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SWEET MERCY, I WAS freaking burning up! Lord strike me down if I ever complained about PMS hot flashes again. Sweat pooled between my breasts until I had my own personal cleavage hot springs. We trudged through debris, decapitating demons and zombies, and wiping moisture out of our eyes. My palms were on fire after using my lightning on several demons, but Boner was rationing the holy water, so I had to put up with the pain.
I felt the shadow before I saw it. He snuck up on us from behind, his fire scorching my heels. I barely had time to turn and zap him, and when he lit up, I nearly wet my panties. Okay, maybe I squirted a little, but it could have been the sweat between my thighs. Had I mentioned it was hot?
I’d seen bigger dragons. Though this one wasn’t much larger than an elephant, he had massive jowls dripping with goo, reminding me of a great white shark after a feeding frenzy.
As he was about to clamp down on my head, Aedan sliced open his neck with a sword that looked like Cam’s massive blade. The dragon’s scream was like a chow bell for the other dragons, because no sooner had we dusted that monster than another followed, and another. We barely had warning, other than their scalding breath and the feeling that the air was heavier, like the pressure drop before a storm.
A few ghosters fell out of the dragons, and we yelled for them to take cover in the chapel. Most of the ghosters ran straight for sanctuary, screaming and flinging goop off their limbs. A few were so disoriented, they were gobbled up again by other dragons.
After Aedan had a few close calls with the monsters, I knew it was time to seek shelter. We were both breathless and exhausted, and I wasn’t sure how much more of the infernal heat we could withstand. Not to mention my palms were bubbling with oozing blister bull’s-eyes, and they stung like a mofo.
Luckily, we found ourselves backed up to the revolving door to the hotel that was still intact, thanks to the chapel inside. I zapped one last dragon, then ducked inside, falling with an unladylike thump and a curse.
Aedan fell in right behind me, tripping over my legs and nearly impaling himself on his sword. Several shadowy jowls pressed against the doors, smoke wafting from their fangs.
They scattered, shrieking, when a flash of steel cut through the air. The archangel’s wings obscured her face, but I noticed the curve of her breast, shapely hips, and dark, bulging biceps. The archangel had to be at least ten feet tall, and she cut down every last dragon in a matter of seconds, then launched back into the air. The building shook with a seismic thud, and I imagined the Amazonian angel landing on the roof. Girl power! I so wanted to be like her when I grew up.
“By thunder,” Aedan breathed. “She’s magnificent.”
I didn’t know why it bothered me, but it did. Maybe because my husband hadn’t praised me for the way I’d dusted dragons. Was he still ashamed of me? Aedan probably wouldn’t be able to look at me if I’d turned the preacher’s brains into my personal buffet station. Good thing Boner had shown up with that holy water. Hang on. Wasn’t Boner with us just a few moments ago?
“Uh, Aedan,” I cried, scanning the tinted windows for any sign of our skeletal friend. “Where’s Boner?”
Aedan sat up on his elbows, wiping sweat and gray goo off his brow. “I don’t know.”
We turned toward the large foyer that had crystal chandeliers suspended from a vaulted ceiling. A set of carpeted steps led to a sunken hall crowded with terrified mortals hiding behind overturned poker tables and slot machines.
“Anyone see a skeleton in camo come in here?” Aedan yelled.
We were answered with bug-eyed stares and gaping mouths.
Well, that wasn’t good. What the hell had happened to Boner?
* * *
“COME ON, ASH,” AEDAN kept prodding me. “Almost there.”
Yeah, he’d said that five flights ago. I was beginning to lose faith in my husband. Keeping pace with Aedan while we trudged up twelve flights of stairs wasn’t easy. He had longer legs than me, and he got to hold onto the railing. I wasn’t about to touch anything with my throbbing, burning palms.
