More Praise for

The Gateless Gate

“Kōun Yamada was of that fine old breed of Japanese Zen Masters—piercing, disciplined, and always on point. The Gateless Gate distills his teaching and spirit marvelously. It is an essential text for anyone interested in the Zen koan, and in the process of Zen awakening.”

—Norman Fischer, former abbot of San Francisco Zen Center

“Koans are the intimate family history of Zen. The awakened mind of the Zen ancestors is conveyed, but also their effort, sweat, pain, and joy. Kōun Yamada’s excellent translation and commentary helped opened the door to this world for many of us, and this new edition is sure to do so for many more.”

—Kyogen Carlson, abbot of Dharma Rain Zen Center

“Here is the penetrating voice of a unique lay Zen master! The depth of Kōun Yamada Roshi’s insight clearly reveals that the Dharma has nothing to do with East or West, Buddhism or Christianity—Buddha-nature is universal.”

—Eido Shimano, abbot of Dai Bosatsu Zendo