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abolitionism, 13, 17, 22, 50, 51, 59–60
Brown and, see Brown, John
Nantucket convention, 9–12, 13, 19
Pleasant and, 23, 51–61
Smith and, 21, 23
African Americans:
backlash against, 130
farmers, 137, 197, 208, 265, 267
forty acres of land for, 82–84
home ownership and, 265
in Indian Territory, 81–84
lynching and, see lynching
men called by first names, 194
migration to Harlem, 256–57
relocation to Oklahoma, 128–32
World War I veterans, 236, 247, 261
yellow fever and, 98
see also black wealth; civil rights; slaves, slavery
African Meeting House, 12
Afro-American Realty Company, 255–58
Alvord, William, 56
Angelou, Maya, 106n
Atlanta, Ga., 197, 200
Atlanta Life Insurance, 191
Atlanta University, 197, 201
banks, 187–88
Barrett, William, 125
baseball, xi
Beale Street District, 92–94, 117, 122, 123, 187–89, 263, 264
beauty industry:
black, 138–39, 208, 211, 265–66; see also black hair care industry
white salons and barbershops, 140
Breckenridge, George W., 236
Bell, Teresa Clingan, 113, 177–80
Pleasant’s fight with, 180–81
Bell, Thomas, 112–13, 177
death of, 177–79
Bell, Thomas Frederick, Jr., 177, 179, 181
lawsuit against Pleasant, 179–80
Belmead plantation, ix
Bionda, Kate, 96
Bishop, Hutchens C., 258–60
black beauty industry, 138–39, 208, 211, 265–66
black hair care industry, 139–40, 265–66
Larrie and, 209–10, 213–14
Malone and, xiii, 135–52, 203–5, 215, 265–66
Walker and, 152, 201, 205–14, 216, 237–38, 265–66
Washington’s view of, 208, 209
black wealth, xi–xii, xiv–xv, 263–67
billionaires, xv
millionaires, xi–xii, 1–5, 267
real estate in, 265
Smith’s essays on, 50–51
Blackwell’s Island, 163–64
Blair, Kinder, 37
boardinghouses, xiii
Booth, Newton, 109–10, 111, 176
death of, 176–77
Boston, Absalom, 13, 17
Boston, Mass., 20
Boston, Prince, 17
Brauns, Washington, 226–27, 230, 232
Breedlove, Sarah, see Walker, Madam C. J.
Brown, John, xiii, 51–61, 102, 176
execution of, 61, 63, 101
Harpers Ferry raid, xiii, 58–61, 63, 101
“Parallels,” 53–54
Brown, William Wells, 52
Bruce, Blanche K., 64, 95, 118, 124
Bulletin No. 2, 38–41, 115, 184
Bureau of Land Management, 83
Burton, Phillip, 29
Burton, Rosalie Virginia, 29–33
buses and streetcars:
John Drew Bus Line, x, xi
segregation on, 104–7, 111, 133, 176
Caesar, Julius, 170
California, 3–5
banks in, 48
Chinese immigrants in, 55, 107–8
gold rush in, xii, 4, 25–26, 38, 44–46, 49
minority rights in, 55, 104, 106–8
Pleasant’s move to, 26, 43–46, 49
San Francisco, see San Francisco, Calif.
