* “Xvarnah” is the primal energy source in the Zend-Avesta, the Zoroastrian scripture, translated as Light of Glory. Henry Corbin elaborates : “That Light of Glory, which is the archetype-Image of the Mazdean soul, is in fact the organ by which the soul perceives the world of light that is of the same nature as itself, and through which, originally and directly, the soul effects the transmutation of physical data, the very data which for us are ‘positive,’ but which for the soul would be ‘insignificant.’ This is the very Image that the soul projects into beings and things, raising them to the incandescence of that victorial Fire with which the Mazdean soul has set the whole of creation ablaze …. In short, it is by this projection of its own Image that the soul, in effecting the transmutation of the material Earth, also establishes from the beginning an Imago Terrae that reflects and announces its own Image to the soul, that is to say, an Image whose Xvarnah is also the soul’s own Xvarnah. It is at that point—in and by this double reflection of the same Light of Glory—that the Angel of the Earth is revealed to the mental sight, that is to say, that the Earth is perceived in the person of its Angel” (Spiritual Body and Celestial Earth, 14–15).