


Reef Ridge Shifters

Raine English

About Echoes of Darkness

When Piper Pennington discovers three classmates from the prestigious Reef Ridge Academy are mermaid shifters, she’s invited into their exclusive club. But Piper’s evil stepmother has a different plan and casts a spell on the high schooler that turns her into a sea griffin each night, a powerful creature that’s half eagle and half mer. Shunned by her peers, Piper spends her days alone, until hottie Ethan Scott welcomes her into his group, opening up a whole new world.

Will Ethan discover her secret and send her back to a life of misery, or will they work together to remove the spell?

Chapter One

“So, you want to be a mermaid?”

Glenna’s exasperated voice filled the kitchen, but it wasn’t her tone that nearly caused me to choke on my grilled cheese sandwich. It was the word mermaid. The only way my stepmother could have known that was by listening to my phone call.

The three most popular girls at Reef Ridge Academy had asked me to join their clique, and I had given them my answer before I sat down for dinner. The invitation came because I’d seen them dive into the ocean last night and watched as their legs transformed into tails. I’d always thought there was something mysterious about them but had never imagined anything as spectacular as that.

At first, they’d been angry, thinking that I’d been spying on them. However, after reassuring them that wasn’t the case—I’d had another fight with Glenna and had gone to the beach to clear my head—they asked me to become one of them. I knew it was because I’d discovered their secret, but the reason didn’t matter. To belong to something was extremely tempting.

I’d been a loner my entire life. My mom left when I was four, shattering my world, and things got even worse when my dad remarried. Glenna had always been jealous of our close relationship and did everything in her power to make my life miserable.

I should’ve given the mermaids, Adel, Belva, and Calista, my answer right away, but I wasn’t the type of person who made rash decisions, and becoming a shifter required a good deal of thought. They only agreed to twenty-four hours, though, so it was no surprise when their phone call came. What I hadn’t expected was for Glenna to overhear the conversation.

“You must’ve had your ear pressed up against my door,” I snapped.

“Why do you always think the worst of me?”

I rolled my eyes at her. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Her lips puckered with annoyance. “No. I want you to tell me why you think you can be a mermaid?”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means do you think you’re pretty enough, Piper? Mermaids are gorgeous, seductive creatures that men find irresistible.” She towered over my chair, and when she lifted a strand of my long, dark hair, a shiver ran down the back of my neck.

I wasn’t stupid. I knew I was pretty. What I lacked, though, was the self-confidence nurtured by a loving mother. Glenna was far from that. She constantly put me down, threatened by my youth. To the outside world, Glenna might appear attractive, in an overly flamboyant way. At nearly six feet tall with mountains of flaming red hair, she was hardly a woman who’d be overlooked, but that was just an illusion. The real Glenna was withered and old, with rotting teething and foul-smelling breath. She was a witch with a book full of spells, and the most important was the one she cast upon herself to make my dad fall in love with her. He traveled a lot, and I discovered her secret one day while he was away in Budapest. The spell that provided her youthful appearance needed to be periodically recast, and while she was in the midst of it, I barged into her room. At just barely six years old, knocking wasn’t something I always remembered to do.

She’d glared at me with burning reproachful eyes. Her temper, when crossed, could be almost uncontrollable. Without saying a word, she’d grabbed me by the pig-tales and dragged me downstairs where my cat had been lapping up a bowl of milk. With her other hand, she snatched up Bitty by the scruff of the neck, letting him shriek and dangle in front of me.

“I think we’ll have him for dinner tonight.” Her evil cackle echoed throughout the room.

“No,” I screamed while trying to reach Bitty, but Glenna held him up higher. “Please, I won’t tell anyone about you.”

Her dark eyes had deepened to coal as she studied me intently. “Do you know what happens to little girls who break their promise?”

I began to shake as fearful images built in my mind.

“They wind up in the kettle with the cat.”

Icy fear twisted around my heart, and I replied in a small frightened voice, “I won’t break my promise.” And I never had. Of course, she’d periodically threatened me with something awful just to make sure.

