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Shifters of Aswhood Falls, Book 2
Lia Davis
About A Tiger’s Claim
As the Alpha’s only daughter Shayna Andrews has always been treated like a rare gem, protected like royalty, and she’s suffocating.Her longing to be independent has driven her to sneak out one evening after dinner. After relishing in being able to run free without an escort, she finds herself face-to-face with the enemy, miles from home, and nearly loses her life until a lone wolf comes to her aid.
Travis Hunter’s main objective is to destroy the Onyx Pack—a group of drug using, murdering rogue shifters. His seek-and-destroy plans are put on hold when he rescues a female from a brutal attack. The beautifully exotic tiger shifter, Shayna, stirs a passion he thought died with his long-lost mate.
When Shay’s first heat cycle slams into her, Travis has no choice but to submit to her needs—and his own. But there is always a price to sleeping with the Pack princess. Not only will they have to face her Pack, Shay and Travis will have to deal with a mating that is beyond a single night and could have consequences more than either of them had thought. And when Travis finds out Shay wears the enemy’s brand, things will go from bad to worse.
Chapter 1
Shayna Andrews’s paws pounded against the earth as she ran through the forest of the Smokey Mountains. Her heart thumped behind her ribs, and the cool air of early spring blew through her fur. She’d have to stop soon to catch her breath, but she didn’t care. Never in her twenty-five years of life had she felt so free. And she was free.
For the moment.
It’d been about an hour since she’d left home to run off her anger from the heated argument she’d had with her father. When was he ever going realize that she was a grown woman, strong and capable of making decisions for herself? Sadly, she didn’t think he’d ever let her have the independence she desperately craved.
So, with her emotions running high, her anger at his stubborn ‘father knows best’ attitude pushed her to run, even if it was just for an hour or so.
Now that she’d calmed a bit, she did find it odd that neither her brothers nor her father had come searching for her, with their worry and anger leading their way. Could they be allowing her the independence she deserved?
She slowed to a walk and scanned the area. This part of the woods was farther than she’d ever gone before. The forest grew thick with large trees and underbrush, while the smell of melting snow and earth wrapped around her. She inhaled deeply, relishing the natural world around her.
She was still within Ashwood territory, but several miles outside of the town she’d called home since she was two; the home in which she had always felt like a prisoner.
Sure, she was loved whole-heartedly by her adopted family and both Packs that made up Ashwood Falls, but they suffocated her.
Since the rogue attack on Jared, the town’s legal counsel and close friend to her family, a couple of months before, her father—leopard Pack Alpha—had put everyone on alert. The attack itself wasn’t what had scared the shit out of everyone. No, it was the fact that the mutants, half-human, half-animal rogue assassins, had gotten past the wards undetected and ripped out Jared’s throat—something that was almost impossible for such a strong shifter. Jared had challenged Nevan, the leopard Healer’s new mate, to a Hunt. Shay knew it was to test Nevan’s strength, but she also believed Jared challenged him to see if he’d be a good mate to a leopard. Not just any leopard. Their Healer. The most loved and protected Pack member besides the princess.
Until that night, Shay never considered the true dangers of the enemy, and the lengths they would go to weaken the Ashwood Pack.
The Pack members’ sense of safety had started to crumble. No one was to leave the area without an escort. That was nothing new to Shay. She always had an enforcer nearby.
But, not today.
Giddy at her escape, she shifted to her human form, her jeans and light sweater covering her body at the same time thanks to her pinky ring, which had been a gift from her father after her first shift.
The ring was made up of a small, flat, blue opal set in silver. It was enchanted to hold her clothes while she shifted. All she had to do was think a small invocation at the same time she called her tiger and her clothes dissolved inside the stone. Somehow, the magick in the ring was in tune to her aura because the moment she changed back to human form her clothes reappeared.
She inhaled, drawing in the crisp mountain air. It was mid-March, and even though the full effects of spring were another month away, the forest already held the signs of new life. Snow was starting to melt in some places, and the trees were starting to bud. Even the air held notes of new life—the earth, trees, and the hint of floral no longer incased in ice.
A snap of a twig in the distance put her tiger on alert. Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. She sniffed the air and picked up on a musk and rosemary scent that was unfamiliar to her. Fear burned through her veins, and she started to head back to town, wishing for once that her brothers were lurking nearby.
Okay, Shay, you’re being a baby.
Closing her eyes, she calmed herself and recalled all the brutal training Blaine and Alec had put her through over the years. The hand-to-hand training was a precaution in case Ashwood Falls was attacked. Father had scowled at the bruises and cuts on her when they returned home, but her brothers brushed it off. In their defense, they claimed she needed to be trained like a soldier.
Blaine and Alec not only taught her how to fight, they taught her to draw strength from the elements around her because they believed she possessed witch’s blood.
It was true she could perform simple spells and make potions from herbs, but that was the extent of her so-called magickal abilities. However, she’d learned to connect with the earth and air around her. That connection allowed her to sense danger, like now.
Whoever, or whatever, was out there was closing in fast. She felt the eerie caress of danger against her aura. It made her tiger growl. This was so not good.
Please be an animal of some kind and not the rogue mutant kind.
She jogged ahead, not taking any chance in the event rogues had trespassed on Ashwood territory again. They’d ripped a whole through Jared’s throat, and he was a very strong alpha male. She didn’t want to hang out to see what they would do to her, a lone female, who despite all she wished, wasn’t as strong as she wanted to be.
Footfalls edged closer, putting her tiger on full alert. She ran faster. Several yards ahead, a man stepped into her path. She skidded to a halt and realized he wasn’t a man, but a mutant—half-wolf, half-man—and abomination. The rancid smell of spoiled meat lingered behind the vague scent of rosemary and another smell she wasn’t familiar reached out to her thick and oily-like.His long, sharp claws extended from his fingertips, and his fangs elongated until they reached his chin. His eyes were the deepest brown she’d ever seen, almost black, matching his dark fur.
Wolf-man took a step forward, and Shay moved with him, backing up until she hit a solid wall of muscle. Hot fear burned in her belly and spread to her chest as a pair of clawed hands wrapped around her biceps. She sensed others lurking nearby, but she didn’t want to take her gaze from the mutant in front of her. A male in human form stepped into view and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the mutant in front of her.
Her heart raced as she struggled to push down the bile that rose in her throat. By their dilated pupils, she guessed they were on some kind of drug.
So not good.
She jerked, trying to break the male’s grip. He laughed and tightened his hold, making his claws sink into her skin. She bit back the sharp pain, refusing to show them any weakness. When the male’s lips touched her cheek, she winced and tried not to be sick.
“Look what we have here, boys.”
The rancid smell of his breath intensified her nausea. She jerked side to side again, trying to break his hold, his claws tearing into her skin that much deeper. He didn’t budge. The burning fear turned to ice in her veins as she stared at two males stalking toward her with a lusty hunger in their eyes.
Death wouldn’t come quick enough if she couldn’t get away.
Wolf-man tilted his head to the side and snarled to make his elongated fangs appear longer under the moonlight. “She sure is a pretty kitty. And I bet she’d be fun to play with before we kill her.”
Fucking bastards.
She had to think, outwit them somehow.
When wolf-man stopped inches from her face, her heart rate stuttered then raced as though it were trying to run away. He smiled, showing blood-stained teeth. Her dinner from an hour before threatened to reappear, and her skin moistened from sweat. She tried to kick him, but he caught her leg in his clawed hand.
Stupid, stupid, Shay.
The male holding her yanked her out of the other wolf’s grasp, pulling her hip out of place with an audible snap. She screamed as the pain shot through her, a vile agony that warred with her emotions. Tears stung her eyes. She tried to breathe through the pain, her leg practically useless.
There would be no running. Not anymore.
“You two go back to the den,” the male behind her demanded. “I’ll take care of our guest.”
They didn’t move and the human-like rogue shook his head. “You’re not having her to yourself.”
She started to shake. Adrenaline rushed through her blood, fueling the tiger’s need to fight, to hurt, to kill. Her fangs pushed through her gums, and her fingernails lengthened to claws. She reached around her and gripped the wolf’s balls, sinking her sharp nails into his flesh.
With a howl, the male pushed her away, forcing her to the ground. She managed to scramble to stand on her good leg and hobbled away from them while dragging her useless limb behind her.
But, it was no use.
She was too far from home. She couldn’t mind link with her family or the enforcers at this distance. No one would know anything until it was too late.
The male in human form suddenly tackled her to the ground. He flipped her to her back to straddle over her, putting pressure on her dislocated hip. The scream ripped from her throat and she slashed her claws down his chest. The bastard laughed and bared his teeth. She slapped his face with her lengthened nails, leaving four deep gashes across his cheek.
When he turned back to her, she gasped at the way his eyes glowed in anger. A wolf howled in the distance, freezing her blood. More were coming. She locked gazes with the wolf above her and knew he would finish her. He raised his clawed hand and swiped it across her face, then back-handed her on the other side. The scratches burned as warm blood ran down her cheek. He hit her again, harder, and all sounds and sights around her faded as she drifted into the darkness.
BLAINE ANDREWS SCOWLED at the section of barbwire blocking off a part of Ashwood’s property. It was the same area of the woods the Pack Healer, Danica, had been trapped in several months before. He clenched his teeth together and ground his molars.
Beside him, Cameron fidgeted with the snap on her thigh holster, a nervous gesture she did when she itched to shoot something or someone. Usually he would let it go, let her fume, but today they weren’t going into battle. They were investigating suspicious activity called in by a couple of the adolescents.
He clamped his hand over Cam’s, stilling her endless snap-unsnap of the holster. “Stop or I’ll give you something to fondle.”
She leaned into him, pressing her lips to his ear. “You promise?” she purred. He was nanoseconds away from dragging her into the forest to give her exactly what she taunted him with. Fast and hard, exactly what they both needed right now.
The clearing of a throat made him raise an eyebrow at the newest resident of Ashwood Falls, a human named Nevan Mathews, Danica’s mate and the head shrink in town. “You have problems, empathy?”
Nevan’s mouth twitched. “Nope. Just want to get back to my own mate.”
Blaine laughed then frowned as uneasiness settled in his blood. Cam stiffened beside him and he asked, “You feel that?”
Cam nodded. “Something’s not right.”
He connected telepathically with his brother, who was in town setting up surveillance cameras with Dane—one of the wolf enforcers. “Have you heard from Shay? Is she back from her run?”
“No, I haven’t seen her.”
Fuck. He knew he should have placed someone on her trail and never let her go out alone. But, damn it, she was twenty-five years old, an adult and fully capable of taking care of herself.
“Blaine, she’ll show when she cools down.”
Alec was right. Shayna had to learn to be on her own, even though their father didn’t see it that way. “I know. How are the security cameras coming?”
Alec laughed. “Great. We just caught the Russell twins sneaking around Nevan and Dani’s new place.”
“Those two are always in trouble. Go see what they’re up to.”
“We’re on it.”
Blaine dropped the link with Alec and peered at Nevan. “The twins are sneaking around your new home.” As a mating gift, Keegan was having a house built in town for the happy couple.
Nevan shook his head. “Last week they put mud in the drain pipes.”
“When do you two move in?” Cameron asked.
Blaine slid his gaze toward her at the hint of joy in her statement. Despite her dominance and ability to kick ass along with the rest of the enforcers, she loved her family and friends. And she also loved to drive him to the brink of insanity and need. What frustrated him the most was the fact that she wouldn’t complete the mating. They were mates. There was no denying it, yet she was still waiting for something. Blaine didn’t push because he, too, felt as though something was off, or missing, in their lives.
Nevan checked his watch. Blaine wasn’t sure if it was out of habit or he was meeting Dani somewhere. “In about two days. Construction is finished. Dani wants to paint the inside herself.”
Blaine cast a glance around the forest then back at the barbwire fence. “We’ll have to find a witch or two to strengthen the wards.” He fisted his hands at his sides then turned toward his truck.
He heard Nevan following him. Blaine allowed a smile to spread across his face. The human didn’t like being teleported, so Blaine had offered to drive. Stopping at the driver’s side door, he peered over at Cameron. “Call Dane to help with that.”
She waved her hand at him in a dismissing manner and ripped the fence out of the ground then proceeded to roll it up. Blaine shook his head. Damn stubborn jaguar.
Before climbing into his truck, he tensed. A female scream cut into his thoughts, and a cold sensation went up his spine the same time as a sharp pain stabbed his temple. Staggering back several feet, he swung around to find himself nose-to-nose with Cameron.
Dead fear shown in her dark gaze. “Shay. Something’s happened...”
His heart pounded fiercely behind his ribcage as he reached for Cam and tried to think.
“Blaine, man? What is it?” It didn’t surprise Blaine that Nevan could sense something was wrong. He was an empath after all.
Blaine tossed his keys to him. “Go tell Keegan that Cam and I are searching for Shay and to send backup.”
Cameron was the first to shift. Her clothes dissolved as a soft flash of white light completed the transition from woman to black jaguar. Blaine shifted into his leopard and ran beside her through the forest at supernatural speeds, following their instincts and the faint connection to his adopted sister.
He prayed like hell he found her alive.
Chapter 2
Travis Hunter’s blood froze in his veins at the piercing female scream that echoed through the forest. He was moving just as the sharp scent of blood tinted the crisp mountain air mixed with the rancid smell of the rogue mutants. His night vision, along with the silver glow of the full moon, allowed him to maneuver around the trees with ease. Just before reaching the rogues, he took one last leap and shifted in mid-air, his clothes dissolving in a flash, then replaced by brown fur. He landed on a human-like rogue and locked his teeth onto the male’s throat. With a jerk, Travis snapped his spinal cord at the base of his neck. Dropping the limp body, he turned in time to take the full force of a mutant as he attacked. They rolled in a tangle of limbs until slamming against a large rock.
Travis bit back the pain that rocked through his body. Fury built inside him and called the internal flame he kept contained since the night his burned his den down. Heat grew in his cells, consumed him fully until he glowed in a reddish-orange hue.
The mutant’s eyes grew round in fear with the knowledge that Travis held the power to call fire at will. Or, in this case, out of pure rage. Travis snapped his teeth and growled at the half-wolf, half-man, then slammed his paw into the creature’s chest and shoved the heat into the mutant. The fire consumed him in a flash of orange and blue flames.
Travis whirled away from the screams of the burning male and froze. Several feet away another male, this one in human form, crouched over the still body of a female.A low growl escaped from his throat as he charged. Travis barreled into the large male. He tackled him to the ground and bit down on the male’s neck, hard enough to break through the skin and bone.
After throwing the dead male aside, Travis shifted back to his human form and went to the female. Crouching down beside her, he pressed two fingers to her throat. Relief washed some of the rage away when a weak pulse fluttered under his fingers. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her home.
It took ten minutes too long to reach his small one-bedroom cabin. Once inside, he carried her straight to the bedroom, flung the comforter back, and laid the female on his bed. As soon as her leg touched the mattress, she groaned in pain. Frowning, he walked to his dresser, grabbed a pair of joggers, and put them on.
He went back to the bed and sat down next to her, jarring her hip. Another painful groan made him pause. He lifted her sweater to undo her jeans so he could look at the wound. When he touched the button, she flung opened her eyes, screamed, and swung her arms wildly.
Damn it.
He fought with her for a few seconds before he got hold of her arms and pinned them to the bed. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Her eyes held a wild fear he hoped never to see in a female again. The claw marks etched into both her cheeks fueled his fury more. He breathed in then out slowly.
Calm down before you scare her more than she already is.
“My name is Travis Hunter. You’re safe.”
She blinked then looked around the room. “Where...am I?”
He growled low in his throat. The tremor in her voice cut through him. “My home.”
She tried to break from his hold, and he tightened his grip. “You’re safe. I killed the rogues.”
The woman stilled and searched his face, the wildness still heavy in her blue eyes. “You’re a wolf.”
He smiled and nodded. “And you’re a tiger.”
“A white tiger.”
To match her white-blond hair. “And a beautiful one.”
She offered a weak smile, but her scent still held fear and anxiety. He loosened his grip on her arms and sat on the bed beside her. She tried to move away, but cried out and he instantly stood to hover over her. “What is it?”
“My hip...”
He laid his hand on her thigh. “I’m going to have to touch it to see how bad it is.”
“Are you a Healer?” The hope in her voice almost too much to bear.
He shook his head. “No, but I know what to look for.”
On her reluctant nod, he touched the top of her leg where it met her hip and felt his way around to her ass. When she sucked in a gasp, he cursed. It was dislocated. Fuckin’ rogues. Locking gazes with her again, he said, “I’m going to have to pop it back in place.” He moved off the bed then looked down at her. “I’ll be right back.”
When she nodded, he quickly walked down the hall to the bathroom. Opening the linen closet, he grabbed a couple of washcloths and the first aid kit. He moved to the sink, pulled out a small basin from underneath, and filled it with warm water. Stopping to regain some of the little humanity he had left, he stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had a cut below his right eye, and blood discolored the ends of the light brown curls that lay on his forehead. No wonder she was scared of him. He looked like a rabid dog.
With a heavy sigh, he returned to the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed, and rolled up one of the washcloths.
He handed her the rolled piece of terrycloth. Her forehead creased as she frowned at it. He sighed, placed it in her hand, and crawled farther on the bed to kneel between her thighs. “Put it in your mouth. On the count of three, I’ll pop your hip back in place.”
He took her thigh into his hands. She placed her hands on his forearms. “Wait.”
He waited as she placed the washcloth in her mouth, picked up a pillow to clutch to her chest, and buried her face into it. “Ready?”
She nodded into the pillow. With a quick jerk, he popped her hip back into place. His heart skipped a beat when she screamed into the pillow. He rubbed her outer thigh up to her hip to message the tension out of her muscles.
She lifted her head and removed the washcloth from between her teeth. Her blue gaze shone with moisture, her chest heaving in ragged, painful breaths. “Thanks,” she whispered.
“You’re welcome.” Travis gave her a gentle smile and moved to sit next to her. He dunked the clean washcloth in the basin. After ringing the excess water from the cloth, he raised it to her face and cleaned the scratches. With each touch, she flinched, but she said nothing.
The female was captivating and exotic. She might be a tiger-shifter, but there was something else in her blood. He’d scented it when he first arrived at the scene in the forest. His wolf shifted uneasily under his skin. The animal part of him wanted to bite, to see if she tasted as good as she smelled.
Shaking free of the thoughts that he shouldn’t be having, he focused back on the situation. Meeting her blue glaze, he frowned and asked, “What’s your name?”
“Shayna. Everyone calls me Shay.”
He repeated the name softly and liked how it rolled off his tongue. “Why were you out alone and on my property?”
He raised his hand to clean her wounds, and she gripped his wrist. “Your property?”
“Yes. Hunter’s Ridge, just north of the Tennessee border.”
She shook her head. “Not possible. I was hunting and lost track of time...” She looked around the room for something then back at him. “What time is it?”
“Almost nine-thirty.” He searched her face, wondering what was going through her mind. “Are you okay?”
She shook her head again. “I left home after dinner and ran for about an hour. I don’t understand how I got so far north.”
“Were you in tiger form?”
“Yes, but it’s not like me to lose the sense of where I am.”
He set the basin and the washcloth on the nightstand. “It’s easy to get distracted during a run.”
“You don’t understand. I spent my whole life training and focusing on my surroundings so I wouldn’t end up somewhere I’m not supposed to be.” Her eyes widen and she peered nervously around the room again. The metallic scent of fear rolled off her.
Travis fought the urge to touch her. “Were you angry? Running from someone? Upset?”
She stared at him for a moment then dropped her gaze. “I argued with my father.”
Not wanting to pry into her business, he stood and went over to his walk-in closet and pulled out a T-shirt and a pair of sweats. He walked back to the bed and held out his empty hand toward her. “Would you like to take a shower?”
Her face brightened, making him smile. “Oh, yes.”
“Come on then.”
Of all the times to be stubborn. “No?”
“Not with you.”
The scent of panic rose from her and he offered her a gentle smile and said, “I only meant to help you, not bathe you.”
Her cheek flushed, and she bit her lower lip. “Oh.”
Lifting her chin, she gestured for him to go first. He grunted and took her arm when she tried to stand. She protested, knocking herself off balance. When she straightened, she sucked in a sharp breath. Travis gripped her elbow and pulled her into him, trying like hell to ignore the electric flow of energy that nipped at his skin. She felt too right tucked into his side.
“Lean on me until your hip can carry your weight.”
She didn’t look at him, just nodded, but he could smell her irritation. He wasn’t sure if it was because of him or herself. Maybe a little of both.
She straightened again, leaning into him to balance on both legs. Breathing in and out slowly, she stood for several moments before speaking. “Okay, I’m ready.”
He led her down the hall to the bathroom. He stopped, handed her a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, and stepped aside to allow her to go in on her own. She limped in and shut the door before he had the chance to go in behind her. He chuckled and spoke loud enough that his voice would carry through the wood. “Fresh towels are in the linen closet, and toiletries are in the right-hand drawer.”
He waited a few seconds before hearing a soft, “Thank you,” and turned toward the living room.
SHAY HOBBLED TO THE vanity and opened the drawer had Travis mentioned. She smiled at the travel-sized shampoo and conditioner bottles and the mini-bars of soap scattered about. She took one of each and carefully turned to the shower.
Her hip ached, but at least she could kind of walk on it, thanks to Travis. Images of the way his curly brown hair swayed when he moved and the way his golden-brown eyes held compassion and strength entered her mind. Her skin warmed, and her breathing increased. When the feverish feeling spread to her belly and lower, she stilled. Oh, no. Not now. She couldn’t be going into heat.
But, she was.
It had to be the reason why she felt the need to be away from all the males in her life. The argument with her father fueled her frustrated mood, and then the stress from the rogue attack must have brought the cycle on.
Just her luck. She was in a strange house, miles away from home, and at the mercy of a sexy wolf.
And boy, was he sexy; in an alpha male kind of way.
Shaking away thoughts of Travis, she steadied her breathing and turned on the shower. She adjusted the temperature to be a little cooler than she normally liked, hoping it would relieve the feverish feeling. She carefully undressed and bit back the pain of lifting her leg out of her pants.
She cringed at the high wall of the tub. That was going to hurt.
Once inside the tub, she straightened to stand evenly on both feet and breathed through the pain. She stood still for a minute, then stepped under the sprays of the shower.
“You are so being a baby,” she muttered to herself and proceeded with bathing.
