



In the months following the meeting with Hearst, Rev. Stover became more outspoken against the evils of Communism, especially attacking the role the Soviet Union played in trying to take over the world by crushing democracy. He even started questioning the role Cuba might play in the Soviet's plans.

Without referring directly to JFK, his message often included questioning America’s leadership both in Congress and the White House. Missy couldn’t remember a time when she’d seen her husband so involved in politics, and she was equally surprised how good he was. Of course, she did her part to guide him in this new direction, encouraging him in every way she could to keep swinging for the fence.

Hearst continued to do his part as well by being sure that their tent revivals continued to receive front-page coverage whenever possible. It was his idea to take their message to a broader audience.

“You've had a good run here in L.A.," he told them during one of his infrequent personal visits. "But there's so many more dens of iniquity across the country, as I'm sure you're aware. I want you on the road for God. After all, you're a revival, right? Got the tent and everything. And don’t worry about small crowds. I’ve laid out a map that will take you to areas where my newspapers will give plenty of free publicity even before you arrive. By the time you’ve set up your tent, there will be long lines waiting to get in. How does that sound?”

“Sounds fantastic!” Missy shouted before Rev. Stover had a chance to comment. “It’s exactly what God would want us to do, spread his message to the masses just like Jesus.”

Hearst smiled, then looked at the reverend. “You in?”

“Of course, he’s in...” Missy started but then stopped when Hearst shot her a nasty look.

“Thanks, I can speak for myself,” he said to Missy, then turned his attention to the newspaper baron. “Yes, I’m in. It sounds like a good plan, though pulling up stakes and moving from town to town can be quite expensive.”

Hearst waved his comments away. "Hell, don't worry about that. I'll cover whatever extra expenses you incur." He stopped for a moment, chewing on his lower lip. "There's just one thing I'd like you to do a bit differently. I've noticed you never mention Kennedy by name. You just refer to the evils of Washington as coming from Congress and the White House. I want you to be more direct. It's time to name the serpent. Do that, and all those extra expenses will be taken care of."

Stover glanced over at his wife who was nodding vigorously but keeping her mouth shut. Those extra expenses could easily mount into thousands of dollars over the next few months, but all he had to do was drop Kennedy’s name a few times. Point out the dangers of having a Papist dove as their Commander-in-chief. He nodded.

“Yeah, I can do that. No problem.” The two men shook hands.


As Amberlin and Rose entered the apartment, Spooks leaped off the bed where she'd been lying reading a magazine.

“Is Ben gone?” Amberlin asked without any preamble.

“Yes,” Spooks answered. “What the hell happened? I couldn’t get a word out of...”

She stopped in mid-sentence and stared at Amberlin’s companion.

“Mom? Is that you? What in the world?” Spooks stammered.

“Hello Evelyn," Rose replied. "It's so good to see you again." The two rushed over to each other and hugged. "It's a long story. I'll fill you in later. For now, just know that I had to fake my death to get some nasty people to leave me alone."

“Missy and Reverend Stover?” Spooks asked.

“Yes, that’s right, and now we’re dealing with their son.”

“Well, not anymore," Spooks replied as she pushed her mother out to arms length and stared at her, still not sure if she believed her eyes. "He stormed in here a little while ago, packed up his stuff and stormed out. I couldn't get a word out of him."

“Did Hannah go with him?” Amberlin asked.

“No, I did not,” Hannah said as she entered from the bathroom. “He did talk to me. I ran into him as he was getting in the van. He told me his side of the story and asked me to go with him, but I declined. Truth be told, I didn’t believe him, especially the part about Mrs. Gentry being alive. I can see that at least that part was true.”

“What was his side of the story?” Amberlin asked.

“He said that you had accused him of being dishonest and wouldn’t give him an opportunity to explain. He felt like you were just looking for an excuse to break up the group. That just didn’t sound like you at all, so I decided to stay and hear your side.”

Amberlin explained what she’d learned at the diner.

“So, the part where I accused him of being dishonest is true,” Amberlin finished.

“Wow! He’s been spying on us all this time for his folks? Creepy,” Hannah said with a shudder.

