Chapter 4


Q: How does a cat fly?

A:   With a catapult.

Q: What do you get if you cross a lemon and a cat?

A:   A sour puss.

Q: Why couldn’t the cat drink its milk?

A:   Because it didn’t have a face.

Q: What did the disbelieving cat say?

A:   “You’ve got to be kitten me!”

Q: What did the dog say to the little child pulling its tail?

A:   “This is the end of me.”

Q: What do cats have that nobody else does?

A:   Baby cats.

Q: What do you call a dog that can do magic tricks?

A:   A labracadabrador.

Q: What is the goal of every adventurous cat?

A:   To climb every meow-ntain!

Q: What do you call a pile of cats?

A:   A purr-amid.

Q: What does a polite cat always say?

A:   “Paw-lease” and “thank you.”