Canada, 56–60
Carnegie, Andrew, 208
Cary, Mary Ann Shadd, 60
Cassard, W. J., 224, 225
catering, 155
Central Oklahoma Emigration Society, 129–30
Charles Town, W.Va., 22–23
Chatham, 56–57, 60
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway, 121
Chicago World’s Fair (1895), 124
Chinese immigrants, 55, 107–8
Church, Anna Wright, 118–19, 120, 124, 264
Church, Annette, 124, 264
Church, Captain Charles B., 30–41, 63–65, 85–87, 89, 90, 94, 97, 123
death of, 97
Church, Charles, Jr., 30, 33, 64
Church, Laura, 65, 86, 88
Church, Louisa “Lou” Ayers, 86–90, 92, 117, 118, 140
Church, Margaret Pico, 65, 86–88
Church, Mary (daughter of Robert), 87, 94, 95, 97, 119, 121–24, 263–64
Church, Mary (wife of Captain Church), 30
Church, Molly, 30
Church, Robert Reed, xii, xiii, 85–99, 115–26, 139, 183–89, 200, 208, 217, 218, 263–64, 266
arena of, 183–87
bank of, 187–88
in battle of Memphis, 68–69
billiard halls and saloons of, 89–91, 93–97, 116, 117, 188
birth of, 30
bond purchased by, 99
bordellos and dance clubs and, 117, 123
Bruce and, 64, 95
in Civil War, 66–69, 118
death of, 189, 198–99, 217
divorce from Lou, 117, 118
Douglass hosted by, 123–24
early life of, 29, 31–41
estate of, 189
hotel of, 123
income of, 117
as landlord, 116–17, 123
last years of, 188–89
lumber factory fire and, 115–16
mansion of, 119–20
marriage to Anna, 118–19
marriage to Lou, 86–87
marriage to Margaret, 65
mob attack on, 90–92, 115
morphine used by, 118
mother of (Emmeline), 27–33, 37, 67
Oklahoma and, 126, 129
as political power broker, 95–96, 185, 187, 188
real estate holdings of, 98, 116–17, 119–21, 187
at Republican National Convention, 185
Roosevelt and, 185, 186
shootings of, 91, 93, 118
snowfall and, 94–95
steamship fire and, 39–41, 115, 184
on steamships, 38–41, 63–69, 89
in Tennessee Rifles, 124–25
Washburne and, 91–92
Washington and, 185–86, 189
Wells loaned money by, 121–22
Wells’s critiques of, 120–21, 122
yellow fever outbreak and, 97–98, 116, 119
Church, Robert Reed, Jr., 124, 188, 235, 264
Church, Sara Roberta, 264
Church, Thomas Ayers, 92, 97, 262, 263, 264
Church Hotel, 123
Church Park and Auditorium, 183–87
civil rights:
in California, 55, 104, 106–8
protests, 124
voting and, 134, 196, 197, 261
see also Jim Crow laws; segregation
Civil Rights Act (1866), 89, 90, 106
Civil War, xiii, 65–66, 72, 75, 79–80, 81, 86, 102–3, 106, 107, 136, 137
battle of Memphis in, 68–69
blockade in, 66
Church and Wilson in, 66–69, 118
end of, 87, 103
reunion for Confederate veterans, 184
Civil War Draft Riots, 258, 259
Cleopatra, 170
Coffin, William C., 9–10
Colonel Lovell, CSS, 68
Colorado, 152
Denver, 151–52
Columbia Law School, 201
Combs, Sean, 264
confirmation ceremony, 27–28, 30
cotton, xiii, 18, 23, 36, 38
transport of, 35–36, 38–39, 63, 65–66
Crash of 1929, xi
Crystal Palace barbershop, 140
Darby, Pa., ix–x
Darby Daisies, xi
Davis, Jefferson, 88
Day, William Howard, 60
Delany, Martin, 57, 60
Democrats, 52, 88, 96, 107, 196
Denver, Colo., 151–52
Depression, Great, xi, 238
in New York, 169
in Tulsa, 200–201
Douglas, Stephen A., 52
Douglass, Frederick, x, 10–13, 19, 20, 24, 52, 139, 176
