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In the dining room, Tegani and the others were finishing when alarms cut the air. Startled, she looked across at Hanoree. His face showed shock and confusion. Either he was an accomplished actor, or he was as surprised as she was. Ninallia was demanding to be taken back her room.
“Calm down, it can’t be anything to do with the baby,” Tegani said.
“Sayeri is sending screams of distress,” Ninallia answered.
At a run, Tegani followed Ninallia back to their rooms. Hanoree and his personal guard were behind them.
A nervous Imperial lieutenant stood in the hallway. He bowed to Ninallia and spoke to Hanoree. “The child is missing. Sayeri’s guards said no one came in or out. We will have to review the surveillance tapes and see if there are any secret entrances to the suite.”
Tegani tried to comfort Ninallia. She paced back and forth, gulping in breaths of air and wiping away tears. Sayeri, whose face was drained of color, stood in shock. After a few minutes Tegani picked up on the message. By the slack look on Sayeri’s face, she heard too. Ninallia was broadcasting at an unbelievable level. Anyone with the least bit of talent and training from the Order would hear and not just here in the Imperial City. Her ability might extend planet wide.
Arturon’s connection broke through to Tegani and Sayeri. It was followed soon by My Lady herself. “Sisters, you must be calm. I do not think the child has been harmed. Hanoree does not want anything to happen to Hiroto under his care. If he has Hiroto, he has some plan to use the child as a bargaining tool.”
Guards announced the arrival of Houston who gaped at Ninallia. He moved next to Sister Tegani and whispered, “I heard her in my head, much stronger this time. I think the League picked up the signals. They and the Order have issued a planet-wide alert.”
“The Order is behind this.” Hanoree glowered. “I will convene the Council of Nobles, and we will demand the child be returned.”
Sayeri started to speak when Ninallia held up her hand. The softness and insecurity of her youth was stripped away. A young mother, barely more than a child herself, she stood, a woman of steel and turned to face Hanoree. “I don’t think this is the time for groundless accusations.”
He took a step back and bowed deferentially. She motioned to Houston. “This is my head of security, Colonel Houston. I assure you he is impartial and independent. He has my total trust and will be in control of the search for my son. I want him to have access to those recordings and anything else he needs to do his job. I also want him to vet a security team to take over my personal safety.”
“Only Imperial security is allowed to operate inside the Palace,” Hanoree answered.
“That was not a request. It is my right and decree as Dowager Empress, acting as regent for my son.”
Sayeri glanced at Tegani. Ninallia was not trained in Imperial law, but My Lady was. She must be guiding the girl though their mental link. Until such a time as the Counsel of Nobles met and decreed otherwise, Ninallia was, by Imperial law, his regent. Tegani bit back a smile.
Ninallia wasn’t done with Hanoree. She fixed him with a look stern enough to have done an ancient dowager justice. “Since my son and I were placed in your protection, cousin, I hold you responsible for his safe return. I expect your complete cooperation with Colonel Houston. Is that clear?”
A small group of Nobles made their way into the room. From the looks on the faces of several, they were enjoying seeing Lord Hanoree being taken down a peg. One elderly Noble went onto one knee. “My Lady, as a representative of the Counsel of Nobles, I offer you my support.”
It was an oath of fealty from the Empire’s largest and most powerful province. Hanoree sputtered as he failed to find words to express the disbelief in his eyes.
Tegani listened as Ninallia followed My Lady’s focused instructions. Inside the girl must be a mass of raw nerves. The support of My Lady and countless other followers of the Order gave them both inner strength.
~ * ~
Ninallia buried her head in Houston’s shoulder while Tegani paced the room and Sayeri, still in shock, stared into space.
“If it helps, I think Hanoree is speaking the truth. He does not have the baby,” he said.
“But where is he?” Ninallia’s voice cracked, and she looked even younger than her sixteen years. She started to say more but stopped. She shook her head. “He is okay. I don’t know where he is, but he is safe for now.”
Houston, Sayeri, and Tegani talked all at once, their voices excited. “How do you know? Can you tell anything about where he is?”
Questions bounced around the room. Ninallia shook her head. She was overcome with relief her son was well; nothing else mattered.
“We must find him before Hanoree does,” said Tegani.
“I do not think Hanoree will harm him now. The council would suspect he was behind it, and he needs their support if he wants to become emperor.” Sayeri took in a deep breath.
“I hope you are right,” said Ninallia, and her eyes filled with tears. She had never been separated from her son, and her emotions were like a tidal wave crashing against the shore.
Houston contacted the general and updated him on the disappearance of the young emperor. There was true sympathy on the general’s face as he assured Ninallia the League would do everything possible to help find her son.