Fifteen clumsy minutes later, she turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, feeling clean and in a little less pain. It was good to be a shifter. A human would be confined to a bed for at least a couple of days after a dislocated hip, but Shay, like other shifters, was already starting to heal, and the pain was now bearable.
She towel-dried her hair and put on the clothes Travis had given her. One look in the mirror made her giggle. His sweat pants were way too big. Hell, she and Cam would be able to fit in them at the same time. Shay frowned and tied the drawstring as tight as she could. The thought of Cam saddened and frightened her. Her family would be looking for her by now. She had to call them somehow, to let them know she was alive.
She opened the bathroom door and went searching for her host.
Stepping into the hallway, she heard rustling in the bedroom. She straightened her shoulders, hobbled into the room, and froze. Travis stood at the entrance of the closet, his bare, sun-kissed back facing her. She watched his muscles bunch and flex as he bent to pick something up from the floor. Her skin heated, but, unlike in the bathroom earlier, the warmth not only moved to her abdomen, it spread over her whole body, pulling a sigh from her.
Travis straightened, turned, and met her gaze. His nostrils flared as if scenting something she couldn’t. Maybe he does. She studied him as he prowled toward her like the wolf he was, stalking his prey. After what she’d endured, she should be afraid, but that emotion was pushed aside by a desire she’d never experienced before.
He stopped a few inches from her and she had to look up to hold his gaze. Lifting one hand, he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She suppressed a moan when his fingers brushed her neck. All too soon, his fingers vanished, but he leaned in a fraction of an inch, sending her pulse racing.
“I’m taking a shower. Make yourself at home.” He walked around her, and she moved to sit down on the bed before she fell.
Shay took several deep draws of air, trying to regain some composure. Seriously? Could she behave any more like a horny teen?
Now that she was clean and more alert, she surveyed her surroundings. His bedroom was duller than Blaine’s. White wood blinds covered the windows, almost blending with the white walls. No pictures hung on the walls or sat on the dresser or nightstand. In fact, the only visible personal effects in the whole room were his clothes inside the closet and a duffel bag on the chair next to the window. That was odd. It was as if he didn’t really live there.
Fear sparked through her. If this wasn’t his home, then whose was it?
She stood and tested her weight against her hip and leg, wondering how far she’d get before he came after her. Or, worse, sent the rabid wolves to chase her down.
Okay, Shay. You’re being silly.
If he was working for the rogues, why would he bring her here to heal? He would have killed her by now. Wouldn’t he?
Limping to the window, she paused at the duffel bag. It sat unzipped and opened. She moved closer and craned her neck to peer inside. She spotted a silver picture frame, and curiosity got the better of her. She lifted the picture out of the bag, and a small gasp escaped her.
The photo was of a beautiful woman with caramel-blond hair and the darkest emerald-green eyes Shay’d ever seen. The woman cradled a small female version of Travis on her lap. The little girl looked to be around two, but Shay wasn’t sure. She had always been bad at guessing people’s ages, especially children.
Focusing back on the little girl, Shay noticed she had her mother’s eyes, Travis’s curly brown hair, and a warm, carefree smile. The type of smile she couldn’t help but fall in love with. Shay felt her lips lift in a smile, and then she noticed Travis’s scent mixed with soap and shampoo drift into the room. She snapped her attention toward the door and flung the picture behind her back.
Fuck. She was caught being noisy.
He strode toward her and extended his hand. With shoulders dropped, she brought the photo from around her back and placed it in his open palm. She watched him peer at the picture. Pain and sorrow rolled off him and slammed into her. A whimper rose in her throat, and she covered her mouth with a hand.
Something terrible had happened. Her vision blurred, and he lifted his gaze to meet hers. With great care, he placed the framed photo back inside the duffel bag. He extended his hand again—this time his mood was softer. She placed her hand inside his and instantly heat raced through her body and touched every nerve ending. She pulled her hand back and started to sway. He gripped her elbow to steady her, and she was grateful for the support.
He helped her lie on the bed and felt her head. “You’re burning up.”
Great.She focused on Travis, searching his face. His brows were drawn together and he narrowed his eyes at her. It was the flare of his nostrils that pushed her to change the subject away from her ‘condition’. “Tell me about her. The woman in the photo.”
He frowned and looked away. Sadness returned, but not as strong as before. The only reason she asked was because she wanted something to occupy her mind. She was about to tell him to forget it when he spoke. “Mara was my mate. We lost her two years ago, four days after that picture away taken.”
Tears pooled behind her lids. “I’m so sorry.”
He turned his head back toward her and stared for several moments before speaking. “She gave me a beautiful daughter, Josie.”
The little girl in the picture. Shay liked the name Josie. It fit her. The pride in Travis’s tone when he spoke his daughter’s name made Shay’s heart swell.
Without thinking, she placed a hand on his cheek. Warmth seeped into her palm, spread down her arm, and continued until her body was overtaken by the intense need to possess the man and wolf in front her. Sliding her hand into his soft, damp curls to cup the back of his head, she pulled him down until their lips touched.
A growl rumbled in the back of her throat, then turned into a purr when Travis’s arms wrapped around her, drawing her tight against his chest. His tongue licked the seam of her lips, and she opened. Heat spread inside her, intensifying with each brush of his tongue against hers. A searing need made her sex ache for his touch. She pressed closer into him with no sense of relief.
She let her nails glide up his still-damp back. He shuddered right before he released a low growl and pushed her back against the soft, cool sheets of his bed.
Travis raised his head, drawing a whimper from her. The absence of his lips and bare chest made her long for more. Her whole body ached, and her skin was so hot. The dizzying need made it hard to think of anything but possessing the wolf holding himself over her. The gold in his eyes dominated the soft brown as his own desire reached out to her.
With brows drawn together, he watched her. She grounded her hips into his erection through the denim. Then he shook his head as if clearing it or trying to regain control and said, “You’re in heat.”
She flinched at the words and dropped her shoulders.
She looked away, shamed at the realization that she was entering her heat cycle.
“It’s your first,” he growled, but it wasn’t in anger. No, she smelled, and felt his desire.
Embarrassment stole her words, and she refused to look at him. She heard him sigh, and then the bed dipped as he pushed to sit next to her. “I don’t have any herbs here.”
She didn’t respond. The lack of personal effects around his room told her he didn’t actually live here. She was betting he only had enough food for one person to survive on for a couple of days. Damn it. Why had she wandered so far?
You are much stronger that this. She turned to study his profile and the play of emotions. Placing a hand on his bicep, she breathed in his scent and let it penetrate every fiber of her being. His eyes closed, but he didn’t pull away from her.
The word startled her. At that moment, Travis turned his head to lock gazes with her. The raw need still flashed in those gold-brown eyes.
“I’ve trained to fight, navigate the forest by scent, and outsmart my brothers, but I’m not strong enough to see this through alone.” Relief flooded her when he didn’t break eye contact.
“I can’t make any promises.”
She smoothed her hand along his arm and slid it up to his shoulder then his jaw to cup his cheek. “I’m not asking for any.”
Without warning, her body convulsed as another wave of heat rolled through her, tightening her muscles and bringing forth a need unlike anything she’d ever felt.
Chapter 3
Travis’s heart clenched as another muffled scream tore from Shayna. He’d been intrigued by the female’s scent before he reached her in the woods, but it was dulled by his need to destroy the creatures who hurt her. Now, the over powering sweet scent of her made it harder than hell to walk away.
And she was in heat.
Usually it wouldn’t be an issue, but this was her first cycle. It was hitting her hard, causing an unbearable pain that would only be relieved by a male deep inside her, spilling his seed. Or so he’d heard. By the way Shayna lay curled up, he was betting the stories weren’t far from the truth.
I can’t make any promises.
He winced at his own words. They were true, but he still felt an odd need to take them back. He had a daughter to care for and keep safe from the Onyx Pack; he couldn’t offer a future for anyone else.
The rogues were most likely searching for Shayna and her heat scent would lead them right to the cabin. Hell, her scent was driving him and his wolf crazy.
Peering down at her, he placed a hand on her arm and her head snapped up in his direction. Her Caribbean-blue eyes darkened as her pupils narrowed into cat-like slits. Damn. It was hitting her faster than he expected. He slowly moved to get off the bed, very much aware she watched his every movement.
Finally standing, he had no time to react when she pounced on him, sending him flat on his back on the floor, her recent injury clearly not on her mind. Shayna’s deep breaths and the desire in her gaze told him there was no out. The tiger had caught her prey, and God help him, he was going to enjoy pleasing her appetite.
When she pressed her lips to his bare chest, pricks of hot desire shot through his veins, and his already hard cock pressed painfully against the zipper of his jeans. Her fangs grazed his skin, causing him to suck in a breath.
Her chilled fingers brushed his waist as she started to unbutton his pants. He grabbed her wrists, only to have her jerk them away and slap at his hands. She released a low growl and he breathed her peaches and cream scent in deep. Yes, he was stronger than she was, and he could overtake her in an instant.
However, he knew that among cats, it was the female that sought out her male, and it was the female who had the last say.Denying her would only make the heat cycle more intolerable.
But, he could try to reason with her. He hoped. “Shayna.” He ran his fingers through her hair, still damp from her shower, and she purred. “I won’t deny you. Let me help you.”
Her gaze met his. She tilted her head to the side, and a smile lifted her full lips. With a quick jerk, she popped the button from his jeans then proceeded to lower the zipper. She wasn’t hearing him, not fully. The need had taken over.
Was this what prey felt like on the hunt? Somehow, he doubted it. Personally, he’d never seduced his food. However would enjoy being her love slave for however long this would last.
He felt his jeans being tugged down, and when her cool hand wrapped around his erection, his hips jerked and he groaned, all the reasons of why this might end badly for the both of them lost.
She crawled up his body, and before she could position herself over him, he flipped her over, pinning her to the floor. She snapped her teeth at him.
“Stop,” he commanded.
She stilled, most likely recognizing the power of the Alpha in his tone. She whimpered and moved against him. He breathed in deep, gathering what was left of his control. Leaning into her and brushing his lips against her ear, he whispered, “Are you wet?”
Her answer was a soft moan as she rubbed her face against his.
“Should I check?”
“Please...” Her words were husky and barely audible. “It hurts. Make it stop.”
His heart thumped heavily behind his ribcage. “Shh.”
He traced his fingers over the curve of her breast, stopping at her hard nipple through the T-shirt he’d lent her. She gasped and arched her back, pressing into his touch.
“Travis. Please...”
With a growl, he stood, removed his pants the rest of the way, and picked her up. He laid her on the bed and ripped the sweats and tee from her. She slid her hand down her body to her pussy.
Dear God, help him.
She was beautiful, sensual, and his.
Taking hold of her hand, he pinned it against the mattress above her head and captured her lips in hard kiss. She released a purr that vibrated on his chest then wrapped her legs around his waist and drew him into her, too fast for him to pull away. His cock slid past her damp curls and deep inside. She broke the kiss with a cry. At first, he thought it was out of pain, but she moved against him in a sensual rhythm that almost made him come. Relief dissolved his cautiousness, replacing it with desire and a need to give her what her body demanded.
He released her hand, and he cradled her head in both his hands so he could look into her blue eyes as he slid his cock in and out of her hot pussy.He knew the moment she teetered on the edge of an orgasm. She sank her nails into his shoulder. The pain shooting through him intensified his pleasure. She screamed her release at the same time his world exploded.
SHAY LAY BONELESS, certain that she wouldn’t be able to move, ever. When strong male arms snaked around her, she allowed Travis to roll her on her side and press his front to her back. His sandalwood scent invaded her senses and warmed her from the inside out.
At least she no longer had the urge to attack him like a horny, wild beast.
She frowned. That’s exactly what she’d done.
Guilt started to creep into her mind. What had she done? “Travis?”
He squeezed her closer and nuzzled her nape. “Shh. Go to sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”
She smiled at the undercurrent of a demand in his words while he held her so gently. A yawn shook her and made her eyes water. She managed to get an, “I’m sorry,” out before sleep consumed her.
She woke to the morning sun peeking through the blinds, casting streams of light across the bed. Rolling over, she found that she was alone. She frowned and flipped the covers back, swung her legs over the side of the bed as she sat, and shivered as cool air kissed her bare skin. She scanned the room. Her gaze landed on a pile of neatly folded clothes on the dresser.
She slid off the bed and padded over. The clothes were the jeans and sweater she’d worn last night, and they’d been cleaned. Her heart swelled at the gesture, but at the same time guilt burned in her belly and grew.
She dressed, relieved to have undergarments and clothes that fit her, although being in Travis’s sweats and tee had made her feel a little naughty and claimed. Last night had held a lot of firsts for her, and God, it felt good to be taken by that wolf.
He’d said he couldn’t make promises.
She winced at the mental reminder and shook herself out of the girly fantasy that the sex had meant anything. He’d been doing only what she demanded of him, to relieve the painful need.
Taking a deep breath, she straightened her shoulders, lifted her chin, and walked out of the room and down the short hallway. In the living room, Travis sat bare-chested on a low footstool in front of the fire, fiddling with a disassembled laptop.
She sat down on the edge of the sofa, and he lifted his head. Their gazes locked for a brief moment before she peered down at the computer mess in his lap.
“What are you doing?”
His lips twitched slightly. “Morning.”
“Oh. Morning.” Her cheeks warmed, and she looked around the room, trying to focus on something else besides the awkwardness between them and the rising desire thumping in her veins at being so close to him. Somehow she knew, even if she went to sit across the room, the sexual heat would still exist.
He went back to work on the laptop. “I’m installing a new modem.”
She stared at him, not knowing a thing about computers other than how to turn them on and surf the net. “Do you have service out here?”
He shook his head. “Nope. This is a satellite modem. I’m hoping to gain access to my email account.” When she didn’t respond, he looked at her and chuckled. “This modem receives signals from the satellites instead of the radio waves like regular wireless.”
Excitement fluttered in her chest. “You’ll get a signal?”
“I hope so.I need to get a message to my mother.”
She stifled a giggle. He was definitely an alpha male, but to hear him say “mother” with as much emotion as he did tugged at heart. She’d never known a mother’s touch other than Luna, but the Alpha wolf mothered everyone in the den. “Your mother?”
“Yes. She and Josie are...somewhere safe.”
His hesitation was like a stab in the gut. He didn’t want her to know where they were, as though she might be a threat to them. Then again, she was a stranger and had no right to be in his life. So why was she still here? Her hip was healed, and she was perfectly able to shift.
She stood, moved to stand in front of him, and held out her hand. “Thanks so much for fixing my hip and helping me.”
He lifted a brow as he glanced from her hand to her face. “Sit down. You’re not going anywhere.”
Shock, followed by anger, bubbled inside her. “Excuse me?”
He nodded to the sofa. “I’m almost finished with this.”
She didn’t move, just stood there glowering at him. “Am I your prisoner?”
His head snapped up, and his eyes darkened. “You are no one’s prisoner, but you are mine to protect.”
Oh great. Another male that thought she needed protecting. “I’m capable of protecting myself.” She pivoted and marched toward the door. When she grasped the doorknob, his words stopped her cold.
“You’re my mate, and there’s a possibility you could be pregnant.”
Chapter 4
Travis cursed low as he watched Shayna turn from the door to face him. Her expression held disbelief and shock but was quickly replaced with realization. She knew it was true. He saw it in her blue eyes and had scented it in her when they made love last night and again this morning. The connection was forming, strengthening.
The bonding had begun.
He watched her hands fall to her flat stomach. She started to sway, but he was there to catch her before her knees gave out. Walking her over to the sofa and helping her sit, he squatted in front of her. He touched her cheek to force her to look in his eyes. “We are mates. You do feel it, right?”
“I’m not sure...”
Fuck. Okay, asshole. Breathe.
“What do you feel when I touch you?”
Her cheeks turned pick, and she averted her gaze. “Hot. The fever and need returns, but it could be my heat cycle...”
He shook his head to silence her. “The worst of it is over. Sure your sex drive will be more intense for the next couple of days, but not like last night, unless we are mates.”
Confusion clouded her beautiful features as she held his gaze much too long before speaking. “Last night was the first time I’d...been with a man.”
He let his shoulders fall, and his knees touched the floor as he took her hands in his. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry? I attacked you, begged you...”
He shook his head without breaking eye contact. “I did nothing I didn’t want to do.”
She didn’t look very convinced, so he stood and went back to his stool. Picking up the computer, he reassembled it, hyper aware she was watching him. Her scent no longer held fear, leaving her natural peach fragrance he’d smelled while she slept.
After he got the computer back together, he pressed the power button and smiled when it fired to life. He wasn’t a techie person, but he knew enough to get by. He so hoped the modem worked because he wanted one more day with Shay before leaving for the safe house. Plus, he figured she’d like to get a message to her family as well.
“Is it working?”
Shay’s scent filled his senses as she hovered behind him. He knew the instant she moved closer, but the hint of her warmth and incredible peaches-and-cream scent nearly knocked him off the stool. It was all he could do to keep from carrying her back into the bedroom and ripping her clothes from her body.
He double clicked on the internet browser. “Shit.” The white screen with the message “This page cannot be displayed” mocked his attempt at communication.
“Maybe it’ll work better outside.”
He smiled. She’d spoken what he thought. Standing with the laptop in hand, he motioned her to follow him out the back door.
Outside, he placed the small computer on a weathered picnic table and sat down. Shay sat next to him, not saying anything, but he felt the anticipation drifting from her. After a few moments, a message popped up in the right hand bottom corner of the screen, indicating the strength of the signal.
Pointing at the message, he said, “There’s a signal but it’s not very strong, and I’m not sure how long it will last.”
He peered over at her. She had her lower lip trapped between her teeth. She lifted her lashes and met his gaze. “You go first,” she said.
“Are you sure? I could always try a different spot if we lose connection.”
She nodded. “Then I’ll try later.”
He clamped his molars together. She was frightened again, nervous about something, but he didn’t call her on it. Instead, he opened his online email account and waited for the incredibly slow connection, praying it wouldn’t kick him out before the page loaded.
Relieved the signal held, he logged in and sent a short message to his mother and daughter.
Something’s come up. I’ll be there soon. Love you two.
When he looked back at Shay, she was frowning. “I don’t want to be the reason to keep you from your family.”
He growled low. “You’re not.” He pushed the computer closer to her. “Now send an email to your family.”
She shook her head, drawing another growl from him. She snapped her head in his direction and narrowed her eyes. “They will trace the IP. I can’t...” She turned her gaze from his and stared at the screen. “I can’t see them now. Not until I figure out what’s going on.”
Between us was left unsaid, but he caught her meaning. “Where are you from?”
“Ashwood Falls.”
Fuck. “Keegan Andrews is your father?”
She turned back to him, shock written on her face. “How did you know?”
“There is only one white tiger that lives in Ashwood Falls, and she’s the adopted daughter of the leopard Alpha. Most of the larger Packs know that. I don’t know why I didn’t put two and two together.”
“You see why I can’t go home right now. They will kill you, or force you into a mating.” She squared her shoulders and pushed the computer back. “I’m not doing it.”
He inhaled deeply to calm his mounting irritation with this stubborn female. “That’s a chance we’ll have to take. Besides, we are mates. They wouldn’t be forcing anything.” He pulled the computer closer to them. “Now send the damn message or I’ll send one through the Pack network.”
The Pack network was a secure online database set up about ten years before to help Packs stay in touch and informed. If everyone used it, the Packs could provide more support for each other. Travis did know that Ashwood, the leopard pack, and MoonRiver, the wolf pack, were connected to the network, and the two had merged into one living community now called Ashwood Falls.
He would out her to all the Packs if he had to. It was his duty to do so as the Alpha of what was left of the Hunter Ridge Pack. “Shayna,” he warned.
She cut her eyes at him and let out a soft growl. “Just because you believe I’m your mate doesn’t give you the right to boss me around.” She pounded on the keyboard of the laptop. After her email account was up, she sent her message.
I’m safe. Just need to clear my head.
“That’s it? Do you want them to come looking for you?”
She folded her arms over her chest. “They’re probably already looking for me.”
Her irritation amused him for some reason. Maybe it was because it had been too long since he’d dealt with a strong-willed female. Well, except for his mother, but there was no arguing with her. His Mara had been strong but not quite as hardheaded as Shay.
He noticed the email address where she’d sent the message was not her father’s, or her brother’s. “So who’s Kittycam?”
She glared at him with pursed lips. “My BFF.”
“I told you to email your family.”
“Cam is my family. She’ll be my sister-in-law one day.” She drew her eyebrows together as if trying to figure something out. “Anyway, she’ll read between the lines and hold off my brothers as long as she can. Which won’t be too long.”
He stood and sat back down, straddling the wooden bench to face her. Desire fragranced her scent as he moved closer to her. When he touched the soft curve of her ear, she sucked in a breath. “I don’t just believe we are mates; I know it. I can feel you inside me. My wolf recognized your tiger.”
She turned to meet his gaze. “I’ve never heard of a tiger and a wolf mating before.”
He captured her lips in a possessive kiss. When he drew back, he said, “Maybe the Fates are bored.”
PINPRICKS OF DESIRE scattered over her skin, sinking inside Shay and awakening every nerve. She didn’t understand this intense need to be possessed by Travis, but when they touched, her whole body flooded with desire.
She tugged him back down for another kiss, opened to him, and thrust her tongue into his mouth, meeting his halfway. One of his large arms snaked around her waist and drew them closer together. She moaned as her sex began to throb and ache for this male’s touch.
All too fast, the kiss broke, and she found herself being dragged to the ground by Travis. Faint voices reached her ears, kicking her heart rate up. Travis twisted so his back hit the ground then quickly rolled them until he covered her with his body. They locked gazes.
The rogues had found them.
Anger burned in his brown eyes, making the gold undertones brighten.
“Do as I say,” he gritted out. She locked her jaw to keep a retort from escaping her lips. He narrowed his eyes. “I mean it.” He leaned down and kissed her hard then sat up and pulled her up with him. Heavy footfalls grew closer by the second.
“Can you run?”
She looked at him, dumbfounded. “Hell yeah.”
His lips twitched. “Good.”
He grabbed her hand and rose, taking her with him. She gasped as he took off toward the house, causing her to stumble a couple of steps before regaining her footing. Travis tugged her through the back door and down the hall. Inside the bedroom, he finally let go of her hand to enter the closet.
“Travis, why are you worried about clothes right now?” Shay jumped at the sound of glass breaking. Voices rang through the small cabin, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. “Travis.”
He came out of the closet with a shotgun and a small .22. Handing her the pistol, he said, “I hope you know how to shoot.”
