Chapter One
December 1808
The silence finally moved Davey Ten to tears, no matter how much he wanted to spare Master Six from what he had endured for a year and more at the University of Edinburgh’s College of Medicine. Silence both profound in its judgment upon his status as a workhouse bastard, and cruel in its treatment of a Royal Navy surgeon’s assistant, bona fide Gunwharf Rat.
There was also the matter of serving with valor at Trafalgar aboard a small messenger craft with no guns or cannon, only stalwart lads and a master of fierce resolve.
On this return journey from Edinburgh to Portsmouth for a longer-then-usual Christmas break, Davey decided he would say nothing about the silence to anyone. Mrs. Six – the Rats called her Mam – had insisted he write monthly letters, which meant there was plenty to say about the classes, the hours spent in the Royal Infirmary’s indigent ward, and the grind of book study. He could tell her of surgeries attended, along with curious onlookers off the street, some of whom fainted at the gruesome sight. Before Edinburgh, Davey had never considered surgery a spectator sport.
From Captain Dutton of the scrappy Mars and his exploding head, to men on fire and leaping in the water, he had seen worse at Trafalgar than in the operating bays at the College of Medicine. A Gunwharf Rat prided himself on remaining calm in all surgeries and medical emergencies. He decided he needn’t trouble Mam about the silence, this strange sort of bullying that ground him down worse that a schoolyard pummeling would have. He had plenty of stories. She would never suspect what he was leaving out, what coldness he faced daily in a place of medical education.
He knew it wasn’t supposed to be like this. What had he done to deserve veiled looks, lads laughing together as he passed them in the halls, the turning away when he worked up the nerve to question someone. He had found the cellar privies on his own because he had no choice but to search.
After Trafalgar, his immediate plans to travel north to the University of Edinburgh at Mrs. Mary Munro’s recommendation – she was a lady of influence – had been thwarted by war for a year. Although the Admiralty had promised Master Six that the Mercury would be released from duty, the demands of war claimed her due in weeks of carrying messages to and from the blockade. Arguably, what the Rats learned aboard the Mercury eclipsed anything found even in Master Six’s classroom, since he taught his Rats on land and sea.
The only one among them who suffered was Master Six, who missed his son and daughter, and the gentleness that was Mam to them, but Meri to him, her husband and lover. This meant Mam welcomed them inside their home on the lee side of St. Brendan’s and held out her arms to her husband.
Mrs. Perry, that big, black cook who frightened younger Rats, took them in hand then for food while the Sixes went upstairs and closed their door. It was at sea where Master Six answered their questions about life and love and told them not to hang around the docks for “poxy hoors,” as he called them. Master Six, whose genius probably allowed him to instantly adopt any lingual inflection he chose, had never abandoned his Dumfries Scot voice. Not for him the cultured sound of Captain Sir Belvedere St. Anthony – gone almost three years now. “I’m a Scot,” Master Six said simply.
The sea beckoned them all, and war suited the Gunwharf Rats right down to the deck. The bright spot in the tedium of ship-to-shore messaging on the blockade had been the chance to hove to alongside the Dauntless, a 28-gun frigate, and see Smitty – silent, no smiles, but something in his eyes of pride and duty – serving as the sailing master’s assistant, a rating lower than mate, but a living, breathing sign of the worth of Gunwharf Rats to the fleet.
Messages delivered, they had returned to the Mercury and laughed over Master Six’s story of four captains and masters nearly coming to gentlemanlike blows over who would get Smitty. Like Davey in the sickbay, Smitty had proved his worth on deck at Trafalgar.
Still unarmed, the Mercury had come upon several ship-to-ship skirmishes off the Barbary Coast and Spain, where blood was spilled, and Davey’s services required. He had sutured and cauterized – this under Master Six’s tutelage – and set bones, plying his rough trade in Channel chop and those greasy swells before a storm that sent many Rats to the railing to puke. Davey would have followed them, but his hands were busy with suturing needles or capital knives, on Able Six’s watch. Davey learned to master himself, much like the quiet teacher beside him.
That was war. A promising surgeon’s assistant, Davey continued his education at Haslar Hospital because now and then, the Mercury did not require his services. Not until the following autumn, did he make his way to Edinburgh and formal education, as promised earlier by Mary Munro, Master Six’s newly discovered grandmama.
It had been on the tip of his tongue to ask Master Six to let him continue at Haslar and learn naval surgery from men who practiced it. With tutelage from the staff of the busy naval and Royal Marine hospital, he knew he could eventually pass the rigorous exams to qualify him as a surgeon to the fleet, a warranted officer.
There was no overlooking Master Six’s eagerness to send a Rat to that distinguished repository of medical knowledge in Edinburgh. “We Rats” – for so Master Six included himself – “are earning renown for excellence in the fleet,” he had assured Davey. “Your matriculation will further burnish our reputation. Both Sir B and Headmaster Croker, bless their memories, wanted this, too.”
Davey acquiesced, arriving in Edinburgh with money waiting for him at Mrs. Munro’s counting house, where her more-than-comfortable fortune nestled. With money, credit, and a letter to Silsby’s Room and Board close by the grey stone walls of the university, he had been assigned a clean but spartan suite on the first floor.
Mrs. Munro must have written a highly convincing letter requesting Davey’s admission to the chancellor of the university. The summons waited for Davey in Mrs. Silsby’s apartment on the ground floor, with the admonition to not waste a minute in appearing before the chancellor, a stern-looking Scot name of Winston McLeish.
Davey had arrived in uniform, of course, wearing the black coat and trousers of St. Brendan the Navigator School, with the school’s patch over his heart. Headmaster Ferrier had informed Davey before he took the mail coach north that he would remain in uniform because St. Brendan’s had recently come under the supervision – irregular, but there you are – of the Royal Navy. “Besides all that, Mr. Ten, you are already a surgeon’s assistant,” Headmaster Ferrier had reminded him, as if he needed reminding.
