Chapter 9


Q: Where do fish go on vacation?

A:   Finland.

Q: Why do some fish live at the bottom of the ocean?

A:   Because they dropped out of school.

Q: Which part of a mermaid weighs the most?

A:   Her scales.

Q: How did the hammerhead shark do on her test?

A:   She nailed it.

Q: Why do fish like to eat worms?

A:   Because they get hooked on them.

Q: What do you get when you cross a fish and a kitten?

A:   A purr-anha.

Q: Why aren’t crabs good at sharing?

A:   Because they are shellfish.

Q: Who do clams call when they are hurt?

A:   The clam-bulance.

Q: How do shellfish get around in the ocean?

A:   Taxi-crabs.

Q: What do all blind fish need?

A:   A seahorse.

Q: How do you make an octopus laugh?

A:   With ten-tickles.

Q: What does a shark eat with peanut butter?

A:   Jellyfish.

Q: Where do frogs keep their money?

A:   In a riverbank.

Q: What’s a frog’s favorite year?

A:   A leap year.

Q: What’s a frog’s favorite drink?

A:   Croak-a-Cola.

Q: What did the toad say to his sweetheart?

A:   “I toadly love you.”

Q: What happens when a frog’s car breaks down?

A:   It gets toad.