She palmed the gun and smiled. “Sure do.”
“Good.” He handed her a fistful of bullets. “It’s already loaded.”
Nodding, she pocketed the rounds and clicked off the safety. She moved to the door but stopped when Travis placed a hand on her elbow. Turning to meet his eyes, she swore she saw a flicker of fear. No, it had to be concern or worry. He was much too strong of a male. She’d sensed the Alpha in him when she’d woken.
“Be careful.” It came out as a demand, and she smirked as he let go of her and stepped around her to exit the room before her.
Yep, definitely an Alpha.
They got two feet down the hall and froze. A very large half-wolf, half-man stood at the other end, blocking all hope of exiting through the front of the house. She glanced to Travis, who stood glowering at the creature. A tic formed in his jaw, and moved to block her from their sight.
“You can’t face them alone. Those creatures are strong,” she gritted out in his ear. When he didn’t answer, she asked, “What is he waiting on?”
Before Travis could answer, the male raised a gun. She screeched as Travis pushed her to the floor and fired his shotgun at the same time the rogue shot his. More shots rang through the hallway, and she yelped at the burning pain in her lower thigh. She instinctually grabbed the area and cried out as pain shot up her leg. Fear pierced her gut, but she didn’t dare look. The warm liquid seeping between her fingers was blood; she knew it.
With her ear pressed to the floor as she tried not to make any more sounds, she heard more footsteps coming into the house, another round of shots, and then silence.
He slid his arms under her, and then she was lifted off the ground. “You’ve been shot. Damn it!”
Hot tears ran down her cheeks, and she pressed her face into his shoulder.
She didn’t want to be weak. She didn’t want to be the one that had to rely on others.
She tried to calm her breathing, hoping the pain would ease or she would become numb to it. “I know...”
“Shh. Don’t speak. I got you.”
Then the world spun as he started moving at inhuman speed. Her eyelids grew heavy, and her head felt light in a dizzying kind of way.
“Shay, hang in there for me.”
Travis’s words were the last things she heard before everything went dark.
Chapter 5
“How much closer are we to locating the Onyx den?”
Blaine flinched at the harshness in his father’s tone. The Alpha damn near split a vein when Blaine had told him about Shay’s disappearance. What made it worse was Blaine knew she’d taken off, and at the advice of his little brother and Cameron, he’d let her go. They’d said she needed her independence. And, they were right.
Only Keegan Andrews, Alpha of the leopard Pack, formally known as Ashwood, didn’t see it that way. So here Blaine sat, in his father’s office, having his ass chewed.
“When we get close to discovering where the den is, they move. I think they are sending out red herrings to keep us searching.” Blaine kept his tone cool and unemotional, because getting an attitude with his father would only make things worse.
“We’re starting to see a pattern.” Cameron spoke from her perch next to the window. “And this time they fucked up by taking one of ours. It gives us the green light we’ve been looking for to use force.”
“I’m getting too old and too tired for this shit,” Keegan muttered before focusing back on Blaine. “I know she wants her freedom, and she deserves it, but you know as much as I do, Onyx will use her magick.”
Blaine nodded. Shay possessed a rare ability to weave spells. His father had recently discovered that her biological mother had been a very powerful witch, who, with her white tiger mate, died fleeing the rogues. At least the couple had left Shay, only two at the time, hidden inside an abandoned burrow right outside Ashwood territory.“I know, Father. But she is strong and had passed every training exercise we put her through.”
His father slammed his fist on the desk. “You don’t think I know this? Did it also fail your observation that there is a reason I tell all the enforcers never to go out alone? These genetic fuck-ups give me nightmares.”
Blaine closed his eyes and leaned his head against the armchair he sat in. He’d run into those creatures. The Onyx Pack had created a group of genetically altered beasts as their version of enforcers, except they were more like assassins. The creatures were frozen in mid-shift, forever stuck as a half-man, half-animal.
One of those creatures had attacked Jared this past winter during a Hunt challenge against Nevan. The image of the large black alpha jaguar with his throat torn open and barely breathing made Blaine’s blood boil. It also intensified his fear for his adopted sister.
Cameron’s phone beeped, pulling Blaine from his dark thoughts. When she lifted her gaze to lock with his, he narrowed his eyes. “What?”
As usual, she wasn’t fazed by his clipped tone. “It’s an email from Shay. She says she’s safe and needs to clear her head.”
“Clear her head? What the fuck for?”
His father sighed and flung himself against the back of his chair. “We had an argument after dinner.”
Blaine grounded his molars together. “What about?”
“Her independence.”
“Damn it! You didn’t mention this? Why? If I’d have known her state of mind, I’d have stopped her from leaving.” Blaine stood and started pacing.
“I didn’t think anything of it. It’s not like her to run off because of an argument. Especially one we’ve had many times over.” Keegan sat up and leaned over his desk, propping his elbows on it to place his face in his hands.
Cameron added, “She hasn’t been herself lately. She’s had too much energy and hasn’t seemed to know what to do with it. I’d say she was becoming bored with being cooped up in the den all the time.”
A spark of amusement rose in Blaine from remembering how antsy Shay had been acting lately. “She reminds me of how you were when you came of age.”
Cameron laughed. “That was one hell of a weekend. Remember we ran off, and no one knew where we were until we came back all sated and ...holy shit.” Dawning lit her golden gaze, quickly followed by fear. “She’s going through her first heat cycle.”
SHAYNA WOKE AS SOON as the earth stopped moving. No, that wasn’t right. The earth didn’t actually move unless there was an earthquake. Looking around, she noticed she was inside a vehicle of some kind.
“How are you feeling?”
She jumped at the sound of Travis’s voice. He covered her hand with his and squeezed it gently. With a sigh, she felt his warmth seep into her skin. “I’m cold,” she choked out.
He released her hand and got out of what she now recognized as a truck. A second later her door opened and Travis lifted her out of the cab. After shutting the door with his shoulder, he carried her toward the entrance of a...cave? “Um. Are we seriously going to stay in a cave?”
He chuckled. “It’s a home and safe. You’ll see.”
She shivered and snuggled into him. He shifted her in his arms to free one hand. The movement caused her bullet wound to throb more than it had been.
“Sorry,” he whispered against her hair. Raising a hand and facing his palm to the rock face of the cave, he muttering a chant too low for her catch every word.
“An illusion spell.” The magickal vale fell away to reveal a one-story house with a wrap-around porch. She was too tired and cold to be excited. She’d tried to create illusions and cosmetic spells, and something had always gone wrong. “You’ll have to teach me how you did that.”
Before he could answer, the front door flew open and a little girl ran out, skidding to a halt inches from them. “Daddy?” The concern in the tiny child’s eyes melted Shay’s heart.
“Josie,” Shay whispered.
Josie propped her fists on her hips, and she cocked her head to the side. “How do you know my name?”
“Joselynn, be nice and go get your nana.”
Her lower lip trembled, but she turned and ran back inside.
Shay fisted Travis’s shirt, but he shook his head as if knowing what she was about to say. “Don’t let her see your soft side. She’ll have you wrapped around her finger in no time.”
“Like she has you?”
He chuckled. The sound vibrated from him to her, and suddenly she wasn’t as cold. She closed her eyes as hot desire began to rise within her. Talk about bad timing. This was not the time for her newfound sexual urges to come out to play.
She noticed that the muscles in Travis’s arm tensed. Peering up into his face, she saw his nostrils flare. Embarrassment and shame flooded her. She didn’t want to make him “help” her. That is just what she had done from the moment they’d met. If she wasn’t jumping his cock, she was getting beat up or shot. God, she felt so weak.
Soft cotton touched her skin as Travis lowered her on a bed. He placed a hand on each side of her face, cradling her head, and kissed her softly on the nose. “Stop thinking so much.”
She was about to ask him how he knew she’d been thinking when a slender woman with hair as black as night and eyes so light they appeared white drifted into the room with a chatty Josie by her side. The woman wore a pale pink shirt and black jeans and didn’t look a day over thirty-five, even though Shay knew she was much older. Her aura and the way she carried herself told Shay the woman could be older than her father, who was over seven hundred.
Realizing she was staring at the woman, Shay glanced around, taking in the bedroom. Like the one at the cabin, there wasn’t much in terms of décor, but there were pictures of Josie in multiple stages of her young life scattered around the dresser.
The movement of the mattress brought Shay’s gaze to Travis, who had moved to give his mother room. She looked Shay over and frowned. Turning to peer over her shoulder at Travis, she said, “Josie hasn’t eaten lunch yet.”
Travis gave a short nod, turned a quick glance to Shay so their eyes locked briefly, and then lifted Josie in his arms. The little girl wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.
“I missed you, Daddy.”
“I missed you too, princess,” Shay heard him say as they walked away.
“Read me a story.”
Shay smiled and guessed Travis said yes to story time.Bringing her gaze back to the woman standing next to the bed, Shay didn’t know how to react or what to say. Uneasiness rose and lingered in the air between them, making the room grow cold again. Maybe it was just Shay who was cold, most likely due to the blood lost from the bullet still lodged in her thigh.
She tried to lift herself on her hands to get more comfortable, and immediately wished she hadn’t. She let out a sharp hiss as pain shot up her leg to her hip.
The woman cursed softly and rushed forward. Placing a warm hand on Shay’s arm, she said, “Don’t try to move. I’ll have to cut your jeans off.I’ll be right back.”
She disappeared into the bathroom, and Shay leaned her head against the headboard to study the ceiling. Her thoughts went to her father and the argument they’d had before she left. Sadness fell over her, almost out of nowhere. Her vision blurred, and warm tears spilled over her lids and ran down her cheeks.
Reality was a bitch. He’d said it wasn’t safe outside Ashwood, that the Rogues would hunt her down and find her. He’d been right. Onyx Pack hounds had found her.
She would be dead right now, if it wasn’t for Travis.
The bed dipped, startling her out of her thoughts. Wide-eyed, she stared into Travis’s mother’s gentle gaze. At the closer distance, Shay could see that the woman’s eyes were blue, an ice blue with a silver ring around the pupils.
The woman smiled, breaking the eye contact. “My name is Robyn.”
“Hi. I’m Shayna. Everyone calls me Shay.”
Robyn held up the scissors. “Ready?”
Shay winched. She really loved these jeans. “I guess it would be less painful.”
Robyn frowned. “I’m afraid so. I may have some things that will fit you.”
Shay smiled at the kind offer and nodded. Robyn stood, removed Shay’s shoes, and let them fall to the floor with soft thuds then proceeded to cut the right leg of her jeans. Robyn stopped at the top of her thigh and pealed back the denim to reveal the wound.
Her leg was swollen, red, and covered in half-dried blood. Shay felt sick.
Robyn picked up a basin and washcloth from the floor. Setting the large shallow bowl on the other side of Shay’s legs, she wrung out the washcloth. The cool terrycloth touched her skin, and she clenched her teeth together, trying to will the pain away.
“This is why I sent him out of the room.”
Confused, Shay studied Robyn’s beautiful features as cleaned the wound. “Huh?”
“Travis. He wouldn’t like to see you in pain.” When Shay didn’t reply, Robyn continued. “You’re his mate, right?”
Shay sighed. The older woman would have smelled Travis on her and vice versa. “That’s what he says.”
The female stopped and met her eyes. “And you’re not sure?”
Shay shook her head. “I just don’t know. I mean, I’m confused and emotional and...I just met him. He saved my life. Twice. So I owe him.”
Robyn peered into Shay’s face longer than what she was comfortable with. Her tiger even started to stir and felt a little threatened by the elder wolf. Finally, Robyn lowered her gaze and smiled. “You’re in your first heat cycle.”
Shay felt her cheeks grow warm, and she averted her gaze to the nightstand and focused on the framed photo of Travis and Josie. He had her in a bear hug from behind, and both were laughing as though they ruled the world.
Feeling Robyn grow still, Shay’s heart stopped for a microsecond. Dread cut through her like ice. She looked at the female and noticed her staring at Shay’s upper thigh. She swallowed hard, afraid of what the woman might be thinking of her now, of the symbol tattooed into her skin.
Just under the denim, but poking out enough, was the brand she’d worn her whole life. The dark moon rising out of the clouds. The mark of the Onyx Pack.
Robyn lifted her gaze to Shay’s. “I’m the adopted daughter of Keegan Andrews from Ashwood Falls,” Shay blurted out.
Robyn drew her eyebrows together as if in thought. After a few moments, she relaxed. “You’re the white tiger?”
Shay nodded, and Robyn set the washcloth inside bowl of pink-tinted water. “I heard that Keegan had adopted a daughter after his mate passed.”
It broke Shay’s heart to think about the loss her father had endured at the hands of the enemy. “My oldest brother, Blaine, found me hidden in a burrow when I was two. When I was older, they told me my parents had escaped the Onyx Pack.”
“That explains the mark. They mark all their Pack members when they are born.”
Shay shuddered and was glad she’d been too young at the time to remember the torturous event. It was utterly cruel to tattoo an infant. Then again, the rogues weren’t known for their nurturing natures.
“Have you thought about getting it covered?”
Shay shrugged. “A little. But I keep it as a reminder of my parents and their sacrifice to protect me.”
“Has Travis seen it?”
Shay nibbled her bottom lip. “I’m not sure.” Had he? Oh God, if he had, he must think she was working with the rogues. No, if he thought that he wouldn’t trust her, or bring her here where his daughter was.
A pinch followed by a sharp pain made her yelp, and she cut a glance to the female with the smirk across her face and her hand extended, palm up. A gray chuck of metal lay in her hand.
“It didn’t go in far.”
Shay felt her lips lift in a smile. “You distracted me.”
Robyn laughed and gathered up the bowl and scissors. “And it worked.”
Shay laughed and softly moved her leg side to side. The sharp pain was gone, and the skin around the opening tingled as it slowly began to knit together. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I’ll get you something to eat and the phone.”
Shay perked up. “You have a phone? That works?”
“Yes. It’s a satellite phone that Travis insists on having for Josie and me.”
Shay snuggled down into the pillows behind her. “Thank you.”
Robyn nodded and left the room. That was when the panic started. She’d have to call home. Maybe she could get away with talking to Cam and avoid her father and brothers altogether. She groaned, knowing the chance of that was the same as a snowball had in the heat of summer.
Chapter 6
Shay’s hands shook as she stared at the small phone in her hand. God, what was she going to say? Telling her father she was fine and not to worry about her was wasted air. Telling the Alpha not to worry about his only daughter was like expecting a balloon to inflate itself.
Not happening.
She’d stalled enough though and taking as long as she could under the hot spray of the shower after Robyn had helped her hobble to the bathroom.
The clothes Travis’s mother brought her were slightly baggy, but they fit better than the male’s joggers. Although the thought of being in Travis’s clothes ignited the tiny flame inside her, making it stand up at attention and wait for the chance to consume her again.
“Are you going to call someone?”
Shay raised her head and smiled at Josie, who had crawled up on the bed and sat cross-legged in front of her. “Yes. I need to call my brother.”
Damn. She didn’t want to call Blaine either, but figured neither he or her father couldn’t kill her over the phone. Even with Keegan’s telepathic abilities, he couldn’t use them unless he was within one hundred miles of someone. So, she was safe over the phone, right?
“What are you doing?”
The husky, but stern voice made both of them jump. Shay snapped her gaze toward the door. Travis leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed over his broad chest, his hair damp from a recent shower.
“Daddy!” Josie scooted off the bed and ran at him, hitting his hip with her hands when she reached him. “You scared us.”
Travis scooped his daughter up in his arms and tickled her until her giggles turned into shouts to stop. Shay couldn’t help but laugh at the pair while, at the same time, she had a dull ache in her chest. God, she missed her family and her Pack.
With a sigh, she dialed her older brother’s cell number. She heard, and felt, Travis leave the doorway. Most likely to give her some privacy.
Blaine answered on first ring, and her heart sank. “Blaine here.”
The hard edge to his voice made her want to hang up and call Cameron, but instead she spoke softly. “Hi.” Oh, God she was such a chicken.
“Shay. Where the fuck are you?”
She narrowed her eyes, even though he couldn’t see her, and pushed her fears aside. “Love you too, Blaine.”
“Shit. Sorry. We’ve been worried sick over you. Where the hell are you?”
She sighed. Blaine was the brother to go to when the big bad was after you. Okay, so maybe she needed to talk to him right now. But, what should she tell him? “I’m somewhere safe.”
A low growl filtered through the phone. “Where is safe?”
“I’m not sure really.” Because I was unconscious when I got here. Oh, yes. That would go over well.
“No. Listen to me, Blaine. I don’t need you getting all pissy with me right now.” Her fear turned into annoyance at her pigheaded, alpha-male brother. Why hadn’t she called Alec?
There was silence on the other end of the phone, then her father’s voice came in, loud and clear. “Shay? Are you hurt? Where have you been?”
She leaned back against the headboard, letting her head bounce off the wood in frustration. She called Blaine because she knew he’d most likely be with their father. It was better to go straight to the top. If she hadn’t then it was a huge possibility that both the wolf Pack and the leopard Pack would be out searching for her. That would only make the situation with the rogues worse.
“Hi, Dad. You might as well put the phone on speaker.”
There was a click, and then she heard more hushed voices. “Who’s all there?”
“Hi, hon!” Cameron chimed in.
“Hi, baby girl, Luna here.”
Shay closed her eyes. If the Alpha female wolf was there, then they were plotting a search party. Great. “Hi, Luna.”
Luna had inherited her Pack from her mate when he’d died during the raid on her den, killing over half of the Pack. The wolf pack loved Luna, and from what Shay had heard, they would follow and protect their Alpha female anywhere.
“That’s it, just the four of us,” Blaine said. “Now, explain why you don’t know where you are.”
Shay’s temper flared, but she tamped it down and considered Blaine wasn’t getting enough sex. She giggled at the thought before she could stop herself, which only drew another growl from her brother. Taking a few breaths to clear her head, she gathered her strength and recapped the last twenty-four hours, leaving out the going-into-heat part. Her father and Blaine didn’t need to know that right now.
When she finished, the men burst into curses and demands.
“You need to be home,” Blaine growled.
“I’m ordering you to come home now.” Her father’s stern voice sent chills down her back.
“Who is this Travis?” Luna’s cool tone silenced the males.
“His last name is Hunter. He’s a wolf.”
“Damn,” Luna cursed. “I thought the entire Hunter Ridge Pack was killed in a rogue attack about two years ago.”
Shay’s chest tightened. Two years ago? That would mean Travis’s mate...no, she couldn’t think about that right now.
“Shay, you do need to come home, dear. Ask your wolf if he will come with you.” A rustling sound indicated that Luna had moved away from the speaker.
“Yes, ma’am,” Shay said softly. “He has a four-year-old daughter. We’ll have to prepare for travel. And his mother will be coming with us.”
She heard her father blow out a breath in an irritated sigh. “Fine. But be on the road in two days, no later.”
She didn’t have time to respond before a soft click sounded over the line then the echoing background noises silenced a second before Cameron’s voice filled her ears. “Hi, hon. Are you truly okay?”
Shay sagged into the pillows behind her and drew the bedspread over her. “Is everyone gone?”
“Yes. Luna lured the men out with talks of moving the nursery and the school to a more centralized location.” Cam laughed. “She winked at me as they left. That damn wolf is so intuitive.”
A smile tugged at Shay’s lips. “Yes, she is.”
“So...” Cameron prompted.
“I’m not sure. I mean. I’m well, despite my injuries, but inside...”
“Inside is like a rollercoaster of need and heat.”
Shocked, Shay asked, “How did you know?”
“Little sis, I’ve been there. Besides Blaine and I put it together this morning.”
Cameron laughed again. “Your juvenile acts, the emotional outbursts, and the attempts to get away from everyone around you.”
“He says I’m his mate,” Shay whispered. Cameron was so silent Shay thought her best friend hadn’t heard her. “Cam?”
Cam cleared her throat then, with a shaky tone, asked, “What do you think?”
Shay shook her head out of habit. “I’m not sure. He’s the first male I ever...”
“You should feel an overwhelming attraction, a need so feral it threatens to consume you.”
“That’s the heat cycle.”
Cam sighed. “It is similar, but controllable, where the attack of your cycle is not. It may take another day or so before you are clear headed enough to know the difference.”
There was silence again, and Shay’s gut twisted as homesickness started to settle over her. “We’ll head home tomorrow.”
“No. Take an extra day to get your urges out of the way before facing your father.”
Yes, that would be wise. “Okay then. I’ll see you in a couple of days.”
TRAVIS LEADED AGAINST the doorframe, watching Shay stare at the phone in her hands. Her white-blond hair cascaded over her shoulders, begging for his fingers running through the silky strands.
“I don’t want to go. Not yet.”
Her soft-spoken words brought a pang of worry to his chest. He stepped inside the room and moved toward the bed. “Why not?”
She looked up at him and offered a weak smile. “I’m being a chicken.”
Chuckling at her beautiful, yet anxious, expression, he sat on the edge of the bed. “What are you afraid of?”
She shrugged. “I’m scared for you. I have two overprotective brothers and a father who will kill to keep me safe.” She looked away, breaking the eye contact to peer down at the phone again. “They’ll know.”
Yes, her family would know she’d mated. Even without a bite to mark her perfect, creamy skin, they’d know to whom she belonged. Travis’s wolf had made sure of that when he made love to her last night.
“I can take care of myself,” he said, leaving the smile in his words.
She lifted her gaze to his. One side of her sensual mouth lifted in a smirk then she tilted her head slightly. “Luna seemed to recognize your name.”
It was his turn to break eye contact. “Not surprising. There were rumors that I fed my Pack to the Onyx bastards.”
“Your Pack?”
He stood and walked to the dresser, giving her his back. “I was Alpha of Hunter Ridge. That was until the den was attacked two years ago.” Releasing a sigh, he turned back to face her. There was no judgment in her eyes, just concern and curiosity.“My most trusted enforcer led the Pack to its destruction. I lost everyone I loved, except Josie and my mother.”
“I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head. “I’ve been hunting them, one-by-one, and shutting them down. I’m close to finding their new location.”
“New location?” she asked.
“They move frequently. It’s almost impossible to track them, but your attacked confirmed my theory.”
She scrunched up her face, making him want to go to her and claim her mouth, along with a lot of other body parts. “Me?”
“Yes. I had thought the number involved in rogue activity was on the rise. The last twenty-four hours leads me to believe they’re looking for you.” He advanced toward her, pinning her with his gaze. “That brand on your upper thigh proves it.”
