Maisie heaved herself out of bed and forced her swollen feet into the practical slippers that her mother-in-law had given her. The dressing gown she pulled around her shoulders had been David’s from when he still lived at home with his parents. Even that no longer reached around her swollen stomach. Her back ached, she couldn’t be bothered to make up her face every day, and her hair felt greasy and unattractive. As much as she wanted this baby, she hated what pregnancy had done to her and wished more than anything that Sarah would arrive on her promised visit.
Taking herself downstairs, leaning heavily on the ornate handrail, she headed for the breakfast room, following the tantalizing aroma of bacon.
‘There you are, Maisie dear. We thought you were having a lie-in this morning before your appointment with Doctor Joseph. I’ve just this minute asked Smith to prepare a tray for you in your room,’ her mother-in-law said with a warm smile.
‘I’d rather be up on me feet,’ Maisie said, going to the sideboard, where cooked food was being kept warm under silver covers. Lifting a lid, she grimaced as she spotted devilled kidneys and tried not to heave. ‘The baby’s been on the move most of the night. I swear it’s gonna be a tap dancer.’ She found bacon and scrambled eggs and filled her plate, adding a sausage and two slices of toasted white bread.
‘Still eating for two, I see,’ her father-in-law observed with a smile. ‘He’s going to come out fighting fit.’
‘I ’ope so,’ Maisie grinned. She liked her in-laws immensely but still felt like a fish out of water. She just didn’t fit into their country life. ‘Has the post come yet?’ she asked, hoping that there was something from her friends. If Sarah didn’t hurry up, she’d not be here in time for the birth. David had permission from the Air Force department where he worked to head to his parents’ home the moment he heard his wife was in labour. She just hoped there wasn’t an invasion or something that would stop him being there to greet his first child.
Mrs Carlisle reached over to a silver tray that lay on the dining table. ‘Here you are, Maisie. Two for you today.’
Maisie accepted the envelopes, immediately recognizing both Freda and Sarah’s handwriting. She tore open Freda’s first, wanting to know if she liked the present that she’d chosen for her friend’s birthday. David had taken her out to Chippenham for lunch on his last visit and they’d chosen the gift together. Even then she’d begged David to take her home to Erith but he’d refused, pointing out that she only had a matter of two weeks before their child was born and then, after the required lying-in time, which David’s mother had said should be at least one month, they could consider taking Maisie home to Erith. For Maisie it was far too long and she despaired of ever seeing the town and the people she loved again. At least Sarah’s letter would confirm she was on her way to see her friend.
She frowned as she read Freda’s letter. The young woman enthused about her present, which pleased Maisie, but in the next sentence she told of going to London with Sarah and Gwyneth to see a musical show in the West End. Maisie could feel the tears flowing down her cheeks. Not only had she wanted to see Ivor Novello in the musical, but it also seemed that Gwyneth had taken her place in the trio of friends.
‘Why, Maisie, my dear, whatever is wrong? Has there been bad news?’ her mother-in-law asked, coming round the table to comfort her daughter-in-law.
‘No, not really, I’m just being a daft bugger and missing everyone,’ she said, trying to compose herself.
‘Why not read your other letter and then take a rest? Your appointment with Doctor Joseph isn’t for two hours.’
I’m sick of resting, Maisie wanted to scream, but instead she smiled wanly at the older woman. ‘I’m all right, honest. It’s just knowing I’m missing out on me mates having fun,’ she said, trying to dismiss the thought that she was no longer part of the group who worked at Woolworths and spent their lives together. Picking up Sarah’s letter, she prayed that it was good news. She scanned the single page and gasped. Her friend couldn’t visit as Betty was taking time off from her job and Sarah had to work extra hours.
‘Is everything all right, dear?’