By the time we reached the top, I thought I’d die from a heart attack. My chest hurt so bad, maybe my heart had exploded, and I’d already died twice. We were on the rooftop of the casino, overlooking all of downtown Vegas, or what was left of it. The landscape looked like hell, with toppled buildings, giant craters, and a twisted river of lava stemming from what appeared to be a volcano in the distance.
Demons and zombies roamed the streets, terrorizing hapless mortals who hadn’t found shelter. I wanted so badly to help them all, but after that last dragon battle, I was too sweaty, hurt, and exhausted to risk getting into another fight. I couldn’t help but feel like a big bucket of zombie shit for letting down those mortals. Heck, I’d let down Aedan and even myself tonight. Yet some twisted act of fate had decided I was supposed to take down the witch?
The air was more humid outside than in that stuffy stairwell, making it hard for me to breathe. I leaned over, clutching my knees and trying to catch my breath, wondering briefly why I hadn’t sprouted wings like all the other times I’d visited Hell and taken on my demon form. Maybe this was a good sign. Maybe Hell hadn’t completely encompassed Earth.
“You okay, Ash?” Aedan asked, stroking my back.
“I’ll be fine.” I abruptly straightened, stepping away from him. I didn’t feel worthy of his concern.
“Look,” he said.
Beyond a helicopter landing pad at the other end of the roof, an angel sat atop a blinking shamrock marquee, sword in hand, one eye on the sky and another on us.
“Come on,” he whispered, tugging my hand.
I hissed as pain jolted through my throbbing wound. It felt like Aedan had stabbed me with a blade dipped in acid.
“Watch it!” I held up my bleeding hand.
Aedan cursed, his eyes turning a thunderous shade of cobalt. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’ve got bigger problems,” I grumbled, pushing past him. I realized I was being a bitch, but I couldn’t help it. My wedding had been ruined, the world had gone to shit, and I’d been a married woman for over twenty-four hours and still hadn’t gotten laid.
I trudged across the landing pad to the angel with a purposeful stride, stopping when she eyed me with one raised brow. She was almost as big as a Nephilim, and she probably had more raging bitch power in her little finger than I did in my whole body.
“Hey, there.” Aedan stepped in front of me, waving at the behemoth angel.
Her freakishly white, glowing eyes stood out against her ebony skin. She had muscular legs that went on for miles, and not a single strand of hair on a bald head that was smooth as a marble. She wore one of those Grecian-style robes and sandals like the other archangels, and a leather scabbard hung from her thick, corded belt. She slapped her palm with the flat side of a gleaming gold sword, eyeing the skies with twisted lips as dragons flew overhead.
What little moisture I had left in my mouth went south, banging against my bladder like a steel drum when she glared down at us, her eyes pulsing like strobes. I swallowed hard, forcing myself to look away and nervously eyeing my husband.
“Sorry to bother you, but have you seen our ghoster friend? A skeleton with a bomber jacket and helmet.” Aedan’s voice shook like the subtle tremors rising from the earth moments before a train barreled into the station. He shifted from one foot to the other, amazingly maintaining eye contact with the angel.
Her black wings ruffled as she crossed her arms. “I saw a skeleton flying in Cameal’s Jeep about an hour ago,” she said with a thick, unrecognizable accent.
Aedan cleared his throat. “This would be more recently, about fifteen minutes ago. He was on foot.”
“I have not.” I almost thought I heard pity in her voice. “He’s most likely been eaten by a dragon.”
Aedan heaved a groan, raking fingers through his hair. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”
My heart sank like a lead weight in my gut. Our last friend was gone. Aedan and I had to go up against a powerful sorceress and her army of dragons without any help. I wasn’t a betting woman, but since we were in Vegas, I figured the odds were definitely not in our favor. My eyes watered at the thought. What a shitty honeymoon. I wiped moisture from my eyes, wincing when tears stung my wounds.
I resisted the urge to run when the angel jumped down next to me with a thud. Clasping my wrist, she frowned at my wound before pulling a leather necklace with a vial attached to it over her head and handing it to me. “For your hands,” she said.
