Chapter 9 - How Mindfulness is Important in Your Everyday Life
“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”
– Dalai Lama
Life can be messy, competitive and hard. That is exactly why it’s important to value compassion. Being compassionate to oneself is what mindfulness is all about. It is the antidote to losing your sense of peace and joy on a daily basis.
In the pre-flight instructions on a plane, flight attendants will tell passengers to secure their own oxygen mask first before assisting others. It is important to apply this to your life as well. The more you learn how to be compassionate to yourself first, the more you can show compassion to others.
According to recent scientific findings, researchers have discovered that being happy is a state of mind that starts with your self-view. Their theory states the following:
When we feel a deep sense of gratitude toward ourselves, appreciating our good nature, and showing ourselves love, self-worth and self-compassion, we are more capable of meeting life's challenges with success and grace, thus minimizing anxiety, worry and depression. There's simply no chance of enjoying life without first generating self-compassion.
Practicing mindfulness enables you to develop a strong sense of self-compassion. This creates happiness on a daily basis.
Think of self-compassion as the hub of everything else in your life. When your hub is solid, your life is solid. It is your self-view that taints everything you are and everything that you do.
Mindfulness allows you to establish a hub that you can build a happy life on. Until you decide to practice mindfulness on a daily basis your mind will rule you and overtake your life. It is only when you learn how to live mindfully that you will be able to shape your own destiny, alleviate stress and worry live a happy and peaceful life.