Subtract 6.3 – 2.6.
Step 1: Write the decimals in a column to line up the decimal points.
Step 2: Subtract one place value at a time. Begin on the right. Look at the tenths place. You cannot subtract 6 from 3. Regroup 6 ones and 3 tenths as 5 ones and 13 tenths. Now you can subtract the tenths.
Step 3: Write the decimal point in the answer. Subtract the ones.
borrowing: Regrouping from a larger place value in order to subtract. For example, you can regroup 1 ten as 10 ones to subtract in the ones place.
Subtract 100 – 8.92.
Step 1: Write the decimals in a column to line up the decimal points. Add zeros to give each number the same number of decimal places.
Step 2: You must regroup before you can subtract. There are no hundredths, tenths, ones, or tens to regroup. You can regroup 1 hundred as 9 tens, 9 ones, 9 tenths, and 10 hundredths.
Step 3: Write the decimal point in the answer. Subtract in each place, from right to left. Remember to write the decimal point in the answer.
When you use a calculator, you still need to understand what to do with the numbers in the problem. A calculator is only a tool, not a problem-solver.