“A” (Zukofsky), 11, 12, 69, 73, 83–84, 85–86, 90, 108–9, 112, 128, 142n
Abram, David, 112–13
Adams, Henry, 176n
Adorno, Theodor, 37
“Against Wisdom As Such” (Olson), 168
Agee, James, 37
Alamogordo, 25
alchemy, 84, 87, 95, 114. See also hermetic lore; hieros gamos; nigredo
Alcheringa (Rothenberg), 44n
Alcosser, Sandra, 21n
alieniloquiam, 8. See also muse
Allen, Donald M., 45n
Altamira, 39. See also Paleolithic
America : as moral struggle, 23, 29–33, 196–97;
as New World, 24–26, 28, 30, 142n
Americans, as last “first people,” 187
“Corsons Inlet,” 61–62
Andrews, Bruce, 45n
Lip Service, 134n
animal, 19, 52, 77–82, 128, 176. See also hunting; predatory, the
archaic, the, 14, 43–47, 48, 122, 179, 199
archive, the, 16–17, 18–19, 165
Ark (Johnson), 83
Arnold, Matthew, 16
“Art of the Elegant Footnote, The” (Sanders), xi
Artaud, Antonin, 81
“Litany,” 79
“Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror,” 88
“As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life” (Whitman), 56, 114
Athena, 84
Atlan, Henri, 4
Atlantis, 88–89
Auden, W. H., 6
“Aurignacian Summation” (Eshleman), 146
Auschwitz, 37
Aztec, 39
“Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads” (Whitman), 2
Barthes, Roland, xii
Bateson, Gregory, 3
Beasts of the Modern Imagination (Norris), 77n
Beckett, Samuel, 159
Being, 34–35. See also history
Benjamin, Walter, 24n
Bernstein, Charles, 45n
Berryman, John, 6
“Bibliography on America for Ed Dorn” (Olson), 44
Bierstadt, Albert, 3
biocentric imagination. See Norris, Margot
Blackburn, Paul, 14
Blaser, Robin, 45n, 82n, 115–16, 186
The Holy Forest, 163
“Image–Nations,” 73
Blood, Benjamin Paul, 175
Boer, Charles, 14
Bohm, David, 110n
“Book of the Dead” (Rukeyser), 37
Borges, Jorge Luis, 42, 95n, 97n, 170
Bottom : On Shakespeare (Zukofsky), 45n, 140
Bova, Ben, 122n
Breton, Andre, 142
Brown, Norman O., 186
“Burden of Set, The” (Lansing), 44–45
Burke, Kenneth, 7
The Poetics of the Common Knowledge, 4n
Calasso, Roberto, 46
Call Me Ishmael (Olson), 45n
canontology, 34–35. See also history
Cantos, The (Pound), 9, 13n, 18, 19, 69, 105, 158, 161, 194
Cather, Willa, 50
Césaire, Aimé, 34–35
“Notebook of a Return to the Native Land,” 35
Champollion, 13
chaos, 43n, 45, 115, 116, 160, 165, 176, 178–79, 191
Church, Frederic, 3
clinamen, 9, 40, 151, 155. See also Lucretius
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 3, 18, 151
“Kubla Khan,” 14
“Cole’s Island” (Olson), 66
Columbus, 24–26; troping America, 24
“Comedian as the Letter C, The” (Stevens), 26–28, 151
composition by field, 9, 43, 132. See also open form
compost, 1, 15, 27, 35, 67, 90, 120, 199
compost library, 11–20, 40, 42–43, 47, 86, 114, 176n
Confidence Man, The (Melville), 53
“Connoisseur of Chaos” (Stevens), 151–52
Conrad, Joseph, 25
Heart of Darkness, 28
Conversations with Ogotemmeli (Griaule), 44
Coolidge, Clark, 137n
Corbin, Henry, 8n, 103–4, 194n
Corman, Cid, 165
“Corsons Inlet” (Ammons), 61–62
as compost, 160–61
and culture, 51
as galaxy, 101–2
as “good nature,” 195
relation to logos and psyche, 41–43, 45–47, 173, 199
and superstition, 178–79. See also stars
Creeley, Robert, 9, 22, 45n, 123, 139–40
“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” (Whitman), 138
Crowley, Aleister, 118n
“Dark Drafts” (Sobin), 75
Davenport, Guy, 14, 17, 18n, 127, 177
in books, 40
and Gilgamesh, 12
and necropoetics, 64–65, 67–68
overlap of, with the living, 92, 162–63
work of, 108–9
and war, 185
“Dead, The” (Loy), 98–99
and necropoetics, 64–68
Dechend, Hertha von, 114, 118, 135
Deepstep Come Shining (Wright), 17n
deixis, 90
Deleuze, Gilles, 141n, 142, 169n, 170
and nomad thought, 179. Works : The Fold, 110n
“Schizophrenia and Language,” 70–71
DeLillo, Don, 50n
“Delius” (Irby), 118–19
Democratic Vistas (Whitman), 2, 3, 5, 53
Democritus, 151
De rerum natura (Lucretius), 149–57
Derrida, Jacques, 169
and arche–writing, 180
and logocentrism, 182.