“Thanks!” I turned the vial over, examining the beautiful reflective glass in the shape of a teardrop. I sure hoped this was holy water.
I uncorked the vial and dabbed a few drops on my hands. Sure enough, my wounds magically healed, and the pain was just a distant memory. “Ahhh,” I moaned, corking it and giving it back to her. “I really appreciate it.”
I thought about drinking a few drops to help with my nervous stomach and achy muscles, or at the very least, rubbing some of the balm on my sore feet, but I didn’t want to use up all her holy water on minor injuries. If and when we made it back to Purgatory, I was going to book a deluxe massage with a mani and pedi. I didn’t care how many credits it took. I was kicking dragon ass, dammit! I deserved it.
The angel expanded wings which had to be as wide as a small passenger plane. Then she gracefully fluttered to a corner of the building and waved us over.
I fought the urge to dig my heels in when Aedan pulled me toward her. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what she had to show us.
“That is where you will find the witch.” She motioned to a familiar street corner, the one where we’d first encountered the preacher, though it now resembled a war zone. “A secret set of stairs at the back of the giftshop leads to the underground nightclub.”
So my instincts had been right. Lucia had been there all along.
“The dragons will be summoned by their mistress before midnight,” she continued. “That will be the best time to strike.”
The angel pulled a giant timepiece out of her white robe, showing us the face. It was only a quarter to nine. We had to wait another three hours before fighting the sorceress. Ugh. It would feel like an eternity.
Aedan let out a slow breath. “Thank you, angel.”
She turned to us, and the light in her glowing eyes dimmed until I could see flecks of gold and gray. “You may call me Mala, and it is I who should be thanking you for risking your souls to save humanity.” The smile she flashed didn’t quite reach her eyes, and I didn’t need to have Basil’s psychic ability to know what the angel was thinking. You two are fucked, and not in a good, kinky way. You are literally fucked hard up the ass with a giant, spiked demon dildo infected with a raging case of herpes.
“Uh, sure thing, Mala.” I shared a wary look with Aedan. It’s not like we had any choice in the matter. Either we destroyed the witch or she destroyed the world.
* * *
I RELUCTANTLY FOLLOWED Aedan down the stairs. The fact that I could tell he was forming a plan in his head both terrified and excited me. I had a sinking feeling in my gut our mission wasn’t going to be successful, but I just wanted this night to be over. “What do we do now?” I asked.
“You heard the angels.” Instead of continuing down the stairwell, Aedan exited onto the top floor. “We need to wait until midnight to strike.” He swept a hand at the hallway, flashing a devious grin. “After you.”
He couldn’t be serious. The hall was dimly lit with orange emergency lights and as muggy as a sauna. “But what about Boner?”
He placed a hand on my back, nudging me toward a door at the end of the hall. “Ash, we can’t help him now,” he whispered, his breath unusually hot and heavy, even for Hell.
I narrowed my eyes at the placard beside the door that read Penthouse Honeymoon Suite. I looked at Aedan, nervously gnawing my lower lip. “I don’t think this is a good idea.” Could he seriously be thinking about sex at a time like this?
He cupped my chin in his hand, eyes swirling with lust. “Ash, this may be the last chance we ever have to be together.”
“Aedan, no,” I breathed, placing a hand on his chest and trying to push him away. Killing dragons must have been good for my libido, because truthfully, I wanted to go into that suite. I could sure go for a good fuck to drive away my worries about the future and the memories of the last twenty-four-hours.
Before I could object again, my husband smashed open the door with the blunt end of his scythe, then swooped me into his arms and carried me across the threshold. Though the room was just as dark as outside, it was surprisingly cooler than the hallway, and I realized the fans overhead were still turning for some miraculous reason.
“Sorry I couldn’t give you a better honeymoon.” His eyes flashed with naughty, wicked promises before he slammed the door shut with his foot and strode across the bedroom with me still in his arms.
