


ALEXANDER FULLERTON, Viscount Andrews, had a way with the ladies, and Lady Luck was no different. Like any lady, she wanted a man's undivided attention. That's what Alex gave her every time he stepped into the Raven Club. His mind became sharp the moment he set foot through the elegant doors.

Tonight Alex felt the need for release more than usual. He had just spent the evening among London's high society and felt worn out by it. Pretending to be one of them took a toll on his mood, and only the thrill of the game could give it back. Here, Alex didn't have to be a gentleman because he was better.

The rooms of the well-established gaming hell were more crowded than usual. As he walked from one lavish room to the next, Alex wondered what had drawn such a crowd. He entered the Elite card room and saw the attraction. The Raven herself was in attendance tonight.

Sitting at the head of the main table, the Raven looked beautiful as always. She wore a gown of blood-red silk that was cut so close to the curves of her body that it could have been her own skin. Those curves were extra generous along the low-cut neckline. Honey-colored skin glowed in the candlelight, begging a man to taste every inch. Every man in the room licked his lips.

The details of her face were hidden by an elaborate mask. Those deep chocolate colored eyes and red lips that tilted up slightly when she was amused were the only features she revealed. Black curls fell perfectly from their pins, intricately-designed to land against her cheeks.

There were a lot of rumors about who the Raven might be. She rarely spoke, but when she did, it was with cultured tones that could easily belong to a lady. The club was full of the aristocracy but they were all men. Well-bred ladies would never be allowed here, where every manner of sin could be bought. The only thing not for sale was her. She wasn't another harlot.

Alex worked his way through the crowd without taking his eyes off her. She was a good player, and it wouldn't be long before all the money on the table was hers. He almost felt bad for the men she played against, but they were enjoying the thrill. It was considered an honor to play at the Raven's table. One he had never had.

A wrinkled butler stepped out from the crowd and offered him a surprising invitation. "Lord Andrews, your presence is requested at the Raven’s table."

Alex took his seat at the faro table and tried to figure out why his luck had changed suddenly. He made sure his face gave away none of the excitement sizzling through his nerves. He knew all the players had decent skill and deeper pockets. Alex would have to be at his best if he didn't want to leave with empty hands.

"I'm glad you accepted my invitation." This was the first time Alex had heard the Raven speak up close and her voice was as rich and sultry as he had imagined.

"It would have been foolish to decline." He was no fool.

The liquid black eyes behind the mask rolled over him. Alex smiled and let her look her fill. It didn't bother him, because he revealed nothing he didn't want her to see. Satisfied with his response to her perusal, she dealt and the table started to play. The Raven always liked to deal in her own games, as she played for the house.

The key to being a successful gambler was learning how to read the other players. Alex had played the other gentlemen before, so it was easy to spot the tells. Only the woman remained a mystery to him. One at a time, the other players bowed out when their money was gone until only the Raven and Alex were left. It was approaching dawn, and most of the crowd was gone. They were the last players in the club.

"Tell me, Lord Andrews, how is it that we have never played before?" The Raven leaned back in her chair with her cards in one hand on the table. If the late hour had any effect on her, she didn't show it.

"I assumed I didn’t have enough blunt to gain your attention."

"Money isn't the only thing that interests me." The sensual smile she gave him made his blood pump a little faster. The young ladies he attempted to court properly never smiled like that. They would risk their reputations if they even knew how.

"You would be the first woman in history to overlook it."

"I tend to be a different kind of woman."

That was a simple way to describe it. The woman sitting across the table from him was like no one Alex had ever known before. She was a creature born from shadows and meant to live in a man's wildest dreams. Other men might be distracted by her, but Alex kept his mind on the game.

"What made you decide I was worthy of the honor tonight?" Alex asked.

"Some of the other gentlemen were talking about you. They said you never lost." She played her long fingers across the edges of the cards while she spoke.

"No one can win every hand."

"True, but a man can get close enough to develop a reputation."

“Those are often exaggerated.”

“Really? It is also said that you have many skills at pleasing a woman.”

“That’s the pure truth.”

Looking into those black eyes, Alex felt like he and the Raven were playing a much more complicated game with each other than simple faro. It made him uneasy to play without knowing the stakes.

Looking at the hand in front of him, Alex knew he would take the pot. He could continue to push his luck, or he could choose to leave the table the winner. Her mouth made a pretty pout when he showed her what he had and declined to be dealt another round. It was best if he ended the night while he still had something to take home. Disappointment could be felt in the air as he stood to leave.

“You are the first to walk away from me without empty pockets.” She spoke slowly, in disbelief.

“A bit of luck, that’s all.”

The Raven surprised him by standing and moving around the table to join him.

"Is it not safe for me to walk out alone?" He found it amusing that she wanted to be in his company longer. It had been a long time since a woman had so boldly pursued him.

"There could be any number of dangerous things lurking around corners." There was that soul tempting smile again. "I wouldn't want you to be ravished."

Watching her red lips form the words had his body tense. The glint of her teeth and the peek of her tongue captured his attention. The vivid image of her using that mouth in other ways appeared in his mind. That was enough to make him stumble on his own feet. With a shake of his head he cleared out those sultry thoughts.

The walk to the front door gave him a chance to admire the parts of her that were usually hidden by the table. The red dress had a large bustle in the back but clung to the rest of her body with no other decoration. A man would need both hands to handle all the sweet flesh being put on display. Her breasts alone would be enough for hours of exploration. Again, he forced such thoughts away before he became visibly aroused. That was not the impression of him he wanted her to have.

"Are you the sort of man who likes the thrill of a big bet?" She asked as they walked.

"Not generally. I prefer to keep my risks low."

"In gambling only?"

