
Chapter Nine



I wake up to a cold bed, Rage must have left at some point after I fell asleep. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come because if he leaves me in bed to go fuck other women, I’m not going to be happy about it.

I decide to get up and ready for the day, I might be his Old Lady now, but I still have a job to do, and that’s to make sure the girls are all back home and ready for test day. Then I have to hit the club and work. Now that I’m a manager, I won’t have to wear the skimpy outfit that was designed for me, I can wear something less revealing.

Looking through my things, I realize I don’t have much here, so I’m going to have to head over to the apartments. Only thing is, I don’t have a car here to get me there. I look out the window, trying to piece together where exactly I’m at, something I didn’t pay much attention to last night, and don’t recognize the neighborhood.

Just when I’m about to give up and just sit on Rage’s couch, he comes in the house with bags and suitcases. “What’s all this?” I ask him, my brows furrowing.

“Your shit, I had the girls at the apartments pack everything up this morning, so you could have all your things.”

Well, that’s thoughtful of him. “Thank you,” I say.

He gives me a nod and then comes to me, pulling me off the couch and into his arms. “Didn’t want to leave you this morning, but I knew you’d want your things.”

I blush slightly, not meeting his eyes. He’s right, I do want my things, but I thought I could get them myself. “Do the girls know I’m still in charge, or am I being replaced?”

“You’re still in charge, you’ve done things with those girls that no one else has, keep them in line. So, that’s still yours. Plus, with you managing the strip club, you’re even more their boss than before.”

“I might need to go shopping.” I bite my lip, waiting for him to answer.

“We’ll need to get you a car, then you can shop whenever you want. For now, I’ll take you. Anywhere specific?”

“Yeah, um, I need business clothes, since I’m now the club manager, I don’t think me wearing a string bikini is a good idea anymore.”

Rage growls low in his throat. “You’re right. Don’t need no fucks getting the wrong idea about you. You’re mine, and only will share you when I’m inside of you.” Those words shock me.

I stumble back from him and look him in the eye. “What do you mean share me?”

He shrugs. “Way I work, babe, if I’m inside you, I don’t mind sharing.”

My blood boils beneath the surface. I can feel rage inside, needing out. He wants to share me. Me. My body. “You really mean that.”

“It’s my kink, if that’s what you want to call it. For now you’re just mine until I’m comfortable with it. I don’t want to spook you or give you to anyone else. You’re mine. And until I’m secure in my feelings about us, it’s just us.”

“Just us,” I lick my lips before continuing, “for now. Before you start to cheat on me left and right, you mean.”

Rage stares at me as if I lost the plot. “You know who I am, one thing I am not, is monogamous. We’ll try it for a while, but gotta tell you, babe, that’s not me.” He’s being honest, upfront, and while I don’t like it, at least I know. Unlike other women and Old Ladies in the club that know without it being confirmed. I don’t know if I like this, this isn’t the dream I’ve always wanted.

My entire life, especially after my brother got me involved in his bullshit, was to just be happy; a few kids, a beautiful house with a yard that kids can play in. Instead, I got this, a man with kids already, which works for me because I can’t have my own. That’s something I will probably have to talk with Rage about at some point. He needs to know he can’t pin his future on me like that.

“I should get ready for work,” I say, edging around Rage to grab my things.

“I thought we were going shopping.” That’s right, with our talk I forgot about all that.

I shrug. “It’s fine, I’m sure I have something in here I can wear for tonight and head out on my day off tomorrow to get new things.”

“If you’re sure, I will go out today to car shop for you.”

I give him a fake smile. “That’s perfect, thank you.”

“By the way, I have my kids tonight, now that I have a woman in the house, they’ll be here more often than not. Their mothers are all useless.”

Fear grips at me. His kids? Kids I’ve met a few times because he’s demanded it of me. They do not like me at all. Mostly, I think it’s because their mothers talk shit about me whenever they can, knowing Rage wants me and not them.

“Eventually,” he continues talking, nothing bothering to notice the fear gripping at me, “you’ll be home enough that they no longer have to go to their mothers.”

“Wait what? What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, eventually when we can get in a better manager for the strip club, you’ll be home. Sure, you’ll still be mother hen to the bitches, but you’ll be home and can take care of my kids. You forget that I have full custody?” he asks me confused.

Shaking my head, I start digging through my bags and find a black pantsuit that would be perfect for my shift tonight. I completely forgot I had this.

“You mean I’m going to basically be a housewife?” I ask him as I straighten back up with my clothes in my arms.

“Yup, that’s the goal. The kids are only with their mothers right now because they need someone watching them, and without Megan around to do that, well, that left me with no one. I don’t like relying on the other Old Ladies in the club, and I don’t trust the whores.”

I put a hand up to stop him, “I get it, but isn’t your oldest kid fourteen? Why can’t he watch the little ones sometimes? I like my work, and I know I’ll like this new position even more.”

Rage snorts a laugh. “Woman, what fourteen-year-old boy wants to watch his little siblings?”

I bite the inside of my cheek, fighting a smile. He’s right, no fourteen-year-old boy with friends is gonna want to babysit. But at the same time, there is nothing wrong with him doing it once in a while. “You do know your kids hate me, right?” I finally ask.

Rage’s head snaps back like I slapped him. “Explain that,” he demands.

I shrug. “I’ve just noticed it, especially at the last family BBQ we had at the clubhouse, they were all giving me dirty looks, and your five-year-old tried to trip me at one point.”

“Were their mothers with them?”

“I have no idea.” I really don’t, it’s not like I searched them out.

He nods. “They were there, and that’s probably why. Those bitches get the kids to do their dirty work. Jealous cunts.”

Sighing, I give up this conversation. “I’m going to get ready for work now. We can continue talking tomorrow or something, we apparently ,now have time.”

“You’re right, we do. We’ll pick this up later. For now, I’m going to get my kids. Decker is giving you a lift to work.” He walks out of the house, seemingly angry and slams the door shut, causing me to jump.

Well, that was a great start to the day. Can’t wait for more of this in my future, I think sarcastically.