“So, what have you got to say for yourself?” Glenna yanked my hair hard, causing my head to jerk back.

My stomach clenched tight, but I was sixteen now. Not a little six-year-old child. “I think I’m plenty pretty enough to be a mermaid. In fact, I think you’re jealous. No matter how many spells you cast, you’ll always be an ugly, evil old woman wishing to be something she’s not.”

“Is that what you think?”

“It is!”

When she came to stand in front of me, her face was contorted by anger. “We’ll see how long that arrogance lasts when your looks are gone.”

“I’m tired of your threats,” I said, attempting to stand, but she pushed me back down, her fingers clenched into my shoulders.

She spat out a jumble of words I couldn’t understand.

“Was that a spell?”

A sly smile curved her mouth. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

“Whatever.” I was used to my stepmother’s tricks. They never amounted to more than an annoyance. She knew better than to do something serious that would incense my father. “I’m going out.”

When she didn’t try to stop me, a quick and disturbing thought caused a wave of apprehension. What if this time was different? What if she really did do something awful?

Chapter Two

The Florida Keys were known for their breathtaking sunsets, and as I walked along the beach, the sky was ablaze with varying shades of pink and tangerine. We moved to Annalea Island, a quaint waterfront village, two years ago from Boston. Glenna didn’t like the cold, and my dad wanted me to go to high school somewhere with an extensive science program so I could pursue my love of biology. Luckily, I was accepted into Reef Ridge Academy my freshman year. Magnet schools admitted students via a lottery system, so despite my good grades, there had been no guarantee that I’d get in and certainly not on my first try. But luck had been with me, and even though my home life was less than perfect, I didn’t let that stop me from excelling at the prestigious ocean studies school. The only thing lacking had been friends. It was difficult for someone like me to fit into one of the cliques. However, that was about to change. Tonight, I’d become a mermaid and join ranks with the popular girls.

As I sucked in the clean, ocean air, I forgot all about Glenna and her silly spells. My life was about to improve, and I gloried briefly at the thought. Belva, Adel, and Calista had agreed to meet me at the water’s edge, and sure enough, a short way down, three tall, slim blondes wearing bikinis waved me over.

“Sorry I’m late,” I said as I stood before them. “There was a little issue at home.”

Belva’s brow furrowed. “We thought you might’ve changed your mind.”

“Not a chance. When I say I’m going to do something, I do. Going back on my word isn’t an option.” I quickly slipped out of my clothes, revealing my two-piece bathing suit underneath.

“Before we get started, it’s important you know the rules,” Adel advised. “Once a mermaid, always a mermaid. There’s no going back.”


“Mermaids don’t sleep,” she added. “We spend all night in the ocean, and for us to do that, we need at least a ten-hour supply of air. So at dawn, you’ll become human again, and then each night, after your family goes to bed, you come back here and shift into a mermaid.”

“Got it.”

“Good. I guess we’re ready then.” Calista took hold of my hand and led me into the water.

A second later, Belva took hold of the other, and then Adel joined us, and we began to dance in a circle. As we went deeper into the water, they began to sing in a strange language. It was high-pitched and beautiful. Their tanned skin paled and took on a glistening green iridescence, and I knew they were about ready to shift.

When the water was waist-deep, my legs went numb, and I began to panic. “I can’t feel anything.”

“Relax,” Belva said. “That’s normal. It’s part of the process.”

Before I could respond, her legs turned into a tail, as did Adel’s and Calista’s, and a minute or so later, mine did too. Excitement coursed through me. I flapped my tail above the waves, feeling like a child who’d just gotten a new toy. The others laughed, reveling in my joy until Adel let out a terrifying scream.

“You’re not one of us. You’re some kind of monster,” Calista yelled, and then the three of them disappeared under the waves.