Hot damn, my husband made me horny. “Put me down,” I pleaded, wishing my conscience would shut the hell up so I could get laid.
“As you wish.” Aedan chuckled.
The air whooshed from my lungs when Aedan tossed me on the bed, then climbed on top of me, knocking my knees open and seating himself between my legs.
I wanted to give into the passion of the moment and throw my legs wide like a sex-crazed siren while begging my husband to pound me into oblivion. There was just one small problem, and it wasn’t the demons, dragons, or even the realization that we were probably going to perish in a maelstrom of fire and pain once the witch was finished with us.
Even as Aedan was trailing hot, delicious kisses down my neck, and I tossed back my head with a groan when he reached beneath my gown, flicking his thumb across my swelling desire, I couldn’t help but remember that look of disgust in his eyes after I’d almost eaten the dead minister.
“Stop, Aedan,” I cried, pushing him off me and rolling onto my side. I covered my face, sobbing into my hands. Our last night together, possibly ever, and I had to ruin it. I was the worst wife ever.
“Please don’t cry, sweetheart.”
Though I fought it, he rolled me toward him, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my forehead. His affection only made me cry harder.
“Don’t!” I pounded his chest. “I don’t deserve your love.” How could he possibly want to hold and make love to creepy, cannibal Ash?
He encircled both my wrists with one large hand, his brow furrowing as he searched my eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“I-I almost ate a person,” I spoke on a watery rush of air before another sob claimed me. I was so damned ashamed.
He stroked my face, causing my eyelids to involuntarily flutter. “You were a zombie. You couldn’t help it.”
I swallowed hard, needing to look away for fear I’d see judgment in his eyes. “You were a zombie, too, but you refused to eat him.”
He brushed a lock of hair behind my ear. Damn, his touch felt good. “You were far more decomposed than I was. You had maggots.”
My eyes flew to his. “I did.”
He trailed a finger down my cleavage and flattened a palm against my stomach. “It was probably the maggots talking for you.”
I hadn’t thought of that. “Damn parasites,” I grumbled.
“Ash, I don’t know what’s going to happen when we go up against the witch.” He went back up my stomach and brushed my breast before skimming my collar bone.
His touch sent ripples of pleasure through me, triggering all the fire alarms in my girly garden, making me gush like a busted water pipe.
“We may have only three hours left to exist,” he continued tracing a lazy circle across the top swell of my breast. “I don’t want to spend that time mulling regrets when it could be spent loving you instead.”
When Aedan bent his head toward mine, I didn’t pull away. And when he brushed a feather-soft kiss across my lips, I instinctively threaded my fingers through his hair.
“Oh,” I gasped when he slid a sleeve off my shoulder and licked my exposed nipple. “Since you put it that way.”
He did have a very good point. How silly to spend what could possibly be our last moments together, pouting over a very bad judgment call made by voracious maggots. It wasn’t my fault the parasites had been hungry. Besides, they were gone now. The only worm left was a very stiff, thick one, pressing against my hipbone. I reached between us, cupping that rather delicious erection in my hand, loving how it twitched beneath my touch.
Soon our touches became more heated, more desperate, and we tore off each other’s clothes, not caring if buttons popped or zippers ripped.
After we were fully naked, we kissed and explored each other with passionate abandon. When he licked and nipped his way down my abdomen to that sweet spot below, I dropped my legs. I moaned my delight, bucking against his mouth while he alternated between sucking my nub and licking my ribbon with long, languid strokes. When his fingers joined in the action, my orgasm shot off like a firecracker with a short fuse. I hadn’t been prepared for the force of the pleasure, zinging through me like a ricocheting bullet.
Aedan chuckled when I gasped, my flesh pulsing against his tongue. He wiped his mouth, flashing a slanted smile. “Like that?” he asked.
Heat flamed my face. “You know I did.”