Maisie nodded and tried to stay calm. She had never known Betty to take time off work and to do so in the days leading up to Christmas was unthinkable. No, it must be that her friends had moved on and she was no longer important to them. Well, she wasn’t going to take this lying down. If they wouldn’t come to see her, she might as well go home and find out what was happening. She tucked into her breakfast as there was no knowing when she’d eat again and the one thing she needed to concentrate on was the child she was carrying. Going without food would not be good for her baby. They’d didn’t say an expectant mother was eating for two for nothing. ‘If you will excuse me, I’ll go and get ready fer me appointment. Don’t expect me back for lunch, as I want to do some shopping. It’ll probably be the last time I’m able to do so.’ She kissed her mother and father-inlaw and headed up to her room to carry out the plan that was formulating in her head.
‘I’m still walking on air,’ Freda said as she joined Sarah and Gwyneth in the staffroom for lunch. ‘Who’d have thought I would see Ivor Novello and in the flesh? It’s a dream come true.’
‘The costumes and music were wonderful. It’s a rare treat for me even to go to London, let alone to see a show,’ Gwyneth sighed. ‘It was like stepping into a palace, the building being so grand. I can’t thank you enough for including me in the trip. I know that if Maisie had been here it would have been her ticket.’
‘Nonsense,’ Sarah said as she tucked into the Woolton pie in front of her. ‘If Maisie had been able to join us, I’d have purchased four tickets. Now, eat your pie up before it gets cold. We are due back on the shop floor in ten minutes. I’ve never known it so busy. Betty will be back tomorrow and I don’t want her saying we can’t run Woolies in her absence.’
‘There’s no fear of that,’ Freda grinned. ‘You are a strict boss. I wouldn’t mind betting they make you a manager one day.’
Sarah shook her head. ‘No, once this war is over my Alan will be the only one working in Woolworths. I want to be at home looking after his children and taking care of our home. That’s been our plan all along.’
‘You’d give up all this to stay at home?’ Freda asked with a puzzled expression on her face.
‘It’s what Alan wants. Who am I to argue?’ Sarah said, getting to her feet to show the discussion was at an end. ‘Now, are you off to the fire station, Freda?’
‘Yes, I’m on duty this afternoon. I’ll see you back home for tea, but if I’m going to be late I’ll drive round and let Ruby know.’
‘Take care, won’t you? This fog is getting thicker,’ Sarah said with a worried look on her face.
‘Unless there’s an emergency I’ll be in the station, but if I go out on the motorbike, I promise I’ll take care.’
‘I’ll stick the kettle on while you put the decorating tools in the shed and clean yourselves up,’ George said to Bob and Mike as he let them into his mum’s house in Alexandra Road. ‘I’m glad to see the back of that job, I can tell you. I hope Maureen likes what we’ve done. Shall we give her the key this evening before I head off home? That’s if I can see to cycle back to Crayford.’
‘That’s a grand idea,’ Bob said. ‘The poor woman is at her wits’ end living with that Vera Munro. I’ve offered to let her have our back bedroom, but she wouldn’t dream of putting us out.’
‘Bob, is that you?’ Ruby called from the front room, where she had her feet up listening to the wireless.
‘I thought you was at the WVS this afternoon, love?’ he said, putting his head around the door. ‘I won’t come in as I’ve still got my overalls on.’
‘We shut up shop early as the fog was getting worse. Some of the ladies were worried about getting home. I’ll come out and join you. I want a word with my George.’
George raised his eyebrows. ‘Mum doesn’t sound happy. I’ll get the tea made,’ he said, disappearing into the kitchen.
The three men had just finished cleaning themselves up when Ruby appeared. ‘I’ve received a letter from our Pat. She’s none too happy. She’s coming home with the kiddies. I understand you’ve had a hand in this, George?’
Even at his age George knew when his mum was annoyed with him. ‘I had a chat with Bob after what happened while you were down in Cornwall, and we thought it was best for them all to be at home rather than in danger. I have arranged for the boys to have apprenticeships at Vickers,’ he added as an afterthought, trying to please Ruby.
Beside him Bob groaned. Ruby knew nothing of his escapade in the middle of the night.
‘It looks as though you have some explaining to do,’ Ruby said grimly to Bob.