“Wait! Where are you going? Don’t leave me,” I cried. A suffocating sensation tightened my throat, and no other words would come out. A large pointed beak protruded from my face, and my arms had turned into huge wings. I wasn’t a mermaid. I was some sort of horrid creature. Raw and primitive grief overwhelmed me. This was Glenna’s doing. This time she’d followed through on her threat. Shock held me immobile, until instinctively, I flapped my wings, giving them the thrust to move through the air and fly.

As I soared higher and higher, my heartbeat quickened—not from my fear of heights, though, as that seemed to have disappeared—but from exhilaration. A rush of adrenaline shot through me, temporarily suspending my anguish at what I’d become.

I glided through the air until the sky darkened, and my vision decreased. It would be dangerous to fly much longer. But where would I go? I panned the area, my gaze focusing in on a rocky cliff jutting out over the sea. That seemed as good a place as any to spend the night.

As I began my descent, something fast and powerful swooped in front of me, nearly clipping my left wing. When it came back around, I was prepared this time and able to avoid being hit. I realized it was a nighthawk, and although considerably smaller than me, it was able to use its size and speed against me like a torpedo. Its aggression made me think I must be nearing its nest, so I shifted my path and flew to the north side of the rocks, landing on a limestone ledge. I scoured the sky, but all I saw was an endless expanse of black. Thankfully, the bird must’ve gone in a different direction.

It was a chilly September night. Typically, the temperature didn’t drop lower than seventy degrees this time of year. However, tonight felt colder. Maybe that was due to the wind, or maybe it was because my body temperature was off. Shifting into this creature had been a huge shock to my system. I tucked my head into my wings, hoping that would help. Fear and anger knotted my insides. How dare Glenna cast a spell on me? Just wait until my dad found out. It would be the last straw. Visualizing him tossing her out of the house lifted my spirits, but only momentarily. What if I stayed like this forever? The thought of never seeing my father again threatened the fragile control I clung to. What would Glenna say had happened to me? She’d probably make up some far fledged tale that I ran away. I doubted he’d believe it, but how could he prove otherwise?

I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. However, when I opened my mouth, the sound that came out was a high-pitched shriek. A pebble skittered down beside me, coming from the ridge above. I twisted my neck around to have a look and spotted the nighthawk, sitting there staring down at me. I shrieked again, thinking that should scare it away, but the bird stayed put. As long as it didn’t try to attack again, I could care less if the thing stayed there all night. I had more important stuff to worry about, like how to make that witch remove her spell!

Chapter Three

I must’ve dozed off during the night because when I opened my eyes, the sun was approaching the horizon. I checked above me for the nighthawk, but it was gone. No surprise. It must’ve grown tired of watching me. What now? My keen eyes scanned the ocean below, spotting a fish amongst the waves. Food was a priority, so I dove off the rocks toward the water. In one quick swipe, I had the fish in my huge talons, and then I carried it to shore, where I quickly devoured it.

I was about to go look for another, but my tail began to tingle, and a moment later was completely numb. I looked down at it to find its scales replaced with smooth, silky skin, and then the tail was gone, and my legs were back. A few minutes later, my upper body shifted too, and my voice returned as well.

“Yes! Oh, yes!” I yelled, jumping with joy. “I never thought I’d be so happy to be me.” As I danced and twirled, I caught sight of someone headed my way, so I reined in my exuberance. Upon closer look, I realized it was Ethan Scott, Reef Ridge Academy’s principle’s son. He had his long tawny hair pulled back in a ponytail, but a few strands had blown loose, framing his face like threads of gold and in sharp contrast to his deeply tanned skin. Ethan was exceedingly handsome, and no doubt knew it. During lunch, his table was always full of the most popular, most gorgeous girls in school.

Draped over his arm was a pair of jeans and a white cotton shirt, and to my embarrassment, I realized they belonged to me. I’d left them on the beach last night. When he was only a few feet away, his hazel eyes boldly raked over me, causing my cheeks to warm as I stood before him in only my bathing suit.

“Those are my clothes,” I said in a voice that was little more than a squeak.