Church and, 123–24
death of, 186
Wells and, 124
Downs, Charlotte Dennis, 107n
Draft Riots, 258, 259
Drew, John Mott, ix, x–xi, xv, 266
Drew, Napoleon Bonaparte, ix–x
Drew, Simon, x
Drummond, John, 175
Du Bois, W. E. B., 191, 194
in Greenwood, 244, 252–53
Dugan, Patrick W., 225
Duquesne Club, 229
education, 201
Elevator, 103
Elias, Charles, 154–55, 156, 159, 162
Elias, David, 162
Elias, Gwendolyn, 220
Elias, Hannah Bessie, xii, xiii–xiv, 156–72, 216–17, 219–33, 235, 260–62, 264–65, 266
arrests and imprisonments of, 157–59, 163–64, 226–29, 233
as boardinghouse operator, 166
children of, 162–63, 220
Cleopatra and, 170
desire to look white, 171–72
ethnicity claims of, 168–69
extravagance of, 169
Harlem and, xiii–xiv, 255–56, 258–60, 264–65
Italian tutor and, 169
loneliness and seclusion of, 169–72, 261
mansion of, 168, 229
medical suite of, 168
move to Europe, 262, 264
Nail and, xiii–xiv, 235, 236, 258–62
Platt and, 160–61, 164–68, 170, 171, 220, 224, 255, 260
Platt’s lawsuit against, 224–33, 260
Platt’s support of, 165–66, 224
protests at home of, 225–26, 227, 233
Satterfield and, 161–63
servants of, 169
Smith’s divorce from, 167
Smith’s marriage to, 166
trial of, 230–32, 255
wealth of, 171, 226, 229
Williams and, 166–67, 220–24
Elias, Hattie, 154, 155–56
Elias, Mary, 154
Emancipation Proclamation, 87, 88
Emmeline, 27–33, 37, 67
Episcopal Church of Arkansas, 27–28
Exodusters, 152, 193
farmers, 137, 197, 208, 265, 267
financial crisis of 2008, 265
Folsom, Joseph, 5, 55, 104
Folsom v. Leidesdorff, 55
Forrest, Nathan Bedford, 88
France, 262
Franklin, B. C., 247
Franklin, John Hope, 200
Frederick Douglass’ Paper, 50–51
Freeman, 207
Freeman, George Washington, 28
Fulton, Robert, 32, 33
Gardner, Edward, 24, 25, 47, 56
Garrison, William Lloyd, 11, 13, 22, 50, 52
gold, 50
in California, xii, 4, 25–26, 38, 44–46, 49
Pleasant’s selling of, 47–48
Great Crash of 1929, xi
Great Depression, xi, 238
Great Fire of 1846, 24–25
Green, Andrew H., 221–24, 256
Green, Geo, 22, 59
Greenwood, Tulsa, xiii, 194–202, 241–53
as “Black Wall Street,” xiii, 201
Du Bois in, 244, 252–53
race riots in, xiii, 249–53, 261, 264
Griggs, E. M., 212
Gurley, Emma, 132, 194, 202, 250–52, 264
Gurley, John, 128
Gurley, Ottowa W. (OW), xii, xiii, 128–29, 132, 194–97, 199, 201–2, 241–44, 247, 264, 266
bribery charge against, 241
in encounter with white men, 202, 241
Greenwood riots and, 250–52
Rowland and, 246, 247
as sheriff’s deputy, 241, 243
wealth and power of, 243
Gurley, Rosanna, 128
Gurley Hotel, 195
Hadnott, W. W., 213
Haight, Henry Huntly, 107, 110
hair products, see black hair care industry
Haitian Revolution, 58
Hamilton, Eliza Jane, 71–74
Hamilton, Jeremiah, 50–51, 71–72, 139–40, 216–17, 258, 266
death of, 75
near lynching of, 71–75
Hampton Institute, 201
Handy, W. C., 189, 264
Harlem, 216, 244, 255–62, 265
African American migrants to, 256–57
anti-integration proponents in, 257
Elias and, xiii–xiv, 255–56, 258–60, 264–65
evictions in, 255–56, 257
Nail and, xiii–xiv, 258–60
train station and, 256, 257
Harpers Ferry raid, xiii, 58–61, 63, 101