Works : Dissemination, 170
Of Grammatology, 182
Dickinson, Emily, 7, 39, 42, 63, 89, 165, 194
indoor and outdoor life in poetry of, 5
legacy of, to poetry, 6
poetry of, as prototype to serial poem, 4, 9
Dissemination (Derrida), 170
Distances, The (Olson), xii, 68
Dogon, 14, 44. See also Mackey, Nathaniel
Doria, Charles, 14
Dorn, Edward, 29, 36, 45n, 123, 138–40, 147
Gunslinger, 138–40
Double Axe, The (Jeffers), 156–57
Drafts (DuPlessis), 75
Duchamp, Marcel, 151
Duncan, Robert, 6n, 43, 89, 90, 141
and Olson, Charles, n8n, 168, 179
Works : “An Essay at War,” 185n
Ground Work : Before the War, 185n
H. D. Book, 45n
“In Blood’s Domaine,” 147
“My Mother Would Be a Falconress,” 78
“Nor Is the Past Pure,” 65
The Opening of the Field, xii, 67
“Poem Beginning With a Line by Pindar,” 104
“Structure of Rime,” 67
The Truth and Life of Myth, 45n
DuPlessis, Rachel Blau, 75
“Dwarf, The” (Stevens), 172
Earthly Paradise, The (Morris), 54
Easterbrook, Gregg, 122n
ecology, 45, 114, 132, 147, 159
80 Flowers (Zukofsky), 1
Einstein, Albert, 18
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 65, 100, 125, 127, 140, 165, 172
and the “colossal cipher,” 42, 72
on compensation, 91
on personal versus public, 138–39
on rhyme, 2
on self as fragment, 9
Epicurus, 150
Eshleman, Clayton, 46, 49–50, 62–63, 78n, 122, 145–46, 175–77
“Aurignacian Summation,” 146
Hades in Manganese, 163
“Tomb of Donald Duck,” 146. See also therioexpulsion
“Essay at War, An” (Duncan), 185n
ethnopoetics, 5n
conference, xii
Etymologicon Universale (Whiter), 1
Evans, Walker, 37
Evernden, Neil, 7
Fall of America, The (Ginsberg), 54
Fanon, Franz, 35
Fates, the, 172
“Festival Aspect, The” (Olson), 191
Fenollosa, Ernest, 118n
Flesh Dream Book (Kelly), 163
Fold, The (Deleuze), 110n
Foucault, Michel, xii, 44, 97n, 169–71
The Order of Things, 170, 176n
Frost, Robert, 153–55
“West–Running Brook,” 154–55
Fussell, Edwin, 54
Gaia, 92–93
galaxy, 101–2
generation, 20–23
geoexpulsion, 122. See also therioexpulsion
Ghost Dance, The (LaBarre), 52, 187–88
Ghost Tantras (McClure), 78–79
The Fall of America, 54
Howl, 132
Ginzburg, Carlo, 111
Giscombe, C. S., 140
Gloucester, 12, 23, 72, 131, 164
Gnomonology (McCord), 19, 43, 45n, 120, 195
gnosticism, 45n, 96, 97, 104–5, 115n, 191, 197
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 151
Goldbarth, Albert, 15
Gondwana, 93
Gordon, Cyrus, 118n
Grammatology (Derrida), 182
Grenier, Robert, 132
Griaule, Marcel, 44
Grossinger, Richard, 102; Io, 44n
Ground Work : Before the War (Duncan), 185n
Guide to Kulchur (Pound), 176n
Gunslinger (Dorn), 138–40
Hades, 66, 74, 82, 143, 145–46, 158, 176. See also underworld
Hades in Manganese (Eshleman), 163
Hamlet’s Mill (Santillana and von Dechend), 114, 116, 118, 120, 135
Harrison, Jane Ellen, 39
Harrison, Robert Pogue, 187n