“I thought they might be, seeing as there’s no one else around.” He handed them to me, and I quickly slipped them on. “Not going swimming?”

“It’s not as warm as I thought it would be,” I replied quickly.

He cocked a brow at me. “Yeah, well, it is pretty early.”

“I thought I’d get some exercise in before school.”

“Me too, but I prefer walking. It’s so beautiful here at this time of day, and there’s usually never any people.” The way he said it made me feel like I’d infringed on his privacy.

“As far as I know, this is a public beach.”

His deep, rich laugh was engaging. “You look familiar. Do I know you?”

It was shocking that he’d noticed me at school. I typically kept to myself. “I go to Reef Ridge Academy.”

He grinned broadly. “That’s where I’ve seen you. I do too. I’m Ethan Scott, by the way.”

“I know.”

This time his laugh held a note of bitterness. “Of course you do. Everyone knows my dad’s principle.” I could understand how it must be hard having his dad be aware of his every move. “And you’re?”

“Piper Pennington.”

“Well, Piper Pennington, maybe I’ll see you around sometime.”

I watched him disappear down the beach with an undeniable swagger in his step. No wonder girls flocked around him. And it had nothing to do with who his father was. Ethan was a hottie. No doubt about it.

As I walked home, I realized how lucky I was that he hadn’t seen me as a monster, or equally bad, shift back to a human. That would’ve been mortifying. Filled with relief, I quietly opened the back door of our huge oceanfront home and tiptoed up to my bedroom without waking my stepmother. I would confront the old witch, but not now. I needed to get to school on time. I’d been late too often, and we were only a few weeks into the year.

After taking a quick shower, I put on my favorite black jeans and a pretty cornflower blue scoop-necked top. Once a week, students got to wear whatever they liked to school, instead of the academy uniform. I ran a comb through my wet hair—it would air dry on the way to Reef Ridge, put on a little mascara and lip gloss, threw my books into my backpack, and was ready to go. However, as I headed downstairs, to my dismay, Glenna was waiting at the bottom.

“I see you survived the night,” she said sourly.

My gaze held hers in a steely stare. “I did, no thanks to you, and don’t think because your spell only lasted the night, that I won’t tell my dad what you did.”

“What makes you think it only lasted the night?”

“Well, I’m here now, aren’t I?”

“Silly girl. Mermaid shifters regain their human form during the day. You’ll revert back at night.”

I stared at her in disbelief. “You know very well that I’m not a mermaid.”

“Your bottom half is. Top half is an eagle. That makes you a sea griffin. The shifting rules apply to you, so you’d best get used to your new form.”

Panic like I’d never known before welled in my throat. “Undo that spell right now,” I ordered.

Her beady black eyes twinkled dangerously. “Can’t. The only way you can be returned to your true form is to earn a human’s love despite your appearance. Then I can lift the spell. But the chances of that happening are well...nonexistent.”

She was right. Who would fall in love with a monster? I wasn’t one to cry. I’d learned not to give her that satisfaction years ago, but this morning tears burned beneath my lids, so I blinked fast to keep them from filling my eyes.“Know this, Glenna, the battle isn’t over. Not by far. You’ll pay for what you’ve done.”

“Your words mean nothing to me.”

“Really? Then I guess you have nothing to fear. I wouldn’t go out alone at night, though. You never know when I might seek revenge. My talons are sharp and quite capable of tearing an enemy to shreds.” I’d never known Glenna to be rendered speechless before, and it gave me a tiny bit of satisfaction that I left her standing in the foyer with her mouth wide open. “Why so surprised? You made me a monster. Why shouldn’t I behave as one?”

Chapter Four

The walk to school should only take about ten minutes, but I was in no shape to deal with classes right now. I needed to be figure out what I was going to do, like how to survive, so instead of taking the main road, I took the path that led down to the beach.