Her shoulders dropped. “The mark was there when Blaine found me. I don’t remember not having it.”
“The rogues brand all their Pack members from birth.”
Anger sparked in her blue gaze. “I’m not a Pack member to those monsters.”
He smiled, a sad, yet understanding one. “No, but they think you are.”
She pursed her lips and glared at him for several seconds before speaking. “They can think that all they want. My home is Ashwood Falls.”
He felt his mouth twitch at her stubborn tone. The only reason he hadn’t lashed out when he first saw the Onyx mark was the scent of her fear and the hint of anger that followed when she woke. “I won’t let them have you.”
She flicked her gaze to his. Confusion and worry played across her slightly rounded face before she dipped her eyebrows in a frown as if realizing something. “He knew,” she whispered, pain and something else he couldn’t quite grasp in her tone.
“Who?” he asked, not liking the sudden change in her voice. It was calm, too calm.
“My father. He knew they’d come for me.”
SHAY’S BROTHERS HAD always called her a spoiled brat and teased her about being “daddy’s little girl.” She had never considered the truth behind their teasing words while her tiger snarled and pushed her to rebel against being cooped up behind the secure barriers of Ashwood.
She refocused on Travis. Worry lines etched on his forehead. She shook her head. “I’m an ungrateful spoiled brat.”
A soft smile lifted his sensual lips. “No, you’re a dominant female who wants her space.”
She studied him. How did he know what she was thinking? “Are you telepathic?”
When he shook his head, she sagged in relief. It was bad enough her father was, and even though he claimed not to be able to read her because she possessed natural shields that blocked his attempts, sometimes she had her doubts.
“Your thoughts are written on your face.” Travis leaned in until his lips were inches from hers. Heat bloomed in her abdomen, and her skin grew feverish like it had the night before. The urge to attack the yummy male in front of her was strong. His nostrils flared, and his wolf peeked out of human eyes, making her tiger perk up.
She placed a hand on his chest. Big mistake. His warmth seeped into her palm, flaring up the building desire. Before she could gather enough strength to push him away, he captured her lips.
Moaning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him closer, deepening the kiss. She opened her mouth in invitation and he took it, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth to seek hers. He pulled back suddenly, breaking the kiss. She growled low. He smiled, which only irritated her tiger more. Before she could pull him down for another kiss, she heard a soft knock on the door, much too low on the wood to be Robyn. She sagged against the mattress with a sigh.
“Come in,” Travis called out.
The door opened wide to Josie dressed in a pair of pink Hello Kitty pajamas. Shay’s heart warmed as the little girl ran over and stopped next to Shay.
Trying to hide his amusement, Travis asked, “What are you doing, Josie?”
Josie turned to look at her father. “I want to sleep in here.”
Travis sent Shay an apologetic look. Shay smiled at him and nodded. He then cast a stern look to Josie. “Okay, but only for tonight.”
The little girl definitely had her dad wrapped around her finger. Shay patted the mattress beside her and lifted the covers. “Come on.”
Laughing, Travis gave Shay a quick kiss on the lips and said, “I’ll make you some tea to help you relax. Don’t spoil her too much while I’m gone.”
Shay tried to look innocent, but she knew she’d failed when Travis shook his head and left the room.
Tiny fingers touched her arm and she peered down into Josie’s face. “Daddy likes you,” she whispered loudly.
Shay smiled and whispered back, “I know.”
Chapter 7
The next morning Shay opened her eyes on a start. The hint of cinnamon lingered in the air. When her eyes focused fully, she met the green-eyed stare of Josie. Shay smiled and said, “Good morning.”
Josie’s face brightened. “Morning,” she whispered.
Amused at the little girl, Shay asked, “Why are you whispering?”
“Because Daddy said not to wake you.”
Shay felt her lips tug up on a smile. Josie was too incredibly cute. “I’m a wake.”
Josie giggled and nodded against the pillow she laid on. “Yep.”
“Do you know what’s for breakfast?”
“Nana is cooking chocolate chip pancakes.”
Shay pressed a finger to Josie’s noise. “Sounds yummy.”
Josie’s eyes widen in excitement. “The best. Let’s go get some before Daddy eats them all.”
“Well, we can’t let that happened.” Shay turned over, lifted the covers and got out of bed. She stood still for a couple of seconds, testing out her injured leg. Nope, no pain. She’d always healed a little faster than the average shifter. Her father seemed to believe it had to do something with her witch’s blood she got from her mother. The magick in her blood worked with her shifter half to heal at a faster rate.
Walking around the bed, she saw Josie scoot off the bed and wait for her. Shay stopped next to her and held out a hand. Josie took it and tugged her out the room, down the hall, and into the large living room. Shay’s heart sputtered a couple of beats at the sight of Travis in only a pair of loose fitting jeans. He set the small dining table. When he placed the forth plate down, he lifted his gaze to hers.
The air felt like it thinned and she flushed at his intense stare. The male was beautiful in a pure male way. Now that she wasn’t crazed with need from the heat cycle, she saw the slight gold tones in his tanned skin and the brush of caramel in his brown hair.
Robyn came around the corner behind Travis, dousing Shay’s very inappropriate thoughts. His mother smiled and said, “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, thank you.” Shay stepped forward to sit at the table and frowned when she realized there were only two places set.
Travis came to stand next to her, took her hand in his, and tugged her through the kitchen to the back porch. Stepping out of the sliding glass door, she gasped at the beauty of the landscape. Large oak trees shaded the area and a tiny stream trickled in the distance.
“It’s so peaceful,” she said and followed him to a small round table. A smile lifted her mouth at the sight of two plates, fruit, pancakes, and bacon carefully placed around the table. She lifted her gaze to meet his. “Why are we eating out here?”
Travis pulled out a chair and motioned for her to sit. When she did, he pushed it in, leaned down, and whispered in her ear, “Because I want you to myself.”
She studied him as he sat across from her. “Are you trying to seduce me?”
He lifted a brow. “I think we’re past that stage already.”
She frowned and looked away. Shame renewed itself and made her chest tighten. He was obligated to her because of her irresponsible actions. She should have been on some kind of birth control. Although, it didn’t matter, did it? Birth control for their kind was only about seventy percent effective. That percentage went to zero when they found their true mate.
That meant if she was pregnant, Travis was right about being mates.
He covered her hand with his. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
She sighed and turned her head toward him. His forehead creased with worry, making her feel worse. “Look. You have a daughter to take care of, and I don’t want you feeling obligated to me because I might be carrying your child.”
He sat back and crossed his arms. ‘You are my mate whether your pregnant or not.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t love me. You don’t even know me. How can you just accept it?”
One side of his mouth lifted and she clenched her jaw. Before she could shoot out a response, he held up a hand and shook his head. “I know that you are a stubborn, but caring person.”
She bit back a growl. “I’m also not a very good morning person. I’m a neat freak. And I have issues with following direction.”
He picked up his coffee and took a sip, most likely hiding his smile from her. But, she saw it. When he sat the cup down, he said, “Sounds like you’ll get along with Josie very well.”
Blah. What an irritating male. “So that’s it. You are reverting to back to the caveman days? I’m your mate and that’s it.”
The amusement left his eyes. “You know as well as I do that the female has the final say.”
Yes, she did know that. However, it didn’t always work that way among wolves. “For cats it does. Did you forget I grew up with wolves as well?”
A tic formed in his jaw and she raised her eyebrows in challenge. He leaned in and spoke quietly. “I’m trying to play things by your rules. I could take you off, mark you, and pleasure you until the only thing you know is me.”
She swallowed. A wave of desire rippled over her. Damn him. “I don’t know how to play this game. I’ve never considered having a mate. I always thought it would be years, maybe centuries before I had to worry about it.”
He relaxed and stabbed a couple of pancakes and put them on her plate. “I want to get to know you. Have a chance to court you.”
Okay, that didn’t sound too bad. I fact it sounded great. This male and his wolf intrigued her tiger, and Shay liked the idea of being mated. She also wanted to love the male she gave herself to. Travis may very well be that male. She watched him for another moment before saying, “I’d like that.”
He gave her a gentle smile. “Thank you.”
LATER THAT AFTERNOON, Travis leaned against the railing of the back porch watching Shay and Josie try to get butterflies to land on their fingers. Shay’s laughter was like music, soothing and beautiful. Relieved by how quickly Shay healed from the bullet wound, put him and his wolf at ease.
Even though Mara wasn’t his true mate, her lose still cut deep. It fueled his need to seek out the enemy and make them pay. He told himself he’d never seek out a new mate only to have her taken from him.
Then Shay came into his life. A true mate. One his wolf wanted, raising an over powering need to protect and claim. Shay’s resistance only fueled the need and pushed him to pursue her even harder.
If he had to woe her into the mating, so be it. She was his, and he would have her. His wolf wouldn’t allow any other options.
He felt his mother come to stand next to him. She was silent and he waited, knowing she would speak her mind when she was ready. “Are you sure she’s yours?”
Without looking at her, he answered, “Yes.”
“And the possibility of her being pregnant didn’t make this decision?”
He fisted his hands. “You know as well as I do the only reason she could be pregnant without a bond is by being my true mate.”
From the corner of his eye, he saw her should raise in a shrug. “Just checking. Her father will not be pleased. Adopted or not, the Alpha of Ashwood is very protective of his own.”
Travis watched as Shay and Josie sat in the middle of some wild flowers. Josie chatted about her garden. He smiled. “Josie loves her.”
His mother laughed softly. “Josie loves everyone, but I see it to. Shay has a maternal nature. She will be a great mother.”
Travis felt his lips twitch at his mother’s subtle acceptance. He pushed away from the railing and descended the three steps to the backyard. Shay lifted her gaze to his and she smiled. A flash of silver appeared in her blue eyes almost too quick. If he hadn’t been so fixed on her, he might have missed it. Her tiger watched him behind her human eyes, telling him the cat knew who he was.
All he had to do was convince the woman she was his.
Chapter 8
Shay wrung her hands in front of her as Travis packed up the mini-van with suitcases and a plastic storage box filled with some of Josie’s favorite things. Shay felt her lips lift in a smile and her worry about facing her father melted away a little. Travis’s daughter had stolen a place in her heart over the past couple of days.
“I swear Josie has more stuff than the rest of us,” Travis said as closed the back door.
Shay laughed. “Of course she does. She’s the princess.”
Travis rolled his eyes then snaked an arm around her waist, drawing her into his hard chest. She gasped and rested her hands on his shoulders. His golden eyes held laughter. She’d discovered over the past two days that she loved to see the happiness in those eyes.
He pressed his nose to hers and said, “I think you’re spoiling her.”
Shay laughed. “She was already spoiled when I got here.”
He pressed his lips to hers, drawing a soft moan from her. The clearing of a throat broke them apart. Shay flushed as she turned to Robyn, who held Josie. Reaching out, Shay brushed the hair from Josie’s face and frowned. “She’s burning up.”
“What?” Travis advanced forward to place his hands on his daughter’s back, forehead, and then hands.
Robyn placed a hand on one of his. “It’s just a fever. I have given her something to reduce it and help her sleep.”
Shay wasn’t so sure. Worry churned inside her. As far as she knew, it was unusual for their young to catch colds. Josie was a sweetheart, and the thought of her being ill made Shay’s chest hurt. “We can wait to travel. I’ll call my father and tell him we’ll leave when Josie is well.”
Robyn shook her head and moved to the passenger side of the van to place Josie in the car seat. “No. She’s strong. The fever will pass.”
Trusting the little girl’s grandmother, Shay nodded and climbed into the front seat.
A few moments later, they were on the road, heading toward Ashwood Falls. They rode in silence at first. Shay’s stomach was in knots that seemed to tighten with each passing mile toward home. Worry for Josie only made her antsy. She couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that something was wrong, very wrong.
Spearing a glance in the back seat, she gave a small sigh of relief at see the little girl peacefully sleeping in her car seat. But, the relief was short lived as she met Robyn’s tension-filled gaze. There was something the elder wolf wasn’t sharing. Robyn shook her head, telling Shay to keep silent. Frowning, Shay looked back at Josie again before turning to peer out the windshield.
So, as Shay expected, Josie wasn’t just running a fever. Fear raised its ugly head and wormed its way into her heart. The tiny child that Shay had grown so fond of in the short period of a few days was ill. Oh, God, she hoped the Ashwood wolf Healer could help Josie.
She rested her head back on the seat and tried to squash her worry. Josie would be okay. She had to be.
Josie was so lucky to have her nana. The only mother figure Shay had was Luna, the wolves’ Alpha female. Then again, Luna was like a mother to everyone in the den. Even Keegan. A giggle bubbled out of her, and she felt Travis peer over at her. She shook her head.
Sighing, she closed her eyes while thumbing her pinky ring. It had been a gift from her father when she refused to shift in front of the others. At the time, she’d wanted to keep her modesty. Plus, she felt ill at the thought of the boys seeing the mark of their enemy etched into her skin.
Finally, after her third time of being caught ditching training, Keegan gave her the ring, explaining it had been his mate’s before she died. He told Shay that Cate would have wanted her to have it, and that the ring was passed down from mother to daughter for centuries.
The small blue opal glistened in the sunlight that streamed in through the window. She remembered the first time she slipped the ring on her finger. At the time, it fit on her ring finger, but as she got older, taller, and gained the curves of womanhood, she had to wear it on her pinky. One day, she’d find out how to make another and pass this one down to her own daughter.
The warmth of Travis’s hand as he rested it on hers seeped into her skin in a way that had become so familiar. Meeting his gaze, she smiled.
“What are you thinking about?”
“My father. Home.” She didn’t realize until that moment how much she’d missed everyone at the den. So much had happened in the past few days.
He gave her hand a little squeeze before pulling it back to place back on the steering wheel. “We’re almost there. Why don’t you get some sleep?”
His tone was soft, but there was a command hidden in his words. She’d heard it many times from her father. It came with being Alpha of a Pack.
Any other time she would have argued, but today she was too tired. She nodded and laid her head back and welcomed sleep.
A HALF HOUR LATER, Travis turned onto the road that led into the heart of Ashwood Falls’ den. After about a quarter of a mile, he came to a stop at a gate. Two males emerged immediately, palming the Glocks strapped to their belts. Travis knew by their scents one was a wolf and the other a leopard. Biting back a curse, Travis put the van in park and raised his hands to the top of the steering wheel, in view of the males.
The leopard-shifter scented the air and ran to the passenger side, swinging open the door. Travis reacted like an overprotective mate by reaching for Shay, forgetting about the wolf to his left until the barrel of the 9 mm pressed painfully into his side.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you.”
The leopard carefully stroked Shay cheek, rousing her from sleep. Travis’s wolf paced under his skin as the other male touched what belonged to them. The wolf pressed the gun into Travis’s side a little harder, drawing a grunt from him.
“My four-year-old daughter and mother are in the back. Could you put that thing away?”
“When she,” the male nodded to Shay, “says to.”
Of course. The Alpha’s princess.
“Alec?” Shay asked sleepily.
The leopard nodded and smiled while gathering up Travis’s mate in his arms for a tight hug. Travis growled as Shay wrapped her arms around the male. The Glock jammed into his side again, pulling another growl from him.
The next moment, the wolf was yanked away. Travis looked to see Shay nose-to-nose with the enforcer, giving him a tongue-lashing.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Shay growled, backing the male up against the wall of the gatehouse.
With raised hands, the male shook his head. “We have orders, Shay.”
“Yeah? You know what you can do with those orders.”
Travis sensed the fury stirring inside her. He went to open his car door but stopped when he saw Luna Raines walking toward them with a not-so-pleased expression.
“Dane, go cool off,” the Alpha female said before coming to a stop next to Shay.
Dane growled softly right before he turned to go back inside the small building.
Shay faced Luna and pulled her into a hug. Travis noticed how Luna stiffened a second before returning the hug. After a moment, Luna pulled back, cupped Shay’s face, and smiled. “It is so good to have you back, baby girl.”
Luna turned to Travis and nodded. “It’s nice to see you again, Travis.”
Travis blinked and focused on her. She had her long, curly red hair pulled back in a ponytail. Her dark green eyes held more light in them than the last time they’d met. Damn, how long ago had it been? “Yes. It’s been awhile.”
“Almost a hundred years. I heard you lost your Pack.”
He clenched his jaw at the accusation in her undertone. Whatever. He was used to being accused of feeding his people to the rogues. “Everyone except my mother and daughter, whom are both with me.”
Luna moved to get a better look inside the back of the van. A warm smile lifted her lips. “Hello, Robyn. I do apologize for my son, Dane.” Luna looked back at Travis, meeting his gaze. “We’ve all been on edge lately. Take Shay and your family to Keegan’s. I’ll be there in a bit, and we’ll discuss things then.”
Travis nodded as she disappeared inside the gatehouse, not at all surprised that Luna picked up on his scent on Shay.
Shay climbed back in the van. “Oh, Alec?” When the male looked at her, she continued. “Call Sasha and have her meet us at home.”
Alec gave a short nod and pulled out his cell phone.
Travis shifted the vehicle into drive and rolled through the now open gate.
“Who’s that?”
Shay laughed. “That is one of my brothers and the Beta of the leopard Pack.”
“Who’s Sasha?”
“The wolf Pack Healer.”
He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Thanks.”
She placed her hand on his arm. “Children are very special little beings. Hell, Josie’s already settled into my heart. I’ll help you and her any way I can.”
His heart swelled with pride for the female next to him. “That vow goes both ways.” He took her hand and brought it to his mouth to place a kiss in her palm.
A few moments later, they pulled into a drive leading to a large two-story house. It was a modern-style red brick home with white trim. The front door opened, and a larger version of Alec walked out with a stern look on his face.
Beside him, Shay sighed. “That’s my other brother, Blaine. He likes to growl a lot, so don’t take anything he says or does personally.”
Travis laughed. He couldn’t help it. Her expression told him this brother was her favorite despite the go-to-hell vibe he threw off. Travis watched as Shay got out of the van and allowed Blaine to envelop her in a hug.
His chest tightened. Damn, he missed his Pack. Wolves weren’t as touchy-feely as the felines, but they did depend on touch to strengthen the bond between them.
Shaking off the unwanted emotions, he got out and opened the back door to take Josie out of her car seat. “Shoot, Ma. She’s burning up.”
His mother’s gaze fell to her hands in her lap. “It’s gotten worse. I don’t know what it is.”
“Sorry. I know.” He cradled his daughter to his chest and carried her to where Shay stood talking to Blaine.
The male glared at Travis as though debating on whether to let him live. Shay noticed too. She placed a hand on Blaine’s chest and narrowed her eyes at him. Her brother studied her for a moment then turned to go inside.
When they reached the door, Keegan stood in the doorway. Travis knew who he was by his power. As the Alpha of the Pack, he carried the Pack magick and strength in him. Something Travis used to possess.
Shay let out a squeak and flew into the Alpha’s arms. Keegan hugged her tight while shifting his gaze to Travis. “Your power is still there. Just remember that we don’t have room for another Alpha in the den.”
Shay smacked at Keegan’s arm. “Dad, stop. Luna is a great Alpha.”
Keegan laughed and released his daughter. “I didn’t say she wasn’t. I just don’t need or want a third. Come on in. Sasha is on her way. She was taking care of a broken arm and terrified pup.”
Shay gasped. “Who?”
“Jon shifted for the first time today. He broke his mother’s arm when she tried to help him control it.”
Travis frowned, stepped aside to let his mother enter before him, and then followed them inside. “Is it getting worse?” Keegan raised a brow. “The new shifts? Are the kids resisting?”
“No, but they are starting to shift earlier, taking everyone by surprise.” Keegan looked tired for a brief second before his expression closed again.“That’s just one of the many issues we’re facing, but we’ll talk more when Luna gets here.”
Travis shook his head. “Oh, Keegan, this is my mother, Robyn. And the bundle in my arms is Josie.”
Shay smiled and brushed the hair from Josie’s face. “She’s getting worse.” Fear paled her beautiful face.
Travis cupped her face. “She’ll be okay.”
God. Let him be right. He couldn’t lose Josie.
Chapter 9
“So...” Shay prompted as she stood behind Sasha and waited to see what the Healer would find wrong with Josie.
Shay had led Travis to her room so he could lay his daughter down without the foot traffic and noise in the main rooms of the house.
Apparently, Shay’s father had called a meeting.
Sasha straightened, drawing Shay’s attention. “I was able to soothe her discomfort and bring her fever down.”
She paused and looked a little too sad for Shay’s liking. “And?”
Sasha turned toward Travis, so Shay moved closer to him. “I fear it’s in her blood.I’d like to take a sample and consult with Dani.”
Shay whispered to Travis that Dani was the leopard Healer, and he nodded absently and replied to Sasha. “Sure. Can you do it tomorrow? If she’s sleeping peacefully, I’d like to keep her that way.”
“Very well. I’ll have Dani come by in the morning. She can take the blood then. If you need me, just call.” Sasha leaned in and kissed Shay on the cheek. “Nice to have you back home. We were worried about you.”
“Thanks, hon.”
After Sasha left, Robyn got up from the chair where she’d been sitting quietly, to lie next to Josie. Her eyes filled, and Shay’s heart broke. “Robyn and Josie can sleep in here tonight. Alec is on duty at the gatehouse, so you can have his room.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“In Dad’s room. He never sleeps there.” Shay felt a lump form in her throat. So many emotions floating around were starting to make her teary.
“Hey.” Travis brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “What’s wrong?”
Shay shook her head. “I don’t know. Being back home, Josie’s sick, my dad’s sad, you’re sad...”
He pulled her into his warm embrace and kissed the top of her head. “Maybe Dani should take a look at you too.”
She peered up into his eyes. “No. It’s too soon.”
“Your Healer would be able to tell,” Robyn said.
Shay sagged against Travis. “My father may kill you.”
He laughed. “Maybe. I’ll just have to convince him otherwise.”
Smiling, Shay looked down at Robyn. “Are you staying in here?”
“Yes. I should get some rest. Tomorrow you and I can search for spells to help Josie.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Shay’s heart filled with new hope. From her two days with Robyn, she’d learned that the woman was half witch and loved to mix potions as much as Shay did. The only difference was Robyn actually knew how to invoke spells to use them. “I have a private bath. You can use it without worrying about anyone bothering you.” Shay pointed to the closed door to the right of them.
“Private bath?” Travis said, but Shay heard the teasing undertone. “You really are a spoiled brat.”
“Nope. I’m a dominant female wanting my space.”