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 13,
H. D. Book (Duncan), 45n
Heads of the Town Up to the Aether, The (Spicer), 68, 143
Heart of Darkness (Conrad), 28
Heidegger, Martin, 9, 21, 65, 89–90, 172, 181
Heraclitus, 12, 15, 25, 40–43, 44, 108, 123, 124, 180
hermetic lore, 14, 97, 161, 193. See also hieros gamos; nigredo
Hesiod, 14, 19, 69, 72, 74, 191
hieros gamos [philosophical wedding], 45, 197–98. See also alchemy
Hillman, Brenda, 104
Hillman, James, 8n, 45, 46, 47
Hiroshima, 158
history, 51, 126, 190, 193, 199
absence of, 50; as canontology, 34–35
and the necropolis, 49
as a tool of the State, 150, 160
History (Lowell), 81
Holy Forest, The (Blaser), 163
Homer, 114
Howe, Susan, 14, 29, 45n, 56, 75
Howl (Ginsberg), 132
Hugo, Victor, 108
“Human Universe” (Olson), 21
hunting, 9, 39, 48, 112, 186, 197. See also animal; predatory, the; Shepard, Paul
Hyams, Edward, 118n
Soil and Civilization, 52, 188
“Image–Nations” (Blaser), 73
imaginal, the, 8n
mundus imaginalis, 199
“Imagination Dead Imagine” (Beckett), 159
“In Blood’s Domaine” (Duncan), 147
In Cold Hell, In Thicket (Olson), 22
Indians. See Native Americans
inspiration, 76, 79. See also muse
Io (Grossinger), 44n
Iovis (Waldman), 177n
Irby, Kenneth, 117–19, 120, 163–64
“Delius,” 118–19
“Offertory,” 94–95
Ives, Charles, 125
James, C. L. R., 52–53
James, Henry, 134
James, William, 100n, 142, 196
defines humanities, 12
on history and psyche, 47
on reality, 71, 133–34, 140, 170–71
Jarrell, Randall, 6
Jeffers, Robinson, 97–98, 106, 121, 150, 155–59, 161–62, 163, 183, 186
The Double Axe, 156–57
Jefferson, Thomas, 55
Johnson, Ronald, 17, 62, 84, 120n, 125–26, 153, 198
Ark, 83
Jonas, Hans, 105n
Jubilate Agno (Smart), 38
Jung, C. G., 22, 105, 114, 198
Kabbalah, 14
Kant, Immanuel, 103
Keats, John, 13, 51, 57, 80, 84, 136, 179
Kelly, Robert, 14, 83, 84, 88, 104, 145, 173
Flesh Dream Book, 163
The Loom, 172
Matter, 44n
Kenner, Hugh, 199
“Khurbn” (Rothenberg), 37–38, 163
“Kingfishers, The” (Olson), 25, 62, 87n, 95
Kline, Franz, 127
Koller, James, 62
Koran, 40
Kraitsir, Charles, 144
Kristeva, Julia : chora, 171
intertextuality, xii
Kroeber, Karl, 3
“Kubla Khan” (Coleridge), 14
Lacarriere, Jacques, 115n
Lamantia, Philip, 6n
language, 26, 27, 70, 72–73, 81–90 passim, 130, 132, 141–45, 170
as biological instrument, 136
of domination, 26
in libraries, 17
tropical, 23
as yearning, 29
Lansing, Gerrit, 104, 180, 191
“The Burden of Set,” 44–45
Lascaux, 116. See also Paleolithic
Layard, Sir Austen Henry, 11
Leaves of Grass (Whitman), 2, 9, 53, 54, 57, 59n, 194
Lectures in America (Stein), 166
Leopold, Aldo, 5, 7n, 49, 147, 172
Sand County Almanac, 7
Lethe, 74
Levinas, Emmanuel, 33–34
Lévi–Strauss, Claude, 199
Lezama Lima, José, 101
library. See compost library
Life of Poetry, The (Rukeyser), 53
