It is a great privilege to be surrounded in life by so many terrific, supportive, encouraging relatives, friends, and associates (Proverbs 11:14). I’m grateful to the following, who played a part in the formation of this book:
Sean, for asking how to be a good dad. Your heart for your daughter moved me and eventually prompted this book. Although we’ve lost touch, I pray the two of you are close.
My brother Mike Fuller, for offering wise advice that day in the park to the young man who admitted he didn’t quite know how to be a good dad.
Dan Eickmeier, Ron Flynn, and the others who have been part of The GWH. We’ve hiked countless miles in the Rockies, searching for elk, enjoying exciting adventures, sharing laughter, and exchanging parenting insights.
Dr. James C. Dobson, for your coaching, affirmation, and encouragement over the years.
Robert Wolgemuth, for asking, “Is there a book inside you?”
Erik Wolgemuth for being a champion and a trusted guide through the publishing process.
The team at Moody Publishers for your expertise and enthusiasm for this project.
John Peckham, for your ongoing friendship and prayers. And for suggesting book ideas that day we drove up to see the Rockies.
My assistant Pat Dahlberg for your help in making the calendar work, and for your ongoing interest in and prayers for my family.
Eric and the great folks at Umpire Estate Mountain Roasters for the incredible coffee and inviting place to write.
Friends who have offered endorsements. I’m grateful for your kindness and enthusiasm!
Through the years I’ve benefitted incredibly from countless other men who offered advice, anecdotes, and assurances that I could be a good dad. You’ve shared with me, listened to me, prayed with and for me. There are too many of you to list here! I offer my humble and sincere thanks for your investment in my life, and trust this book will serve in some small way to continue your legacy of impact in the lives of many, many new fathers.