


Ninallia sat in her quarters, watching Hiroto.  She was lonely without her friends. Arturon was in the Temple City to provide support as My Lady underwent much needed heart surgery. Lady Sayeri had returned to her estate and her grandson, anticipating Arturon’s promised visits. Life in the palace fell into a routine for Ninallia.

One morning a messenger arrived with a note from the Dowager Empress Miette. It read: I am not up to lunch in the palace dining hall today. Would be pleased if you and my darling great-grandson would join me in my quarters. Cook will prepare something special. It was an unusual request, but Ninallia readily accepted.

The Dowager Empress’s chambers were in another wing of the palace. One that Ninallia had never been in, and she had to follow one of the palace servants to find it. She wondered if one day, after Hiroto was grown and married, this would be where she lived. No, I want to live in a small house on Sayeri’s estate.

Her guide stopped and knocked on an elaborately carved door.

“Come in.” Miette’s voice sounded strong and cheerful.

Ninallia took Hiroto from his nurse and entered, expecting to find an elaborately decorated apartment. Instead everything was elegant, yet simple, with personal items scattered around the room.

“Thank you for joining me,” Miette said, taking Hiroto in her arms. This private Miette seemed far different than the Dowager Empress Miette who bullied and manipulated the court. “I hope you don’t mind that I have invited a few other guests. They are most eager to see you.”

A smaller door on the other side of the room opened, and three people Ninallia knew and loved came in: her mother Vicori, Aunt Rese, and her old friend Mento the baker. Her mother was thin, and a little frail, but much better than before. Rese appeared ten years younger. She stood straight, and the lines of stress and worry were gone. Mento looked like he had been enjoying sunshine and fresh air. He had even slimmed down.

Ninallia rushed into her mother’s arms, and they embraced a long time.

“Oh, my baby, I have missed you.” She finally released Ninallia and reached for her grandson.

Ninallia hugged Vicori and then Mento.

Mento explained, “When you left and Vicori and Rese disappeared, I was devastated. One day a Sister came in and gave me a note from Rese. I sold everything, packed up then joined them. The clinic is in a large resort town with lots of sunshine and clean dry air, great for the lungs. I got a great exchange on my Imperial credits, so I had enough to buy a small house and a new bakery. Those people really like my fruitcake. I was such a success, I had to hire Rese to help. Pretty soon I convinced her to marry me.”

“Now you can all come here to live with me!” Ninallia said.

The room got quiet, and then Rese spoke. “No, your mother’s lungs can’t take the air here long, and the stress of living in the palace would be too much for any of us. Mento and I are so happy, and I don’t think any of us are suited for palace life”

Ninallia tried to blink back tears of disappointment. “But I miss you so much. I will come and visit you and bring Hiroto.”

Aunt Rese looked alarmed. “Would we be safe if people knew our connection to the palace? Could we have the kind of peaceful life Vicori needs?”

Miette put an arm around her. “They will come for visits, and when they do, we will have a party here in my quarters, away from the prying eyes of people like Lady Orand.”

Ninallia nodded. This was another price she would have to pay to see her son on the throne. She wondered how many more sacrifices would be needed.

