Reader’s Discussion Guide


1. The story opens with a horrifying murder scene. Have you ever lived anywhere that a serial killer was active? How did the media handle the coverage of the case?


2. Nichelle has wrestled with her feelings for the guys in her life for a while now, but she’s more drawn to one in this story. Who are you rooting for? Why?


3. Have you ever written a blog? How much responsibility do you think bloggers have to make sure their information is accurate, or labeled as opinion/conjecture?


4. Did Shelby behave the way you expected her to? Where do you think Nichelle’s relationship with her will go from here?


5. Have you ever known anyone with autism? How did the differences in Picasso’s thought patterns give him a unique ability to help Nichelle?


6. There are several new characters introduced and a few we learn more about. Which character (besides Nichelle) did you most enjoy reading about? Why?


7. Have you ever attended a megachurch, or known anyone who did? What was the experience like?


8. The story explores several themes revolving around power, money, and religion. How do you think the three intersect? Do you think the staff at Way of Life followed the teachings of Jesus?


9. Where do you think Kyle’s investigation of the Caccione Family will lead?