Mike looked up at the clock. ‘I’ll go and collect Myfi from school and leave you to it,’ he said, slipping from the room as Ruby continued to stare at Bob.
George started to rise to his feet. ‘Stay where you are, George, I want to get to the bottom of this,’ Ruby said, still without looking away from Bob.
Bob started to explain . . .
‘Mrs Carlisle, I would say that you will be welcoming your child into this world by Christmas Day. I’ll contact the maternity home and warn them there will be a Christmas baby. I’m not usually wrong.’
‘I’d rather have the baby at home if it’s all the same to you, Doctor,’ Maisie said as she put her feet back into her shoes and pulled on her coat. ‘I don’t want the maternity home put to any trouble.’ Especially as I don’t plan to be here, she thought to herself.
‘Don’t worry yourself. The maternity home is first class. Only the best for the Carlisle family.’
Maisie nodded her head in thanks and left the surgery. She’d packed with care, aware that to take a suitcase would attract attention from the staff working in the Carlisle household and that they might alert her in-laws. Instead she had taken a large handbag in which she made sure to put the few garments she’d knitted for her baby. Maisie left a polite note on her pillow explaining that she was homesick and missed her husband and begged their forgiveness.
It was a short walk to the train station but Maisie found it hard going, having to stop to catch her breath on more than one occasion. Reaching the ticket office, she asked for a single ticket to Erith. The ticket clerk explained she would have to change trains in London and asked for the fare. Maisie searched in her handbag but could not find her purse. Panic struck as she rummaged in her shopping bag and realized that she’d left her purse behind and only had a few loose coppers in her pocket. ‘I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten my money,’ she said with a wobble in her voice.
The ticket clerk tutted disapprovingly and took back the ticket that was almost within Maisie’s grasp. Watching it disappear was like watching her last hope of reaching Erith vanish. By now the letter she’d left would have been found. There was no chance she could hurry back to the Carlisles’ grand house and hide it away while she looked for her purse. Walking from the station, she wondered what to do. Perhaps she’d dropped her purse at the doctor’s surgery? Hurrying as fast as her body would allow, she entered the surgery and checked with the receptionist. The lady went to check and came back with a broad smile on her face. ‘Mrs Carlisle, you are in luck. The doctor has taken it and will drop it at your home during his rounds.’
Maisie thanked the woman and walked from the surgery as if she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. Where could she go with just a few bob in her handbag? If she used the public telephone to call David, he would make her go back to his parents’ home. She stepped out into the road and a loud horn startled her, causing her to fall onto her bottom on the pavement as the sound of tyres skidded past her limp frame.
A pair of strong hands helped her to her feet. ‘Are you all right, love? It’s not a good time to go bouncing about on the pavement, you know.’
Maisie blinked taking stock of how she felt. Apart from a sore backside she felt fine. As she looked up, a group of soldiers had climbed down from the lorry that had almost killed her and had crowded around, looking concerned. ‘I’m fine but I could do with a helping hand,’ she said before bursting into tears, much to the consternation of the sergeant in charge of his men.
‘Give the little lady some air,’ he said in a loud voice. ‘Drummond, break out the flask. We need sweet tea and make it sharp!’
Gulping the hot tea, Maisie started to calm down. ‘I’m sorry, I just wanted to get home and I’ve lost my purse.’
‘Where are you going, love? We could drop you off,’ the kindly sergeant offered.
‘Kent. I’m going to Erith in Kent.’
There was a stunned silence before the soldiers all started speaking at once. She heard them mention Woolwich and then Maidstone. The sergeant held up his hand for silence. ‘Miss, your luck is in. We are on our way to Woolwich, which is in south-east London, then on to Maidstone in Kent. We would be proud to give you a lift as long as . . .’
Maisie, whose hopes had raised skywards, frowned. ‘As long as what?’ She knew what soldiers could be like.
‘As long as you don’t tell a soul or we’ll be clapped in irons for the duration. After all, you might be a spy.’