If only my dad were here. He’d know what to do, but he was somewhere in Europe, meeting with an up and coming artist from Brussels. My dad was a successful art dealer, and his trips abroad could keep him away for months at a time. I never knew when he’d be back. One day he’d simply waltz through the door with his suitcase full of treasures from faraway places as if those gifts would make up for his absence. A heaviness centered in my chest, and I snatched my cell phone from my pocket with fingers itching to dial his number. But what would I say? That Glenna had turned me into a monster? What could he do an ocean away?

My mind began to travel to a very dark place. Life had become a bitter battle. All my hopes and dreams were crushed. I’d never become an oceanographer and study the fascinating secret world beneath the sea like I’d dreamed since I was a little girl, or discover a centuries’ old shipwreck as my dad had often joked. My life was over. At least the life I’d planned. I had no idea what the future held now, other than misery. A mounting rage seethed inside me. I picked up a stone and threw it into the ocean with all the force I could muster.

“What got you all fired up?”

I took a quick sharp breath at the realization that I wasn’t alone and spun around to face Ethan for the second time today. “Are you following me?” My voice was sharp with annoyance.

His hazel eyes narrowed with cool appraisal. “You clean up well,” he said, ignoring my question.

My body stiffened in shock. “Shouldn’t you be in school?”

“I could ask you the same question.”

“I suppose being late isn’t an issue for you,” I remarked snarkily.

“You mean because my dad is principle? Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Anything less than perfection isn’t acceptable for the son of Michael Scott.” He ripped out the words impatiently with no attempt to hide his resentment.

My anger began to subside as I realized we might have something in common. “I don’t get along with my all.”

“There’s something about the rhythm of the waves that always puts me in a better mood. My dad was on my case again this morning, so I came here to chill.”

I felt a shock run through me at the directness of his gaze, so I quickly looked back at the water. “Glenna and I had a fight. Nothing new there, except this time, what she did was unforgivable.”

“Glenna, is your stepmom?”

I nodded.

“What did your father say?”

“He’s away on business like he is most of the time.”

“That must be tough.”

I wasn’t one to talk about my feelings, so I picked up another rock and tossed it into the waves. “Are you skipping the whole day, or just going in late?” I asked, changing the subject.

“What are you doing?”

“I don’t know yet.”

“Skipping will be a week’s detention,” he informed me.

“Versus just a day, guess I’ll be late then.”

“If we go in now, I might be able to work some magic so that we get off with nothing.”

I looked over my shoulder at him with just a hint of a smile. “I like that plan.”

As we headed to school, we compared classes, and I learned that Ethan was a whiz in math but not so in science.

“Maybe we could arrange a study date sometime?” he asked.

“I’d like that. I could use a little help with Algebra II.”

“And if you could help me with Chemistry, I’d owe you big time.”

“It’s a deal.”

He grinned broadly. “Great. Why don’t we plan on tomorrow at my house? Say eight?”

A wave of disappointment swept over me. I couldn’t meet him that late. I would’ve already shifted by then. “I’m sorry. That won’t work.”

“Another time then.” Ethan held the academy’s heavy door open for me before leading the way to the office.

Mrs. Ryan, the school secretary, looked up from her desk when we entered.“Do you have a legitimate reason for being late?” Although her gaze was directed at Ethan, I knew her question was for us both.

“I had an argument with my dad this morning. It was pretty stupid, but I needed time to cool off. Piper saw me down by the beach and was able to help me get over it. Please don’t mark her late. She was just being nice.”

The older woman’s brow furrowed as she looked at the clock on the wall. “You’ve missed almost all of first period.”

“If we hurry, we’ll be early for second.” He grinned.

“I’ll give you both a break this time, but don’t let it happen again,” she said sternly.

Ethan winked at her. “Thanks, Mrs. Ryan! I owe you.”

“The only thing I want is for you to realize your father wants the best for you.” Her voice had softened some.

“Yeah, well, sometimes his idea of what’s best isn’t mine, but I’ll keep that in mind,” Ethan replied as we left the office.

