In real life, Deb makes us wait until we get home to open the envelopes.

Dear Spence,

Sorry I’m not there in person, but if you’re reading this, I’m airborne, as it were. Now Spence, I know there have been times when we couldn’t figure each other out. I like to do things. You like to watch things. That doesn’t mean we can’t meet in the middle. It’s a big place.

The middle has your brother in it. Watch out for him always, Spence. Bernard thinks you’re the bee’s knees, as we used to say, and he needs a co-pilot. I know you won’t let him down.

The middle also, believe it or not, has movies. I like movies too. My all-time favorite movie star was Gloria Lorraine. Ask your mom if my liking Gloria L wasn’t a family joke. Gloria Lorraine is older than me, Spence, but as I write this, she’s still alive and kicking. I want you to go and see her—I know you can find her with the Internet and all—and get her to give you a kiss on the cheek. Tell her it’s for me, a sentimental favor.

Film that kiss for me, Spence. Someone’s got to make movies and this one only you can make. If Gloria Lorraine has passed or is incapacitated, look in the smaller envelope with this letter for your alternate movie mission.

The lawyer will have money for you to buy a good video camera and for travel and any other expenses you might have.

Make your first movie one that the family can watch and think of me.

Do these things for me. Do them with me. I know you can. Remember that list of movies I made for you? I hope you watched Casablanca. Remember what Rick says to Louis at the end? “This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.”

Sometimes I’m a little too late to the station, but really, it’s never too late.