‘It’s a deal,’ Maisie said, holding out her hand to the sergeant. Christmas had come early.
Myfi took Mike’s hand as they walked along Manor Road. In the other she held a folded piece of paper. ‘Is that a Christmas card you’ve painted?’ he asked.
The little girl nodded and stopped to show him her creation.
‘Why, that’s very good, Myfi. Is this for your mummy?’
Myfi shook her head and pointed to him.
Mike felt a lump forming in his throat. ‘For me? It’s the best present I’ve ever had.’ He’d become very fond of the child in the months since she’d moved to Erith with Gwyneth. His life would be so dull without them living just across the road.
They walked on in companionable silence with Myfi waving back to other children as they called out happy Christmas. Not one child seemed to notice that Myfi wasn’t calling back. They accepted the little girl as she was without questioning why she didn’t speak.
Turning into Alexandra Road, Myfi became excited and pointed across the street. The fog was starting to thicken up and Mike was thinking it would be a quiet evening on his shift as not even a cat burglar would think about stepping out into the freezing fog. Myfi tugged at his hand and pulled free as he looked up and spotted Gwyneth through the swirling fog on the other side of the road. It wasn’t Gwyneth the child was excited to see, though, but Ruby’s faithful dog, Nelson, running up and down outside the house barking for someone to let him indoors. The girl had become extremely fond of the dog and the pair could often be found curled up in the dog’s basket or, on occasion, at the foot of her bed.
Myfi ran across the road to her four-legged friend as the animal raced towards her . . . at the very moment Freda turned into Alexandra Road on her motorbike. Mike watched as the scene turned into slow motion as Gwyneth screamed and dashed out to shove Myfi from in front of the wheels of the motorbike. The little girl fell to the ground against the dog, who’d been clipped by the motorbike’s front wheel, and Mike saw Gwyneth flung into the air from the force of the motorbike. Freda did her utmost to steer the bike for a few yards before wobbling and crashing to the ground.
Around him Mike could see those he loved injured and in pain. Gwyneth lay motionless in the road as Myfi screamed over and over, ‘Mummy, Mummy, Mummy . . .’
Maisie felt as though every part of her body was aching. As good as the soldiers were in giving her a comfortable seat next to the driver of the lorry and bolstering up her body with blankets and spare uniform jackets, she knew that she would ache until kingdom come once she was at journey’s end. When setting out on her journey she hadn’t given a thought to how long it would take, especially as the soldiers stopped so many times en route for Kent. Each time they approached a depot she was helped down from the lorry and left alone, then picked up around an hour later. She would drop off to sleep and wake with a start, asking where they were. Each time they were a little closer to Kent, although she had no idea how close as the names of the towns and villages they passed through were not familiar to her. The sergeant and driver were both parents and spoke lovingly of their families and told anecdotes of when their own children were born, much to the amusement of Maisie, who found their light-hearted banter kept her cheerful as she thought of the impending birth of her own child. She began to feel guilty that she had no doubt frightened her mother-in-law by disappearing, but tried to salve her conscience by the thought she’d left a letter saying she was going home to Erith.
Maisie must have dropped off again as she was woken by the driver of the lorry gently shaking her shoulders. Rubbing her eyes and yawning, she could see that dawn was breaking although it was misty and cold. She shivered and pulled a blanket closer around her.
‘Miss, we’re stopping for a bit of breakfast. Would you care to join us?’
Maisie licked her lips in anticipation of some food inside her stomach. She was so hungry it almost hurt. ‘Sorry, I can’t pay me way so I’d best wait here for yer. Ta all the same,’ she smiled.
‘It’s our treat, miss. What are a few eggs and sausages between friends?’
‘Then I’d be delighted ter join you. Thank you,’ she said as the men gently helped her to the ground and escorted her to a greasy spoon cafe set in the middle of nowhere.
‘Where are we?’ Maisie asked as she took a seat at the table.
‘We’re in Surrey, love,’ one of the soldiers said as he passed her a mug of strong tea. ‘Kent is just up the road there.’
