


The next day, Ninallia groaned when reminded that she was expected to attend a banquet for the Council of Nobles. She did not want to leave her son again, yet how could she explain her son’s disappearance without revealing too much?

Sayeri tapped her lips then said, “Tegani can attend and keep Hiroto with her at a lesser table. Perhaps we can even arrange Houston’s presence.”

“I think we should play down his disappearance. If the news reached the council, having him at the banquet will set their minds at ease. My Lady is trying to find out what Miette is up to,” Tegani said.

Thankfully, Ninallia could rely on Sayeri’s skill and experience in court etiquette.

~ * ~


Hanoree began to reevaluate his plans. If this child was indeed the emperor’s son, as the eldest male member of the line, he should be appointed as regent. The very idea this teenage girl would be was preposterous. What could such a child, one not raised in the palace, know of how to govern?

She needed a strong hand to guide her, his hand. She was young and perhaps susceptible to flattery. For now, she was wary of him and surrounded with people who were aligned with the Order. He must convince the council this was a bad thing.

Summoning Varick, Hanoree sent an urgent message to his wife and son. He demanded they present themselves at the palace as soon as possible. His wife would make a good companion for the girl, and no one would question her presence. His son would play an even more important role. He would woo the girl into an alliance. If not, perhaps she would disgrace herself and the council would exile her and let Hanoree stay as regent. After several years of his good leadership the council would crown him emperor after the young boy tragically died. A good plan.

~ * ~


Lord Pater Hanoree was not pleased to be summoned to his father’s office at the Imperial Palace. At eighteen, he preferred to spend his time with friends drinking, taking drugs, and getting into trouble. His father’s position protected him from the law, and his inheritance provide him with ample funds to indulge in his vices.

Hanoree looked up, a scowl forming on his face. “Is that what you think is appropriate to wear in the Palace?”

Pater bristled. “I assure you it is very fashionable.”

“Not here in the palace. You are my son and represent one of the highest Noble families. You are related to the emperor.”

Pater sighed. It would do not good to argue. His father had a point. “I will dress more appropriately in the future.”

Hanoree smiled. “You have heard of my late uncle’s child?”

Pater turned his head to hide his smile. He would have loved to have seen his father’s reaction to the news. “A very unfortunate birth to be sure.”

“The council has not confirmed the heir. They seem satisfied to accept the word of the Order’s First Brother,” Hanoree snapped

Pater shrugged. “What can you do?”

“What can we do is a better question. The heir’s mother is a child herself. A sixteen-year-old dumas who finds herself a pawn of the Order. If we can discredit her by scandal, the council will not make her regent.”

Pater made a face. “She is a bit young for my taste, but I suppose I can introduce her to a few vices.”

Hanoree smiled and waved for Pater to leave.

He bristled. “I am not a servant, you know. You haven’t asked how mother is doing or if I need anything. I know she would like to visit the Imperial City.”

He thought this would anger his father. It didn’t. He just waved him off. Failing to get a rise out of his father, Pater left.

That night at the banquet, he made an entrance dressed in elegant clothes. He spotted the so-called Dowager Empress standing by a serious looking man. He must be the human his father had warned him about. The man looked like a soldier—dangerous.

After a short time, Pater caught Ninallia’s attention. He smiled in a friendly manner and then looked away.

Shortly after, he walked up near her in the buffet line and whispered, “Could Lord Hanoree be any more boring?”

She smiled at Pater. “That will get you in trouble.”

He laughed. “He’s my father. If I can’t say it no one can. He puts me to sleep with his speeches.”

“You bore easily,” she teased.

“If you want some fun, I know the best places in the Imperial City.”

“I have a young son. I am afraid I cannot explore the city.”

“Oh, come on. Don’t let them keep you locked up here. Sayeri and your nurse can watch your son for one night. Unless you are afraid of the city or are too young.” He lifted a brow.

When she smiled, he knew he had her.

~ * ~


Ninallia tensed when she recognized the area. She even recognized the name of the club. It had a notorious reputation. Pater must not realize she was aware of the dangerous side of the Imperial City. This club was popular with those seeking drugs. It catered to wealthy, desolate young Nobles.

