To the following people . . . thanks for your support: Jim Arseneault; Anthony Barton; Ruth and the late Bruce Bassin; Hervé Berland; Bill Blatch; Thomas B. Böhrer; Daniel Boulud; Christopher Cannan; Dick Carretta; Jean-Michel Cazes; Corinne Cesano; Jean-Marie Chadronnier; M. and Mme. Jean-Louis Charmolue; Charles Chevalier; Bob Cline; Jeffrey Davies; Hubert de Bouard; Jean and Annie Delmas; Jean-Hubert Delon and the late Michel Delon; Jean-Luc Le Dû; Dr. Albert H. Dudley III; Barbara Edelman; Fédéric Engérer; Michael Etzel; Paul Evans; Terry Faughey; Joel Fleischman; Han Cheng Fong; Maryse Fragnaud; Mme. Capbern Gasqueton; Laurence and Bernard Godec; Dan Green; Josué Harari; Alexandra Harding; Ken-ichi Hori; Dr. David Hutcheon; Barbara G. and Steve R. R. Jacoby; Jean-Paul Jauffret; Daniel Johnnes, Nathaniel, Archie, and Denis Johnston; Ed Jonna; Elaine and Manfred Krankl; Allen Krasner; Françoise Laboute; Patrick Leon; Susan and Bob Lescher; Pierre Lurton; Bernard Magrez; Patrick Maroteaux; Christian, Jean-François, and Jean-Pierre Moueix; Jerry Murphy; Bernard Nicolas; Jill Norman; Les Oenarchs (Bordeaux); Les Oenarchs (Baltimore); François Pinault; Frank Polk; Paul Pontallier; Bruno Prats; Jean-Guillaume Prats; Dr. Alain Raynaud; Martha Reddington; Dominique Renard; Michel Richard; Alan Richman; Huey Robertson; Dany and Michel Rolland; Pierre-Antoine Rovani; Yves Rovani; Robert Roy; Carlo Russo; Ed Sands; Erik Samazeuilh; Bob Schindler; Ernie Singer; Park B. Smith; Betsy Sobolewski; Elliott Staren; Daniel Tastet-Lawton; Lettie Teague; Alain Vauthier; Steven Verlin; Peter Vezan; Robert Vifian; Sona Vogel; Jeanyee Wong; and Gérard Yvernault.
A very special thanks is in order for several people who have done a splendid job in bringing this mass of information to book form. At Simon & Schuster, my editor Amanda Murray; her assistant, Christina Richardson; and the production team of Scott Gray, Jeanette Olender, and John Wahler. Thanks also to Joan Passman, my assistant state-side; Annette Piatek, who did much of the typing for this book; Elisabeth Jaubert, the wizard responsible for the procurement of the labels that so attractively adorn its pages; and my former Wine Advocate proofreader, editor, and lifelong drinking, eating, and tasting friend, Dr. Jay Miller.