Chapter 3 - Why Practice Mindfulness?
Mind Full, or Mindful? It’s your choice.
Many people fail to practice mindfulness because they don’t have a solid understanding of why they should practice it. It is only when they gain an understanding of why it is important that they will make it a part of their daily lives.
Why practice mindfulness?
Mindfulness enables you to:
Cultivate contentment
Build your self-confidence
Master your mind
Live in the present moment
Gain the power to be your best self
Enhance your quality of life
Cultivate contentment
Contentment is a state of happiness and satisfaction that exists when you are fully aware of the present moment. It is an awakening to the irrelevance of yesterday and tomorrow and an all embracing view of the importance of today.
When you practice mindfulness regularly you will be surprised how disconnected you become from your body (living in your mind). The more you separate yourself from the random thoughts running through your mind, the more peace and contentment you will have.
You will discover that mindfulness is an elevated, spirit-like state of being that functions above the frantic ways of the flesh.
Build your self-confidence
Without self-confidence, there is fear. Fear is derived from past experiences that are applied to the present and/or extrapolated into the future. Self-confidence exists when you feel adequate enough to fully experience the present moment.
Diminishing fear and escalating self-confidence depends on what thoughts you choose to think. Do you allow yourself to get wrapped up in the negative ramblings of your mind or do you pause, take a step back and take on the role of the observer, choosing
to see the thoughts for what they are…thoughts
Negative ramblings are simply habits that you’ve created. Mindfulness enables you to recognize the thoughts that no longer serve you and change them. This promotes a healthier sense of self-confidence.
Master your mind
Either you become the master of your mind or your mind becomes your master. In order for you to live a productive, purpose-filled life, you need to take control of your mind and refuse to be ruled by it.
Without mindfulness, this would be quite a daunting task. Mindfulness teaches you how to consciously control your thoughts so as to create the kind of experiences and reality that you want.
Live in the present moment
When you allow yourself to live in the present moment without littering your thoughts with past or future events that you can’t do anything about, you empower yourself to deliberately create your life rather than letting life just happen to you.
Gain the ‘power to be your best self’
Your mind follows a map that has been modeled by culture, traditions and past experiences. This map doesn’t allow you the freedom to experience an uncharted path but rather a predetermined one.
The only way to escape this going nowhere, predetermined path is to liberate your mind from it through mindfulness.
Practicing mindfulness will enhance your quality of life
Practicing mindfulness raises your awareness and allows you to gain full control of your mind. When you are in control of your mind, you are in control of your life. This automatically enhances your quality of life because you can direct your life, moment by moment, toward what fulfills you most and makes you happy.
The Goal of Practicing Mindfulness
The goal of practicing mindfulness is to experience life now in its fullness. Experiencing life in its fullness means:
Living life fully in the present moment
Being consciously aware of life as you live it such that no part of it goes to waste via attachments
Allowing yourself to fully experience the present without undue reservations
Experiencing the freshness of every moment as a new moment that exists stain-free of the past and worry-free of the future