1 Chron. | 1 Chronicles |
2 Chron. | 2 Chronicles |
1 Cor. | 1 Corinthians |
2 Cor. | 2 Corinthians |
1 Esd. | 1 Esdras |
2 Esd. | 2 Esdras |
1 John | 1 John |
2 John | 2 John |
3 John | 3 John |
1 Kings | 1 Kings |
2 Kings | 2 Kings |
1 Macc. | 1 Maccabees |
2 Macc. | 2 Maccabees |
1 Peter | 1 Peter |
2 Peter | 2 Peter |
1 Sam. | 1 Samuel |
2 Sam. | 2 Samuel |
1 Thess. | 1 Thessalonians |
2 Thess. | 2 Thessalonians |
1 Tim. | 1 Timothy |
2 Tim. | 2 Timothy |
Acts | Acts |
Amos | Amos |
Bar. | Baruch |
Bel | Bel and the Dragon |
Col. | Colossians |
Dan. | Daniel |
Deut. | Deuteronomy |
Eccl. | Ecclesiastes |
Ep. Jer. | Epistle of Jeremiah |
Eph. | Ephesians |
Est. | Esther |
Ezek. | Ezekiel |
Ex. | Exodus |
Ezra | Ezra |
Gal. | Galatians |
Gen. | Genesis |
Hab. | Habakkuk |
Hag. | Haggai |
Heb. | Hebrews |
Hos. | Hosea |
Isa. | Isaiah |
James | James |
Jer. | Jeremiah |
Job | Job |
Joel | Joel |
John | John |
Jonah | Jonah |
Josh. | Joshua |
Jude | Jude |
Judg. | Judges |
Judith | Judith |
Lam. | Lamentations |
Lev. | Leviticus |
Luke | Luke |
Mal. | Malachi |
Mark | Mark |
Matt. | Matthew |
Mic. | Micah |
Nah. | Nahum |
Neh. | Nehemiah |
Num. | Numbers |
Obad. | Obadiah |
Phil. | Philippians |
Philem. | Philemon |
Pr. Man. | Prayer of Manassah |
Prov. | Proverbs |
Ps. | Psalm |
Rest. of Est. | The Rest of Esther |
Rev. | Revelation |
Rom. | Romans |
Ruth | Ruth |
S. of III Ch. | The Song of the Three Holy |
Children | |
Sir. | Sirach/Ecclesiasticus |
Song | Song of Songs |
Sus. | Susanna |
Titus | Titus |
Tobit | Tobit |
Wisd. Sol. | The Wisdom of Solomon |
Zech. | Zechariah |
Zeph. | Zephaniah |
Individual tractates of rabbinic literature follow the abbreviations of the SBL Handbook of Style, pp. 79–80. Qumran documents follow standard Dead Sea Scroll conventions.
2 Bar. | 2 Baruch |
3 Bar. | 3 Baruch |
4 Bar. | 4 Baruch |
1 En. | 1 Enoch |
2 En. | 2 Enoch |
3 En. | 3 Enoch |
4 Ezra | 4 Ezra |
3 Macc. | 3 Maccabees |
4 Macc. | 4 Maccabees |
5 Macc. | 5 Maccabees |
Acts Phil. | Acts of Philip |
Acts Pet. | Acts of Peter and the 12 Apostles |
Apoc. Elijah | Apocalypse of Elijah |
As. Mos. | Assumption of Moses |
b. | Babylonian Talmud (+ tractate) |
Gos. Thom. | Gospel of Thomas |
Jos. Asen. | Joseph and Aseneth |
Jub. | Jubilees |
Let. Aris. | Letter of Aristeas |
m. | Mishnah (+ tractate) |
Mek. | Mekilta |
Midr. | Midrash I (+ biblical book) |
Odes Sol. | Odes of Solomon |
Pesiq. Rab. | Pesiqta Rabbati |
Pirqe. R. El. | Pirqe Rabbi Eliezer |
Pss. Sol. | Psalms of Solomon |
Rab. | Rabbah (+biblical book); (e.g., Gen. Rab.=Genesis Rabbah) |
S. ![]() | Seder ![]() |
Sem. | Semahot |
Sib. Or. | Sibylline Oracles |
T. Ab. | Testament of Abraham |
T. Adam | Testament of Adam |
T. Ash. | Testament of Asher |
T. Benj. | Testament of Benjamin |
T. Dan | Testament of Dan |
T. Gad | Testament of Gad |
T. Hez. | Testament of Hezekiah |
T. Isaac | Testament of Isaac |
T. Iss. | Testament of Issachar |
T. Jac. | Testament of Jacob |
T. Job | Testament of Job |
T. Jos. | Testament of Joseph |
T. Jud. | Testament of Judah |
T. Levi | Testament of Levi |
T. Mos. | Testament of Moses |
T. Naph. | Testament of Naphtali |
T. Reu. | Testament of Reuben |
T. Sim. | Testament of Simeon |
T. Sol. | Testament of Solomon |
T. Zeb. | Testament of Zebulum |
Tanh. | Tanhuma |
Tg. Isa. | Targum of Isaiah |
Tg. Lam. | Targum of Lamentations |
Tg. Neof. | Targum Neofiti |
Tg. Onq. | Targum Onqelos |
Tg. Ps.-J | Targum Pseudo-Jonathan |
y. | Jerusalem Talmud (+ tractate) |
