Q: Is an old 100-dollar bill worth more than a new one?
A: Yes—it’s worth 99 more dollars.
Q: What is the easiest way to double your money?
A: Put it in front of a mirror.
Q: If money really did grow on trees, what would be everybody’s favorite season?
A: Fall.
Q: What has 100 heads and 100 tails?
A: 100 coins.
Q: Where can you find money whenever you look for it?
A: A dictionary.
I wish I had enough money to buy a dinosaur.
What would you do with a dinosaur?
Who wants a dinosaur? I just want the money!
Q: If there are four dollars and you take away three, how many do you have?
A: You have three (that’s what you took).
Q: Why did the robber take a bath?
A: He wanted to make a clean getaway.
Q: What's a good way to save money?
A: Forget who you borrowed it from.