He crawled up the length of my body, his stiff protrusion jutting against my back while he cradled me in his arms and nibbled my ear.
“Mmmm.” I threw a leg over his hip, rubbing my slick channel against his cock. “I want more.”
“You asked for it,” he chuckled, rolling me over with him.
“Aedan!” I giggled, then gasped when he latched onto my hips and pushed me onto my knees, impaling me in one fluid thrust. I sucked in a sharp breath, letting it back out as a slow hiss when he slipped out and thrust in again, so hard he woke every nerve ending in my body, like downtown Vegas coming to life in a dazzling display of lights.
He reached around me, cupping my mound and drawing circles around my swollen nub while thrusting again and again. The pleasure was so intense, I had to break away, falling forward with a gasp, then crying out when he leaned back, pulling me with him.
Though our bodies were slick with sweat, he anchored me in place with a firm hand on my breast, my back flush against his chest, my legs straddling his thighs. I dropped my head back with a groan, resting against his shoulder when he thrust upward, piercing my weeping flesh with his thick cock. When he slid his other hand down my stomach and across my mound, gliding across my ribbon before pinching and flicking my secret sweet spot, I cried out. I tried to squirm and buck against him, but I was trapped in his embrace, so I did the only thing I could. I rode out his torturous touches, surrendering to the pleasure when he stroked me without mercy.
When he leaned back, I fell with him, palms pressed against the bed for support. He thrust harder, stroked faster, digging his fingers into my breast, flicking a thumb across a taut nipple. The sounds of the bedsprings squeaking, our heavy breathing, and the wet slaps of our frantic joining drowned out the dark noises outside. The harder he fucked me, the more I wanted. I just couldn’t get enough of my husband.
The orgasm built fast and hard, jolting me with a ripple of pleasure that shot to my extremities and caused me to suck in a gasp like a backward scream. The quakes rolled through me and then back to my dripping sex, convulsing around him. His mouth sought mine, and he thrust harder, deeper, shooting his seed into me with a curse. His throbbing cock beat against me, triggering another orgasm as powerful as the first two. I wound up like a spring, then quickly unraveled and fell apart in his arms, melting into him while he stroked my slick swollen spot until I came again.
We fell on the bed in a tangle of sweaty limbs, stroking, kissing, and loving each other until we were ready for more. This time, Aedan made love to me slowly, whispering sweet words of love into my ear, tunneling into me until I surrendered to the climax that crested for several glorious heartbeats. He kissed my brow and nose, seeking out my mouth before stilling with a grunt, biting down on my lip while he poured himself into me.
Spent and exhausted, we held onto each other until our breathing slowly returned to normal. I laid my ear against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. I wished my husband could hold me like this always, but we had a witch to kill. The thought of our confrontation hovered over me like a black cloud and popped my afterglow bubble, leaving me cold and empty inside, though just moments ago I’d felt basked in love.
Damn, the apocalypse sucked.
* * *
I MIGHT HAVE DOZED off for a few minutes in Aedan’s arms, which felt nice, really nice. My heart clenched at the thought that this might be the last time we’d get to sleep together. I snuggled against him, not minding when his chest hairs tickled my nose. Then I tried to pretend we were actually on our honeymoon, and this darkened room was a penthouse suite in Purgatory Bahamas, but the distant roar of a dragon shattered my fantasy, like someone had smashed our celebratory champagne bottle across my head.
I jolted upright at an ear-splitting dragon screech, this one directly overhead, and then I saw what looked like shards of glass falling past our window. Mala was kicking dragon ass again.
Aedan smiled at me, patting the pillow beside him. “Maybe we should get some rest while we wait.”
I shook my head, pulling my knees to my chest. “I’m too stressed to sleep.”
A shiver stole up my spine at the sound of yet another dragon howl, this one more agonizing than the first. More shards fell past our window. Damn, Mala was busy. I wondered if we should go help her, but the thought of moving made my feet throb even more. I’d do anything for a good pair of socks and sneakers.