For an extended list of classical historians and church fathers, see SBL Handbook of Style, pp. 84–87. For many works of classical antiquity, the abbreviations have been subjected to the author’s discretion; the names of these works should be obvious upon consulting entries of the classical writers in classical dictionaries or encyclopedias.
Eccl. Hist. | Ecclesiastical History |
Ag. Ap. | Against Apion |
Ant. | Jewish Antiquities |
J.W. | Jewish War |
Life | The Life |
Abraham | On the Life of Abraham |
Agriculture | On Agriculture |
Alleg. Interp | Allegorical Interpretation |
Animals | Whether Animals Have Reason |
Cherubim | On the Cherubim |
Confusion | On the Confusion of Thomas |
Contempl. Life | On the Contemplative Life |
Creation | On the Creation of the World |
Curses | On Curses |
Decalogue | On the Decalogue |
Dreams | On Dreams |
Drunkenness | On Drunkenness |
Embassy | On the Embassy to Gaius |
Eternity | On the Eternity of the World |
Flaccus | Against Flaccus |
Flight | On Flight and Finding |
Giants | On Giants |
God | On God |
Heir | Who Is the Heir? |
Hypothetica | Hypothetica |
Joseph | On the Life of Joseph |
Migration | On the Migration of Abraham |
Moses | On the Life of Moses |
Names | On the Change of Names |
Person | That Every Good Person |
Is Free | |
Planting | On Planting |
Posterity | On the Posterity of Cain |
Prelim. Studies | On the Preliminary Studies |
Providence | On Providence |
QE | Questions and Answers on Exodus |
QG | Questions and Answers on Genesis |
Rewards | On Rewards and Punishments |
Sacrifices | On the Sacrifices of Cain and Abel |
Sobriety | On Sobriety |
Spec. Laws | On the Special Laws |
Unchangeable | That God Is Unchangeable |
Virtues | On the Virtues |
Worse | That the Worse Attacks the Better |
Apostolic Fathers
1 Clem. | First Letter of Clement |
Barn. | Epistle of Barnabas |
Clem. Hom. | Ancient Homily of Clement (also called 2 Clement) |
Did. | Didache |
Herm. Vis.; | Shepherd of Hermas, |
Sim. | Visions; Similitudes |
Ignatius | Epistles of Ignatius (followed by the letter’s name) |
Mart. Pol. | Martyrdom of Polycarp |
AASOR | Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research |
AB | Anchor Bible |
ABD | Anchor Bible Dictionary |
ABRL | Anchor Bible Reference Library |
AGJU | Arbeiten zur Geschichte des antiken Judentums und des Urchristentums |
AH | Agricultural History |
ALGHJ | Arbeiten zur Literatur und Geschichte des Hellenistischen udentums |
AnBib | Analecta biblica |
ANRW | Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt |
ANTC | Abingdon New Testament Commentaries |
BAGD | Bauer, W., W. F. Arndt, F. W. Gingrich, and F. W. Danker. Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christina Literature (2d. ed.) |
BA | Biblical Archaeologist |
BAFCS | Book of Acts in Its First Century Setting |
BAR | Biblical Archaeology Review |
BASOR | Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research |
BBC | Bible Background Commentary |
BBR | Bulletin for Biblical Research |
BDB | Brown, F., S. R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs. A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament |
BDF | Blass, F., A. Debrunner, and R. W. Funk. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature |
BECNT | Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament |
BI | Biblical Illustrator |
Bib | Biblica |
BibSac | Bibliotheca Sacra |
BLT | Brethren Life and Thought |
BNTC | Black’s New Testament |
Commentary | |
BRev | Bible Review |
BSHJ | Baltimore Studies in the History |
of Judaism | |
BST | The Bible Speaks Today |
BSV | Biblical Social Values |
BT | The Bible Translator |
BTB | Biblical Theology Bulletin |