Once out in the hall, I said, “I’m impressed with your honesty. I thought you’d make up a story like we saved a sea turtle or something. I never thought you’d tell her anything close to the truth.”

He shrugged. “She’s cool. I’ve known her since I was a kid. Used to sit on the floor behind her desk with my coloring books and crayons. If anyone’s got my back, it’s Mrs. Ryan.”

“It’s nice to have someone you can count on.” I hadn’t meant for a note of sadness to creep into my tone.

Ethan must’ve noticed it because he said, “If you ever want to talk again, I’m willing to listen.”

“My class is this way.” I pointed to the right.

“Catch ya later then,” he said as he went in the opposite direction.

I watched him disappear down the hall. He was a complex guy. Despite seeming like he had it all, Ethan had issues at home, just like I did, and that seemed to create a bond between us, one that I hoped would grow stronger over time.

Chapter Five

During my morning classes, I had two things on my mind: sea griffins and Ethan Scott. I was fully aware that Ethan was out of my league, especially now that Glenna had made me that horrible creature. But Ethan and I connected. It might just be because we both had dysfunctional families, but that was something, and I needed someone I could talk to now more than ever. If I hadn’t been on the beach at dawn, and if he hadn’t found my clothes, we never would’ve met. Strange how something as bad as Glenna’s spell could be responsible for me gaining a friend.

I pondered that as I entered the cafeteria for lunch, heading to my usual table in the back. I was half-way there when someone called my name. I looked over my shoulder to see Ethan waving at me.

“Come sit with us,” he yelled.

I quickly noticed that by us, he meant Belva, Adel, and Calista, as well as Regan, a new girl in school, and Sasha, one of the hottest guys at Reef Ridge. The last thing I wanted to do was, have lunch with the three mermaids who’d called me a monster last night, but what could I do? I certainly didn’t want to snub Ethan, so I reluctantly went over.

He quickly moved his tray, making room for mine. “I left this seat open just for you,” Ethan said with a huge smile as he pointed to the chair next to him.

My face warmed as all eyes were focused on me. There was no doubt everyone at the table was wondering how I’d infiltrated their inner circle.

“You all know Piper, right?” he asked.

The mermaids said a brief hello, but it was evident they weren’t happy to see me.

Regan, however, flashed a wide smile. “We’re in the same creative writing class.” The pretty, petite blonde seemed genuinely happy that I was joining them.

“I’ve seen you around, but I don’t think we’ve ever met,” Sasha said, reaching across the table to shake my hand.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied as I tried to keep my voice steady. This was quite overwhelming. I was a loner and not used to socializing.

Calista got up. “I have a test this afternoon, so I need to go study.”

“We do too,” Belva and Adel added, quickly following suit, making me wonder if the three of them always had to behave as a group.

After they left, I felt a little more comfortable and was actually able to enjoy my lunch. Regan and Sasha seemed nice, appearing to accept me at their table without hesitation.

“Piper and I met on the beach early this morning,” Ethan told them. “We hit it off right away. You guys don’t mind if we leave this seat open for her indefinitely, right?”

His question took me by surprise. I wanted to get to know him better, but I hadn’t expected him to welcome me into his circle of friends.

“Of course we don’t mind,” Regan remarked.

“It’s yours as long as you want it,” Sasha added.

It was nice that they were so friendly, but I doubted the mermaids would have responded so positively. It was apparent they were still freaked out by my transformation last night.

As if able to sense my hesitation, Ethan said, “Belva and her posse aren’t permanent residents at our table. They flit around the cafeteria, so that means the four of us will be daily lunch buddies.”

My tension was gone when I turned to him. “I’d like that.”

The look he shot me sent butterflies to my stomach. A warm glow flowed through me, lasting through lunch, and even afterward, as I entered the library for my free period. I’d planned to do the homework that I hadn’t done last night, but when I spotted Belva glowering at me from a table across the room, I knew it was going to be difficult to concentrate. What was her problem? I understood how seeing me shift into an ugly beast would be shocking, but get over it already. It’s not like I scratched her with my talons or pecked her with my beak.