I crossed my legs and examined my wounds. I’d been so busy fighting demons and dragons, I hadn’t remembered injuring my feet, but the cuts and bruises had already festered. I seriously regretted not using more of Mala’s holy water. Aedan sat up, scowling at my feet. “What the blazes, Ash?”
“It’s called trying to battle dragons on scalding concrete without any shoes.”
Aedan jumped out of bed and threw on his clothes.
“Where are you going?”
“Stay here.” He held up a palm. “I’ll be right back.” He grabbed his scythe and flew out the door before I had time to argue. As if I’d argue. Where was I supposed to go anyway?
I laid there for several interminable minutes, listening to all kinds of dark sounds outside. The rumble in my stomach finally forced me out of bed, so I raided the mini fridge. Most of the food had gluten, which looked pretty appetizing after munching on rotten animal carcass, but the last thing I needed while trying to survive the apocalypse was explosive diarrhea, so I settled for some melty mini peanut butter cups and warm bottled water. I hadn’t had peanut butter cups since I was a kid. Not because I didn’t like them, but they were too fattening, and if I was going to pack weight on my already fluffy butt, it was going to be with a warm chocolate brownie with ice cream and hot fudge sauce. Still, the chocolate and peanut butter hit the spot, and I figured I’d already worked off the calories battling dragons. I’d just finished licking chocolate off my fingers when Aedan returned.
He laid a small suitcase across the bed. “Here you go, sweetheart.”
To my surprise, he uncorked Mala’s holy water and splashed some on my bare feet. “I need to bring this back to her.”
I leaned against the headboard, moaning in relief when my feet magically healed. “Thanks, sweets,” I said with a wink.
He opened up the suitcase and tossed me a pair of socks and high-top sneakers. “There’s more clothes inside that look like they’d fit you.”
The sneakers made me do a little girly squeal. They were cherry red, just like my wedding pumps, which I hoped were still tucked away in that tree at the graveyard. “Oh, Aedan.” I sat up, squeezing the sneakers to my chest. “They’re perfect.”
Might as well kick demon and dragon ass in style. I hoped whomever he’d stolen them from didn’t mind me saving the world in her shoes.
I examined the contents of the suitcase before frowning down at my tattered gown. “Thanks, but I’d rather stay in my wedding dress.” If I was going to be cast to Hell indefinitely, I’d rather be a damned bride than a damned tourist. I did put on the socks and sneakers. They didn’t exactly go with white taffeta, but I wasn’t expecting a ticket from the demon fashion police. I grabbed club soda out of the mini fridge and worked on my dress stains while Aedan brought the holy water to Mala.
By the time he returned, I’d managed to eat another bag of peanut butter cups, run a brush through my hair, and clean up a bit, because nothing ruined an apocalypse like that not so fresh feeling.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, nuzzling his chin. “You’re a lifesaver.”
He cupped my cheek, kissing the tip of my nose. “It’s the least I could do after everything you did for those mortals, especially that zombie family.”
I grimaced when I remembered the dad’s head wound and the terrified looks on their kids’ faces. Luckily, there weren’t too many families in downtown Vegas, because I wouldn’t have the energy to help them all. “I didn’t want the kids growing up without a dad. It’s no fun.” My eyes misted. Too bad my dad hadn’t had holy water when he was sick with brain cancer. I was just a baby when he died. I didn’t even get the chance to know him until he became my guardian angel, black Lab Jack.
Aedan kissed my temple, wrapping me in a strong embrace. “No crying, sweetheart. It’s almost over.”
What was almost over? The apocalypse or the world as we knew it?
“Lookie here.” Aedan let me go and grabbed a bucket off a nearby desk. “Champagne.” He pulled a bottle out of water I assumed was once ice before popping the cork.