BZ | Biblische Zeitschrift |
CBQ | Catholic Biblical Quarterly |
CBTJ | Calvary Baptist Theological |
Journal | |
CGTC | Cambridge Greek Testament |
Commentary | |
CH | Church History |
CIL | Corpus inscriptionum latinarum |
CPJ | Corpus papyrorum judaicorum |
CRINT | Compendia rerum iudaicarum ad |
Novum Testamentum | |
CTJ | Calvin Theological Journal |
CTM | Concordia Theological Monthly |
CTT | Contours of Christian Theology |
DBI | Dictionary of Biblical Imagery |
DCM | Dictionary of Classical |
Mythology. | |
DDD | Dictionary of Deities and Demons |
in the Bible | |
DJBP | Dictionary of Judaism in the |
Biblical Period | |
DJG | Dictionary of Jesus and the |
Gospels | |
DLNT | Dictionary of the Later New |
Testament and Its Developments | |
DNTB | Dictionary of New Testament |
Background | |
DPL | Dictionary of Paul and |
His Letters | |
EBC | Expositor’s Bible Commentary |
EDBT | Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical |
Theology | |
EDNT | Exegetical Dictionary of the New |
Testament | |
EJR | Encyclopedia of the Jewish |
Religion | |
EPRO | Études préliminaires aux |
religions orientales dans l’empire | |
romain | |
EvQ | Evangelical Quarterly |
ExpTim | Expository Times |
FRLANT | Forsuchungen zur Religion und |
Literatur des Alten und Neuen | |
Testament | |
GNC | Good News Commentary |
GNS | Good News Studies |
HCNT | Hellenistic Commentary to the |
New Testament | |
HDB | Hastings Dictionary of the Bible |
HJP | History of the Jewish People in the |
Age of Jesus Christ, by E. Schürer | |
HTR | Harvard Theological Review |
HTS | Harvard Theological Studies |
HUCA | Hebrew Union College Annual |
IBD | Illustrated Bible Dictionary |
IBS | Irish Biblical Studies |
ICC | International Critical |
Commentary | |
IDB | The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible |
IEJ | Israel Exploration Journal |
IG | Inscriptiones graecae |
IGRR | Inscriptiones graecae ad res |
romanas pertinentes | |
ILS | Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae |
Imm | Immanuel |
ISBE | International Standard Bible |
Encyclopedia | |
Int | Interpretation |
IvE | Inschriften von Ephesos |
IVPNTC | InterVarsity Press New |
Testament Commentary | |
JAC | Jahrbuch fur Antike und |
Christentum | |
JBL | Journal of Biblical Literature |
JETS | Journal of the Evangelical |
Theological Society | |
JHS | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
JJS | Journal of Jewish Studies |
JOAIW | Jahreshefte des Osterreeichischen |
Archaologischen Instites in Wien | |
JSJ | Journal for the Study of Judaism |
in the Persian, Hellenistic, and | |
Roman Periods | |
JRS | Journal of Roman Studies |
JSNT | Journal for the Study of the New |
Testament | |
JSNTSup | Journal for the Study of the |
New Testament: Supplement | |
Series | |
JSOT | Journal for the Study of the Old Testament |
JSOTSup | Journal for the Study of the Old Testament: Supplement Series |
JTS | Journal of Theological Studies |
KTR | Kings Theological Review |
LCL | Loeb Classical Library |
LEC | Library of Early Christianity |
LSJ | Liddell, H. G., R. Scott, H. S. |
Jones. A Greek-English Lexicon | |
MM | Moulton, J. H., and |
G. Milligan. The Vocabulary of the | |
Greek Testament | |
MNTC | Moffatt New Testament |
Commentary | |
NBD | New Bible Dictionary |
NC | Narrative Commentaries |
NCBC | New Century Bible |
Commentary Eerdmans | |
NEAE | New Encyclopedia of |
Archaeological Excavations in the | |
Holy Land | |
NEASB | Near East Archaeological Society |
Bulletin | |
New Docs | New Documents Illustrating Early |
Christianity | |