Hayden, Louis, 22
Hayes, Rutherford B., 96
Herndon, Alonzo, 140, 191, 197, 200, 208, 235
home ownership, 265
homestead act, 83
Hughes, Cathy, 264
Hussey, Mary “Grandma,” 15, 16, 24
Hussey family, 14–18, 20, 24
Illinois, 137
Lovejoy, 145–48
Peoria, 135, 136
Illinois River, 136
Indians, 79–84, 133
in California, 108
in Oklahoma, 79–84, 127, 129, 192, 193
removal policy for, 81
as slaveholders, 79–82, 84
Trail of Tears and, 81, 84
Indian Territory, 81–84
Industry, 17
inventors, 267
investors, x–xi, 266
Jackson, Andrew, 81, 89
Jim Crow laws, 133, 152, 204, 266, 267
court system and, xii
in Oklahoma, 196–97, 199
see also segregation
John Drew Bus Line, x, xi
John P. Jackson, USS, 103
Johnson, Bob, 264
Johnson, James Weldon, 258
Jordan, Michael, xv
Kagi, J. H., 58
Kansas, 52–54, 128
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 52
Kato, 170, 226, 227, 228, 232, 260, 261, 262
King, B. B., 264
King, Martin Luther, Sr., 197
Knox, George, 207, 210–13
Koch, Erduin van der Horst, 257
labor groups, 165
Langston, Okla., 130–31
Larrie, Dora, 209–10, 213–14
laundries, 108–9
League of Gileadites, 52
Lee, Robert E., 80
Leidesdorff, William Alexander, 1–5, 55, 104
Liberator, 50
Lincoln, Abraham, 7, 137
Civil War and, 65, 66
elected president, 65, 102
Emancipation Proclamation of, 87, 88
homestead act passed by, 83
Peoria speech of, 52–53
Louisiana, 133
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis World’s Fair), 148–51, 204, 215
L’Ouverture, Toussaint, 58
Lovejoy, Ill., 145–48
Lucy, 29–30
lynching, xii, xiii, 72, 130, 131, 191–92, 193, 195, 242, 244, 261
of Chinese immigrants, 108
Hamilton threatened with, 71–75
Rowland and, 245–49
of Stewart and McDowell, 125–26
Tennessee Rifles and, 124–25
Wells’s writings on, 122–23, 124
Malone, Aaron Eugene, 204–5
divorce from Annie, 238–39, 265
marriage to Annie, 214–15
Malone, Annie Turnbo, xii, xiv, 135–52, 200, 203–5, 214–15, 218, 265, 266
birth of, 137
death of, 239, 265
divorce from Malone, 238–39, 265
estate of, 265
financial troubles of, 239
hair loss treated by, 138, 140, 142–52
hair products of, xiii, 135–52, 203–5, 215, 265–66
headquarters of, 215
herbalist and, 141–43
marriage to Malone, 214–15
marriage to Pope, 215n
move to Lovejoy, 145–48
move to St. Louis, 149
at Negro Business League conference, 235, 236
Poro College of, 204, 236
Poro Products company of, 151–52, 203–5, 207, 215, 238, 239
Walker (Breedlove) and, 149–52, 205, 207, 209, 239
wealth of, 238
Manhattan, see New York City
Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, 13
McCabe, Edward P., 130–31, 132
McClusky, George W., 223–24
McCullough, Willard, 243, 247
McDowell, Calvin, 125–26
McKinley, William, 185, 186, 219
Melville, Herman, xii
Memphis, Tenn., 32, 33–34, 85–99, 130, 200
African American community in, 93, 184–87
bankruptcy of, 98–99, 184
battle of, 68–69
Beale Street District, 92–94, 117, 122, 123, 187–89, 263, 264
bonds issued in, 98–99
Church’s properties in, 98
lumber factory fire in, 115–16
lynching of Stewart and McDowell in, 125–26
People’s Grocery in, 125
racial tensions and riots in, 89–92, 93, 97, 115