I took a hesitant step back. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to mix drinking and stopping the apocalypse.” I’d always been a cheap drunk. Maybe even an easy lay. But I sure as hell wasn’t a dumb fuck, though that’s exactly what I’d be if I got drunk before the battle of the millennium.
Aedan pinched his fingers together. “A few sips.” He flashed a devastatingly sexy grin and poured my glass half full. “It’s our honeymoon, after all.”
I reluctantly took the glass from him. A few sips. That was it. “What shall we toast to?”
He tapped his glass against mine, dropping his voice to a throaty growl. “To loving each other for an eternity.”
I swallowed nervous laughter, then took a long sip of champagne. It was surprisingly fruity and sweet, if a little too warm. “I sure hope so.” I took a few more sips, then whimpered when Aedan took the glass from me.
He set the glass on the dresser, took my hands in his, and led me to the bed. “I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a better honeymoon.”
“It’s not your fault.” I hooked a thumb at a shadow passing our window. “None of this is.”
Aedan stroked my knuckles, dropping his gaze to the green shamrock bedspread. “If I have one regret, it’s that we will never have kids.”
I gasped, arching back. Aedan’s admission took me completely by surprise. “I thought you didn’t want kids.”
He flashed the most pitiful puppy dog eyes, and my heart sank like a stone, knowing I could never give him what he wanted.
“I never said that, Ash.” His voice was so low, I had to strain to hear it. “I think you would’ve made a wonderful mother.”
I couldn’t help the obnoxious snorting sound that escaped me. Me, a mother? Ha! I splayed a hand across my chest, feeling as if he’d struck me with an emotional spear. Of all the times to discuss children. It’s not like we could have them anyway, so why bring it up? I’d never given kids much thought when I was alive, mainly because I knew I’d never be as good a mother as my mom.
“But I’m too spoiled and selfish,” I argued.
Aedan heaved a sigh. “And compassionate and giving.”
“You’re not going to let me hate myself, are you?” I chuckled, even as my eyes filled with tears. I couldn’t tell if they were tears of joy or sadness.
“It’s okay, Ash.” He wiped my cheeks, his voice sounding as watery as my eyes. “I’ll love you enough for the both of us.”
“Oh, Aedan.” I threw my arms around my husband, searching out his lips as we fell on the bed in a tangle of arms and legs, and my libido sprang to life again.
He pulled away too soon, leaving an empty sense of longing in my soul I couldn’t explain. I started at the sound of an ear-piercing scream, a child’s scream.
Aedan and I shared horrified looks before he went to the balcony and slid open the door.
“Be careful,” I called, following him as he slipped the wishing star off his neck and turned it into a gleaming silver sword.
The scream came again, a strange hollow echo that ricocheted off the broken buildings.
I shuddered, fear coiling around my spine like an icy serpent. “Where is it coming from?”
“I don’t know.”
“Lucia, no!” a child yelled.
Heat blasted my face. I struck the dragon with a bolt, and Aedan stabbed it. The creature let out a painful wail before splattering all over us. We toppled back into the room, and Aedan slammed the door so hard, I feared the glass would shatter.
I sat up, wiping gray goo from my face and dusted shards which looked like shadowy scales off my dress. What the hell was that stuff? More importantly, how were we able to hear the child shouting from the top floor of the hotel when Lucia’s lair was supposedly underground? I supposed it didn’t matter. A child was in danger, and we had to help her.
I let Aedan help me up, and then I marched for the door.
He grabbed my shoulder, spinning me around. “Where are you going?”
“Duh.” I cocked a hand on my hip. “To save the kid.”
“Wait.” He grimaced. “It could be a trap. We need to do like the angels said and wait until midnight.”
I gaped at him a long moment, the only sounds in the room my pounding heart and our heavy breathing. Another scream sounded in the distance, threatening to unravel what little threads of sanity I had left.
I flung open the door. “Fuck waiting. I’m not sitting around while a child is tortured.”