I found a spot in the corner, far enough away from her so that her penetrating gaze wouldn’t be a distraction. However, my mind wouldn’t focus on my work. After my laptop loaded, I decided to search sea griffins instead and found that they were legendary creatures and were considered the king of beasts, powerful and majestic, and known for guarding treasures and priceless possessions. They were said to lay eggs in burrows on the ground, and these nests contained gold nuggets. Griffins mated for life, and if either partner died, the other would continue the rest of its life alone, never searching for a new mate. Their claws were believed to have medicinal properties, and just one feather could restore sight to the blind. I suddenly felt a bottomless peace and satisfaction. I wasn’t a horrific creature, after all. Humans might fear me and think of me as a monster, but to the otherworld, I was respected and admired. Something I’d never felt when totally human.

“So that’s what you are! I didn’t know there was such a thing as a sea griffin. I thought they were only a myth.” Belva’s harsh tone grated on my nerves.

I quickly snapped my laptop shut, and then looked over my shoulder, meeting her icy gaze straight on where she stood behind my chair.

Her outcry unleashed something within me, and I responded sharply. “That’s what I thought about mermaids until I discovered you and your friends. Looks like we were both wrong. Mermaids and sea griffins are real.” I wouldn’t let myself be put down by this bully, and triumph flooded through me when Belva winced at my words.

“Yeah, well, just stay away from my girls and me. We don’t associate with the likes of you.”

“Fine. Just remember, I’ll only keep your secret as long as you keep mine.” There was defiance in my tone, along with a subtle challenge.

Chapter Six

Thankfully, I didn’t run into Ethan or the mermaids for the rest of the day. I was exhausted and couldn’t wait to collapse in my room for a few hours. I had a long night ahead of me.

Glenna wasn’t there when I got home, and that meant I didn’t have to contend with her obnoxious behavior. Her bedroom door was ajar, so out of curiosity, I peeked inside. There were papers spread out over the bed. It was unusual for her to leave the room a mess, seeing as she was a neat freak. Without overthinking it, I went inside and discovered they were bank statements. Statements that only had her name on them. Where was my dad’s? They had a joint account. I picked up one to have a closer look and saw that the ending balance was two hundred thousand dollars. Where could she have gotten that kind of money?

My body stiffened in shock, while fear and anger knotted inside me. Something wasn’t right. Whatever Glenna was up to, it couldn’t be good. I took my phone out of my backpack and snapped a half-dozen pictures before leaving the room.

My mind was awhirl with a million different thoughts when I plopped onto my bed. Did my father know that his wife had her own account with a lot of money in it? Doubtful. Maybe this would finally make him see Glenna for what she really was. Somehow, I had to get in touch with him. I had no idea what time it was in his part of the world, but maybe luck would be with me, and he would answer my call. I dialed his number, but on the first ring, I heard the front door open and then Glenna’s heavy footsteps barreling up the stairs. I quickly hung up, determined to try again soon.

Her bedroom door slammed shut, and I assumed she was gathering up the bank statements to stash wherever she’d been hiding them. A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

“Piper, are you in there?” she yelled.

“I’m getting changed. I’ll be right out.” I quickly put on my bathing suit, and then slipped on over it a pair of faded jeans and a T-shirt. When I opened my door, Glenna was standing in the hall with her arms crossed over her chest.

“How long have you been home?” She eyed me warily, and there was a critical tone to her voice.

I knew she was wondering if I’d seen her bank statements. “Not long,” I replied nonchalantly, not wanting to give away the fact that I knew her secret. “Just a couple of minutes before you came in.”

“Are you having dinner here tonight?”

“No.” The last thing I wanted was to spend time with that witch. “I’m going out,” I said as I pushed past her.

“Enjoy your second night as a sea griffin,” she retorted in cold sarcasm.