redevelopment of, 99
reunion for Confederate veterans in, 184
snowfall in, 94–95
Union troops in, 88–89, 90, 96
yellow fever outbreak in, 96–99, 116, 119
Memphis Free Speech, 122
Mexican-American War, 4
Mexico, 3–4
Miller, Julius “Pop,” 160
mining companies, 112, 113
Mississippi delta, 36
snowfall in, 94–95
Mississippi River, 34, 36, 37, 66, 103
Missouri, 53, 54
Moby-Dick (Melville), xii
Montreal, 59
Moss, Thomas, 125
Moton, R. R., 236
Mount Olivet Baptist Church, 167
Moyamensing Prison, 157–59
Murray, Johnston, 134n
Murray, William “Alfalfa Bill,” 133–34, 196
Muskogee Scimitar, 195
NAACP, 258
Nail, John, 235, 236, 261
Elias and, xiii–xiv, 235, 236, 258–62
Harlem and, xiii–xiv, 258–60
Nantucket, Mass., 9–26, 44
abolitionist convention in, 9–12, 13, 19
Atheneum in, 9–12, 13, 15, 24
Great Fire in, 24–25
Hussey family in, 14–18, 20, 24
Newtown, 12–13, 16–17, 19
schools in, 14
whaling in, 15, 17–19, 24, 25, 49
Nanz, August C., 167
Napier, James Carrol, 235–36
Napier, Margaret Pico, 65, 86–88
Natchez, Miss., 36
National Negro Business League, 185–86, 208, 235
conferences of, 210–12, 218, 235–36
Nebraska, 52
Negro League baseball, xi
Nevada, 112, 113
New Bedford, Mass., 49
New Orleans, La., 87–88
Newtown, Nantucket, 12–13, 16–17, 19
New York City, 56
Central Park, 168
Civil War Draft Riots in, 258, 259
domestics in, 169
Green as planner in, 223, 256
Harlem, see Harlem
Millionaires’ Row, 165, 168
Tenderloin, 159–60, 162
violence in, 72
New York Age, 261
New York Evening World, 255
New York Freedman, 120
New York Indicator, 256–57
New York Public Library, 257
New York Times, 130–31, 232–33
Nightingale, Taylor, 123
North Beach and Mission Railroad Company (NBMRR), 104–7
Oberlin College, 186, 201
oil boom, 192–95, 200
Oklahoma, 79–84, 126, 127–34, 193, 196
African Americans’ relocation to, 128–32
Greenwood, see Greenwood, Tulsa
Indians in, 79–84, 127, 129, 192, 193
Langston, 130–31
Perry, 129, 130, 132
Tulsa, see Tulsa, Okla.
white supremacists and segregation in, 133–34, 199
Omnibus Railroad & Cable Company, 104, 105
Ontario, 54, 56
Oregon, SS, 43
Overton, Anthony, 210–11
Overton Hygienic Manufacturing Company, 210–11
Page, Sarah, 245, 246, 248
Panama, 47–48
Panic of 1893, 128
Panic of 1907, 188
“Parallels” (Brown), 53–54
Paris, 262
Payton, Philip A., Jr., 256
Pennsylvania, 14
People’s Grocery, 125
Peoria, Ill., 135, 136
Perry, Okla., 129, 130, 132
Perry, Tyler, 264
Philadelphia, Pa., 162
Seventh Ward of, 153–54
Phillips, R. B., 103
Phillips, Wendell, 22, 59
Pierce, Franklin, 52
Pinchback, P. B. S., 119
Platt, Isaac S., 225
Platt, John R., 159–60, 260
death of, 260
death of wife, 166
Elias and, 160–61, 164–68, 170, 171, 220, 224, 255, 260
Elias supported by, 165–66, 224
estate of, 260
lawsuit against Elias, 224–33, 260
mansion purchased for Elias, 168
wealth of, 165
Williams and, 166–67, 221
on witness stand, 230–32
Pleasant, Mary Ellen, xii–xiii, 13–26, 43–51, 101–13, 139, 175–82, 266
abolitionism and, 23, 51–61
African American community and, 111, 112
Bell and, 112–13
Bell’s death and, 177–79
birth of, 13–14