Lindsay, Vachel, 13n
Lip Service (Andrews), 134n
“Litany” (Ashbery), 79
as arranger, 115
psyche of the dead revealed through, 40
relation to bios and mythos, 80
relation to cosmos and psyche, 41–43, 45–47, 161, 173, 199
as superstition, 178–79
Loom, The (Kelly), 172
Lorca, Federico García, 184
Lord Weary’s Castle (Lowell), 81
“Lordly and Isolate Satyrs, The” (Olson), 95–96
lore, old, 43–47, 49–50, 82, 114, 116, 121, 165, 184, 199
Loved One, The (Waugh), 67
History, 81
Lord Weary’s Castle, 81
Loy, Mina, 98–100
“The Dead,” 98–99
“Parturition,” 99–100
Lucretius, 9, 40, 151, 153–57, 183
De rerum natura, 149–57. See also clinamen
“Lyell’s Hypothesis Again” (Rexroth), 127
Mackey, Nathaniel, 14, 36, 39n, 50–51, 105, 117n, 147, 184
School of Udhra, 141
“Songs of the Andoumboulou,” 75, 104
Mallarmé, Stéphane, 28, 62, 71
Un coup de des, 4
Martin, Calvin, 8n
Matter (Kelly), 44n
Maturana, Humberto, 4
Maximus, 19, 23, 86, 114, 160, 190, 191. See also Olson, Charles
Maximus Poems, The (Olson), 9, 20, 69, 73, 75, 105, 118, 128, 136
origin of, in lectures, 22, 23
specific passages from, discussed, 79–81, 86–87. See also Maximus
McCaffery, Steve, 11on
McClure, Michael, 45n, 78, 78n, 100–101, 126–27, 129, 168
Ghost Tantras, 78–79
McCord, Howard, 19, 43, 45n, 120, 195
McHale, Brian, 170
Mead, G. R. S., 118n
Medusa, 177
Tree, 44n
The Confidence Man, 53
Moby–Dick, 51, 71, 83, 155, 172
Merwin, W. S., 30
metaphor, 71
Zip Odes, 18
Paradise Lost, 17
Mnemosyne, 74
Moby–Dick (Melville), 51, 71, 83, 155, 172
modernism, 167
“Mont Blanc” (Shelley), 126
Montaigne, Michel de, 140, 176n
Moore, Marianne, 184
Morris, William, 54
Mountains and Rivers Without End (Snyder), 6, 47n
Muir, John, 101n
mundus imaginalis, 199
imaginal, 8n
alieniloquiam, 8
“My Mother Would Be a Falconress” (Duncan), 78
myth, 22, 104, 114, 145, 197, 199
and literature, 175
nature as, 128
relation to logos and bios, 80
Native Americans, 24, 25–26, 29, 30, 46, 50, 116–17
Near East, Ancient, 11–20 passim, 40, 187
necropoetics, 64–68. See also death
Neolithic, 20, 22, 86, 131, 183, 189, 191
New Wilderness Letter (Rothenberg), 44n
Niedecker, Lorine, 127
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 77n, 136, 176n
amor fati, 111
“Nor Is the Past Pure” (Duncan), 65
Norris, Margot, 134n
Beasts of the Modern Imagination, 77n
“Notebook of a Return to the Native Land” (Césaire), 35
ocean, 57–65, 91, 116, 163. See also Okeanos
Oelschlaeger, Max, 156n
“Offertory” (Irby), 94–95
Okeanos, 65, 88, 114–15, 174–75. See also ocean
old lore. See lore,
old O’Leary, Peter, 153
Olson, Charles, 17, 18n, 60, 65, 71, 72, 88, 104, 108, 114, 121, 148–49, 158n, 162–63, 164, 165, 179, 187, 188–92, 195
and origins, 166–68
reading as part of poetry, 14, 18, 45
and war, 158
Williams’s acclaim for, 132.