Here he was in Edinburgh, seventeen now. Chancellor McLeish sat him down with tea and biscuits in front of a welcome fireplace and asked about his history at St. Brendan’s. Davey made his first mistake: He thought the chancellor was actually interested in him as a human being. Davey’s description of years in a workhouse, with a bastard last name of Ten, because he was the tenth wretched foundling in that year, made the chancellor frown.
The dignified man in his black robes of scholarship seemed to understand. He sighed when Davey told him about his change of fortune from a London workhouse to St. Brendan the Navigator School. He leaned forward with apparent interest as Davey described this new school where England’s castoffs might receive an education to set them on a path to leadership in the Royal Navy, in this time of grave national emergency.
Sitting on the mail coach now on his return to Portsmouth, determined not to disappoint Master Six, Davey knew he had no total recall of all conversation, as Master Genius did. But even now, he cringed to think of what he had told the chancellor. “Sir, Master Six informed us that St. Brendan’s headmaster then, Mr. Croker, had found us when he asked workhouse masters to give him their most troublesome boys for his new school.”
Why did he say that, even if it was true? Headmaster Croker, gone these three years, had come to realize that the troublesome boys might be bored because they were bright and needed the challenge of a place like St. Brendan’s, and not the bleak misery of a workhouse. “He knew you,” Master Six had told the Gunwharf Rats simply. “I was the same way. I wanted more, and so do you.”
Davey looked out the mail coach window at the rain dribbling down the pane, some of it seeping inside. And then I told the chancellor about the Gunwharf Rats, he thought. Why did I do that?
How was he to know, or even suspect, that Chancellor McLeish loved a good tale? Like most Gunwharf Rats, Davey knew how to read a room, as Master Six put it. “I suppose we Rats are naturally suspicious,” Master Six had told them early, when they were all shivering in their smallclothes, learning to swim in the stone-lined pool next to the old monastery-now-school. “Don’t make a career of suspicion, lads, but make sure you know who to trust.”
God help him, he had forgotten that lesson. Chancellor McLeish shared his story with the faculty of the medical school, something Davey learned too late from one of the students who broke that vow of silence imposed since Day One in anatomy class. “We know who you are,” the student said, when Davey gathered the courage to ask why he was ignored when he raised his hand to answer a question, or ignored by students his own age who turned away when he approached. “You don’t belong in polite society.”
“But who…”
The student, more patient than the others, or possibly more cruel, had continued Davey’s rough education at the University of Edinburgh, the education St. Brendan’s and Mrs. Munro weren’t paying for. “Chancellor McLeish warned all of us to stay away from you because you are a joke foisted on us and our scholarship. Go away.”
Davey endured in silence, taking his usual careful notes, watching with envy, then despair, the easy camaraderie of the others, probably sons from comfortable homes, if not august ones, because nobody in higher social spheres would have considered medicine as a vehicle for advancement. No, those sons might be law students eventually, called to the bar and serving in courts, bewigged and gowned. Medicine remained a rung down, even if it was respectable, and money could be made.
These were lads from good homes, lads with mother and father and siblings, not babies found in hedgerows or on church steps like Master Six, who had survived a rough beginning of his own. No, these were lads educated in church and chapel to be good Christians and assist the deserving poor, within limits. Toss money in a collection box and let others do the dirty work. These were students seeking the advanced degree of physician. Not for them a surgeon’s sick bay in a heaving frigate’s underbelly during a noisy fleet action.
Why am I here? Davey asked himself as he studied, took notes, and made superlative grades that seemed to startle his professors, who had predestined him to fail. His best moment was the assignment to attend in the Royal Infirmary for the Poor and Indigent, Ward B. He understood these patients, who came to the wards usually too late to receive any real medical care.
He ward-walked with a few volunteer physicians, men in general practice who provided this free service to teach students. Some students fainted at the sight of entrails, or babies half born and women dying after days of dry labor.
Not Davey; he understood. Long after the others left, gagging and retching for show, he sat beside terrified children, smelly vagrants, and women used cruelly since childhood. He wiped faces and held hands and felt the nobility of the profession he wanted, but which seemed to be receding from his view because of the studied neglect forced upon him by faculty and students.
To his chagrin, he discovered he was the only student assigned to the indigent ward. The other, more favored classmates ward-walked in the Royal Infirmary’s ward for the middle-class and “deserving” poor, Ward A.
When he did not think he could take another moment of others’ derision, good fortune smiled upon him. Well, smiled upon them all, if he had felt inclined to charity toward his tormentors.
He had been dreading the advent of Christmas, a mere two weeks of respite from school, and not enough time to travel to the opposite end of the island to Portsmouth and St. Brendan’s. He had already decided to spend most of those weeks in Edinburgh in Indigent Ward B.
His good fortune was an outbreak of erysipelas in those selfsame wards, of such magnitude that patients died, and even three of the older students. The professors, worried and upset, had importuned the chancellor to close the school for a month. Davey’s materia medica professor had explained it this way. “Now we know that ill humors and bad air spread such ailments with amazing rapidity,” he told them all. “We will suspend classes after tomorrow’s examinations, and dismiss you. We will not risk your lives.”
Davey smiled at that, wondering how such hot house flowers would fare among the bad air found in the average Royal Navy vessel. Of itself, bad air didn’t carry disease from patient to patient. It couldn’t – or so he suspected – but that was his little secret apparently. Still, a month!
He could go home. He could rethink this painful, silent education and decide if it was worth it. Mam would understand. Surely a Haslar surgeon would take him in hand and teach him in the wards full of Marines and sailors fresh from battle.
Would Master Six understand? Oh, please let him.