“Black City Hall” of, 111, 112
boardinghouse of, 108–9, 111
Booth and, 109–10, 111, 176
Booth’s death and, 176–77
in Boston, 20
Brown and, xiii, 51–61, 101, 102
in Canada, 56–60
character and appearance of, 20
death of, 181–82, 263
estate of, 263
Frederick Bell’s lawsuit against, 179–80
gold sold by, 47–48
Hussey family and, 14–18, 20, 24
ill health of, 179, 180, 181
inheritance from first husband, 23–24, 26, 47, 49
investments of, 48–49, 113
laundries of, 108–9
mansion of, 112
marriage to JJ, 25, 44, 46, 49, 50, 56, 59, 60
marriage to Smith, 21–24
as moneylender, 46–47
move to California, 26, 43–46, 49
nicknamed “Mammy Pleasant” in press, 107, 176
parents of, 14
public profile embraced by, 103–4
rumors about past of, 107n, 176
silver and, 47–48, 113
Sonoma Valley ranch of, 175–76, 179, 180
streetcar desegregation and, 104–7, 111, 176
Teresa Bell’s fight with, 180–81
wealth of, 26, 48, 113, 171, 176, 178, 179, 182
Woodworths and, 101–3, 105–7
Pleasants, John James (JJ), 23–26, 44, 46, 49, 50, 56, 59, 60, 101–3
illness and death of, 111, 113
Plessy v. Ferguson, 132–33
Polk, James K., 25–26
Pompey, Edward J., 12
Pope, Nelson, 215n
Poro College, 204, 236
Poro Products, 151–52, 203–5, 207, 215, 238, 239
Powhatan, Va., ix–x
Progressive Era, 165
Provisional Constitutional Convention, 57–58
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends), 9, 15, 44
railways, 121, 133, 198
Rand, William, 230, 231
Ransom, Freeman Briley, 216, 236–38
real estate, 265
Reconstruction, 82, 103, 130, 133, 204, 265
Republican National Convention, 185
Republicans, 82, 89, 91, 96
Roach, David, 91, 92
Robinson, Edward P., 171
Rogers, Will, 192
Roosevelt, Theodore, 150–51
Church and, 185, 186
Church Auditorium address of, 186, 187
Washington and, 186, 219
Rowland, Dick, 244–49
St. Louis, Mo., 149, 200
St. Louis World’s Fair, 148–51, 204, 215
St. Philips Episcopal Church, 258
San Francisco, Calif., 3–5, 43–50, 54, 101–3
African American community in, 111, 112
desegregation of streetcars in, 104–7, 111
Satterfield, Frank P., 161–63
schools, 14
segregation, 199
Harlem and, 257
in housing, 199
in Oklahoma, 133–34, 199
Plessy v. Ferguson and, 132–33
on streetcars and buses, 104–7, 111, 133, 176
on trains, 121, 133, 198
see also Jim Crow laws
silver, 47–48, 113
slaves, slavery, ix, xi, xiii, 19, 23, 36, 38, 67, 72, 79, 81, 139, 155, 186, 226, 267
auctions of, 23, 32–33, 80
emancipation of, 79, 82–84, 87, 88, 118–19, 136, 139, 267
Emmeline, 27–33, 37
Indians and, 79–82, 84
life span and, 28
Lincoln on, 52
Lucy, 29–30
northern territories and, 52
runaway, 33, 52, 57
Smith and, 23
steamships and, 65–66
yellow fever and, 98
see also abolitionism
Smith, Christopher, 166, 167
Smith, James McCune, 50–51, 72, 217, 258
Smith, James W., 21–24
Smith, Lizzie Pleasant, 103, 113
Smith, Robert F., xv, 266
Smitherman, A. J., 196, 244
Solvent Savings Bank & Trust, 187–88
Spark, Anna Marie, 5
Spelman College, 197, 201
steamships, 30, 32, 33–37, 96
Bulletin No. 2, 38–41, 115, 184
Robert Church on, 38–41, 63–69, 89
slavery and, 65–66
Victoria, 63, 65–67
Stevens, Thaddeus, 77
Stewart, Will, 125–26