TRAVIS SHOOK HIS HEAD in disbelief that Shay was his. She was full of life, confident, and the most caring female—besides his mother—he’d ever known.
She’d had brought a new light into his heart in such a short time.
When they entered the living room, Travis noticed two new people had arrived in the time he spent with the Healer. Shay skipped ahead and was instantly drawn into tight hugs. She introduced them in turn. The female dressed in black jeans and a black tank top, with hair just as dark, was Shay’s best friend, Cameron, or Cam for short. Travis scented Blaine on the female so strongly that it told him they were in the mating dance.
But, what surprised him was Cam’s annoyance when Travis didn’t offer his hand to shake hers. It was the polite thing for him to do. All shifters were clear on this rule: no skin contact with anyone during the mating dance. The only exception being family and close friends.
Was she trying to push Blaine’s buttons? Travis caught the shake of Keegan’s head as the question formed. Yeah, Travis didn’t want to know.
There were two male wolves sitting close to the door that Travis hadn’t noticed before. Then again, he was preoccupied by his daughter’s sudden illness. Shay introduced them as Luna’s other two sons, Hayden and Tanner.
Travis remembered Hayden from when his Pack helped MoonRiver rebuild after the rogue attacks about two centuries before. He had worked side-by-side with Hayden because he was the wolf Pack Marshal—leader of the enforcers, soldiers, and sentries.
Tanner was Luna’s youngest son and hadn’t been born at the time.
Keegan raised a hand, and everyone fell quiet. “I believe everyone here has heard a rumor or two about the Hunter Ridge Pack and their tragic fall two years ago.” A couple of mutters drifted from those who didn’t know Travis was the Alpha of said Pack. “Travis, would you mind clearing up some of those rumors?”
Fuck. The spotlight is on.
Travis took a breath and nodded. “I’m Travis Hunter. Alpha...well, I was the Alpha of Hunter Ridge. Two years ago, my Pack was attacked by Onyx. That part is true. It is also true that I lost everyone except my mate, daughter, and mother. I was able to get them to a safe house, but lost my Mara two days later.”
He heard Shay’s soft gasp and wished he had told her all this before now. “They came in while everyone was asleep, attacking each house at the same time. I woke seconds before our house was stormed. Mara and my mom got Josie out, but Mara was bitten by a mutant before she was able to kill it.”
Shay slid her hand in his. “Is that what killed her?”
Travis nodded. “A mutant can spread the virus that freezes them in half shift through their bite.”
He meet Keegan’s gaze. “My Marshal had worked with Onyx. He gave them the den layout and my routines, as well as other confidential Pack information.”
“And what happened to him?” Keegan asked, and Travis had a hunch the Alpha already knew the answer.
“I killed him,” he said in a flat tone. At the time, rage consumed him at the betrayal. Now, he felt nothing. He’d grown numb to the fact that he did what he had to do. And, if he had the chance to do it over, he wouldn’t change anything.
Keegan’s expression showed nothing of what the Alpha thought. Not a surprise there. What surprised him was Shay’s reaction. Travis had expected her to shrink away from him. Instead, she snaked her arm around his to twine their fingers together. Her silent support warmed him and sent a wave of relief through him. He didn’t need to give her more reasons to not except him as her mate.
“Moral of the story. Don’t cross Travis,” Blaine said with approval in his tone.
Chuckles filled the room.
“I’m going to recap for Travis’s benefit,” Keegan announced before getting to his point. “I didn’t have Travis tell you this to stir up mistrust. Lord knows we still have plenty of that lingering between the two Packs. I just wanted to remind everyone that this war affects all shifter communities, and that we are fighting to bring back the sense of peace.”
Blaine nodded his agreement and added, “I don’t like the increase in activity of late. The rogues are getting ballsy, or they’re dumber than we thought. The attack on Jared in December pissed me off.”
Hayden made a nose in his throat. “Pussy-ass bastards took him by surprise. Jared won’t talk about what actually went down. They need to be stopped. Yet every time we get close to finding their den, they move.”
Cameron spoke next. “Jared’s a loner. We all know that. But I’m now concerned about what Travis said about a mutant’s bite.”
Travis shook his head. “He would have transformed by now. Depending on the natural resistance one has, it takes anywhere from minutes to days after. Mara had a resistance to the virus, so she didn’t start to go through the change until two days after being bitten.”
He tamped down the pain of losing his partner and best friend and the guilt of having to end her life before she became the monster she would never want to be.
Silence filled the room. Travis lifted his gaze to Keegan when he felt a light pressure inside his head. He clenched his jaw tight. He really had to remember to shield himself from the telepath. There was flash of anger mixed with pity in the Alpha’s expression, but vanished before anyone else could see it.
Keegan leaned back in his chair. “We’ll find the den, but first I’m concerned about the fence out by Dani and Nevan’s cabin. There are three possibilities. One, its humans trying to fence off land that doesn’t belong to them. Two, poachers have set up camp. Three, rogues are trying to fuck with us.”
Travis spoke up. “Could be a distraction. Rogues could be putting the fence up to draw you to that side of the property.”
Blaine nodded. “We thought of that too. So we increased border patrols on all sides.”
“We need to setup a better support system for our youth. Too many have lost focus and that makes their first shift more difficult to control,” Luna said. “If we don’t get them under control, I’m afraid we’ll lose them.”
“I’m sure we can get a few people to work as coaches and mentors,” Shay suggested.
“Good idea. I’ll leave it up to you to head that up,” Keegan said.
“Great!” Shay said with delight.
Blaine spoke next, shifting the meeting back on topic. “Back to the fence. I had Dane and Alec work on security. They have the cameras set up and running, and the fence was torn down. So now we wait to see who puts it back up.”
“Good,” Keegan said. “The next step is to find a way to extend and strengthen the wards. Anyone know a power witch or two?”
“Actually you would only need a circle of three with natural magick in their blood,” Travis said. When Keegan raised a brow, Travis continued. “My mother is half-witch and very powerful. That makes me like a third or something.” He shifted his gaze to Shay. “And Shay carries enough magick she could be another third.”
“Are you sure you’re up to it? Your daughter is ill.”
Travis nodded, keeping his emotions in check so as not to show the weakness and helplessness that coursed through him at that moment. “All the more reason to do this. You’re gracious in taking us in. You could’ve turned me away at the gate.”
Keegan’s mouth twitched. “So true. Very well. Consult with Robyn and let me know when you are ready, but do make it soon.”
Travis agreed, and Keegan dismissed the meeting. The enforcers left except Blaine and Cameron. Luna escaped to the kitchen, most likely checking on dinner.
As he stood, Shay tugged him back down and spoke low enough that no one would overhear her. “I can’t set wards.”
He chuckled. “Yes you can. You’ve just never had anyone teach you.”
She looked as though she wanted to argue but fell silent as her father approached. Travis wasn’t sure he liked the sudden shift in her mood. She’d gone from relaxed to tense with a hint of fear in her scent.
“I’d like to speak to the both of you,” Keegan said and walked to the back door.
Standing, Travis took Shay’s hand, noticing the slight tremble. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and took a deep breath. “Let’s get this over with.”
SHAY STEPPED INTO HER father’s unofficial office—aka the sunroom that overlooked the woods in the backyard—with butterflies fluttering in her belly and a cool dread that made her shake. She’d never feared her father, never had any reason to. Right now, though, fear threatened to consume her, but it wasn’t what the Alpha would do to her. It was what he’d do to Travis, who followed close behind her.
“Have a seat,” Keegan said from where he stood looking out the glass walls of the room.
As they sat, Shay wished she could vanish. Her father was furious; she could sense it, smell it in the air like soured fruit. Her stomach felt off. Oh, God, don’t let me get sick in front of my father and soon-to-be mate.
Travis wrapped an arm around her, drawing her into his warm body, and some of the dread melted away.
“What are you afraid of, Shayna?”
Shoot, full name. She was so in trouble. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she answered, “I fear what you’ll do to Travis.”
There was no need to lie. Her father would smell it. Plus, he’d always had the keen sense to know when someone was lying, even without using his telepathy.
A heavy sigh left Keegan, and he turned around. “I know you went through your heat cycle.” His gaze shifted to lock on Travis. “And I also know firsthand how hard it is to resist a female in heat.”
She was so not having this conversation with her father. She might be an adult, but she still didn’t want to talk about this. Not when she didn’t have any answers to her questions about motherhood and mating. Hell, she hadn’t had time to get everything straight in her head yet.
When Travis didn’t speak, her father narrowed his eyes and asked, “What are your intentions?”
“Shay is my mate.”
Shay’s heart sputtered for a couple of beats, but she remained silent. She lived with two alpha males and a dominant Beta. Number one rule: don’t pick sides during a pissing contest.Not that she felt that was what Travis and her father were doing, but they were each standing their ground, testing the boundaries.
Damn, she needed Cam in here to even out the male-female ratio.
“Your mate just died two years ago,” Keegan said, clearly not convinced.
Travis lowered his guard and let his head fall back against the couch. “Mara wasn’t my true mate. Our mating was arranged. It was a treaty agreement between our Packs.”
Shay winced at the mixed undercurrent of anger and sadness. She pulled back to get a better look at his expression. His cool brown gaze found hers. There was hurt in the depths of his eyes, and her heart broke for him. “But you loved her.”
He nodded, eyes starting the shine. “We grew up together. We were best friends then lovers. I never regretted any of my time with her. But deep down I knew I’d have to let her go.”
“You knew she would die?” Shay studied him, not understanding his meaning.
He brushed his knuckles over her cheek. She closed her eyes, loving the sensation that rippled through her. “No. I always thought she’d meet her true mate.”
“And you would let her go,” Keegan said.
Travis linked his fingers with Shay’s. “It was our vow to each other when we discovered what our parents had planned.”
“What about Josie?” Shay couldn’t imagine how the little girl would have coped being bounced between homes if Mara lived and found her true mate.
“Josie was our miracle. Something went wrong during Mara’s first shift. Our Healer said she’d never be able to carry a child.”
She couldn’t imagine the joy they must have felt when they found out they would be parents. Travis drew her into his arms, and she allowed it because the emotions were starting to compile on top of her. There was comfort in her wolf’s arms that she’d never felt before. Was this the mating bond forming?
Travis smiled and said, “Josie keeps me going. Besides, hunting down the bastards that took everything from me has become a new favorite pastime.”
Keegan cleared his throat, but Shay could tell it wasn’t out of irritation.“What happened the night you left, Shay?”
She froze. There was no way to lie to the Alpha. But, how much should she tell him? She looked at him. A tic formed in his temple, and his nostrils flared as if scenting the room. Damn it. She sighed and spilled everything, speaking as fast as she could to get it all out in the open.
At least Blaine wasn’t in the room because, believe it or not, her brother kept his temper on a much shorter leash than her dad did.
Chapter 10
Shay patiently watched her friend and Pack Healer, Danica Welsh, speak softly to a smiling Josie. Shay was so relieved to see the small girl up and fever-free this morning. Robyn said the fever had finally broken a few hours before, but she wasn’t sure how long it’d stay gone.
Dani finished drawing the last vial of blood and placed a Hello Kitty bandage over the needle hole. “There, all done. You are much braver than some of the boys I’ve had to draw blood from.”
Josie giggled. “Boys are wimps.”
“Not all boys.”
The husky voice drew their attention to the door where Travis stood holding a tray with a stack of pancakes, a bowl of fruit, glasses of juice, and enough plates for all of them. Josie squealed in delight at the food. “Daddy, you cooked!”
Shay laughed and peered up at Travis. “You don’t cook much?”
He winked at her. “My mom usually beats me to it.”
Shay stood and started to drag a small table closer to the bed, only to have Travis snap at her. “Stop. I got it.”
She straightened and propped her fists on her hips. “I can get it.”
“Here, hold the tray.” He handed it to her and proceeded to draw the table over.
Shay growled low, making Travis respond with a quick kiss on her lips. She could hear Dani laughing while she spoke to Josie about how she felt. When Shay sat on the bed, Dani turned to face her and placed a hand on her forehead then moved it to hover over her heart and her stomach.
Shay locked gazes with the Healer and knew what she was about to say. Fear, happiness, and worry mounted inside her. Dani hugged her and whispered, “You’re going to be a mom.” She drew back at the confirmation.
The possibility hadn’t been real until now. She was pregnant, with Travis’s cub, or pup. She frowned and Dani asked, “What’s wrong?”
Shay looked at Josie then Travis. A chill ran down her spine, raising the fear of what a child would mean. Then her thoughts drifted to the war with Onyx and the fact that the rogues wanted her. Would she have to raise the baby alone?
Of course, Travis was a very loyal, possessive, and compassionate wolf. That didn’t mean she’d force him to stay with her just because of the child.
She would not enter a loveless mating.
Shay refocused on Dani and forced a smile. “I’m fine. Just a little shocked.”
Dani shook her head but, to Shay’s relief, didn’t push. Instead, she changed the subject back to Josie. “Do you want to talk in the hall?” she asked Travis.
He shook his head. “She’s entirely too smart for a four-year-old and hates when we talk about her when she’s not in the room. We can stay here.”
Shay crawled up the bed to sit close to the little girl that held her heart. Dani stood, allowing Travis to sit on the other side of Josie. She smiled and snuggled between both of them, looping her tiny arms with theirs.
Shay’s heart warmed at the love and trust surrounding Josie.
Dani picked up a cotton ball she’d used to stop the bleeding from the needle mark in Josie’s arm and handed it to Travis. He gave her a confused looked, and Dani pushed it at him. “Smell and let me know if that is your daughter’s natural scent.”
He inhaled and immediately shook his head. “Not completely. I mean it’s her, but something else too.”
Dani frowned. “That’s what I thought.”
Travis narrowed his eyes at the Healer. “You can’t smell the metallic scent?”
Shay flinched at Travis’s curt response and reached over to touch his arm. When his brown gaze met hers, she said, “Dani was in an accident and lost her sense of smell.”
Dani crossed her arms and gave Shay an annoyed look. “It was a fire set by a drugged up teen. The right side of my body is scarred. My sense of touch and smell hasn’t been the same since.”
Dani held a hand up at Travis’s apology and brushed it off. “I’m adapting. Now.” She took the cotton from him and placed it inside a ceramic bowl. Then she lit a match and dropped it on top the cotton. “I believe your daughter has come into contact with some type of poison, or something.”
Travis stiffened. “Not possible. She stayed with my mother at the safe house.”
At that moment, Robyn entered the room. When everyone turned to her, she stilled. “What’s going on?”
Dani sighed. “I’m going straight to the lab and start the tests. I’ll let you know what I find. Call me or Sasha if she gets worse.” She packed up her bag and left.
Robyn’s wide-eyed stare moved from Shay to Travis in a flurry of worry. Travis held out his hand. Without hesitation, she took it.
Travis tugged his mother to sit and told her Dani’s theory.
Robyn shook her head. “I was careful. I only got the freshest ingredients and never went anywhere but same market I always used.”
Travis drew her into a hug. “I know, Mom. This isn’t your fault.”
Shay reached over to touch Robyn’s shoulder. “It could have come from anything. A new toy, the bags from the market, or anything she came in contact with. There’s no telling what the rouges would do.”
Her emotions were running wild. She was pregnant, and if it took, she’d be a mother in about seven months. Josie, the sweet baby girl, was sick, possibly poisoned by the enemy; like a switch cold fear froze her in place. “Oh, no.”
“What?” Robyn and Travis said at the same time.
“What if it was something meant for me? The rogues might have done something to me, or it was on my clothes, or...”
Travis cradled her face, halting her speech and forcing her to meet his eyes. “This isn’t your fault. Don’t you dare take the blame.”
THAT AFTERNOON, TRAVIS exited his daughter’s bedroom in the apartment they’d call home for now. He wasn’t sure how long they would be there. This wasn’t his Pack, and he wasn’t naïve enough to think they’d welcome another alpha in the mix. He could tell there were already too many alphas with two Pack Alphas, two Heirs, and at least two among the enforcers.
Travis didn’t know how they had built such a solid community. Then again, the Packs had been together about thirty years now, but that wasn’t very long considering shifters could live thousands of years. At least they’d used to before Onyx was formed.
Those bastards would pay for every life they took.
A knock on the door put his wolf on alert. With quick strides, he moved toward the door and opened it, tension leaving his body at the sight of the petite redhead standing on the other side of the door. Dipping his head, he kissed Luna on the cheek before stepping aside. She gave him a tender smile that reached her haunted emerald-colored eyes and patted his arm.
“Blaine is right behind me,” she warned with a wink and wandered off toward the living room.
Travis chuckled and waited for Shay’s brother to reach him.
Blaine’s gray stare searched the area in a way Travis’s did when he hunted. He guessed the leopard did it out of habit due to his training and position as the leopard Marshal. Plus, as the Heir of leopard Pack, he’d have the instinct to protect at all cost. The Alpha inside him demanded it, because one day he’d have to step in as the Pack Alpha.
“Do you have a minute? I want to show you something.”
Travisnodded, took a moment to reach out with his senses to Josie to see that she was sleeping peacefully, and then stepped outside the apartment to follow Blaine to an old blue Ford truck.
A few moments later, Blaine parked the truck at a cabin about 500 yards from the main road that twisted through the Smoky Mountains. “This is a little close to the main road.”
Blaine grunted and got out of the truck. “I’ve told Dani that for years.”
Remembering the Healer’s name, Travis shut the passenger door and followed the leopard into the woods. “She lived here alone?”
A growl. “Yes. With no phone.”
Travis shook his head. He understood Blaine’s irritation. As Alpha, Travis would have pulled rank on a female living alone too close to the border. Then again, Dani was the Healer. “Was it because of her accident?”
Blaine jerked his head in Travis’s direction and narrowed his eyes. “She told you?”
“Yeah, well, Shay kind of let it out when Dani stopped by this morning.”
Blaine relaxed his shoulders a small bit and came to a stop next to a human male who was peering up into the trees. Blaine looked up and asked, “Dude, what the hell are you looking for?”
The human burst out laughing and punched Blaine in the shoulder—the males’ version of the play and touch shifters relied on from Pack members. An ache rose in Travis’s chest. He missed Pack.
Nevan shifted to stare at Travis and held out his hand. “Nevan Matthews, Dani’s mate.”
Travis shook the male’s hands. “Travis Hunter.”
“He’s Shay’s,” Blaine added dryly.
Nevan lifted an eyebrow. “He’s a wolf.”
That made Travis cock his head in interest, but before he could ask anything, Blaine spoke. “Nevan was raised by lions, and he’s empathic.”
Ah, that explains it. The human was too comfortable and relaxed around them. Most humans got antsy when one alpha-strength male was near, much less two. Nevan acted as though he’d been born in the Pack.
“Speaking of the lions, when is your family coming?” Blaine asked as he continued to search the trees.
“Next week. Sarah said they might stay for a week or so. She’s excited to finally meet Dani in person.” Nevan laughed and walked a few feet to the right as if searching for something. “My stepmother is already asking for grandbabies.”
Blaine snorted. “You’re doomed.”
Travis smiled at the teasing words. He’d been fully aware that Blaine had checked on Josie at some point in the night. Travis scented the male in the room where Josie had slept at Keegan’s home. He’d asked Shay about it, and she said it didn’t surprise her because Blaine loved children.
Nevan grew serious. “I want kids. Lots of them. It’s Dani who’s not sure.”
“She’ll change her mind.” Blaine growled in frustration. “I give up. What is up in the trees?”
Amusement lit up Nevan’s face. “Cameras. Dane is a genius.”
Blaine looked over at Travis and rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell him that. He’s already cocky enough.” He turned serious and motioned for Travis to follow him. A few yards away, Blaine asked, “My father says you’re a good tracker and have been hunting down the rogues. Someone has been putting up a fence in this area. Tell me what you see.”
Travis scanned the area. The earth was upturned where posts had been driven into the ground. Other than that, the place looked clean, too clean. “Did you scent anything on the fencing?”
A tic formed in Blaine’s temple, telling Travis the male had missed it. “No. The first time we came across it, we found Dani in leopard form tangled in the barbwire.”
Nevan released a low growl and Travis turned to face him. The animalistic sound was surprising coming from the human. However, Shay had said Nevan had been raised by mountain lions, so he guessed it was as natural for Nevan to growl as it was to Travis and any other shifter. Travis understood the human’s reaction to Blaine’s statement. The fence was meant to be a trap and had trapped Nevan’s mate.
“A trap?” he asked Blaine.
The male shook his head. “I don’t think so. That seems too elementary for Onyx.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Travis paused to scent the air before speaking again. “You said the first time.”
Blaine nodded. “Yeah, the night Shay left.” It came out as a growl, but Travis ignored it and waited for him to continue. “A couple of juveniles found it. Cameron ripped it up. I’ll have to ask her if there was a scent.”
Travis was about to turn away to think about the possibilities and maybe get with Cameron later when he saw something. He advanced to where a shiny object lay half-covered by leaves. He picked up a silver lipstick tube and brought it to his nose. “Human,” he announced and passed it to Blaine.
The leopard agreed. “Nevan is the only human in Ashwood.”
That’s what Travis thought. Not many Packs took humans in unless they were mated to one of the members. “I heard mutters of Onyx consorting with humans.”
Blaine snapped his gaze up to meet Travis’s. “You think they’re using them?”
“Maybe. The den will have to be notified because all it would take is for a young wolf or leopard to meet a pretty human female—”
“And say something he shouldn’t,” Blaine said, finishing Travis’s statement.
“I’m not a hundred percent, but it is a possibility. I wouldn’t put anything past those bastards.” Travis clenched his fist.
Blaine turned to him with narrowed eyes. “I know Shay was hurt, bad. I felt it that night. I’m not asking you to tell me what they did. I just want to know if you killed the bastards.”
Travis didn’t flinch at the fury in Blaine’s tone because he understood it. “Ripped them apart.”
Blaine’s mouth twitched. “I knew I would like you.”
Chapter 11
Travis entered the apartment to a silence he wasn’t used to. There was no Josie meeting him at the door, and that made his heart ache. His baby girl had to push through this. They had to find out what she was infected with and fix it. The thought of losing his little girl to an unknown illness stabbed him in the heart.
Not sensing his mother, he stalked down the hallway toward the pull of the other female in his life.
When he opened the door to Josie’s room, a lump formed in his throat. Shay sat in a wooden rocker, holding a sleeping Josie, rocking her slowly. Shay lifted her head and smiled at him. Her blue eyes held a bit of sadness. His heart slowed, and his gut soured.
“What is it?”