Ruby and Bob sat side by side not speaking a word as hospital life at Erith Cottage Hospital went on around them. Bob reached out and squeezed her hand, and not only did Ruby not reciprocate, she didn’t even acknowledge his existence. Maureen hurried in and hugged her friend. ‘Any news?’ she asked, sitting down beside her.
Ruby shook her head, still unable to comprehend what had happened in the road outside of her house.
‘Vera’s come up trumps,’ Maureen said. ‘She’s looking after Myfi and Georgina at your house. That young girl hasn’t stopped talking although she’s very distressed still. Who’d have thought it would take an accident for her to start speaking again?’
‘It’ll be the shock,’ Bob said wisely.
Ruby nodded her head. ‘It can do funny things to people. Myfi stopped talking when she witnessed her mother being killed in an air raid. So, when it looked as though Gwyneth had met the same fate, the shock reversed what had happened. Has the doctor been?’
Maureen was shocked by what Ruby had said, but now wasn’t the time to be asking about the injured woman’s business. ‘He’s given Myfi a clean bill of health apart from grazes on her knees, but Nelson’s not so good, Ruby. George took him up to the vet and they’re keeping him in overnight.’
Ruby, who was known for being the strong one in the family and the person to rely on in times of trouble, started to shake before crying silently into her handkerchief.
Bob too blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes. ‘He’s a strong animal, Ruby, he’ll pull through, don’t you worry.’
‘Bob’s right. From all accounts Nelson’s already eaten some food out of George’s hand,’ Maureen said, patting Ruby’s back until she felt better.
‘He’s as much part of my family as the rest of you,’ Ruby said, giving a glimmer of a smile. ‘Good or bad, that dog’s been by my side these past years.’
‘Is there any news on Gwyneth and Freda yet?’ Maureen asked.
‘I’m okay,’ a wobbly voice said as Freda appeared from a side door with her arm heavily bandaged. ‘I’ve twisted something or other, but apart from a few scratches I’ll live. I’m not so sure about my bike, though.’
‘It can be fixed,’ Bob said. ‘I had a couple of sailors help me get it into my back garden before I came up to the hospital. They said they’ll let the fire station know what’s happened to you.’
‘Sailors? You mean our Lenny and his mate have arrived?’ Freda said, a big grin appearing on her face.
‘He’s home and very worried about you. I’ve told him to stay there and that you’ll see him soon.’
‘It’ll be good to see the lad again,’ Ruby smiled.
‘That’s good news at least. God knows we could do with some,’ Maureen remarked.
‘Which reminds me,’ Bob said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a door key. ‘I believe this should be returned to you now you can move back into your home.’
Maureen’s eyes sparkled. ‘You mean . . . ?’
‘I mean you’ll find your home papered and painted courtesy of all your friends.’
‘I can’t believe it,’ Maureen said, clutching the key to her chest. ‘You can all come to me Christmas Day for that party. That is, all of those who aren’t still in here,’ she said, thinking of Gwyneth.
Mike paced the floor outside the ward. He couldn’t rest until he’d seen for himself that Gwyneth would be all right. It had been hours since she’d been brought in by ambulance. He’d seen his dad for a few minutes and was pleased to hear that Freda was being taken home, although he too was concerned that Ruby’s dog was injured. Perhaps he could have done something to stop the accident, but it happened so quickly. One minute young Myfi was holding his hand and the next she was in the middle of the road. It was like a nightmare that kept replaying inside his head.
‘Mr Jackson?’
Mike jumped as a nurse called out his name. ‘Yes?’
‘You can go in and see your friend for a few minutes. She told us you were her next of kin otherwise it wouldn’t be allowed. She is very sore but fortunately no bones broken,’ the nurse smiled, seeing how concerned Mike looked.
‘Thank goodness,’ Mike said, following the nurse into the ward, where a Christmas tree sat at one end of the long room and a group of people were singing carols. She indicated he should go to a bed surrounded by screens.
