List of Illustrations
Figures in black and white
Figure 2.1 Major anatomical landmarks on the left side of the brain 14
Figure 2.2 Lateral view of the right hemisphere showing the dorsal and ventral attention systems 15
Figure 3.1 Inside surface of the right side of the brain, showing the medial origins of the psychic Self as remote from the allocentric processing stream 27
Figure 4.1 Leaf from a Bodhi tree (Ficus religiosa) 39
Figure 11.1 Egocentric and allocentric attentive processing, illustrating major differences in their efficiencies 100
Color plates following page 122
Plate 1 Egocentric and allocentric attentive processing, illustrating major differences in their efficiencies (discussed in chapter 11)
Plate 2 Lateralization of the color field to the left (discussed in chapter 12)
Plate 3 Coalescence of green into the left upper quadrant (discussed in chapter 12)
Plate 4 Midline circular zone of pink-purple (discussed in chapter 12)
Plate 5 Coalescence of pink-purple into the left upper quadrant (discussed in chapter 12)
Table 1 Measuring Happiness (chapter 15) 172