Works : “Against Wisdom As Such,” 168
“Bibliography on America for Ed Dorn,” 44
Call Me Ishmael, 45n
“Cole’s Island,” 66
“The Festival Aspect,” 191
“Human Universe,” 21
In Cold Hell, In Thicket, 22
“The Kingfishers,” 25, 62, 87n, 95
“The Lordly and Isolate Satyrs,” 95–96
The Maximus Poems, 9, 20, 69, 73, 75, 105, 118, 128, 136
origin of—, in lectures, 22, 23
specific passages from —, discussed, 79–81, 86–87
“Projective Verse,” 131, 166–67
“Same day, Later,” 189–90, 191–92
A Special View of History, 45n. See also composition by field; Gloucester; Maximus; proprioception
open form, 4, 43, 49. See also composition by field
Opening of the Field, The (Duncan), xii, 67
Order of Things, The (Foucault), 170, 176n
origin, 165–71
Origin (Corman), 165
Origins (Doria), 14
ourobouros, no, 115, 160, 174–76, 182, 193, 196
“Our Old Feuillage” (Whitman), 56
“Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” (Whitman), 57–58, 59
“Ozymandias” (Shelley), 14
Paleolithic, 14, 22, 48, 175–76, 189, 197
cave painting, 19, 39, 42, 128, 161, 163, 175, 186, 187
Paradise Lost (Milton), 17
Parmenides, 180
Partch, Harry, 126
“Parturition” (Loy), 99–100
“Passages 24” (Duncan), 121–22
Penelope, 172
Persephone, 178
Pisan Cantos, The (Pound), 156, 199
Pleistocene, 46
“Poem Beginning With a Line by Pindar” (Duncan), 104
Poetics of the Common Knowledge, The (Byrd), 4n
poetry, 3–8, 43n, 45, 52, 69–73, 85, 89, 90, 168
antipoetry, 6
necropoetics, 64–68
tropical, 27–28. See also open form; trope
“Poetry To–Day in America” (Whitman), 5
Pollock, Jackson, 127
Ponge, Francis, 89
Portmann, Adolf, 44
Pound, Ezra, 6, 42, 53, 84, 131, 158–59, 163, 167, 194–95
nekyia, 114, 158 (see also underworld)
The Cantos, 9, 13n, 18, 19, 69, 105, 158, 161, 194
Guide to Kulchur, 176n
predatory, the, 76–83, 106, 129. See also animal; hunting
Prelude, The (Wordsworth), 72
Prepositions (Zukofsky), 45n
Professor’s House, The (Cather), 50
“Projective Verse” (Olson), 131, 166–67
Prometheus, 62
proprioception, 11, 45, 76, 130–34, 169
psyche, 20, 52, 92, 104, 182, 197
and archetypes, 63
in myth, 74
relation to cosmos and logos, 41–43, 45–47, 160–61, 173–75, 199
revealed through logos, 40
and superstition, 178–79
Pynchon, Thomas, 160
Quasha, George, 104
Rexroth, Kenneth, 9, 14, 38, 59, 104–5, 145, 149–51,
“Lyell’s Hypothesis Again,” 127
Reznikoff, Charles, 54–55
Rich, Adrienne, 35–36, 46, 87n
Snapshots of a Daughter–in–Law, 148
Riesman, David, 131
Rodia, Simon, 83
Rosetta Stone, 13
Rothenberg, Jerome, 5, 14, 45n, 49–50, 163
Alcheringa, 44n
New Wilderness Letter, 44n
Rueckert, William, 7
Rukeyser, Muriel, 9, 33, 50, 62, 168, 183–84
“Book of the Dead,” 37
The Life of Poetry, 53
Ruskin, John, 136
“Same day, Later” (Olson), 189–90, 191–92
Sand County Almanac (Leopold), 7
Sanders, Edward, 14
“The Art of the Elegant Footnote,” xi
Santayana, George, 6
Three Philosophical Poets, 151
Santillana, Giorgio de, 114, 116, 118, 135
Sapir, Edward, 118n
Saturn, 97–98
Sauer, Carl, 21, 22, 48–49, 118n
Saussure, Ferdinand de, 70
Scalapino, Leslie, 45n
Schelling, Andrew, 14
“Schizophrenia and Language” (Deleuze), 70–71
School of Udhra (Mackey), 141
Schwerner, Armand, 15, 82, 170
Secret of the Golden Flower, 195
Seferis, George, 188
“Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror” (Ashbery), 88
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 13, 167n
“Mont Blanc,” 126
“Ozymandias,” 14
Shepard, Paul, 9, 48–49, 52, 116, 193
The Tender Carnivore and the Sacred Game, 48. See also hunting
Significance of the Alphabet, The (Kraitser), 144
Silliman, Ron, 45n
Tjanting, 132–133
Sirens, 74
