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Alexander the Great, 115
altar, of burnt sacrifice (model), 39
angel, appearing to Joseph (painting), 10
Antonia, Fortress of, model, 176
Antonia Pavement, 174
Augustus (see Caesar Augustus)
Banias, 101
Bethany, 130
Bethlehem, 15
Bethsaida, 75
boat, fishing
found at Kinneret, 31
mosaic at Beth Loya, 92
mosaic at Bethsaida, 61
bread, unleavened, 86
Caesar Augustus, 135
Caesarea Philippi, 101Caiaphas
home of, 159, 168, 170
ossuary of, 160
Capernaum, house of Peter, 57
synagogue at, 29, 57
catacomb, painting in, 100
Cenacle, 163
Chorazin, 75
Church of the Holy Sepluchre, 179, 185
artistic perspective (cutaway), 186
Church of St. Peter Gallicantu, 168, 170
cloak, 41
bronze, 47
denarius, 115
drachma, 162
half-shekels, 109
minted under Archelaus, 20
minted under Bar-Kochba, 128, 132
minted under Herod Antipas, 89
minted under Herod the Great, 17
quadrans, 39
Selah, 132
shekels (Tyrian), 109
with image of Alexander the Great, 115
with image of Caesar Augustus, 135
cups, 144
Dead Sea, 75
denarius, 115
dishes, 144
donkey, 128
dove, 26
drachma, 162
earthquake, 147
Caesar Augustus, 135
farming implements, 84
fig tree, 152
from the Sea of Galilee, 111
mosaic at Tabgha, 91
fishermen, 31, 87
fishing boat, 31, 61, 92
flogging strap, 176
frankincense, 17
Galilee, Sea of, 31, 33, 58, 83, 87
Garden of Gethsemane (see Gethsemane, Gar- den of)
garden tomb, 182
Gehenna (see Hinnom, Valley of)
Genessaret, 93
Garden of, 166
goats, 157
gods, Pan, 101
grass, 49
goatskins, 65
Hakeldama, 172
harvest, 66
hoe, 84
Herodium, 21, 131
Hinnom, Valley of, 39, 172
Pontius Pilate, 171
temple warning, 130
jars, 95, 161
JJericho, 126
Herod’s palace at, 126, 189
Jerusalem, 146
artistic reconstruction of, 6
Damascus Gate, 52
temple (see temple, Jerusalem)
Jonah, 100
Jordan River, 24, 101, 205, 255, 353
Judas Iscariot, home village of, 377
Judea, wilderness, 23
key, 103
king’s game, 177
Kinneret boat, 31
lamps, oil, 36, 109, 155
lance, 70
leaven, 86
Legio X Fretensis, 148
lightning, 151
lithostratos, 174
locust, 23
Mammon, 47
Masada, 27
menorah, 36, 43
Miqveh, 189
Moses, seat of, 140
Mount Meron, 107
Mount of Beatitudes, 3, 33
Mount of Olives, 146, 166
Mount Tabor, 107
narrow gate, 52
Nazareth, 88
Church of the Annunciation, 22
needles, 120
net, fishing, 87
ossuary, 144, 160
palm branches, 128
papyrus plants, 72
papyri, p37 (fragment of Matthew), 5
pearl, 87
penny, Roman, 39
perfume jars, 161
Peter’s house, 57
Pontius Pilate, inscription, 171
potter’s field, 172
pottery, 144
“Prison of Christ”, 117
reeds, 72
ring, 103, 120
rock of agony, 166
scales, 50
scroll, Torah, 37
Sea of Galilee (see Galilee, Sea of)
seat of Moses (see Moses, seat of)
Sepphoris, 88
sheep, 113, 157
shekels, 109
shofar, 43, 44, 152
sickle, 84
Sidon, 75
Sodom, 75
standard, Roman, 148
storeroom, 44
sword, 70, 167
at Capernaum, 29, 57
at Chorazin, 75, 140
at Delos, 140
Tabgha, 91
Tel Kinnereth, 93
temple, Jerusalem
altar of burnt sacrifice (model), 39
artistic perspective of within Jerusalem, 6
artistic reconstruction (cutaway), 78
court of priests (model), 8
depicted on a coin, 132
East Gate (model), 129
model of, 132
warning inscription, 130
tomb, 144
artistic reconstruction of Jesus’, 186
Garden, 182
Maccabean era, 60
Transfiguration, Mount of, 107
trumpet (see shofar)
Tyre, 75, 98
utensils, eating, 95, 144
unleavened bread, 86
Upper Room, 163
Via Dolorosa, 177
vineyard, 122, 133
watchtower, 133
wheat, 66
wilderness, Judean, 23, 27
wildflowers, 49
wineskins, 65
winnowing fork, 26