Hannah, Amberlin, and Spooks had migrated to the bed, leaving the overstuffed chair to Rose.

The four of them looked at each other for several seconds before Spooks finally said, “Okay, so what do we do now? The group is effectively broken up, we’ve no transportation, we’re hundreds of miles from home, and oh yeah, our little stash of money is just about to zero.”

“And we have our health, each other, and believe it or not, God is still on our side,” Rose added in an attempt to balance her daughter’s negativity.

“Grandmother is right," Amberlin joined in. "I don't agree that the group is necessarily broken up. We're just in a period of flux, that's all. I've seen this happen with some other groups and some of them have bounced back even stronger than before."

“I’m with Amberlin,” Hannah said. “I’m going to miss Ben. I think we all will...yes, even you Spooks,” she said before Spooks could interrupt. “But what’s done is done, and we must move forward. Besides, Amberlin is who everyone wants to hear. We can get another backup singer and guitarist. Right?”

“Maybe,” Amberlin replied, “but that may not be necessary. I have another idea that might just work.”

“What’s that, dear?” Rose asked.

“Well, first I have a confession to make. I haven’t been completely honest with everyone either?”

“Oh, boy, here goes,” Spooks said. “What deep, dark secret have you been keeping from us.”

“Remember when I met with Al Grossman a while ago?”

“Sure, he wasn’t interested in working with us,” Hannah said.

“Well, that wasn’t exactly true,” Amberlin replied. She went on to share what Grossman had really said.

“So, you turned him down?” Spooks asked when Amberlin finished.

“Yeah, sorta. I just wasn’t interested in his conditions.”

“But now...” Hannah started.

“Well, I could go back to him and see if he’d be willing to reconsider,” Amberlin finished for her. She glanced around at the other women.

No one spoke for close to a minute. Finally, Rose said, “I think it’s a good idea. Of course, I’m the newest member of this troupe, but I’m also the senior member, and I’ve been with Amberlin the longest.” She reached out and clasped her granddaughter’s hands. “You are special. I mean, we’re all special in our own ways, but your Papa Herb was right. You have a divine destiny, and as I told you earlier, I’m convinced that your singing will play a major role in your fulfilling your purpose. I vote yes. Go talk to this Al Grossman. Maybe he’s finally woken up and realizes what a mistake he made the first time.”

Spooks nodded. “I agree. Even dense men come to their senses every now and then.”

Hannah nodded as well. “Yes, go talk to him. None of us have to be part of the group. We could just be your entourage, where you go for support and nurturing when the pressure of fame and fortune become too much.”

Amberlin looked into each of their faces, tears welling up in her eyes for the second time that morning. Finally, she said, "You are already that place of support and nurturing. Now, let's go see if we can find a bit of that fame and fortune."

They all cheered and danced around the room. Finally, Spooks asked, “How are you going to get in touch with Grossman? Didn’t he leave several weeks ago?”

“Yes,” Amberlin agreed, “but I bet Paula will know how to reach him. In the meantime, I’ll go to her, hat in hand and beg her not to give our spots to anyone else. Maybe I can get Tattoo or one of his band members to take Ben’s place for a few gigs.”

“Sounds like a good plan to me,” Hannah said. “Paula really likes you and Joyce, her partner, really likes the crowds you draw. We’ll make it through this. I just know it.”

“Okay,” Amberlin said as she rose from the bed. “How about a group hug before I go plead my case to Joyce?”

The four of them came together in the center of the room. As they embraced each other, Rose added, “Could I also say a little prayer for us?”

“Please do,” Amberlin replied.

Rose paused for a moment before saying, “Dearest Heavenly Father, we come with grateful attitude for all you have already provided to us through the years, and we ask for your continual blessing and protection. Please look over my dear Amberlin, as she takes this next leg of her journey to fulfill your will. In your Son’s holy name we pray. Amen.”

“It’s been a long time since I was part of a prayer circle,” Spooks said as they separated.

“Never hurts to acknowledge the Source of all our bounty,” Rose said. “And as my Herb often said, now it’s time to move our feet as we pray.”