Shay shook her head and whispered, “The fever spiked again, and now she has caught a cold. I was able to bring the fever down a little and gave her some tea to help her sleep.”
Travis crossed the room and lifted his daughter from Shay’s lap. He laid Josie in bed and drew up the covers to tuck around her. After kissing her on the forehead, he led Shay out of the room.
“Have you heard anything from Dani?” he asked when they reached the living room.
“I stopped by the medical center before coming here. She’s not sure what it is.” When Shay took his hand, he allowed her to tug him to sit on the couch. “I trust Dani to find the solution. She said something about searching the network to see if someone had ever come across anything like it.”
Travis released a sigh of relief. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, of shifter Packs from around the world registered in the network. Surely, someone would be able to help. God, he hoped so.
Peering over at her, he silently cursed himself. Fatigue showed in the way she slouched on the sofa. Her white-blond hair was twisted in a messy bun on top of her head.
She looked beautiful, and she was his.
He lifted her legs and placed them in his lap, forcing her to turn her body to face him. He took off her tennis shoes and let them fall with a thud on the floor. She tried to protest as if she guessed what he was up to. He tightened his grip on her ankles and met her gaze. “Just relax. What did you do today?”
She studied him for several seconds before letting her shoulders drop. He massaged her feet and ankles as she spoke. “I talked to a several potential youth mentors. I got four to agree, and each one had some awesome ideas for programs to keep the kids active and out of trouble.”
His chest swelled at her excitement. “That’s great. So, are you going to put together a committee or something?”
“Yep. Already done. Our first meeting is next week. I’m so happy my dad put me in charge of this.”
“It was your idea.”
Her eyes sparkled when she looked at him, and he couldn’t stop himself from pulling her into his lap. “Besides, he knew you’d be the perfect person for the job.”
Before she had time to respond, he captured her mouth with his and shifted her to straddle his lap. A soft moan rose from her throat, encouraging and inviting. He deepened the kiss and dipped his tongue inside her mouth in search of hers. Her peaches-and-cream scent intensified, intoxicating him.
He glided his hand up her leg, over her ass, and continued along her spine until his fingers released her hair from the bun. The silky waves tumbled down around her shoulders and caressed his arms as she moved against his hard erection.
Fisting his hand in her hair, he gently tugged, breaking the kiss. She peered at him with eyes that glowed with desire. God help him. He’d never get enough of her.
“We should move to the bedroom before my mother comes back or Josie wakes.” It came out as a husky demand, but Shay didn’t flinch. She just nodded and scooted off his lap. She started to walk off, but with his inhuman speed, he’d scooped her up in his arms before she’d taken her second step.
She squealed and kicked her feet. “Put me down.”
“Because I said so.” She held his gaze in a defiant, and dominant, manner.
He held her stare until she looked away. “Let someone care for you this once, Miss Independent.”
He proceeded to his bedroom at the end of the hall, stopping at Josie’s room to peer inside. His daughter slept soundly and peacefully. The sight eased his worry a little.
Shay cuddled against him and rubbed her cheek against his. “We’ll figure it out. I’m not going to give up until she’s better.”
He met her shiny blue gaze. Her words and dedication to Josie’s well-being strengthened the bond that had formed during the last time they’d made love. And, yeah, they’d made love. Despite her heat cycle and the demand he felt to take her, possess her, he couldn’t deny the fact that Shayna Andrews was his true mate.
He just had to convince her of that.
THIS WAS ONE TIME WHEN Shay wished she were telepathic like her father. She’d kill to know what the sensual wolf carrying her across the threshold of his bedroom was thinking. The heat of his brown gaze told her only that he had naughty things planned for the two of them, but there was something else hidden in there.
After closing and locking the door, Travis released her legs so they drifted to the floor, but he didn’t let go of her waist as he walked her backward until the backs of her knees touched the bed.
Normally, she’d protest at any male’s attempt to dominate her, but part of her liked to be overpowered by the wolf.
Her wolf.
She smiled, liking the sound of that. Travis was hers. According to him, they were mates. Now that the sexual haze of her heat cycle had cleared, she was starting to feel the connection, the constant need to possess him.
The corner of his mouth lifted in a sexy smirk, and he raised one brow. “What are you thinking?”
She felt her cheeks heat. “That I want you.”
She slid out of his grasp to sit on the bed in front of him. She’d never done or thought about doing anything like what she was about to, but with Travis, she wanted to do things, feel things. Peering up through her lashes into his handsome face, she offered him her best I-want-to-be-naughty-with-you look. “Take off your shirt,” she commanded.
A raised eyebrow followed by a twitch of that mouth she wanted all over her was his response before he ripped the tee over his head, letting it fall to the floor without a care. She sucked in a breath, and heat bloomed in her abdomen.
Dear God.
She’d been too crazed with need the first time they’d made love to notice the masculine beauty of him. His sun-kissed skin over hard, powerful muscles begged for her hands. Not now. Now she wanted to savor the wolf in front of her. Take her time with slow, torturous explorations of every inch of him.
With trembling fingers, she undid the button on his jeans. Travis clasped his hand around her wrist, drawing her attention back to his face.
“Not today,” he said as he leaned into her so their noses almost touched.
She fell back on her elbows. Travis followed with the intense stare of a wolf with his prey. Pinpricks of desire raced through her. Anticipation heated her, and it took all her control not to give into his display of dominance and enjoy the pleasures promised in his desire-drunken gaze.
He was an alpha male, dominant to the core.
She was a dominant, maternal female.
When his nose touched hers, she didn’t shrink back or break eye contact. Instead, she nipped playfully at his lower lip. He growled, sending desire shuddering through her.
In a sudden movement, Travis captured her mouth with his. She opened without hesitation to allow his tongue to dip inside to tangle with hers. She arched so her breasts rubbed against his chest. Her T-shirt and bra served as barriers, keeping their skin from touching. She so wanted that skin-to-skin contact.
As if sensing her thoughts, Travis broke the kiss, tugged her shirt over her head, and he tossed it to the floor. He paused to roam his gaze over her body. She suppressed the urge to cover up. The way both the human and wolf looked at her made her leery and filled her with need.
He lowered his head and pressed a gentle kiss to her belly as he unbuttoned her jeans and slid them over her hips and down her legs. He discarded the jeans just as he had their shirts and crawled his way up her body to nip her on the lip. The slight sting of his teeth breaking the skin sent a river of hot need flowing through her.
She wrapped her legs around his hips, drawing him closer. Travis’s lips left hers to trail kisses along her cheek to her ear. A nip to her earlobe made her purr. She threaded her finger into his hair and fisted a handful. Not to pull him away, but to urge him on.
“Travis,” she purred into the curve of his neck. “Lose the jeans.”
His answer was a chuckle before he lifted his head and locked gazes with her. His brown eyes held flecks of gold that burned with the promise of passion. “Aren’t we being demanding?” he teased then stood.
After removing his jeans, he leaned over her and, with a quick swipe, sliced the side of her panties with a claw. She jumped and gasped at the same time. When his lips touched the sensitive skin below her belly button, she moaned.
The sensations touching each nerve ending threatened to consume her. She was sure Travis was trying to torture her to a slow, pleasurable death. She felt his unshaven cheek brush against her inner thigh right before he pressed a kiss to her core. She cried out when his tongue licked her clit.
She fisted her hands in the sheets just as an orgasm rocked through her.
As the last tremor left her body, Travis moved to position himself at her entrance. She admired his handsome face. The gentle, yet possessive, expression sparked something inside her.
Her tiger within purred as she tried to rise to get at the wolf above her. For the first time since he’d saved her from the attack, she felt the tug of mating. Travis was hers.
He pressed his forehead to hers. “What’s wrong?”
She let out a soft laugh and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “My tiger’s claimed you.”
He kissed her on the nose. “And what about the human?”
“I think I could live with you.”
She froze at the admission. Reality crashed around her. She had found her mate and was pregnant, and had a sick four-year-old in the adjacent bedroom. Her heart sped up as worry assailed her.
Travis cradled her face in his warm hands, forcing her to look into his gold-brown gaze. “Stop.” He kissed her lips before continuing. “We will find out what is making Josie sick and fix it. I have to believe that, and I need you to as well. As for our mating, we can take all the time you need.”
The wave of anxiety washed away almost as fast as it started. “How did you know?”
A lazy smile lifted his lips. “You’re a pregnant female. I think it’s a rule to worry about everything. Plus your hormones and emotions are going all over the place.”
A muffled sob stilled the both of them.
Travis drew his eyebrows together in worry. Shay kissed him and said, “Go get her. She can sleep with us tonight.”
His eyes lit up as if the man and the wolf were happy with her offer. “Thank you.” He rushed off the bed and quickly dressed in a pair of sweats. He returned to her and gave her a brief kiss before going to get Josie.
She stood, walked to her dresser to pull out a pair of female boxers, and put them on, along with Travis’s shirt, before crawling under the covers. Her pulse thumped in her veins a little faster. She was going to be a mother, and she hadn’t a clue how to do it.
Chapter 12
Shay opened her eyes to a green-eyed little girl smiling at her. She returned the smile and tucked a stray curl behind Josie’s ear. Relief flooded Shay at the cooler temperature of her skin. “Morning, beautiful. Your fever’s gone. How do you feel?”
“My bones hurt.”
Out of reflex and the sudden possessiveness that wrapped around her, Shay ran a hand down Josie’s arm, gentle massaging it along the way. Shay wasn’t sure if it was possible for bones to be in pain, but muscle and joint discomfort could make children think it was their bones. “What do you mean?”
She lifted her little shoulder in a half shrug. “My legs and arms hurt a little.”
That didn’t sound good. If Josie were ill due to a cold or the shifter’s version of the flu, then Shay would dismiss it as a side effect from the fever.The fact that Travis and Dani had detected some kind of poison in Josie’s blood made Shay worry even more. With her heart hammering in her chest, she got out of bed and dressed.
God, she hoped it was a sign that whatever made the sweet girl sick was working its way out of her system.
Coming to stand at the side of the bed, Shay held out her hand. Instead of taking Shay’s hand, Josie stood on the bed and hopped into her arms.
“Come on, squirt, let’s see what your daddy’s making for breakfast.” Some of the worry left Shay as she carried Josie to the kitchen where she sat her on countertop next to Travis. Despite the complaints of achy bones, as the little girl described, Josie seemed to be in good spirits.
At least she wasn’t running a fever anymore.
Travis leaned into Shay as he ruffled Josie’s bed-head hair then pressed a kiss to each of their foreheads before returning his attention to the omelets on the stove.
“You look better, munchkin,” Travis said with a relieved, tender smile.
Josie wrinkled her nose. Shay guessed it was at the munchkin reference. Her heart bloomed at the playfulness in Travis’s tone. He might be a dominant male, but he was also a compassionate and loving father to the little girl who was obliviously the center of his world.
“I feel better,” Josie said at once.
Travis lifted a brow at Shay. She frowned, knowing he’d caught the scent of Josie fib. “She said her bones hurt.”
Travis stilled, and Shay wondered if there was something she’d missed, something she didn’t know or understand. He turned a softened gaze to his daughter and asked, “How much does it hurt? No lies, Josie.”
Josie’s bottom lip quivered just a bit before she answered softly, “Only a little.”
A tic formed in Travis’s temple as though he was battling some kind of internal war not to press the child for more. When he didn’t speak right away, Shay did. “I’ll take her to Sasha this morning. I have to make my rounds to see if I can get a couple more mentors for the teens, and it’ll give me a chance to show Josie and Robyn around town. Wanna come?”
A spark lit up his eyes but was gone before she could tell what the emotion was. “I have to meet with your father and brothers this morning.”
Uh-oh. Dread froze her in place.
Travis chuckled and ran his knuckles down her cheek. “Keegan wants to discuses making me a Tracker. He said they need another wolf to balance out the team.”
Relief washed through her in one huge wave. “Oh.” The balance Travis mentioned was her father’s way of gaining the wolves’ trust in his leadership. With two Packs, balance was important for stability.
Just then, Robyn padded into the room and sat on a barstool on the other side of the island that separated the kitchen from the living room. “Morning.” She took a slice of bacon and popped it into her mouth. “So I take it we’re staying in Ashwood?”
Travis met his mother’s stare. “Yes. It’ll be good for Josie to start living a normal life.”
Robyn nodded. “Good. I had a great visit with Luna. She said I could open a spell shop. Oh, and the connection between the wolves and leopards is fascinating.”
Shay’s vision blurred as her eyes filled with tears. She was unsure where the overload of emotion came from. If this was what she had to look forward to, it was going to be a long seven months. Josie’s small fingers touched her cheek. Shay nipped at those fingers playfully, drawing a squeak of laughter from the little girl who was fast becoming a part of her own heart. Lifting the giggling child from the counter to set her on her feet, Shay smiled at Robyn, delight filling her chest. “A spell shop would be wonderful. I’ll show you around the town center where all the businesses are. I’m sure there is a perfect little space you can rent.”
Robyn’s face brightened. “That would be great.”
When Josie wobbled on her legs, Shay reached out but caught the shake of Robyn’s head. The older woman was right. Shay needed to let Josie be independent and build her own strength. But, it was so damn hard when the four-year-old was hurting.
Strong, muscled arms wrapped around her waist. Travis’s scent enveloped her in a dizzying blanket of awareness. He kissed her ear and whispered, “Stop spoiling her. She’s already rotten.”
Turning in his arms, she slapped at his chest. “Stop. She’s a beautiful and sweet girl.”
Laughter lit in his eyes. “Boy, she’s got you fooled.”
TRAVIS STOOD IN THE doorway of the apartment generously given to him and his family to use until permanent arrangements could be made, watching the three females in his life walk down the sidewalk. Worry for Josie still ate at him, churning inside until it darkened into anger. Then there was the helplessness. His medical knowledge and experience consisted of first aid boxes and a sewing needle for those times he’d been wounded and too far from a Healer. Then again, his Pack Healer had died with Hunter Ridge’s fall.
Hands fisted to his side, he fought the urge to go track down every last rogue and give them the slow, painful deaths they all desired.
“Letting the fury eat at you will only destroy you.”
Travis clenched his jaw at Blaine’s words. The male had arrived a few moments before the females left for the medical center in a mood that Travis couldn’t decipher. Now that mood was bleeding over to Travis’s. “What do you know? You didn’t lose a whole Pack.”
“No. But, I’ve lost. Everyone in Ashwood has. And I’ve watched my father almost kill himself trying to track down the bastards.”
Travis peered over his shoulder at the Marshal and raised a brow. “I still sense the rage in him. What keeps him grounded?”
Blaine shrugged. “The Packs, Luna, me, Alec, Shay, and the enforcers. The merger with MoonRiver was the turning point. It brought back the connection the Packs lost.”
Travis nodded, understanding fully that an Alpha needed his Pack as much as the Pack needed him, or her in Luna’s case.
God, his missed his Pack.
Stepping out of the doorway, Travis walked toward the sidewalk with Blaine beside him. “I’m surprised you haven’t punched me yet.”
Blaine snorted. “I still might for the hell of it. But if you hurt her, your death will be slow and painful.”
Travis hid his grin. He was beginning to like Blaine, sour mood and all. “Noted.”
They walked the rest of the short distance to the Alpha’s office located in the center of the den in silence. Shay had called it the town center, and Travis could see why. The whole den was laid out like a small community, the center consisting of office building no taller than three stories surrounding a playground.
The laughter of children made his chest tighten even more. Memories crashed into him. No, not memories, a living nightmare of the day the rogues had taken his Pack and all the young with it. The rogue assassins—half-man, half-animal killers—had stormed his den, killing everything in their way, without warning.
Travis knew the Onyx had an army, but before that night, he’d never dreamed it was in the form of crazed animals in a state of half-shift. He’d also discovered that night that mutants could turn others through a bite. With the number of bloodthirsty mutants growing by the second, Travis had no choice but to destroy them all.
Josie’s distant squeal drew him out of the dark part of his mind. Focusing on his surroundings, he noticed Blaine was a couple of feet from him holding Josie. Travis narrowed his eyes. “What’s going on?”
Blaine nodded at Travis’s hands. “You have pyrokinesis.”
Travis looked down, and fear raced in his blood like ice, dosing the building fire of his ability. He’d become so emerged in the memory, pain, and anger that he hadn’t realized he called the fire. “Fuck.” Meeting Shay’s concerned gaze, he balled his fist. “Did I...?”
“No. Everyone is fine,” Blaine said as he lowered Josie to her feet.
As soon as his daughter’s feet touched the ground, she ran at him. He squatted to allow her to wrap her small arms around his neck. He hugged her tight. “It’s okay, munchkin. I’m all right.”
She pulled back and cupped his face with her hands. He smiled at her as he watched the oddest color swirl in her eyes. Instead of their normal emerald-green, Josie’s eyes were two-toned. A dark green mixed with a brighter and lighter green, very much like her mother’s eyes when her wolf had watched him through Mara’s eyes.
His heart stopped briefly then skipped back to life as realization slammed into him. The intense fever followed by achy muscles and bones. He thought it was an illness, because she was too young to go through the shift.
The poison. Or, was it the mutant virus? But, how was that possible?
Damn it!
Fear threatened to turn on the flames again. He would not watch his little girl turn into a half-shifted monster unable to control her bloodlust.
“She’s going to shift.” Travis picked Josie up and turned to Shay. “Where’s the medical center?”
Shay looked confused, but to his relief, she didn’t argue. “This way.” She led him a few feet to the building next to the Alphas’ offices.
By the time they walked through the door of the medical center, Sasha was there, taking Josie from him. He let the Healer take over, knowing all too well that arguing with her would be wasted time and breath. Not even the Alpha argued with the Healer.
He followed the petite blond to a large room in the back of the center. He felt Shay at his side, as well as his mother, Blaine, and two others he didn’t recognize, nor did he care at the moment.
“Why is her wolf awake? She’s too young. She has about six more years...”
Shay’s cool fingers twined with his, halting his rambling. Her touch soothed him enough to take a deep breath and think. Or, at least try to. His mind whirled with scenarios. The one that kept coming up was that Josie had been infected with the mutant serum.
Josie whimpered, and Travis rushed forward to take her hand in his. “Daddy’s here.”
Sasha dragged an EKG machine over while Dani brought over a plastic box with needles and tubes. Dani straightened Josie’s arm and slid the needle into her vein with quick ease.
“Nevan,” Dani called when Josie started to thrash.
Helplessness blanketed Travis and threatened to suffocate him. He couldn’t lose Josie, not like this. Not like he’d lost Mara.
The human he met at the fencing site the day before came into view. He looked from Travis to Josie as though he was unsure about something but moved to stand behind Josie’s head. Lifting his hands, Nevan ran his fingers through Josie’s hair then massaged her scalp until she calmed.
“What?” Travis looked at the human for several moments. Nevan offered a weak smile, then Travis remembered Blaine had said the human was empathic.
Travis dropped his shoulders. Most Packs had an Empath to aid the Alpha in balancing emotions and gauging any issues that might arise within the Pack. However, he had never met a human empath with Nevan’s strength. “Thanks.”
Dani took the vial of blood to a table in the corner as a large male dressed in black slacks and a white dress shirt came into the room. Travis’s wolf pealed back his teeth and paced under his skin. There was something about the way the male moved that put his wolf on alert.
The male came to a stop next to Nevan but didn’t look at anyone except Josie. Travis growled and moved to push the male away from his daughter, but Shay tightened her grip on his hand in a slight command to stay put.
“Jared?” Nevan asked with a raised brow.
“The child is infected.”
“Impossible.” Travis stood in disbelief, his heart hammering, and his wolf let out a whine in his head. “I kept her and my mother in a safe house no one knew about.”
Even as the words left his mouth, he knew it was bullshit. Nothing or no one was ever safe. The rogues were like roaches, harder than hell to kill and they showed up everywhere. Taking a deep breath, he asked, “How is it possible if she wasn’t bitten?”
Jared shrugged and moved to sit on a small sofa against the wall. “It may have been in something she ate or drank. Since neither you nor your mother is affected, I would guess it was something only she likes.”
His mom gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. “Her strawberries.” When everyone fell silent and stared at her, she continued. “I’m allergic to strawberries. I have to wear gloves when preparing them for her. Oh, God.”
Travis wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.
Dani came back to the bed. “Her cells are changing, but at a steady rate. I got in touch with a geneticist through the Network. Do I have your permission to send him my notes and the sample?”
Travis nodded. “Yes, whatever it takes.”
Sasha spoke next. “It may not have been the strawberries. It could have been anything she ate or drank. The serum could have not been strong enough to affect you too.”
Travis gave a short nod and reached out to stroke his daughter’s hair. She was now sleeping, and he knew that Nevan had helped. Travis was grateful. Keeping Josie calm would hopefully buy them some time. “How long do you think she has before she turns?”
Sasha drew her brows together and frowned. “Not sure. Twenty-four hours, maybe less.”
Chapter 13
Ten minutes later Travis paced Keegan’s office. His fear had heated into anger toward the bastards who’d infected his daughter. He wanted to tear every one of them apart with his bare hands.
Yet, he still didn’t know how it could have happened.
“So tell me again how Shay can help my daughter.” Travis’s mind was a whirlwind of thought and emotion.
It was Cameron who spoke. “My brother was implying that Shay is naturally immune to the serum. She carries the brand of the Onyx, because she was born in the Pack. We already know this, but it also means she has their blood. The Onyx would make sure they’re immune to their own pathogen if needed...”
Travis stared at her, unbelieving and unsure. Jared moved slightly so his shoulder touched his sister’s.
Looking away at the subtle display of affection between siblings, Travis swallowed his sadness and fear for Josie. Footsteps, followed by the opening of the door, drew his attention. Relief poured over him at the sight of Josie, awake and smiling in Shay’s arms.
Shay stopped in front of him and lowered his daughter to his lap. Josie smiled brightly at him. Her green eyes still held the light of her awakened wolf. “Daddy, guess what. I’m going to shift into a wolf like you. I wonder if I’ll be brown like you. Nana says mommy was a black wolf.”
He drew her to his chest and laughed softly at her rapid speech filled with excitement. He peered up into Shay’s watchful gaze. She sighed and twirled a stray curl of Josie’s hair. “Sven, the geneticist, confirmed she’s infected with the mutant virus.” She paused, and he waited, knowing what she was about to say.
He took her hand and brought it to his lips to place a kiss on her knuckles. “I know. Do you think your blood will help her?” Hope bloomed inside him, but he couldn’t let it grow. Not yet.