Situationist, 183
skandhas, 142n
Smart, Christopher, 38
Snapshots of a Daughter–in–Law (Rich), 148
“Snow Man, The” (Stevens), 89
Snyder, Gary, 1, 7, 8, 45n, 46, 67, 131, 165, 196
Mountains and Rivers Without End, 6, 47n
“Dark Drafts,” 15
Soil and Civilization (Hyams), 52, 188
“Song of Myself” (Whitman), 60
“Songs of the Andoumboulou” (Mackey), 75, 104
“Song of the Exposition” (Whitman), 55–56
“Song of the Open Road” (Whitman), 57, 59
sophrosyne, 76
Special View of History, A (Olson), 45n
Specimen Days (Whitman), 3
The Heads of the Town Up to the Aether, 68, 143
Spring and All (Williams), 6
Stafford, William, 33
Starobinski, Jean, 169n
stars, 101–3, 105–6, 110–20 passim, 191, 197. See also cosmos
Stein, Charles, 104, 180, 182n
Stein, Gertrude, 136, 168–70, 192
Lectures in America, 166
Steiner, Rudolf, 195
Stevens, Wallace, 61, 137, 147
“The Comedian as the Letter C,” 26–28, 151
“Connoisseur of Chaos,” 151–52
“The Dwarf,” 172
“The Snow Man,” 89
“Structure of Rime” (Duncan), 67
Suhrawardi, 103
syncope, in
Tablets, The (Schwerner), 15, 82, 170
Tallman, Warren, 45n
Tarn, Nathaniel, 14
ta’wīl, 103–5
Tedlock, Dennis, 44n
Tender Carnivore and the Sacred Game, The (Shepard), 48
Testimony (Reznikoff), 54–55
therioexpulsion, 49–50, 122, 175
“This Compost” (Whitman), 57, 59, 65
Thom, Rene, 44
Thompson, William Irwin, 4, 183
Thoreau, Henry David, 9, 13, 14, 126, 128, 143–44
“Thought of Columbus, A” (Whitman), 24–25
Three Philosophical Poets (Santayana), 151
Tjanting (Silliman), 132–33
Todorov, Tzvetan, 25–26
“Tomb of Donald Duck” (Eshleman), 146
transcendentalism, 167
Tree (Meltzer), 44n
trope, 70, 73, 90, 124, 131, 137, 193
and Columbus’s discovery of America, 24, 25
meaning of, in other languages, 23n
as metaphor, 71
as organizing principle, 9
tropological, 181
tropic, 9, 26, 59, 92–93, 124, 135, 197
Truth and Life of Myth, The (Duncan), 45n
Tuan, Yi–Fu, 44
type (typos), 63, 70–71, 141, 191
Un coup de dés (Mallarmé), 4
Valéry, Paul, 89
Varela, Francisco, 4
Vico, Giambattista, 181
Virilio, Paul, 52
Waddington, C. H., 44
Iovis, 177n
war, 33, 52, 53, 145, 148–49, 156, 184–85, 190
technology’s relation to, 48, 49
Warren, Robert Penn, 32–33
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 76–77, 79
Watten, Barrett, 45n
Waugh, Evelyn, 67
Webster, Catherine, 173–74
“West–Running Brook” (Frost), 154–55
“White Mythology” (Derrida), 28, 137
White Noise (DeLillo), 50n
Whiter, Walter, 1
Whitman, Walt, 4, 6, 13, 14, 39, 52–63, 64, 164
Works:“As I Ebb’d with the Ocean of Life,” 56, 114
“Backward Glance O’er Travel’d Roads,” 2
“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry,” 138
Democratic Vistas, 2, 3, 5, 53
Leaves of Grass, 2, 9, 53, 54, 57, 59n, 194
“Our Old Feuillage,” 56
“Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking,” 57–58, 59
“Poetry To–Day in America,” 5
“Song of Myself,” 60
“Song of the Exposition,” 55–56;
“Song of the Open Road,” 57, 59
Specimen Days, 3
“A Thought of Columbus,” 24–25
Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 118n
Wiener, Norbert, 4
Wilbur, Richard, 6
wilderness, 5, 7n, 28, 31, 160, 165, 176, 194
Williams, Jonathan, 17–18
Williams, William Carlos, 21, 36, 131–32, 149, 161, 165, 168, 185–86
Spring and All, 6
Woolf, Virginia, 177n
The Prelude, 72
wreading, 11n, 18, 19, 41, 50, 85, 135, 199
Wright, C. D, 17n
Xvarnah, 194
Yeats, William Butler, 42
Zend–Avesta, 194
Zeno, 182
Zip Odes (Metcalf), 18
Zoroaster, 14
Zukofsky, Louis, 15, 17, 64, 74, 88–89, 155;
“A,” 11, 12, 69, 73, 83–84, 85–86, 90, 108–9, 112, 128, 142n
Bottom : On Shakespeare, 45n, 140
80 Flowers, 14
Prepositions, 45n