stock market, x–xi, 266
Stradford, John the Baptist (JB), 194–95, 196–98, 244
Du Bois and, 244
streetcars, 104–7, 111, 176
Supreme Court, 55
Plessy v. Ferguson, 132–33
Sydney Ducks, 45
Sydney Town, 45
Tennessee Rifles, 124–25
Terrell, Mary Church, 87, 94, 95, 97, 119, 121–24, 263–64
Terrell, Robert Herberton, 188
Thirteenth Amendment, 226
Tillman, Benjamin, 219
Trail of Tears, 81, 84
trains, 121, 133, 198
trust-busting laws, 165
Turnbo, Annie Minerva, see Malone, Annie Turnbo
Turnbo, Isabel, 137
Turnbo, Robert, 137
Turnbo, Sarah, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141, 145–47
Tulsa, Okla., 193–94, 196–97, 251
black men arrested in, 242–43
Greenwood, see Greenwood, Tulsa
oil boom in, 192–95, 200
race riots in, xiii, 249–53, 261, 264
segregation of, 199
Tulsa Star, 196
Tulsa Tribune, 245
Turner, Nat, 51
Tuskegee Institute, 201, 208–9, 217, 236
Tyler, George W., 105, 106
Tyler, John G., 257
Underground Railroad, 137
Uwatie, Standhope, 80
Vicksburg, Miss., 38
Victoria, 63, 65–67
voting rights, 134, 196, 197, 261
Walker, A’Lelia, 150, 216, 238
Walker, Charles James, 152, 205–7
Larrie and, 209–10, 213–14
Madam’s divorce from, 210, 213, 214
reconciliation attempts of, 214
Walker, Madam C. J. (Sarah Breedlove), xii, 205–14, 216, 236–38, 262, 266
death of, 237, 242
divorce of, 210, 213, 214
factory of, 207, 212
hair products of, 152, 201, 205–14, 216, 237–38, 265–66
Harlem house of, 216
home purchased by, 206–7
Knox and, 207, 210–13
Larrie and, 209–10, 213–14
lifestyle and public profile of, 216–18
Malone and, 149–52, 205, 207, 209, 239
mansion of, 237, 238
marriage of, 152
at Negro Business League conferences, 210–12, 218, 235, 236
profits of, 216, 236–37
Ransom and, 216, 236–38
Ransom’s press releases on, 237–38
Washington and, 208–9, 210–13, 217–18
Walker Company, 236–38
Walker-Larrie Company, 213
Wampanoag Indians, 12
Ward, Samuel Ringgold, 50–51
Ward, Thomas Marcus Decatur, 50
Washburne, Elihu, 91–92
Washington, Booker T., 173, 191, 194, 201, 208, 235
black hair care and beauty products as viewed by, 208, 209
Church and, 185–86, 189
illness and death of, 218
Madam Walker and, 208–9, 210–13, 217–18
at Negro Business League conferences, 210–12, 218
Roosevelt and, 186, 219
Washington, George, 61
Washington, Lewis, 61
wealth, xiv
movements against the wealthy, 165
see also black wealth
Weekly Baptist, 122
Wells, Ida B., 120–23, 188, 261
Church criticized by, 120–21, 122
Church’s loan to, 121–22
Douglass and, 124
writings on lynchings, 122–23, 124
Wells Fargo & Co., 48
West Virginia, 57–59
whale oil, 15, 18, 24
whaling, xii, 49
in Nantucket, 15, 17–19, 24, 25, 49
white supremacists, 137
in Oklahoma, 133–34
Williams, Cornelius, 166–67, 220–24
Green and, 221–24
Williams, Louis Alexander, 14, 15
Wilson, James, 29–32, 37
in Civil War, 66–67, 118
death of, 118
Winfrey, Oprah, xv, 264
Wonderful Hair Grower, 144–45, 147–50, 206, 214
Woodworth, Lisette, 102, 103, 105–7
Woodworth, Selim, 101–3
World War I, 236, 247, 261, 262
yellow fever, 29, 96–99, 116, 119
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 211, 217, 238