“It will if mixed with mine.”
Travis turned his gaze toward the sound of Luna’s voice. The Alpha went straight to Keegan, and they spoke quietly for a few moments. By the lines in Keegan’s face, Travis could tell the leopard Alpha was not pleased. But, he nodded and touched Luna on the cheek. Her shoulders tensed for a brief moment before she reached out to touch Keegan’s cheek lightly with her fingertips.
It was an odd form of affection between shifters, but then again Travis had never known of two Packs merging and still keeping both Alphas. He’d definitely never heard of a wolf and leopard Pack merging.
Shay sat next him and whispered, “Like me, Luna has a natural shield against Keegan’s telepathy. Only through touch can they mind link.”
Travis frowned. “Isn’t that an inconvenience?”
Shay shook her head. “The Alphas aren’t allowed in the field at the same time. Both Marshals make sure of it. Besides, Luna doesn’t have a problem with letting people know what’s on her mind. I don’t think she likes to mind link. She always seems uneasy with it.”
He focused his attention back on Luna, who was now sitting in a large armchair that nearly swallowed the small female. She met his stare and grinned, apparently reading his expression. “I may be small, but small packages can make big booms.”
The tension in the room lifted as she laughed at her own joke. “And no, I can’t read your mind. Your expression told me what you were thinking.” Her smile faded as her tone grew direr. “Your daughter is very sick. Sven analyzed the blood sample and said the gene is progressing at a slow rate, based on what he can tell from the data Danica sent him. However, we do need to move quickly. Shayna came to us as a baby. She was barely two years old. I’m sure you’ve seen her mark. She is immune to the virus, and Dani tested her blood against a small sample of Josie’s. Shay’s blood holds an antidote, but a weak one.”
Travis’s heart beat furiously in his chest. “So Josie can be cured?”
Shay placed a hand on his arm. “In order to make sure the antidote works, Luna will need to force the change.”
His heart stopped for a beat of time. “She’s too small, too young.”
Luna sat up in the chair and sighed. “There is always a risk with the first change. But, I fear this is her only chance. If the virus takes her, I will be forced to kill her.”
Travis snapped his gaze at her. Anger ignited his internal fire, making his hands grow warm. He needed an outlet soon. His frequent hunts for rogues offered that release of power so the fire within him didn’t consume him along with the anger. Hayden—Luna’s eldest son, who’d already been in the office when Travis got there—moved forward but stopped when his mother held her hand up. “You of all people know what a newborn mutant is like. Did you not burn your den down to keep the virus from spreading?”
A gasped from Shay cooled his flames a little. Memories of that night filtered into his mind. He’d surrounded the entire den in a circle, and called the fire and spread it out to consume everything inside the circle. The only way it worked was that he remained inside to control the burn. It had always amazed him that the fire never touched his own skin.
Coming back to the present, he looked into Josie’s face. “Do you understand what will happen?”
She looked at Shay then her grandma. “Yes. Nana explained. I have to get a shot, and then we go to the circle. Luna calls magick and gives me her blood to drink.” Her nose crinkled in disgust. “I’m not going to like that, but Luna says it will only be a little bit. Then I’ll turn into a wolf.”
Travis closed his eyes and squeezed her tighter to him. “The first shift will hurt.” There was no use lying to her.
She nodded into his chest. “I’m a big girl, and I’m strong. Luna said so.”
IT WAS AN HOUR BEFORE sunset, and Travis had never felt so helplessly on edge in his life as he stood in his bedroom. He was about to participate in a ritual that would force the change in his daughter. He’d only witnessed one forced shift in his life.
The kid had been seventeen and past the age in when the shift should have occurred. Travis’s father was Alpha at the time and agreed to the ritual after the boy came to him pleading. Travis didn’t understand at the time, but the boy would have never shifted without the Alpha’s intervention.
Now he got to watch his daughter shift into a wolf at the age of four, about six years too early. God, what was he doing? The first shift was violent. There was a seven-to-three survival rate. The rate was lower the younger they were.
But, the virus would kill her humanity and force her to kill everyone in her path. He would have to stop her because he wouldn’t allow Luna the horror of killing a child.
Josie was his child and his responsibility.
The thought sent a wave of fear through him, a wave so hot the fire within him threatened to consume him and his wolf. He wished he could take the pain from his baby when she shifted in a few minutes.
The sweet scent of pumpkin spice wrapped around him. He took a deep breath before he turned around to face his very brave preschooler. Her long brown curls hung loose, and she carried her Hello Kitty doll in the crook of her elbow.
He knelt down to her level. “How do you feel?”
She gave a little shrug as she traced her finger over the bow on Hello Kitty’s ear. “My belly feels yucky.”
He tugged her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. “I know, baby.” He pulled back and framed her face in his hands. “I wish I could take the hurt away.”
She touched his face with her tiny fingers. “It’ll be okay, Daddy. Don’t be scared.”
He drew her to him again, but this time he stood, picking her up. His little warrior, so brave and strong.
His mother and Shay waited by the door when he entered the living room.When he stopped next to them, his mom kissed Josie on the nose and rose on her toes to kiss his cheek. “Luna is very powerful.”
He nodded and hugged her. “I know, Mom.”
Shay stood silently, her nervousness flowing off her in waves. “Come here,” he commanded in a hushed tone. She walked in between Josie and his mother, laying her head on his chest and wrapping one arm around Robyn and one around Josie. The three of them stood, locked in an embrace for several moments before Shay pulled away, wiped her cheeks, and opened the door.
They walked to the Pack circle in silence, none of them knowing what to say. What could they say?
The circle, formed from stone and large tree trunks, sat in a clearing several yards from the center of the den. Magick hummed in the air, making Travis feel as though tiny needles pricked at his skin.
He breathed in deeply and smiled.
This was the heart of the Pack, the power that fused everyone together, and the sacred strength of their spirituality.
God, he longed for the connection to his Pack. But, they were gone.
All because he’d failed.
Pushing away the dark thoughts of a past that couldn’t be undone, he scanned the area. Everyone from the den was there, some in their animal form, some in human form. Travis hadn’t realized how big the Packs were together until now. They were spread out around the clearing and in the tree line. Looking up into the trees, he spotted several leopards lying on the thick branches.
He did notice that the children were grouped together in a section close to the circle with a couple of den mothers and Cameron, dressed in her usual all black.
Shay touched his arm, drawing his attention to her. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” He kissed Josie’s temple and set her down on her feet. “What about you, Jos?”
His daughter looked at him wide-eyed. “It feels weird here.”
“It’s the Pack magick you feel.”
He watched her look around at the crowd then whirl around at the sudden shift in the air pressure. Travis followed her gaze to see Luna and Keegan entering the circle. Josie grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the Alphas.
They came to a stop in front of them, and Luna knelt down to eye level with Josie. “You are a very brave little girl.”
“I don’t like being sick.”
Luna kissed her forehead. “Neither do I, honey.” She rose and peered up at Travis. “Can you light the fire?” She gestured to the fire pit in the center of the circle.
He nodded, and in the next moment, the wood ignited in brilliant orange and red flames.
His mother came to stand beside him at the same time Shay stood between Luna and Keegan. He was about to ask what was going on when Luna started to speak.
“We are here on this beautiful night for two reasons. One, I’d like everyone to meet the newest Pack members: Travis, Robyn, and Joselynn Hunter. The second is for a forced transformation.” Several gasps sounded around them. Luna held up her hand, and everyone fell silent again.
“Little Josie has been infected with the mutant virus. Our Healers, with the aid of a geneticist from our friends and allies in the Birchwood Pack, were able to make an antidote. However, the cure alone will not be enough.” Luna lowered to her knees in front of Josie and cradled her hands. “Josie’s wolf is already awakened but is confused. I will assist in bringing on the shift that will allow the antidote to do its job.”
Rising to her feet, Luna pulled out a small knife and sliced her palm. She then handed the knife to Robyn, who repeated the act and passed the knife to Travis, before clasping hands with Luna. Travis sliced his hand and offered it to the Alpha when she moved to stand in front of him. They linked fingers, pressing their palms together.
“With blood I welcome you into MoonRiver, and through my bond to the Ashwood Alpha, you are also connected to the leopards. Welcome to Ashwood Falls.”
Travis staggered back a step at the unexpected surge of power. Being disconnected from a Pack for the last two years had hurt him more than he’d realized. He reached out to take his mother’s arm. She leaned on him. Happiness, sadness, and relief whirled around them.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I should have found you and Josie a Pack.”
She pulled back and narrowed her eyes. “There will not be any self-loathing. You are stronger than that.”
Even though it came out as a whisper meant only for him, the motherly demand was heavy in her words. He kissed her cheek. “Yes, Mom.”
Still humming from the new bond with the Packs of Ashwood, Travis focused back on Luna, who clenched her fisted hand over a cup Shay held to allow her blood to mix with the antidote. He understood why. While Luna’s blood was needed to progress the shift, the Alpha wasn’t going to make a child drink the blood directly.
Taking the cup, Luna handed it to Josie. “Sasha says it’s strawberry flavored.”
Josie clasped the cup with both hands. “It’ll still taste bad. All medicine does.”
“But you’re a brave girl.” When Josie smiled and nodded, Luna continued with her instructions. “We’re going to step back a little to give you room. It will hurt less if you don’t fight it. Do you understand?”
Josie nodded. “Shay said my bones will hurt, but I’m gonna have to think about turning into a wolf.”
Luna and Keegan stepped back, the rest of them did the same. On Luna’s nod, Josie drank the antidote in one gulp. When she lowered the cup, she made a face.
“It doesn’t taste like strawberries.” Josie crinkled expression changed a split second later to fear, and then she doubled over, the cup falling to the ground with an echoing clank within the circle.
Travis moved to go to her, to hold her until the pain went away, but Shay and his mother grabbed his arms. Shay pressed a kiss to his shoulder but didn’t speak. She didn’t need to. He sensed her distress as if it were his own.
“She’s fighting it,” he breathed out. His baby girl was struggling. The parent-child bond he shared with her allowed him to feel her confusion.
Closing his eyes, he reached out through the bond and touched her wolf. She was ready to come out and play, but the human half wasn’t so sure. “Josie, baby. Let the wolf take over, let her come out to play.”
He opened his eyes to see Josie on her knees and her arms wrapped around her middle. Magick enveloped her, circling her in sheer iridescent waves, but she was still struggling.
In a flash of soft white light, Luna shifted into her wolf. She was larger than most females he’d seen in his lifetime, but then again, she was an Alpha. Covered in reddish-brown fur, she stalked toward Josie, whose stare fixed on Luna.
The large wolf nuzzled Josie’s cheek. Within a few moments, another flash of light erupted, and a small white wolf pup sat, scared and cuddled into Luna’s side. The Alpha nudged Josie toward Travis.
The pup whimpered. Travis squatted to the ground. “Josie.”
Her little ears perked up, and she locked gazes with him. He smiled, and she yipped and ran to him, tumbling over her new little paws as she did so. Scooping her up, he struggled to hold her squirming body. “Slow down, Josie.” He laughed and stroked her white fur. “She’s white. Mara was a black wolf.”
Shay ran her fingers through Josie’s fur. “I’m sorry I didn’t think that my DNA would alter her coloring.”
He kissed her forehead. “Both my girls are beautiful. Let’s go home.”
Chapter 14
“Look, Shay.”
Shay lifted her gaze from the book she was reading to peer at Josie. A small yellow butterfly perched on her index finger. Its wings rose and fell in slow movements. “I see. You must be very special to have a butterfly land on your finger.”
Josie’s face lit up, and she bent to sit the butterfly carefully on a nearby wildflower. It was hard for Shay to believe that only the day before Josie had been fighting for her sanity and life. She was also surprised by how well the little girl had adjusted to being able to shift into a wolf. A beautiful white wolf.
Her lips raised in a smile. Apparently the recessive white gene that made Shay a white tiger had reacted to whatever genes had been used to create the mutant serum, turning Josie’s coloring white with a hint of a pale smoky gray. It was a perfect contrast to her green eyes.
A soft breeze kissed her bare arms. She shivered at the cool caress of the leftover winter wind mixed with the oncoming of spring.
Josie plopped down on the blanket beside her. “Can we go hunting?”
Shay studied her for a moment before asking, “Does your wolf need out?”
She shrugged. “I don’t think so.”
Frowning, Shay reached out to feel her forehead. Thankfully, the fever hadn’t returned, and Josie seemed to be recovering fine. Dani said she’d take another blood sample tomorrow to check the progress of the antidote.What worried her, Travis, and Robyn was how much Josie would understand about the changes her little body was going through.
“When your father and Nana get here, and after lunch, we’ll go for a run.”
Her brown curls danced around her shoulders as she bounced in excitement. “You, too?”
Smiling, Shay bent to touch her nose to Josie’s. “Yes.”
“Yay!” Josie flung her arms around Shay’s neck.
Out of instinct, Shay twisted slightly to stop her soon-to-be stepdaughter’s knee from hitting her stomach. Josie must have noticed the small movement because she pulled back to peer at her.
Travis needed to be the one to talk to Josie. It was too early in the pregnancy to tell people. Anything could go wrong. Besides, she still wasn’t used to the idea, although she couldn’t imagine a future without Travis and Josie. It was crazy, she knew, but she’d found her heart, and her tiger had welcomed them.
Wasn’t it moving too fast? Yes, she would admit it. But, she never was one for patience. Besides, Travis was hers. Her tiger had already chosen him.
The tigress had great taste in males.
Josie’s annoyed tone brought Shay out of her thoughts. Meeting the girl’s stare, she smiled. “Sorry, hon. What did you say?”
“What’s that smell?”
Fear stilled her and she scented the air. The scents of the earth, oak, and wildflowers were the strongest scents, but she dismissed those and searched for others. Then it hit her. The smell of spoiled meat met her nose. Her stomach churched.
Frantic, she started gathering up their things. “Get Hello Kitty and your book; we need to go back to the den.”
Josie poked out her bottom lip. “Why?”
Shay grabbed her upper arms and made eye contact. “There are very bad men headed our way.”
Josie went pale and started to shake.
“Come on, baby girl. We have to move.”
Like a switch being flipped, Josie picked up her things and held them close. Shay took her hand, started to pull her back toward the den and sent out a mental alert to Blaine. “Rogues and mutants.”
“Hayden is on his way to you.”
Shay picked up her pace. “They’re too close. I’m heading—”
She cried out at the sharp pain that stabbed her shoulder that traveled down her back to her legs. Another stabbing pain hit her leg, and she went down. “Josie, run!”
A large cooper wolf rushed by her. She hissed in a relieved breath as the familiar scent of cedar and rosemary filled her senses.
Thank God.
Hayden was Luna’s eldest son, and as wolf Marshal, he was as deadly as Blaine, if not more so.
A soft white spark drew Shay’s attention to the small white wolf beside her. “Oh, Josie, I told you to run.” She went to gather the ball of fur in her arms but stopped when hot, acidy pain shot through her shoulder down her arm.
Blaine materialized with a scowling Travis. His scowl turned to fear then concern when he saw her. “Fuck.” Travis dropped to his knees and looked from Josie to her.
“Josie is fine. I think she got scared and shifted.” Shay’s words came out in breathy gasp as she fought back the consuming wave of pain.
“You’ve been shot,” Blaine said sharply.
“You think?” Shay retorted.
He lifted her off the ground. She smiled as she heard Travis grumble something, but it was too low for her to understand what he’d said. Then again, it was hard to concentrate while in excruciating pain.
Blaine kissed her temple and whispered, “Sleep, snowball.”
She smiled at the nickname he’d given her after her first shift. Before she could come back with an insult, she fell into a welcoming sleep.
TRAVIS PACED THE SMALL waiting room of the medical center, heart thumping in sporadic beats. Shay had been rushed into surgery as soon as he and Blaine arrived. Dani blurted out something about the bullet below the shoulder may have hit an artery. If it wasn’t for Blaine’s teleporting abilities, they’d never have gotten her to the medical center in time.
“Sasha is an excellent surgeon,” Blaine said from his perch against the wall next to the operating room door, his face marred with worry and anger.
Travis nodded. That was the third time the Marshal had said it, and Travis knew Blaine was reminding himself as much he was the others who were in the room.
A soft whimper broke through Travis’s fear-induced panic. Turning, he peered at his daughter, still in wolf form, wiggling in his mother’s arms. Poor Josie was so scared and worried for Shay that she was unable to calm enough to shift back.
He walked over, picked up the white pup and held her close. “Shay will be okay. Everything will be okay.” He ran his fingers through her soft fur, soothing her. Yet, she still fought sleep.
The front door to medical center flew open, revealing Cam. Fear ghosted her chocolate-brown eyes. She stormed past him to wrap her arms around Blaine’s waist and rested her head on his chest.
Blaine kissed the top of her head and absently stroked her long braid. “She’ll be okay,” he said, repeating Travis’s words.
Travis’s chest tightened further, and he looked away from the couple. But, his eyes fell on Keegan and Luna. The female Alpha had looped her arm around Keegan’s and rested her head on his shoulder. There was nothing remotely romantic between them, not even a spark beyond the Alpha bond that linked the two Packs together, unlike the younger couple in the room who seemed to fight their attraction. But, the support between them, the friendship and trust they held for one another, tugged at another of Travis’s heartstrings.
He had to get out of there. The cascade of emotions, the love and strength was almost too much right now. The powerful urge to hunt down the bastards that dare to hurt him and his was strong. If he didn’t release some of his mounting energy soon, he’d lose control.
At that moment, Luna’s eyes lifted to meet his.
Fuck. He couldn’t leave now.
Luna was his Alpha now, and Ashwood was his and his family’s home.
The OR door opened, and Travis spun as Danica and Sasha exited the room. Danica meet Travis’s waiting stare and offered a tired smile. “She’s resting. We were able to remove the bullets and stop the bleeding.”
Travis stepped forward at the same time Keegan stood and Blaine pushed off the wall. Clearing his throat, he asked, “Can we see her?”
Dani nodded. “I’m going to snuggle with my mate.”
Travis smiled weakly, knowing Danica’s human mate wanted to be there to show his support. For Nevan as an empath, the mix of emotions were too strong for him to shield. So the male waited at his office in the business building next door.
After Danica left, Travis entered the room, feeling Shay’s family and friends shuffling in behind him. His heart dropped at the sight of Shay motionless on the bed, except for the slow rise and fall of her chest.
Josie whined then wiggled to be put down. The ache in his chest sharpened. Josie had already grown attached to Shay, and to be honest, so had he, more so. Sighing, he set the pup on the bed beside his mate and watched as Josie snuggled into her side.
A warm blanket touched his arm. He peered at it, then at Sasha. She gave him a gentle smile and said, “In case Josie falls asleep and shifts back. There are spare clothes in the back that I can bring you as well.”
Nodding, he took the blanket and covered his daughter. Her eyes drifted shut. This was his world now, his family, and peering at the people in the room, he realized this was also his Pack.
Travis meet Keegan’s stare. A faint awareness touched his mind. The Alpha was searching his thoughts. Although the invasion pissed Travis off, he didn’t blame the male. His only daughter had just had surgery, and Travis was still a stranger, even though he’d been accepted into Ashwood Falls.
Instead of shutting Keegan out, Travis opened his mind, allowing the telepath access to whatever he was looking for.
Keegan raised a brow then a second later pursed his lips. “Sasha?”
“Yes, Keegan?”
“What is the health of the fetus?”
Travis froze. Beside him, Blaine stiffened, and Cameron shifted to stand between him and Travis while placing her hand on Blaine’s chest in a silent demand, or maybe it was a plea.
Sasha glanced at Travis then Keegan. “The baby is fine and has a very strong heartbeat.”
Travis’s shoulders sagged in relief.
“Already?” Blaine asked. “It’s only been what? About a week since she was in heat?”
Sasha bobbed her head. “The heart is the first to form, and this little one has a strong one. I’m guessing Shay’s tiger protected the baby when she was shot.”
Travis reached out and took Shay’s hand. If the tiger had sheltered the baby, then she had accepted it. Relieved for small blessings, he said to no one in particular, “Another week and the others will sense her pregnancy.”
“And morning sickness will set in. Though I think she’s already feeling a bit off,” Sasha added.
Keegan made a noise, a cross between a chuckle and a grunt. “She’s your mate. Why haven’t you bonded?”
“Shay hasn’t accepted me yet.”
Blaine snorted. “I feel you. Ow!”
When Travis peered over at the Marshal, he smiled. Cam crossed her arms over her chest with a narrow-eyed glare. Offering the couple an amused smile, Travis said, “I’m not giving her anymore headway. Not after this. She is mine and will accept the mating.”
He was going to show her what it meant to dance with a dominant male wolf and to be seduced by one.
Chapter 15
It’d been two days since Shay woke from surgery after being shot. The men in her life had all forbidden her from leaving the den. She was only allowed to roam the woods she loved so much when Travis, her father, or one of her brothers were with her.
She didn’t like it. She needed her independence, but she wasn’t stupid. Nor did she have a death wish.
Soft snores from the adorable little girl who had wiggled herself into Shay’s heart made her smile. Closing the book she’d read to Josie, Shay stood with her and moved to put the little girl in bed. She tucked her in and kissed her forehead before turning toward the door.
Travis took up the doorway, blocking her exit. She smiled.
Another thing that had changed since the attack was Travis’s possessiveness, and his need to seduce her into a puddle of goo. Which he could pretty much do with just his eyes.
But, she did love the chase.
“You’re going to spoil her.” The right side of his mouth lifted in amusement.
“She was already spoiled when I came.”
He shrugged and moved to grab her around the waist so fast she gasped. His mouth covered hers in a demanding way that made her heart rate speed up, and her body heated. He thrust his tongue inside her mouth to dance with hers. She purred and sank her claws into his shoulders, drawing him closer.
Sliding his hands down her back to grip her ass, he lifted her off the ground. She instantly wrapped her legs around him and moaned at the feel of his erection under the denim.
Travis took a step backward then moved down the hall to his bedroom. Once inside, he shut the door and clicked the lock. He set her on her feet and ripped her leggings from her. She gasped as he pressed her back against the door with his mouth on hers in a hard kiss.
He broke the kiss to meet her gaze. The gold in his eyes brightened, indicating his wolf was enjoying the sensual play as much as the man was. He unbuttoned her blouse and, with a sharp claw, snapped her bra open.
“That was one of my favorites,” she teased, not really caring too much for the lacy cotton.
