
Chapter seven



He tosses me on the bed, and I scramble to get my head straight. He said a lot but not at the same time. I’ll never understand his first marriage, but it is what it is. I can only hope that he’ll be different with me. But that’s a big ask because chances are it’s asking too much of him. And if I expect him to be faithful, I’ll just get my heart broken.

I’ve had enough broken heartedness to last me a lifetime.

“I was going to devour you tonight but instead I want to lay with you, listen to you, I want you to tell me everything.” He comes up over me giving me a kiss and flops down beside me.

This is different, I’ve never seen this side of him. It’s sweet.

“Where would you like me to start?”

“The beginning.”

Hmm, okay. “Well, I was barely ten when my parents died, they were killed by a biker.”

His eyes darken and his brows furrow. “That’s not the report I have, it says they were killed by a drunk driver.”

“That’s what all the reports say, but I was there in the car. The guy even told me if I told the truth he’d come back for me, but he doesn’t kill kids.” I swallow thickly. “We were coming home from ballet class when he ran us off the road. Shot my parents straight away, even called the cops himself. When the cops came, he gave them money, I’m assuming it was to pay them off, and they took me away.”

A tear leaks from my eye and Rage cleans it up. “We drove to my house and picked up my brother, he was thirteen at the time, allowed to be home alone, and we were taken to foster care. Because we were siblings and our ages, they kept us together. Well not at first, but I threw a fit. I wouldn’t be away from him for a moment. So, they kept us together. I told my brother about what happened, and he vowed from that moment to do anything he could to take him down.” Foster care wasn’t so bad, my last home I made ‘sisters’ and we had been close ever since, even into adulthood. I wonder if they are worried about me, since it’s been years since I last heard from them.

“Did he ever catch him?” Rage asks me.

I nod. “Yes, his second year into the police force, not only did he help clean up the dirty cops, but he rounded up a bunch of bikers in the area, too. He brought me in to see if I recognized the man that killed our parents, and I did. He was in a charter for the Jack Devils. My brother went off the books, released him and then killed him a week later. It’s why as we got older his need for vengeance got worse. Sure, we got the guy that murdered our parents, but it wasn’t enough for him. He turned dirty after that. I hated him, hated what he was becoming.”

“How’d you end up planted at the Jacks Devils?”

I lick my lips and turn to him. “I was only seventeen when I was sent to work for them. Because of my age, they didn’t want me in their club, so they put me in the diner they owned. It was great, the tips were outstanding. I couldn’t complain. My brother, though, didn’t like it and sent me for surgery. It’s where I got these.” I squeeze my breast in disgust. I never wanted my breasts to be bigger, I thought I was fine the way I was, but my brother, of course, disagreed, saying men love tits, so the more I had the better.

Rage’s face darkens. “You want them gone?”

“I’ve always wanted them gone, back to a manageable size at least, these hurt.”

“Done, I’ll make sure to get you in for a consult and get them to where you want them.”

“Really?” I ask hopefully. I’ve always been viewed by my tits, and without them I might not make as much money as I do. But it doesn’t matter to me anymore, I’m not a spy or a whore. At least, not anymore.

“Yes, Jennie, I’ll do anything to make you happy.” A nickname, he gave me a nickname. I’ve been called Big Tits and recently Jennifer, my whole life. This is new, different. And I like it.

I give him a beaming smile, to show him how happy he’s just made me. “You said you got divorce papers, does that mean you’re actually single or do you still have to do stuff with that?”

“Nope, just got the final papers in the mail, it’s officially done, signed, and sealed. Just have to wait one month before marrying, but that’s fine since I gave you three months.”

“Could we do my surgery first then see about a wedding? I would prefer to have photos of our wedding day that I can proudly display without these.” I give myself another squeeze.

“That’s fine, we’ll start getting you booked for that tomorrow. And we’ll go from there.”

This is finally happening, I never thought I’d be happy in my own skin again, and I’m about to be. Maybe being trapped in a relationship with Rage won’t be such a bad thing. I lay my head down on Rage’s chest and the thumping of his heartbeat lulls me to sleep.