NIBC | New International Biblical |
Commentary | |
NICNT | New International Commentary |
on the New Testament | |
NIDNTT | New International Dictionary of |
New Testament Theology | |
NIGTC | New International Greek |
Testament Commentary | |
NIVAC | NIV Application Commentary |
NorTT | Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift |
NoT | Notes on Translation |
NovT | Novum Testamentum |
NovTSup | Novum Testamentum |
Supplements | |
NTAbh | Neutestamentliche |
Abhandlungen | |
NTS | New Testament Studies |
NTT | New Testament Theology |
NTTS | New Testament Tools and |
Studies | |
OAG | Oxford Archaeological Guides |
OCCC | Oxford Companion to Classical |
Civilization | |
OCD | Oxford Classical Dictionary |
ODCC | The Oxford Dictionary of the |
Christian Church | |
OGIS | Orientis graeci inscriptiones |
selectae | |
OHCW | The Oxford History of the |
Classical World | |
OHRW | Oxford History of the Roman |
World | |
OTP | Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, |
ed. by | |
J. H. Charlesworth | |
PEQ | Palestine Exploration Quarterly |
PG | Patrologia graeca |
PGM | Papyri graecae magicae: Die |
griechischen Zauberpapyri | |
PL | Patrologia latina |
PNTC | Pelican New Testament |
Commentaries | |
Rb | Revista biblica |
RB | Revue biblique |
RivB | Rivista biblica italiana |
RTR | Reformed Theological Review |
SB | Sources bibliques |
SBL | Society of Biblical Literature |
SBLDS | Society of Biblical Literature |
Dissertation Series | |
SBLMS | Society of Biblical Literature |
Monograph Series | |
SBLSP | Society of Biblical Literature |
Seminar Papers | |
SBS | Stuttgarter Bibelstudien |
SBT | Studies in Biblical Theology |
SCJ | Stone-Campbell Journal |
Scr | Scripture |
SE | Studia Evangelica |
SEG | Supplementum epigraphicum |
graecum | |
SJLA | Studies in Judaism in Late |
Antiquity | |
SJT | Scottish Journal of Theology |
SNTSMS | Society for New Testament |
Studies Monograph Series | |
SSC | Social Science Commentary |
SSCSSG | Social-Science Commentary on |
the Synoptic Gospels | |
Str-B | Strack, H. L., and |
P. Billerbeck. Kommentar zum | |
Neuen Testament aus Talmud | |
und Midrasch | |
TC | Thornapple Commentaries |
TDNT | Theological Dictionary of the New |
Testament | |
TDOT | Theological Dictionary of the Old |
Testament | |
TLNT | Theological Lexicon of the New |
Testament | |
TLZ | Theologische Literaturzeitung |
TNTC | Tyndale New Testament |
Commentary | |
TrinJ | Trinity Journal |
TS | Theological Studies |
TSAJ | Texte und Studien zum antiken |
Judentum | |
TWNT | Theologische Wörterbuch zum |
Neuen Testament | |
TynBul | Tyndale Bulletin |
WBC | Word Biblical Commentary |
Waco: Word, 1982 | |
WMANT | Wissenschaftliche Monographien |
zum Alten und Neuen | |
Testament | |
WUNT | Wissenschaftliche |
Untersuchungen zum Neuen | |
Testament | |
YJS | Yale Judaica Series |
ZNW | Zeitschrift fur die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Junde der alteren Kirche |
ZPE | Zeischrift der Papyrolgie und Epigraphkik |
ZPEB | Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible |
ad. loc. | in the place cited |
b. | born |
c., ca. | circa |
cf. | compare |
d. | died |
ed(s). | editors(s), edited by |
e.g. | for example |
ET | English translation |
frg. | fragment |
i.e. | that is |
ibid. | in the same place |
idem | the same (author) |
lit. | literally |
l(l) | line(s) |
MSS | manuscripts |
n.d. | no date |
NS | New Series |
par. | parallel |
passim | here and there |
repr. | reprint |
ser. | series |
s.v. | sub verbo, under the word |
trans. | translator, translated by; |
transitive |