Holding her gaze, he pressed a soft kiss to her nipple. She arched into the touch, wanting more. His tongue came out and flicked the hard bud, drawing a passionate cry from her.
“You are mine, Shayna.”
“Yes. Always.” She hadn’t admitted it to him before and wasn’t sure why she did now. But the desire washing through her as he loved her made her want more, want a lifetime with her wolf. “And you are mine.”
His reply was a bite to the curve of her neck. She held in a scream as pleasure and pain assailed her, washing through her like an inferno to pool in her abdomen. Aching for his touch, she moved her hips against the muscular thigh he wedged between her legs.
“Clothes. Off.” She tugged at his shirt.
He grabbed both her wrists and held them in one hand above her head. She squirmed, but it did nothing but increase the aching throb in her sex. God, this male was going to drive her insane.
Growling, she held his stare. “Now, wolf.”
The corners of his lips lifted in a sensual smile. “Patience, kitty.”
Patience wasn’t even in her vocabulary. However, her tiger purred at the playfully erotic tone he used.
With his free hand, he unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. After pushing them down enough to free his cock, he moved to stand between Shay’s thighs. He slid his hand over her ass and lifted her so she could wrap her legs around him and pull him closer.
Instead of resisting like she'd expected, he thrust into her, stretching her almost painfully around hm. He pulled his cock out then pushed back in, repeating the act over and over, each thrust harder, sending her to the painful edge of an orgasm.
He bit down on her pulse again, and her world shattered in a wave of pain mixed with pleasure. She gripped his shoulders, her claws sinking into his flesh as they both cried out in release.
TRAVIS LAY ON HIS SIDE next to Shay. He traced his finger over the bite mark on her neck and frowned. He’d lost control. Let his wolf out.
Shay sighed and began to purr. He smiled at the sound.
She had also let her tiger out. He was betting his back looked like a scratching post. So, were they even?
He pressed a kiss to his mark, and she lifted her hand to thread her fingers through his hair. “Morning,” she said sleepily.
“Morning, kitty.”
She laughed and rolled to her back. Her face scrunched in disappointment. “What is it?”
He looked at the bite mark and back to her face. She smiled and touched the reminder of his wild possession. Her forehead crinkled as her smiled faded. Fear and sadness flowed through the frail mating bond that now tied them together.
“Are you ashamed of it?” She looked away, but he caught the shine of tears in her eyes before she could hide them.
“God, no. Shay, look at me.” She shook her head and went to roll to her side to give him her back. “Don’t,” he commanded. Cursing himself for being an ass, he took a breath and spoke softer. “Please, Shay.”
She twisted to face him, anger in her expression. “Then what? I don’t understand any of what I’m feeling.” She flung the covers off her and got up to search for her clothes. “My emotions are all over the place. Last night was probably the best night I’ve ever had. I know from my mated friends and those currently in the mating dance that this,” she pointed to the bite, “is something to be proud of and to be shown off like a prize. It marks me as yours. Something I’m happy to show everyone.”
She held up a hand. “And you regret giving it to me. How am I supposed to feel?”
She quickly threw on her clothes and stormed out of the room.
Travis stumbled to his feet and ran after her, while trying to step into a pair of sweats. Rushing forward, he caught her a few feet before she reached the door. He held her against his chest and kissed her ear. “The only thing I feel sorry about is not giving you a choice. I let the wolf make that decision.”
She took a shaky breath. “What do you mean?”
“I bonded myself to you with the bite.” He felt her tense, and he tightened his hold on her. “I love you, Shay. You are mine, and when you said I was yours...”
She turned in his arms and cradled his face in her hands. “You are mine.” She pulled his head down and kissed him. “So, what now?”
He hugged her close. “The bond will strengthen when you fully accept the union with your whole heart.”
She rested her head on his chest and squeezed him. “As payment for the stress you caused me and your unborn child, you need to fix us breakfast.”
Chuckling, he kissed the top of her head. “Anything you wish.”
Chapter 16
A chill slid down Shay’s spine as Josie chose the spot to start their hunt. She hadn’t been in the forest surrounding the den since the attack. She wasn’t afraid of the forest. No, it was the fact that Onyx and their mutants were still able to breach the wards, tearing down the security the Pack had for their children.
They had strengthened the wards and tested them multiple times in the last few days. Blaine and her father hadn’t said it aloud, but they feared someone from inside the den was letting the rogues slip past the borders.
That idea created a whole new fear.
Josie stopped, turned in a circle, and sniffed the air. A sudden weight of sadness settled inside Shay. Her poor baby was as cautious as she was.
Travis linked his fingers with hers, leaned into her, and whispered, “She’ll be okay.”
Shay breathed in his sandalwood scent and nodded. “I know.” She removed the large tote that held a change of clothes for Josie off her shoulder and dropped it to the ground.
Although shifters never had a problem with nudity in front of others, Josie was much younger than the average new-trans teen. And, the adorable child had pled for a change of clothes in case there were boys around.
Travis had started to tell her it was a ridiculous thought and that nudity was a part of nature until Shay shushed him and gathered an outfit. She would have to make Josie a ring like hers.
At the age of fourteen, Shay hadn’t wanted any of the other adolescents to see her tattoo that marked her as being born to the enemy’s Pack.
“Ready, Josie?”
She nodded, and in a flash, she shifted into a white wolf pup. Shay smiled and fought the urge to pick her up and cuddle her. She was way too cute. Her heart swelled with love, and her vision began to blur.
Damn pregnancy hormones.
Ignoring the wash of emotion, she shifted. The magick of her ring absorbed her clothes.
She stepped forward to rub against Travis. He stroked her fur, and she sighed. He knelt down in front of her and cupped the side of her head. “You’re so beautiful. And larger than me.”
She stood straighter and lifted her chin.
He stood, shaking his head. “Don’t grow an ego, kitty.”
She blew a breath out through her nose and turned to pick up the tote in her teeth. Climbing the large oak, she set the bag on a high branch. The wolves wouldn’t be able to climb to get it, and the cats would scent her and leave it alone.
They were hunting in an area of property that was secure enough for the children to play. Sentries had been posted around the border. It was late enough that the little ones wouldn’t be out. Besides, Shay had told Rhea, one of the den mothers, that they would be hunting in the area.
Soft white light flashed below her as Travis shifted into a gorgeous brown wolf.
She jumped from branch to branch until she was low enough to jump to the ground. Circling her wolf, she studied him. She wasn’t that much bigger than him. Finally, she stopped and nipped at his hip.
Travis whirled around, growling low. Josie yipped in excitement as if knowing they were playing. Shay cut to her right and ran farther into the woods. Adrenaline surged through her veins at the excitement of being chased down by her mate and the thought of everything he’d do to her later when Josie went to bed.
Something barreled into her, knocking her to the ground, but cradling her just the same. She snarled then caught the sandalwood scent of Travis. Peering up at the brown wolf, she let out a low roar right before she licked up his neck to his ear, taking it in her teeth.
Josie jumped on her dad and nipped at his other ear.
Without warning, Josie straightened and lifted her nose in the air. Shay sniffed and scented a rabbit nearby. Josie’s ears perked up, and she slid to the ground and took off in the direction of the rabbit. Travis and Shay followed behind, but not too close. This was her hunt, the time to learn her new body and senses. But, they stayed close enough to protect her from bigger prey.
The pup darted left then circled around a tree to face them. Josie sat and hung her head.
Damn. She lost it.
Shay forced herself to stay put, even though her motherly instincts urged her to go to the sad pup and hug her. No, Josie needed to learn that failure was part of life and how to get up and try again.
Travis growled and yipped at her, making Shay jump slightly. Josie’s head lifted, and she yipped back. Another low growl from Travis made Josie stand and scent the ground, searching for the trail.
The snap of a twig brought Shay’s attention to her left. Cold dread raised the hairs on her neck. A large male with long brown hair came into sight, and her heart skipped several beats. At first, she thought it was her father, but the dark power flowing from this male was wrong. Her father’s powerful was warm, inviting, and glowed bright with the love of his Pack. The power coming from this male was not formed by love, but something cold and evil.
Travis turned to the man and started to walk toward him. Shay growled, fiercely. Travis peered at her with confusion in his eyes.
She whimpered, and then tried something she could only do with her brothers and a few of the enforcers. She focused solely on Travis and sent him a thought, hoping he’d hear her. “That is not my father.”
“What?” He looked back at the man then at Shay. “Twins?”
Shay nodded, so happy that their bond was strong enough for her to mind link with him, and sent out a mental distress call to her father and brothers.
Shifting back to human form, Shay scooped up Josie and ran. Heart hammering in her chest, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Leland was dead. Her father said he’d died during the attack on the Pack over two hundred years before.
But, it had been Blaine who’d told her that Uncle Leland aided the rogues and turned against his twin and Pack. By the dark magick rolling off him like a sheer black fog, she believed it. The man oozed with cruelty.
She darted around a large willow tree and set Josie down. “Josie, listen. Run as fast as you can and find Rhea. She’ll be in the nursery and will take you to Luna and your nana. Okay?”
Josie whined but nodded.
“Good girl. Now go!”
Josie took off, running as fast as her little wolf legs could carry her. When she crossed the den border, Shay ran back to Travis. She reached him just as Leland thrust his hand out, hitting Travis with some kind of invisible force that knocked into her mate, making him skid across the ground. He crashed into a tree and went limp. She screamed and searched over his still form with her gaze and was relieved when she saw his chest rise and fall.
Fear and anger ignited inside her. An energy stronger than she’d ever felt wrapped around her. Her natural shield that blocked her father from reading her mind, along with the small amount of magick she’d inherited from her mother, sparked to life and intensified until she was covered in a sheen of bright pale-blue light.
She was aware when Blaine materialized beside her but couldn’t look at him or speak to him. What the hell? It was as if she was being held in place.
As soon as the thought entered her mind, she locked gazes with Leland. The bastard smiled at her. “There’s no use fighting it, my dear.”
“Shay?” The fear in Blaine’s voice only fueled the magick building inside her.
When she didn’t answer, he spoke again, but this time it was directed at Leland. “You should have stayed dead.”
“Now, is that any way to greet your uncle?”
“My uncle died the day he decided to work for the enemy.” Blaine’s voice held more malice than Shay had ever heard from him.
She tried to link to her brother but hit a wall. When she searched for the bond to Travis, she almost cried in relief. That meant Leland had blocked her mind, but not her heart. Or, maybe he’d only blocked her from her family, not knowing she was mated. It was a desperate hope, and she knew the chances were slim at best, but it was all the hope she had.
Focusing on Travis, she tried to wake him. “Travis. Please hear me. Come on. I need you.”
A hint of awareness filtered through the bond, and a few moments later, his wonderfully husky voice filled her mind. “I hear you, kitty. Fuck. You have to break his hold on you. He’s put a spell around you, trying to weaken you.”
Fear burned through her. “Weaken me? Why?”
“Most likely, to take control of you and your magick.”
Her tiger paced beneath her skin, snarling and wanting to claw Leland’s eyes out. Then Travis’s words sank in. Her father had never been able to read her mind or mind link with her unless she consciously allowed it. Could the same shields that kept her father out also prevent Leland from taking complete control over her? She was guessing the answer was yes.
“Travis. I’m not strong enough to overpower him.”
“I’m going to push as much strength as I can through the mating bond. You have to accept it. It will help you break his hold.”
“What about you? You need your strength to heal.”
“I’ll heal later.”
She focused her gaze back on Leland and saw several mutants step in behind him. Shit, shit. Those monsters were harder than hell to kill.
“Shay!” Cameron yelled from behind her, followed by Blaine’s voice saying, “Don’t touch her.”
She heard several male curses as the rest of the enforcers drew closer and charged forward. In a rush of bodies, the enforcers fought with the mutants. She caught a glimpse of Blaine taking a punch to the jaw, and he staggered back a few steps before charging at the beast with his gun drawn. He fired, blowing a hole in the half-man, half-wolf’s head.
Travis’s energy filled her in a sudden burst, drawing a gasp from her. She felt Leland’s control start to slip and his focus on her waiver. Glancing at the male, she was happy to see her father had distracted him. She wasn’t sure what he had done, but Leland started to build more power and direct it at her father. Her heart hammered, as she feared for her father’s life.
“Okay, Shay. You can do this.” Travis’s voice inside her broke through the fear and helped her focus back on what she needed to do.
Closing her eyes, she focused on the magick that had build up in her chi and pushed it out through her arms then down to her hands. Sparks arced from her fingertips, and she smirked. A pleased, yet scary, laugh exited her as she thrust her hands out.
Someone yelled for everyone to get down. Bright white light exploded, knocking her on her ass.
Everything around her went still. No one moved. All she could see were bodies everywhere. Her heart leaped, and dread sliced through her. Oh, no. What did I do?“Dad? Blaine? Alec! Travis!”
She stared to shake. No. Please don’t tell me I’ve killed my family. A hot tear slid down her cheek at the same time male arms lifted her off the ground. Forest and spice surrounded her in a warm embrace. Alec.
Alec held her close. “Shh. They’re fine. I’m taking you to Dani.”
“Already in the truck.”
She sagged against him and let the darkness overtake her.
Chapter 17
Travis woke with a raging headache. Damn, what the hell?
Oh, yes, Keegan’s evil twin and the mutant werewolves.
Well, didn’t that sound like something out of a B-movie.
Then there was that bright-as-hell lightning that shot out of Shay’s hands.
He sat up, only to fall back on the mattress as another wave of searing pain threatened to split his head open.
A light touch on his shoulder startled him. He opened his eyes again to a beautiful and welcoming sight. Both of his girls peered down at him.
Shay smiled and lowered Josie to sit on the bed next to him. “Hello, my wolf.”
“Hi...” He frowned at the crack in his voice. He went to speak again, only to be stopped by Shay placing a finger over his lips.
“When I released all the built-up power at the rogues, you took most of the recoil.” She frowned, and worry laced her face.
He lifted his hand, and she took it, kissing his knuckles. She smiled again. “I love you, too.”
His chest grew tight. This female was his. His smile faded as a new fear turned his blood cold. “Baby?” he croaked out.
“Happy and healthy. Apparently my tiger is very attached to the little guy, or girl.” She laughed as he stared at her blankly. How long had he been out? She patted his arm. “You funneled so much energy into me that you fell into a coma. You’ve been asleep for four days.”
He drew his brows together. “Four days?”
She swiped a loose curl from his forehead and smiled. “My tiger has saved our baby twice now. I just meant that she’s not going to let anything happen to her or him.” She leaned down to press a kiss to his lips. He groaned at the feel, the smell, and the taste of her.
Blaine walked in and sat in the chair behind Shay. He inclined his head before speaking. “Leland was the reason why the rogues were able to break the wards. Being the twin of the Alpha gave him access through his blood. Now that he’s dead, we can strengthen the wards so they can’t cross the lines without a full alert going out.”
Travis nodded. That was good.
Blaine stood. “I’ll let you rest because, as soon as your strength returns, training starts.” Travis dipped his eyebrows in question. “I heard you might be the right guy for the job.”
The male left the room, and Shay dragged the chair closer so she could sit. “Sasha says you can come home today if you promise to rest.”
Oh, good. He wasn’t keen on the idea of sleeping in the medical center. His own bed would be great along with a hot shower and the two females in his life.
He kissed Josie on her forehead and squeezed Shay’s hand. “I love you.”
She stood, walked around the bed, and climbed in beside him. She kissed him then said, “Love you too. Stop trying to talk and rest. We’ll take care of you.”
He hugged them to him and let this new life and fresh start sink in. He’d found his true mate, and Josie had a wonderful stepmother. He was a lucky man.
The Pack circle was full of life, magick, and love. Shay stood in the middle of it all with her mate, life partner, and the father of her unborn child, and Josie too, who was now hers as well. Joy filled her so completely she felt as if she’d burst. Her legs felt rubbery, and if it wasn’t for Travis holding her, she was sure she would fall, or at the very least, be sick.
Travis’s fingers tightened on hers, forcing her to meet his gaze. He smiled, and she sighed. He was hers. The mating bond had been completed several weeks ago, when she, once and for all, had killed her uncle and a dozen or so mutants, but the Pack wouldn’t let their princess go without a mating ceremony. Plus, they had wards to set and a Pack to help protect.
“We are here tonight for two reasons. One, we will be strengthening the outer and inner wards. Two, we are celebrating the union of Travis Hunter and Shayna Andrews.” Her father’s deep voice hushed the murmurs of the crowd. He held out his hand to Luna. She linked her fingers with his and settled by his side.
The Enforcers stepped inside the circle and stood around them. Shay’s stomach did flips and her skin tingled at the pull of magick in the air. She’d never been included in setting or even strengthening the Pack wards and she was nervous.
Even though Travis had said it would take the power of three, both Alphas, the Enforcers, and sentries had to offer their power to the mix. This ensured that they knew the instance the magickal boundaries were breached.
Plus, the energy from all of them would create a very powerful wall of protection.
Keegan’s voice cut through the crowd and drifted around each member of Ashwood Falls. “We are going to replace the wards one at a time starting with the outside layer.” He held his and Luna’s linked hands in front of them.
Shay, Travis, and Robyn layered their hands on top of the Alphas’. Wolf and leopard magick twined around each of their arms to encircle their bodies in a magickal energy field. Closing her eyes, Shay focused on the power as Travis told her to. She watched through her third eye as their combined power moved around the five of them and reached out to Pack Enforcers, then to the sentries.
An iridescent circle formed. Shades of colors mingled and lightened to a soft white glow. The ward. It was a beautiful bubble of rippling energy and magick as they held it in place, letting the power build.
Shay felt a tug from her father, then Luna and knew it was time to move it. As a unit they pushed the circle out in all directions, willing it to grow and strengthen as they set it in place along the outer border of Ashwood Falls, which had about a hundred mile radius.
Luna and Keegan spoke the invocation at the same time. “Protect us from all who seek to harm us.”
With a snap, the ward set and broke off from them. Shay smiled and opened her eyes. Wild magick raced through her and she giggled. She couldn’t help it. She felt too alive, too energetic.
Luna lifted a brow at her. “One more. This one won’t be as big, and then we can ground the energy.”
Shay nodded and closed her eyes again. They repeated the power transfer and extended the smaller protection circle to about a half mile outside the den, half the distance to the outer ward. When the second ward settled itself in place, the five of them willed the extra power they raised into the earth to ground and balance the power.
Wolves and leopards cheered at the renewed sense of protection and strength. Shay’s tiger pranced inside her, wanting to come out and run off some of the extra energy.
Travis pulled her into him and captured his lips in a hard, needful kiss.
Shay’s father cleared his throat to break them apart, and spoke to the Pack. “Now, for the mating ceremony. Travis and Shay’s mating is strong and comes with many blessings.”
Travis pulled out an elegant vintage diamond ring and placed it on her finger. “Shayna Andrews, my mate, my heart, I will love and protect you always.”
Tears stung her eyes as she peered at the three-carat, princess-cut diamond encased in white gold. Runes were engraved into the band to symbolize strength, love, peace, and protection.
“It’s beautiful,” she said softly, trying not to cry.
Travis kissed her softly on the mouth. “It was my mother’s.”
The tears spilled over her lashes, and she stole a quick glance at Robyn. Her new mother-in-law smiled and nodded. Shay’s heart swelled even more.
Looking back at Travis, she spoke her vow. “Travis Hunter, my mate, my heart, I promise to love and protect you always.”
Cradling her head in his hands, Travis kissed her. His tongue dipped inside her mouth, and she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him as close as she could.
Her father cleared his throat again, and she broke the kiss. Shay felt her cheeks flush as they turned to both Alphas in front of them. Luna held out a small box. “From the Packs.”
Hands trembling, Shay took the box and lifted the lid. She gasped and pulled out a key. The tears fell again. She so hated the emotions that pregnancy had brought on.
“A key?”
Luna’s smile widened. “The cute house you like next door to Dani and Nevan. It’s yours and ready to move into. In fact, your things have already been moved there.”
Shay knew a couple of houses had been built in the same area of the den as Dani and Nevan’s new home, but she hadn’t thought anything about it.
Shay lunged forward and drew the female into a tight hug. “Thank you, mama wolf.”
Luna hugged her back. “Everyone in the Pack helped in one way or another.”
Shay pulled out of the hug and turned to the crowd. “Thank you, everyone. We don’t have words to express our gratitude for your gift.”
Travis stepped behind her, snaking his arms around her waist, and holding her. “It’s great being part of a Pack again.”
“Do you miss being the Alpha?”
He paused as if thinking about it then squeezed her close and said, “In a way, but that part of my life is gone. I now have a new journey that I’m happy to explore with my true mate.”
“I love you, Travis Hunter.”
He kissed her temple. “I love you too, Shayna Andrews Hunter.”
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The End
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About the Author
IN 2008, LIA DAVIS ventured into the world of writing and publishing and never looked back. She has published more than twenty books, including the bestselling A Tiger’s Claim, book one in her fan favorite Ashwood Falls series. Her novels feature compassionate yet strong alpha heroes who know how to please their women and her leading ladies are each strong in their own way. No matter what obstacle she throws at them, they come out better in the end.
While writing was initially a way escape from real world drama, Lia now makes her living creating worlds filled with magic, mystery, romance, and adventure so that others can leave real life behind for a few hours at a time.
Lia’s favorite things are spending time with family, traveling, reading, writing, chocolate, coffee, nature and hanging out with her kitties. She and her family live in Northeast Florida battling hurricanes and very humid summers, but it’s her home and she loves it! Sign up for her newsletter, become a member of her fan club, and follow her on Twitter @NovelsByLia.
Follow Lia on Social media:
Website: http://www.authorliadavis.com/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/novelsbylia
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Other Books by Lia Davis
Ashwood Falls Series
Winter Eve
A Tiger’s Claim
A Mating Dance
Surrendering to the Alpha
A Rebel’s Heart
Divided Loyalties
Touch of Desire
A Leopard’s Path
Jaguar’s Judgment
Birchwood Pack
An Alpha’s Fate
Bears of Blackrock
Bear Essentials
Bear Magick
A Beary Sweet Holiday
Sons of War Series
War’s Passion
Ashes of War
Artemis’s Hunt
Chaotic War
Sons of War Box Set: Volume One
Shifting Magick Trilogy
Moon Curse
Moon Kissed
Moon Mated
Shifting Magick Trilogy box set
The Divinities
Forgotten Visions
Death’s Storm
Blood and Stone (Vampire Lords)
It’s A Vampire Christmas
Pleasures of the Heart Series
Business Pleasures
Single Titles
His Guarded Heart