She waved off an offered sedative to help her sleep, laying in her bed trying to get back the brief connection with her son. How was he dealing with being separated from her? She tossed and turned. When I find who has done this, I will rip them apart with my own hands. Such a thought, far from rational, calmed her. Silly girl, you are a young woman and not very big or strong. What can you do? A sense of her place settled over her. I am the Dowager Empress, mother of the royal heir. I may not be strong like Colonel Houston or powerful like Sister Tegani, but I will rule as regent until my son comes of age. I will make his enemies my enemies. I will destroy anyone who tries to harm him. Picturing herself as a mother lioness protecting her cubs, Ninallia fell asleep.
Something woke her. A movement against her body, a small warm shape, penetrated the primeval dream. She sat up and almost pushed her son off the bed. The young emperor began to cry, and she scooped him up in her arms and held him. She rocked back and forth as tears of joy and relief coursed down her cheeks.
Sayeri hurried into the room. She stopped in amazement. “How?”
Ninallia shook her head and kissed her son. “I don’t know.”
Houston burst through the door with his weapon drawn but quickly lowered it.
“What’s going on? I can’t seem to focus.” Tegani came into the room looking disoriented and unsteady on her feet.
“Someone has returned Hiroto,” Sayeri said. She fixed Tegani a cup of strong tea.
After sipping the tea, Tegani reached for Hiroto “Let me see the child.”
Ninallia held her child fiercely.
“I want to check him to make sure he is okay,” Tegani said.
Ninallia lowered her head. She was so happy to see her son she that had not done a thorough examination. She handed Hiroto to Sister Tegani. He shifted and made sounds of distress.
It took several minutes to find the tiny tattoo and even smaller place where a small blood sample had been extracted. Someone had taken a sample to compare the results with those of the sample submitted and verified by the Order.
“Who would do this?” asked Ninallia.
“A better question is who could have gotten past the Imperial guards, a trained League colonel, and a Sister of the Order. They didn’t even wake Ninallia when they brought him back.” Houston’s voice was deep and grave. “How can I protect Hiroto if someone has the power to take him at any time?”
The baby wiggled and cooed as Sayeri leaned over him and studied the small tattoo. Houston handed her a small magnifying glass. She squinted, then nodded. “I am not positive, but this looks like the ancient symbol for the House of Hambbie¸ one used before the empire was formed two hundred years ago.”
“Who would use that symbol and why?” Houston asked.
After a few minutes of silence, Sayeri broke into laughter, shaking her head as if she couldn’t believe the answer herself. “The Dowager Empress.”
“I’m the Dowager Empress,” said Ninallia. She lifted her chin.
“There is another Dowager Empress. The late emperor’s mother, Miette, is alive. She must be in her eighties now. I met her once as a small child. The council banished her from court for being too political, and even her son approved her banishment. She has lived in seclusion for over twenty years.”
Ninallia shook her head. This woman was her son’s grandmother. She must wield a great deal of influence and power. Still Ninallia would have a few choice words for the old woman if they ever crossed paths. She smiled. Her son was back, and he was fine. That was the most important thing.
“I will ask My Lady why Dowager Empress Miette would involve herself. Only someone trained by the Order could have slipped in here unnoticed,” Tegani said.
It wasn’t long before My Lady responded. I was a young sister when Miette came to the Imperial throne. She studied with the Order for a year, as was the custom for Royals in her day. She has remarkable power and ambition, too much ambition. Javian was the Father of Wisdom then, and he refused her further training, fearing the Nobles. They would not allow a full Sister to become empress, and he agreed. The Order has always tried to stay neutral.
So, what do you think Miette is planning? Why is she involving herself in royal politics after this long a time? Tegani forwarded Houston’s question.
I believe she wants to be sure Hiroto carries her bloodline. What she will do now that has been confirmed I do not know. Don’t get involved with her scheming. In fact, do not let her know you suspect her involvement. She will make her plans known in her own time, and at least we are warned.
My Lady’s answer caused silence to settle over Ninallia and the others. They agreed not to mention the tattoo or Miette to Hanoree.
It wasn’t long before Ninallia was summoned to Hanoree, who seemed relieved to see the baby reunited with her. He could not explain what happened or why but said the Council of Nobles would be pleased.
Later, Houston reported he’d spent the rest of the day with the head of Imperial security, trying to locate any weaknesses. Every room was searched for secret passages and listening devices. Meals, even snacks, would be tested before eaten, though Tegani assured him that Miette wouldn’t poison them.
“She drugged Ninallia, you, and Sayeri. She got past me, or someone did, and I intend to find who and why,” he snapped.
“Do you think she would be in league with Hanoree?” Ninallia asked.
“No,” Tegani and Sayeri answered at the same time, their responses quite emphatic.