"The way a man gambles is usually the way he lives." Alex was often amazed at the truth in that.

"You haven't always been careful. I remember hearing about your wild behavior a few years ago."

"I was different." It had only been three years, but it felt like forever.

"What changed?"

"My luck. I lost everything.” It was still hard to believe.

She suddenly stopped and it forced him to face her. Behind the mask he saw pity in her eyes. That twisted him up inside.

"I thought everyone in London heard about my misfortune."

"I heard rumors but those can often be embellished."

"Only if I’m telling someone about my considerable charms."

Her laughter was a rich and sensual sound. It made those wicked thoughts return and he felt the tension in his body. He wondered if she knew the way she affected a man. It was hard to believe she didn't when she was so skilled at it.

"It was my curiosity that compelled me to invite you to the table. I wanted to separate the truth from the rumors." They stopped now that they had reached the door. "I hoped to find out the full story behind your turn in fortune."

"I simply made a poor decision. It wasn't my first or my last, but it was my biggest." Alex didn't like to talk about the loss of his family's fortune, but when he did, it was with a humorous tone. He needed to keep up the lighthearted appearance to avoid sinking lower in people’s opinions.

"You were misled by someone you trusted. Most people would be hard and bitter after that, but you seem to have weathered it without losing your considerable charm.”

"You admit, you find me charming?"

"As much as the rest of the women in this city."

Oh, how he wished that were true. He wouldn't be having such trouble finding a wealthy wife. The season was well underway, his second one in the search, and he still didn't have a single prospect. It seemed his charm was not enough to make up for his empty pockets.

"Such flattery will turn my head. Are you trying to win my affections?"

Her smile died on her lips and her eyes went wild. It was only for a moment, but she appeared frightened by the idea. The moment passed and she smiled again.

"My lord, if I wanted that, I would be much bolder about it." There was no mistaking the mischief in those words. She enjoyed giving him a proper set down.

"I will have to try harder to lure you in next time."

"What makes you think you will be invited to my table again?"

"Lady Luck will bring us together. Learned that from the man who swindled me."

She laughed again and he couldn't stop from smiling. The evening had started out poorly but ended on a happy note. With a gallant flourish, he brought her hand to his lips. She followed his action by attempting to curtsy. Sadly, she hadn’t practiced it enough, and she stumbled forward.

Alex took pride in being a rather athletic man with good reflexes, but her tumble caught him off guard. She fell full force into his chest and he stumbled back against the wall. He wrapped both arms around her to keep her from falling to the floor. Both of them were disoriented and in a very intimate position.

The Raven was in his arms and looking up at him like he was a hero. No one had ever looked at him like that. Before better judgment caught him, he kissed her.

His action startled her and she gasped. To his surprise he found that she tasted like brandy, the good kind he could seldom afford. Beneath his hand, the silk of her dress was smooth enough to let him slide to her waist. She should have been pushing him away, but her hands wrapped around his arms instead. The Raven didn't want to end the kiss any more than he did.

He swallowed her tiny gasps and his lips nipped across hers. She acted inexperienced but was eager. Perhaps the Raven had not taken many lovers. His chest swelled a bit at the thought that he was one of the few to enjoy this delectable treat.

Her tongue darted out to taste him like a kitten with a bowl of cream. He opened his mouth, and she took control by sliding her tongue in to suckle him. Without any kind of skilled seduction, she made him lose all logical thought. Pressed together, he felt his manhood growing hard between them. Alex let his hand slide from her waist to cup her behind and squeeze the softness beneath the teasing bustle. The Raven rubbed against him, and he fought to hold back a moan.

"I hope you are a good shot."

It was not the volume of the voice that cut through the lust haze in Alex's mind, but the tone. It was a man who was furious enough to kill. The Raven heard it too and scrambled away from him, smoothing her hands along her dress to put it right. Her mask hadn't budged while they were kissing, so he still didn't know what she looked like beneath it.

Standing at the foot of the main stairs was the gaming hall owner, glaring down at the two of them. Gerald Bradden was the kind of man one didn't want to offend because he knew all the places a body would never be found. The look on his face indicated he was thinking of those places now. He was of average height for a man but the thick and muscular build of a dock worker in an expensive suit. The thick black hair he slicked back with one hand showed silver streaks at the temples and matched the beard across his clenched jaw. It was the glint in his black eyes that made him look dangerous and those eyes were glaring at him now.

Alex swallowed the knot in his throat.

"My apologies."

"What exactly are you apologizing for? Assaulting one of my staff or being caught at it?" The tone sent a shiver down Alex’s spine.

"Gerald, that was hardly an assault." The Raven straightened her skirt, avoiding eye contact. "I tripped and Lord Andrews was kind enough to try and catch me. He was not successful."

"I can see how unsuccessful it was." muttered Gerald.

Alex watched something pass between the two of them. Even though Gerald was in his early forties and the Raven appeared half that, she could have belonged to him. The lack of experience Alex thought he felt might have been well- practiced. That would explain why she was always here but never took any of the men to bed. Being the owner's ladybird would allow her to live by her own set of rules, as long as it didn't including kissing other men.

Alex felt like a fool and only hoped he would live long enough to regret it. Putting his clothes back where they should be, Alex started to move toward the door. His fingers almost touched the handle when he heard Gerald say his name and he turned back around.

“Lord Andrews, I need to have a word with you." Gerald spoke to him but his eyes were locked with the Raven’s. "Come by in the morning. Be in my office by eight."

“Very well. Good evening to you both.”

That was the chance to escape he was looking for and he took it. Both of them were both wearing expressions that could scare the devil. Raven appeared more than capable of defending herself against her angry lover. It was Gerald that might need a bit of good luck.