Her palms moistened. She regretted her rash decision to go with Pater even as she followed him into the club and they were seated at a table. He ordered drinks. She didn’t drink but listened to him talk. Not long after they’d sat, she thought, this is a mistake. If the Council of Nobles found her here she was finished, and her son’s reputation could be at risk. Sayeri will never forgive my stupidity, and Tegani and Houston will be furious if they find out. If I hurry and make it back to the palace, no one will be any the wiser.

Pater should have known her reputation was in danger. She watched him sniff something and down a drink. She pretended to sip her drink. What should she do? “I need to visit the ladies’ room.” Clutching her bag, Ninallia got up.

Pater’s eyes were red and glassy. His head swayed in time to the loud music. He pointed in the direction of the bathrooms. It was easy for her to exit the back and find herself in an alley behind the club. She decided to go to a better area of the city before she hailed a transport. No one in the palace need know where she had been.

Her fine clothes were attracting attention from people on the street. She ducked into a small shop that was open late and purchased a simple shift dress then hurried into a public toilet and changed. At least the young woman who hailed a transport would never be recognized as the mother of the Imperial heir.

Ninallia got out of the transport blocks from the palace. She managed to slip in through a back gate. Some skills learned on the streets of the Imperial City were useful.

As she entered her room she was met by the Tegani. “Where have you been? Don’t you know people are looking for you?”

Ninallia sighed, hopes of her absence being unnoticed died. Tegani sent a message to Sayeri, and Ninallia heard the response. She was embarrassed and sorry to have frightened her friends. Hiroto began to cry, and she rocked him back and forth. She was relieved that her friend was so happy to see her to stay angry long.

Soon after, Sayeri came into Ninallia’s room. Sitting down next to Ninallia, she asked, “What were you thinking, child?”

Tears filled Ninallia’s eyes. “I think I just wanted a friend my own age. I miss my school friends and wanted to have fun and not worry about things.”

Sayeri took Ninallia into her arms and held her. Hiroto snuggled between them. After a time, she spoke. “There will always be people who will mean you harm while pretending to be friends. Seek your training to see the truth.”

“Pater said the Order wants to use me to rule our world,” Ninallia stammered. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Hiroto squeaked in protest. Ninallia laughed and placed him in his crib.

“The Order has their agenda. They want to find who killed the royal couple and set things right. After that, who knows?” Sayeri said. “I love you as my own, and I know Colonel Houston would die to protect you and your son. Tegani is the same. She would defend you from the Order if she thought you were in danger from it. They are your friends.”

Ninallia smiled. “I am sorry for being stupid. I wish I could beat Pater over the head.”

Sayeri laughed. “Houston took care of him, and I spoke with the Dowager Empress Miette. She is old but wields much power in the royal family. She has agreed to take charge of Pater temporarily. Lord Hanoree cannot protest because Pater tested positive for drugs. He also told the Dowager Empress Miette his father put him up to discrediting you.”

Ninallia smiled. “Can we have the council arrest Hanoree?”

Sayeri shook her head. “Miette does not want to act against Hanoree now. He is the half-nephew of the late emperor and second in line.”

“But he is evil and would bring harm to the people,” Ninallia said.

“There have been evil and incompetent emperors before. What matters to her is the bloodline of the emperors remains the same.”

Ninallia did not share this view. But when she thought of her son and her determination to make sure he inherited the emperor’s throne, was she any different than the Dowager Empress Miette? Soon, her eyelids began to feel heavy, and she slept.

~ * ~


It didn’t take long for news of Pater’s failure to reach his father. Lady Hanoree sent word that she was joining him at the Imperial Palace. It interfered with his plans, and she was always spoiling their son. She also kept close tabs on him and insisted he escort her to court functions. He could not visit his mistress at will.

Hanoree paced the room in frustration. Varick brought him a message from his grandmother. She wanted to meet with both parents about Pater’s future. Hanoree’s wife was wealthy, but the Dowager Empress Miette wielded power as well as wealth. He would have to placate the old woman.

Hanoree sent Varick to check on Pater, and he reported that Pater was in his rooms guarded by men loyal to Empress Miette. Her personal physician was checking him.

He could imagine her reprimanding Pater and warning him that he needed to get his life together if he expected to inherit from her. She would promise to help, if he obeyed the rules and got involved in no plots. She might also offer a hefty financial inducement.