I ignored her remark and left in silence. The sun was just beginning to set, and the sky was ablaze in a starburst of vivid color. I studied the different patterns as I made my way down to the beach.

The waves rolled gently against the shore, and I stood there a while staring out at them before taking off my clothes. The shock of what I’d become had begun to wear off. In its place was a feeling of utter hopelessness.

As if in a trance, I left my clothes in the sand, and then slowly trudged into the sea. Just like last night, when the water reached my waist, my legs went numb before turning into a tail. My arms transformed into giant wings, and my nose a huge beak. Only this time, when I took off out of the water, I felt stronger and more confident, so that I was soon soaring through the air as the powerful and magnificent beast that I’d become.

I circled the water a few times before heading toward the ridge that had become my new home. However, I was intercepted by the nighthawk. He flew in front of me and then took off in the opposite direction. When I didn’t follow, he came back again and again after that. It was evident that he wanted to show me something, so I decided to find out what it was.

After a few minutes into our trip, I realized that we were heading for the other side of the island where the cliffs were higher and the ledges deeper. A better place to sleep, perhaps. My keen vision honed in on what looked to be a good spot, but as I swooped in on it, a sea griffin emerged from between the rocks. And it wasn’t the only one. There were many. The nighthawk had brought me to a colony of my peers. Joy bubbled up inside. I wasn’t alone. There were others just like me.

I landed on the ledge above them, thinking I’d wait a bit before making my introduction, but a sea griffin with wings much larger than mine shot up into the air and then down toward me like a bullet. This wasn’t the welcoming I’d hoped for.

The nighthawk tried to intercept but was no match for the massive beast. The smaller bird was tossed in the air like a football. I let out a loud shriek of horror as it tumbled and then began to plummet toward the ground. That bird had tried to help me. I had to do something to stop it from falling, so I plunged into a deep dive, zooming by the nighthawk, and then circling under it so that it fell onto my back. We weren’t out of the woods yet, though. The sea griffin was still after us. But I was fueled by adrenaline, so I was able to outfly the larger bird, and soon with the nighthawk clinging to me, glided back to our side of the island.

I coasted onto the ledge. The nighthawk fluttered off my back and perched beside me. He didn’t appear hurt. Only a little stunned.I wrapped my wing around the bird, and he nestled against me. We spent the night that way, and in the morning, we flew off in different directions, knowing that come evening, we would meet again.

When I reached the beach, I regained my human form, slipped on my clothes, and then headed home. As I walked, I realized that not only had I shifted physically, but I had mentally as well. I was a warrior now. No one, not Glenna or the mermaids, would get the better of me. Neither would a colony of sea griffins. Maybe someday, they’d even come to accept me. And gone were the days of being a loner. I had friends now. A nighthawk who put his life on the line to help me, and Ethan who related to me on a level I had never thought possible. My stepmother cast her spell to destroy me. Instead, it empowered me. I wasn’t sure what the future had in store, but I was ready for whatever would come my way. And I planned to find out where Glenna got all that money, and then let my dad know exactly what she was up to. Revenge was bound to feel really good.

The End

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ECHOES OF DARKNESS is the prequel to the Reef Ridge Shifters Series. If you enjoyed this story and want to find out what happens next with Piper and Ethan, please visit for information on additional books in the series.

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About the Author

USA TODAY BESTSELLING author Raine English began her career as a journalist, but writing romance novels was her passion. Her stories have won many awards, including finalling in the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart and winning the Daphne du Maurier Award. Along with paranormal romance, Raine also writes sweet contemporary romance and Gothic romantic suspense. When not behind her computer, you can find her reading. She lives in New England with her family and her two French bulldogs, Dolly and Bailey.

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Additional Books in the Reef Ridge Shifters Series are coming soon!

Read More of Raine’s Books

No Time for Romance

No Time for Love

Amy – Beach Brides

Love’s Light

Bree – Perfect Match

Shadows and Lies

From Now On

The Christmas Gift

A Little Romance

At Second Glance