle, 41
supratrochlear artery, 284
supratrochlear nerve, 271
sural nerve, 57
suspensory ligaments of Cooper, 86, 89
suspensory ligaments of Treitz, 150
SVC. See superior vena cava
Sylvian fissure, 248
sympathetic nervous system, 93
sympathetic trunk, 377
symphysis, 221
symptoms, 3
anatomical structures and, 4
syncope, 301
syndesmosis, 25
synovial capsule, 356
tachycardia, 93
tail of Spence, 85–86
talocrural joint, 70–71
talus bone, trochlea of, 70–71
taste receptors, 267
teeth, 337
temporal bone
facial canal of, 265
pterion and, 289
Achilles, 70
rotator cuff, 41–42
shoulder, 371f
teniae coli, 143
tension pneumothorax, 104
tensor tympani, 310
teres major, 41
teres minor, 370
terminal bronchiole, 100
testes, 190
testicular arteries, 190–191, 193
abdominal ureter and, 215
testicular cancer, 188
testosterone, 175–176
thigh, innervation of, 58f
thoracic aorta, 100–101
thoracic arteries
lateral, 86
thoracic duct, 78, 81, 177, 259
lymphatic drainage through, 258
thoracic nerve, lateral, 89
thoracic outlet syndrome, 376–377, 379
thoracic wall, 105
dermatomal landmarks of, 227, 229
lymphatic drainage of, 79f
thoracic outlet and, 377
thrombophlebitis, 313
thrombosis, 64
thyrocervical trunk, 239
thyrohyoid muscles, 325
thyroid arteries
anastomoses between, 239
thyroid cartilages, 239–240, 301, 324–325
thyroid gland, 238–241, 325–326
nerves, 240f
thyroid ima artery, 239, 326, 328
knee joint and, 51
superior aspect of, 358f
tibial artery, 65
tibial collateral ligament, 51–52, 54
lesion of, 73
tibial plateau, 51
tibial tuberosity, 51
tissue biopsy, 76
tongue, 267
salivary glands and, 295
tonsillitis and, 318
tonsillitis, 318
torticollis, 252
total hysterectomy, 99
toxic shock syndrome, 330
thyroid gland and, 239
tracheal nodes, 78
tracheobronchial nodes, 78
tracheostomy, 324–325
transient ischemic attack, 246
transillumination, 188
of sinuses, 312
transurethral resection, of prostate, 209
transversalis fascia, 123
transverse acetabular ligament, 45
transverse cervical ligament, 196, 198, 216
transverse colon, 143
transverse foramina
of cervical vertebrae, 247
of vertebrae, 301
transverse humeral ligament, 39–40
transverse mesocolon, 137
transverse planes, 2
transverse sinus, 289
transversus abdominis muscle, 117, 123
trapezius muscle, 253, 255, 337
triangle fibrocartilage, 27
triangle of Calot, 132
triangular fibrocartilage, 25, 27
triangular ligaments, 157
triceps muscle, 19
trigeminal ganglion, 271
trigeminal nerve (CN V), 270–273, 271f
ear ossicles and, 308
scalp nerves and, 284–285
trigeminal neuralgia, 270
trismus, 337
trochanters, 45
trochlear nerve (CN IV), 276, 278
tumors, 176
tunica albuginea, 190
tunica vaginalis, 124–125
tympanic cavity, 266, 308, 308t, 310
tympanic membrane, 305
tympanic plexus (CN IX), 308
ulna, 25
ulnar collateral ligament, 25
ultrasound, 130
umbo, 308
unhappy triad, 354
unicornuate uterus, 217
unilateral miosis, 76
upper anterior thigh, 123
upper brachial plexus injury, 10–11
upper extremity, somatotropic organization of, 247
upper lumbar nodes, 180
upper motor neuron, 265
ureteral injury, 214
abdominal, 215
blood supply of, 216
course of, 215
narrowing of, 217
obstruction, 196
female, 197
lubrication of, 209
membranous, 211
penile, 211
preprostatic, 210
prostatic, 208
urethral orifice, 184
urinary ducts, 217
urinary hesitancy, 209
anastomoses with, 205
ureteral branch of, 216
uterine cervix, 197
lymph drainage of, 198–199
ampulla of, 205
divisions of, 203–204
ostium of, 205
uteropelvic junction, 215
uterosacral ligaments, 198
uterovesical junction, 215
uterovesicular pouch, 198
uterus, 197
blood supply to, 198
body of, 197
frontal section of, 198f
lymphatic drainage of, 198
removal of, 213
unicornuate, 217
vagina, 197
frontal section of, 198f
vaginal orifice, 184
vaginal vestibule, 183
vagus nerve (CN X), 241, 243, 249, 377
gag reflex and, 320
varicella virus, 226
vas deferens, 190
vascular supply
to bowels, 136–138
to lower extremity, 64–67
of neck, 246–249
venae comitantes, 65
venous stasis, 64
ventricular system, of brain, 348–349, 350f
cervical, 247
posterior arch of, 221
processes of, 221
transverse foramina of, 301
tubular body of, 221
vertebral arteries, 247, 301–302
common, 247
vertebral ligaments, 221f
vesical artery, ureteral branch of, 216
vessel wall damage, 64
vestibular bulbs, 183–184, 186
vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), 265
vidian nerve, 265
Virchow triad, 64
virilism, 177
visceral motor fibers, 266
visceral peritoneum, 144, 363, 367
visceral pleura, 108
visceral space, 337
cricothyroid membrane and, 328
paralysis, 238
true, 325
vocal ligament, 240
volar carpal ligament, 32
voluntary motion, 247
vomer bone, 331
vulva, 182–184
lymphatic drainage of, 182
weakness, 5
articulations of bones in, 26f
drop, 22
fracture, 24–25
joint proper, 25
region, 25
zygomaticofacial nerve, 272
zygomaticotemporal nerve, 272