‘Mike?’ Gwyneth said, reaching out to hold his hand. ‘Thank you for coming to see me.’
‘He’s been outside since you were brought in,’ the nurse smiled, pulling the screens closed so the couple had some privacy.
‘That was very kind of you,’ Gwyneth said as he took her hand and sat in a chair by the side of the bed.
‘I wasn’t going anywhere until I knew you would be all right. You know I think the world of you, Gwyneth.’
‘And I think the world of you, Mike. I hope you didn’t mind me telling the hospital staff you were my next of kin. I didn’t want Idris involved in all of this. However, I’ve decided I must face up to my problems and will revert to my real surname. Hopefully Idris will not bother me . . . that’s if he ever finds out where I live.’
‘It’s an honour to be your next of kin,’ Mike smiled, kissing the back of the hand he still held tightly. ‘About Idris, I have some news.’
Gwyneth’s body tensed as she waited to hear what Mike had to say. Was he already in Erith looking for her? Her whole body ached and she felt sleepy after the long day, but she needed to know what Mike had to say.
‘I made some enquiries – in an official capacity, you might say. My job has some perks,’ he smiled gently. ‘Gwyneth, Idris Jones is dead. There was a fight in the prison and he was killed. Felled by a single blow from all accounts.’
A look of shock passed over Gwyneth’s face. ‘I’m sorry, I don’t understand . . .’
‘My love, you are free from the man. He will never again make your life hell.’
Gwyneth frowned, trying to comprehend Mike’s words. ‘But . . . I don’t understand . . . why wasn’t I informed . . . ?’
‘My darling, you are living as your sister. They couldn’t trace you. What with the war, it just wasn’t possible. No doubt in time the news would have caught up with you.’
‘But now I’m . . .’ Gwyneth paused. ‘I’m free . . .’ she said sleepily as her eyelids fluttered.
‘You are free, Gwyneth . . . I mean Gladys,’ he stammered.
‘I’ll always be Gwyneth. I prefer the name,’ she whispered, fighting hard to stay awake. ‘Mike, do you realize . . . ?’
‘Yes, my love?’
‘I’m free to love you and to be with you . . . What a wonderful Christmas it is . . .’
Mike kissed her lips gently as Gwyneth fell into a deep sleep, while in the ward the choir burst into a beautiful rendition of ‘Silent Night’. ‘Sleep, my love,’ he whispered.
‘You can drop me right here, lads,’ Maisie said gratefully as the lorry pulled up outside Erith Woolworths.
The soldiers helped her down to the pavement and handed her bag to her before waving and calling goodbye. Maisie was a little wobbly on her feet after the long bumpy journey. She felt as though her back was breaking. I’ll soon have me feet up in me own home, she thought to herself.
Outside the store was the familiar sight of a choir from the local seamen’s mission singing ‘Away in a Manger’ while an elderly man on crutches rattled a collection tin. She would have to borrow a few coins from Freda and give them to the men. It had become a tradition to do so ever since the day she went for her interview at Woolies and they were outside singing in the snow. No bloody snow this Christmas, she thought as she looked around her at the foggy damp day. It didn’t feel like Christmas Eve.
Pushing open the double doors to Woolworths, she felt the warmth hit her and struggled through the crowds towards the staff entrance. Once she’d seen Sarah and the rest of her friends she’d ask for a hand to get home and then have a long soak in the bath. Sod the line David had painted around the inside of their bath to stop her using too much hot water. After that she’d go to bed and sleep until Christmas Day.
As she reached the staff door Maisie heard her name being called out and turned to see Betty Billington hurrying towards her.
‘My goodness, Maisie, you’re the last person I expected to see. Whatever are you doing here?’
Maisie could see that her boss looked different. There was a glow about her and she seemed even more self-assured. If that were possible. Mind you, she felt dog-tired so perhaps her mind was playing games with her. She wriggled a little as she felt something warm trickle down her legs and looked down to where she could see her shoes becoming wet. ‘Good gawd! Me waters have broke!’